HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0810 210 WAU"MTY D Iltt'd _""rd N... .... St. l..... ("-17, rlotiob. ~ ~--.-...~ -~- - TillS lNOENTURF.. Wade thil._._____2.7'h._._._.____.__dQ of ___.___._____J~__--.---..--. . ~..t.__~t._.Ag,iUA.__ fl1D.al'-L____________..____.__._.__...__.__ ~. D. 191.6_~ t.rtwcen .1 I ..~; I 1 ! . I i I ! I I I I I I 01 1M CDanty 01..__ .-.S~..... L.uol. .___.._.._.___.__... aD<l Slale 01.._____.__. '10 r14a....,..... ...-..._......._,.__..._.part. 7- of the linl ~rt, an.1 HQ.ll1l..JlIlr.UIl.llrf..'\lIltllt ___OoQOratl0I4_.&...Qupuat.101l or aanlu d and llxlat 1I1gun.der_the ..la"... 01_ the ".A--. .__,__ ...--. . .. .... ._... .. --....- ,- ...__....___.R1l;IaI. 01 .....____ ___llor1da.....__.... . ............_.. .... .parI7.__ 01 Ibe s<<oad parl WITNESSf.TIl, lhal list said part 7. _.. <,I the linl I..rt, lor and in con,i<krali.lI'l (01 1M 'um 01..._. .. fin l)ollare. a.nd.._othl.r..._._......."._ -.... .....__...._____.&o.oda.M.._Dluabll..cUulBld.rat.101l_.llIlD. 10h1a .___.in hand paid. Ihe f<'Cripl whereof is hertb)' ack...,.Ic.!,ced. ha~__, granled. barcained. sold and Iran,ftrred. and by the,., prcsents do_.'. __ gruat. bafllain, ..II and transf.r onlO list said part.~__ of the second part &lid _1ta.._BWlQaa.SOrilin and assigns fo)fn..., all thai cerlain parttl 01 bnd lyinll: &lid heing in lhe Counly oL_..__._...st. .LUO'la.._...___.____.__.__.__... and SWt 01..._. 'lO~ldCl .murt particular I)' describe.1 as 1001o>w" ._._. ..__._._...._..._._._._ .. L().~ J~1gl:l~ _1..~_~1_()~~._~ a _~_fl..~_~~!I.~ Ca t~}.!._<:.c>.~~_~~fJ.._M_~ .~~_1()l\____._.__ ___.... ._..._...___....._.hto_!t!L.J'!'r.~e~__~~~_~~rt of the oiouthealt ~rter oL_~~___._."...._.....______ ~9..'!~}l~''-.~_Qy,a;r~.!' .0t~'-Q.~J..QJ~....lQ..._~0.q!lhli) 36 Sou~~~ o4D .88~__..__ _____________.___._ _._n.'. __________._... "'_"__'_'__ _..______ .__._ .... ..._...._.__.._ .._. . TOGETIIEN: .ith .all tht' tcM1tlt'nl., hr-rrd:t~nN11h and appufk~flo<<1.. .ith ,.,orr)' .'r"":h:i". ri~ht_ tjllt'. mt(fC'~t an,! ('~'.1t('. ,I....'r ~nd rtM;ht ui d-t.U. rt:'\f'f~iu". rcmailldtr a"d ca'tlntfll Ih,rcl.. bc".n~il'l: 'or in ;>nywi.. apptfuininll:: TO II.-\\'f. .'SIl TO !lOtH the sa_ in Itt .impk lot..... And Ih. ",,;.1 I",rl ~ . 01 Iht fin: I>>.rl do e8. ....'...nanl ",ilh Iht ..i.1 lo;lrt 7 01 Iht ..-.:,...1 pari 11r..1 b. 1...... la..lull)' ...;,tt1 ..I Ih.. Q;.I prtmises, thai the)' u.. Irtt lrum all incumbrances and lbaL .11e..l:JII....__.___. ._._1:00<<1 rij(hl and lu.-ful aUlhoril)' 10 ...11 the <aIM; and 1M <aid I'&rl 7 01 tilt IN WITNESS WIIEIU':OF, list <.;lid ~,t 7.._ 01 Ille lir-I pari ha!._ 1st row". , .<'1 his ha",1 . a",1 ...al . lhe da)' and y.ar &100'0 ,.,ill<". J 1 . ., :.l ) i fi,.1 p;>rt 00....88 htrtby lull)' ,I<&rranl the lillt to said bnd, and 10m dtltnd Iht san.. al:,in'l 1M :awiul cb;",. 01 ..II \,<,hnns "'oomson<f. Signed. ...aW :>nd dtli\trttl in our prtl<'ntt: D6v14 i'Unn . X. L. 78110r. I J. S. Jaokson ..51'..-\1.1 l ~;:.\I.) ~T.-\TE OF. . u. _ J'lor 14a 3 t. Luo 18 ('OliSTY OF I HEREIIY CERTIFY. Thai on .hi..... 2~tl! cia)' 01.... J.!lg_.__.._._.__.__..__ _.__.._ ___...A. D. 1926.. btfc.r..mt .._...___J.~~p.~,2.A ___.u.___.____. '_' - --.--.-----..------- ",- penonally appealed _ ____.___ _. _.. __. 10 _ known to I'<' tlst per...... ._. dt1<ribnl in and who uttulttl list 1...qoinR conY<'}~nce 10 "Hell11,.J!art 1n,. .IJ1V,~!;~ri ~)~O.rllQ.m" 104_._ .. u_._____..__and .....nll)' aCknOWJc;dKttI Iht "ttu,;,~, Ihtrwl I'. ~. _0 t hi., ;ree a.;! and dtM I,.. tlst u,," and purpo.... tMrtin tnmli"nttl; HJl~iI Iht wile 01 lhe said.... X.._ _ .__,,__...........00...... _........._.... ,..__. .__..... _..... .,.____ ....._!. _._.___._..__.__ ..... ..____" ..._." _..011 ., <<parale and priul. uaminal;"1l takm and mad.. Lv and btfurt lOt. and ..-paraltly and apart from btr said hu.~ did acknowkdce lb., abt mad<' herl<'lf a ~'Ir Jp the said Detd 01 COn\<)-anc.. for list purpot<' 01 r~K. rtlic.q..;shinll and conn)ing all Istr right. litl.. an~icltr.... wt.rtbtr 01 dA>wtr 0<' 01 kparat. proper". stalutory or cquitahlt. in ar.d 101M bods therein <kKribr.d. and lbal SM u.....lcd ..aid dttd fredr and \'olunl.", an.1 withoul an)' cOllSlrainl Icar, apprthension C'f compulsion 01 '.If frum htr said husband.. X J WITNESS Ifty sqput;:',. and .,/lie..l I<'al al ."iJ".-.--.r.t.. .~1..erQe _____ ._.._ . ...in Iht Counlr 01 _ ~ t .Lun 18. _.____.. '00._ ..-., a",1 ~Ialt 01 ..._?1.~!1.~ a 1M <by and ~ar Ia.. alotcsaid. Botary l'uOllo I(v lJOmmi88lon J. ~. HO.8.I'4 . .l:otar . Pub lio" fOr toe State o~rlda expire8 July fa, 1928. (SF_-\!.) a "('Large ..' U !l.P.5eal. : . J.--=-"",.-c=-.-cc STATE OF Fr1kIOA. ,/ County 01 St. I.oeie. - - f Oa lhis___..._.__..._ 20th .m)' 01 . AugUS\ _ . .\. U. 1916 . .. al 3;4: 7 o'cloclc . _.p.~I. Ihis instnmltrll .as I filtd 10<' rerord. and brine daly annuwk<<brttl and "ronn. I ban recordtd the sa_ on ~. _,.g,;l._Q_.. .._. 0' Book _ 61l ____ _..~ in tM puNic records of said Coaaty. 11<0 WITl'ESS WHEREOF. I ba..e btmmto wt my hand and allllcd the KaI 01 list C,,(uil Court of the ~ Jlldici.al Circ1lil 0' said SIa.... in and fOl said CoanlJ. /" '"" r1'f~ \i~~l~~.~-._.--~ ~/ru. . ....un ... O.c. Ot .Ct .~t81. ~ . r'. " ~\ .~ ,. '.'. {\,:,J c..'-' . I II ~x_; f.~; :..\ :\.~ ~[7 ~~:i:1