HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE/ FlnRIDA ENERGY EFFIC12NCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION By version 2.0 January, 1989 PI—Intout generated by EP189 and submitted in lieu of Form 900-A-81-.. THM":OMPLIANCE FORM IS VALID IF SUBMITTED BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1990 PROJECT N. AN'�^ D .RESS ' CLIMATE ZONE: 4 ----------°~�-- 5 ! BUILDERR ' PERMIT NO.:: , __ ---------------- OWNER: - ..... | JURISDICTION NO.: -- -------------- | ----����� ~-_____________________----------------- ��������������������������� BUILDING OFFICIAL - � mpn.F VALUE- CHECKLIST 2. PITCHED Inder Attic ' FLO 11 lab -on- rade DUCTS ( nncond. pace COOLING HEATING 1. Strip, He HOT WATER , 1. Blectric 311FIOTRATIONN Length: =00 Length: 12.00 Total Area: 2200' Area: 1301.0 R-Vatun : —0=0'-- ' Area: 284.0 R-Value: 11.0 Area: 37.0 Area: 20.0 Area: 1057.0 R-Value: 19.0 Area: 1464.0 R-Value: 19.0 PeYim� .. R-Value: 0.0 Length: ALL R-Value: 4.2 STRIP: 1.00 bedrooms: 3 EF: 0.91 Practice: 2 N . U Conditioned Floor Area: 2160.0 / BASE POINTS * 100 /FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE .ThEs STRQCTUR / ly OVERHANG wImuuwS - :Single lint WALLS 1. /Ext WoodFrame 2. Adj WoocD Frame � DOORS CEILINGS 1. FLAT Under Attic 2. PlTCHED Under Attic 1 FLOORS 11 816b-on ade / DUCTS (Wncond. p ace COOLING 0 � 1' Eentral m/C - HEATING I ytrip He t HOT WATER ' L. lectric INFILTRATION / ` , ' U D Length: 2.00 Length: 12.00 Total Area: 228w} Area: 1301.0 R-Value: —t1z0 Area: 284.0 R-Value: 11.0 ' ArRa: 37.0 Area: 20.0 -'-- Area: 1057.0 R-Value: 19.0 Area: 1464.0 R-Value: 19.0 Perim:'-23215--'—_._...... R-Value: 0.0 ____. Length: ALL R-Value: 4.2 SEER: 10;00- STRIP: 1.00 Bedrooms: 3 EF: 0.91 -- - 1- Practice: 2 Conditioned Floor Area: 2160.0 AS BUQT POINTS , / BASE POINTS * mom 42904.6 A P ntOUt generated by EP169 and submitted in lieu of Form 900-A-89 ANd ADDRES : | CLIMATE ZONE: 4 5 y - --------------- } ----------~~�-- ( " ------------ -- � _ ___________________________________________________________ --T---��-- ------ -- , N BUILDING OFFICIAL ."��""^``�` PO�CH OVE ANG Length: 12.00 N ' �������� WI��DOWS n 2.| AN W od Frame Area: 284.0 ! 1 Q R-Value: 11.0 I FLAT Under Attic Areas 1057. 0 PqCTS i I uent, 544N: Io.00 � HEATING I Stri"NHeat STRIP: 1.0O Practice: 2 | Conditioned Floor Area: 2160.0 � / A� BUILT POINTS / BASE POINTS * 100 = EPI 2t23.6 42904.6 98.2 � ' ** PRE CRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exceeded by all residences) Mt - marked circuit breaker (electric), or cut-off / 8 (gas) must be provided. An external or built ==~�. a pump timer. as spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 75% _�___________________________________________________________________ SHOWER HE�DS 904__.5 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3 Unconditioned space must be insulated to / 8 minimum R-4.2 & joints must be sealed. LNSULATI N 904.9 Ceilings -Min R-19. 1 ~ N Common Walls - Frame R-11 or CBS R-3. ° ....... ... ........ r .... ..... .. t"j .111 It; [�i F" r a, c t; At A. C. t 1­1 'E-� -r" o 0 v,-; i r) +j r I a t e (­.e n e t, I--% a t J. C.) r, cii a --.-a I T I. -I --, J. I t, is t J. b i e i n I I e cl o J. I a I.... e f .1. c' 0 f J. I. -I t rn i E I; P., & C'e'i Jinfjs I- a t J. ori ii5j c.) i n S c r' ea c.: k s c' ri i () t 'e, I­J, a r. nd 1) LA C.: t W ELI r k: I D LA c., t w, c' r k i rl LA f--) c.: o n cl J. t- J. o ri j.-- cl al'ust L.) e :1 c.1 F J V'ep I E'�k C. 'E.", E (.-I u j. 1::? In e d i i L I o Li 't --.. i E, i Lae c b t.. t t i o I -, ctt - , c I (.-j o r In el 1""E, I claalper.i., cirri L-i LA s t, i o ni d e v j. c. e s' LASi., F E 9 LA i 1::) r_-) e d v'l i t I + d e c. f."j rn b LA s o m Li u 5a 'I:; o 1 PI p J:--� I a I--, c: es ... ... . .. .... ..... . . ..... .. . ......... ..... .... .... ............ .... .. . . ..... ans in Ac:corc4ince i S, 5 5:'--!.; c? 7 F' 1 Rav -L-A In s e c i c -a t i I s t j. f y t h, a -I-. a p, S a rl (J 1 c o v e I-- c- d b t ht i s c: a I C. u 1. a i; i o rt i I-) d i c- irk 1; as.­ 77-9-77Tf- t 11 t -;:a LA 1 a I I u o kv j, b 1 i" b i m 1"'" i. L31 j. H *-: f d e 1? e 4'c3 ( c a n i-., t I, u c.:'-U j, o ri 11 .-5 c a tri t d J i. 1 b 1. je irispected: finr 1 t h i b i I d G.? tjTtEl T) TF 1 F E". SUMMER CALCULATIONS BASE AS -BUILT ^1 SHE .L5 x COW FLOOR TOTAL GLASS ADJ. x GLASS ADJ GLASS 1 GLASS -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- x RDSPM = POINTS 1 TYPI'-.: R-VALUE AREA x SPM POINTS ----------------- DOOR S-.­7jb___.--_ I "1 48496.4 1 32930.3 � TOTAL SYSTEM = COOLING | TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM AS ^ MULT POINTS | COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS �-______ ° ___________________-+________________________________________________ _ 48496.4D " U 0.43 20853.5 1 32930.3 1.000 1.140 0.340 1.000 12763.8 WINTER CALCULATIONS OI,I,E i AS B U I L T ORIEN AREP m BWPM POINTS 1 TYPE SC ORIEN AREA WPM W O F:' POINTS 7? ------------------------------------------------------------------- N 1 SGL TINT N 10.3 9.6 1.09 10 7. 1 SOL TTW ki 1043 9.6 6 1.05 A 03. 4. E 57.1 -5.6 -321.4 9 .047­14 1 SOL TINT E 57.4 9� -2.0 1.05 0.03 077� I--- -3.1 S 4.0 -747.6 1 SOL TINT S 3.5 -10.2 -0.05 1 . E-3 i !T "I yll. 0 2.2 1 . 8_4119 1 SSL TINT S 9.9 -10.2 0.37 -37. 8 It) .... 5.6 -44S.0 1 SSL TINT W 80.0. -2.0 -4.03 644.7 .. .... ... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ­..­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ .15 x FLOOR TOTAL GLASS ADJ. x GLASS ADJ GLASS i GLASS TEA VACTbR UbINTM KAINTO V P(Wj 1.772 46.0 228.0 -1308. 7 "109A ------------------------- ARE: BVII'll POIN]"S 1 TYPE R-VALUE AREA WPM = POINTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ------------- 7 ----------------- Exy IsO 0 1...1.0 1431. 1 1 Ex 1, Wbod,FraMe 11.0 1301.0 2.00 2602. -7uj zoil. kd I. ?1'310 J. l.. 2 1 Frame 224.6 -it I ll,.: 10 _=02 DOORS-----. L -------- .10 188. t T :t t 7--itj A d i.l 200 4.00 SO.0 1 Adj Waiated 20.0 4.00 so.0 MEMO:UA 21 V.0 0.60 1296.0 1 Under Attic 19.0 1057.0 1.00 1057.(**, 1 Under Attic 19.0 1464.0 1.00 1464.(:', 2111,01:5 -1.90 -441.7 1 SlAb-qp78rade 016 2312.0 581.2 .PIP INFILTR TION --------- 2110.0 4.10 8856.0 1 Practice #2 2160.0 4.10 8856.0 "TOTAL tqINTER POINTS --------- m-7 - - - - - 10061.5 16777.9 r ............ 1_1 ...... = --------------------- ;f TOTAL r SYSTEM HEATING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM m CREDIT = HEATING WIN PTSj MULT POINTS 1 COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINT.H, -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10061.5I 1.14 11470.1 1 16777.9 1.000 1.140 1.000 1.000 19126.8 .+ .. .. ,: •.+ e + ,: •.. •.. : •: d ,e .:•. + +...i+.::.: +. .'. - t. .1+.: ....2. !t, .: :..h . -X.: ti. S: t..1.:.i.:t..}:. t.: i.: ri. -X. ON. _ 1.: i-.4--" -i. -'i- .-X.:r_ ii. .:};. ', ..::i..::. 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