HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0892 292 W.\UANTY DItID 0..01 a...... No. 61, lOt. L.. <"_... non.Ia THIS INORNTURF~ Wade tbl...__...._. ._t~l~_______da)' 01 ._.....___......IQ.!'__ll'-L-___._______A, D. I~.___. bttw....n _..'.!._~.l._ Doat1"l8b' ._~Ilt.Jll.'-.n1.t..JU.14.r't_~&'l'l.h.'.~-- __..______..__.._.__._ 01 the en.....1)' of.____~!J.l~_. Luct.~_~___.__._ '__'_ _._.and Stak oL....._____... ......__~.~l:) r:l4~. . ._._...__....._..___..pa,!!!_ (If lhe 6rsl part, U1<1 _.... ....... "n' _ . n ... _ . ..... _. ..l~~~. .o~! .nlJt.l.'~l._.. ..____._ ....... .... n...' ....mO........ '" ........._.__.. _..._ ......... ... . Salnt Luol. , flOri_ . ... . .... - . ... ........... .'_'" ........_ alld ~alt of . ....... ._.................. ...-. pari. 7.... 01 the ......ond part. ~. l '- 01 I~ Counly of.. WITNF.SSF.TH. thai lhe sa~1 part 1e. of the fiul ""r!, lur an.1 in ron.idtralion or Ihe sum ul. . _.._...____.0 _...... .......... ...... -..._-- ._...._...m_._.__..~en .~...~l~~...._---.-._-.._....._-.._...Ool'aiiio :~y~ ~at~d, at;; nerl~r:t1~~.~rtby a<k",,,.If<IIlf<I. halt . l[1"&nltd. baraaillfd, sold and transfttrtd, and by t.btlf prtHft\s do.. 0.... .. Ilrant. baraain. sc:1I and trans(t, unto the wd partJ.-.- of lhe ItfXltId part and __~_'__......_.._...~irs and ass~ forn..r, all lhat ttrtain par.....1 of laM lying ar..1 !>ting in the ('oonl)' of......:)\.. ~ H..___._ and Slatt ,. ( Ilor U. . .n..re particularly dtscribt.1 .. I..........: ......._. 01':r'l,ot nQber.. to\W.. (4).U ~lQqIL~~_9t_~l'OA.~!LtP...~~4.1Y~~OJL~O..~9..rt..___.L. __. _.._..r.~ l'CS.', n9.r 14.,-. ..~. "~.Q....~~'Y'__r1.gM.._~.J, t 1t__f,Qt.JD.....'--l'-_lI.,_.J.Il.Q.Dcl.~~L'b'____._..._.....___._... ~~!'_~~....h~~~..O'~...1l ~~~P..~~.~~__.~!!8.. 80uth of 8ald 10\ tormer1~ kn<Mn .. _.___...F.a~ o~..J;'r.oe. '. bel ng t.~t:r~t J,~ ..:tf!!t_ ,.....lIore ..Q.r_l.~_... ___.___._ __..____.._.___._.__ __ _..__. L.. .___._.._______ .._______'--- TOG":THF:K 1tii1h aU. ,h~ IrllC'11Wu'''. hrrooitArrM"'llh and 3ppur1("~ntt'. .....ilh (',-rf)' 'If;,iJ~'':r. ri~ht. litlt-.. inlt'f'c,t an.~ rit~tt'. &nUf :lnd fiJl.~t of dn"'tt. rnn~ion. r~maindcr anol <~'~'Il<nt Ihcr<l.. bdomllinlf or in any.;... ~P\'frtaininlf: TO IL\ \'E .\!'I;J) Tn 1I0l.U lhe un~ in f<< .imp'" (ornu. And the said part 1.. "r I~ firsl ~rt do ......._ co'.....nl .ilh the uid ~rt~ . . ,.f lit.. .........1 part llul tb87. are _'_. ....Ia.fully ...-izeJ o( Ih.. ..i.1 pn-mi.u.. thai they ar~ fr.... (rom all ina..nbran..... and lhal. ... ~~7.. ha~... J:ood riJ(hl ami Ia...(ul aUlooril)' 10 ...11 1M <:11M; aM the said pan 1.. "i Iht IN WITNESS WItEkEOF. tht ..id I~rt .ut o( the first part haT'___ herculll., ...t tb.t1r hand. and ",,,1' . lhe day and yeu al...,... ....il!~n. J fil>l part du_._._.. ht~by raUy warnnl I~ till.. 10 ..id land, aM .iII ddm<1 Ih.. ,,,,""e auin"l t~ '"..Iul c1~i"" 01 an ....r........ "h<>m..""cr. Sistntd. ...aled and ddiuft" in ""r pr~sc""": ~ l B. 1). ~oatrlght J.llldre4 BoatrlgU 1:-1:\1.. ..._. ., ..L.. i$e.a..elO11a.. L L. SooU /SE.\1.1 STATF. OF '10r14. Sa1 n t Luol. i! COUNTY OF I HF.REB\' CF.RTIFY, Thai on lhis th1rt '. -day 01.... Boyelllb~1"_____._.____._..__ and hia JL1f.._1l11dreA .CoatrlgM ..__ _ ._-^. D. 191 6 ..... !>tinr.. ..... ptnonally apptartd _.. n _. _..8.1).. _ ~Oll.tl"1ah' 10 IJW known 10 bt ..... J1f'r~)IJ .. .kscn1.<d in and .bontCUIN the forqoiDJ( c....n)-a:xe to _ _......_..J)lauolle.~. .liprrl'__._____._. .. '.. ..._..._.and ...,eully acknowlf<lj(ed lit.. ..'nul~... IM....( I.. ht . ,he 11' Ir.... ~'I and deed f... 1M u...s and pur_s thtrein .......n.oacd; and l!at ..id _. _.. .._.Jll14r.....~ ~1gh~_......____.__.____.._..... tht wif.. of Ill.. u.id .... ._.. __._. ._ ._..... ..... ... _ .... :a-..>>. .~ tr.lg~~ _......._.___ ..... ... _. on a separatt and pri..t~ ...aminalion taUn and m~dt by and bdo<e 1Il<, and ..,...rllrtly anot aparl (mOl ~r ...id h...band, did xknowkdcc thai she ma.!t herself a ""rt). w the Solid Dtcd 01 l..""tyanc.... lor tht parpost or rtnOUllCq. rtliDqt>is!-,,~ ~nd conn);DJ( aU ~r r'll:h!. litlc and iDI~rut. wllt!htr of dowu or 01 stparat< ",operty. .talutory or "Iuital"". in and 10 tht land. IMrtin dtscribfd.. and ~t !ht ut'{ultd said dttd irttly and yolunlaril)' and withoul any constrain!. Itu, llpprthens;oa or cc.mpuhion oi ..r from her sa;.1 ba$bancl. WITNF.SS my .ipatart and oftlcial ...al al .. '~I'\ ...1>l_e~~ ...in Iht Counl)' ..f 3alnt W01t._..o. ST..\n: OF no Count)' of 51. I 1M .ray 1nd y.-ar bst af,....sai<1. and ~att r,f. . L L. 500U I"L"I) ______ _____ __ ... . ~ot~l l'Ub11a ~O1" the .s","U "OfnOl'14.-;.~g.~'''' . . ... ~~OOllJlt"10D .plJ'6..-n'-lei:lber12. '192'1~' .-- -- 0.. tM... da)' of JOTeaber . .A n. 191 Eo , a2; 06. o'clock.>>. ~f., thi. in.trumml wu I tiJtd for record. and btq duly acknowkolKtd aod J.ronn. I han r<<ordcd lhe same on paAt _.2 ~ .... 01 Book .. 68. ._. . ...... in 1M public r<<'>lds of ..id lOunt)'. 11'\ WITNESS WHEREOf.... I han hcr......to Id In)' haDd and alIixed tht sui of tht Circuit Court of t~,., Fm.. Judicial Circuil of said SUit. in aod fo< said CowttJ. 1. '{"pO Recore\ Veft , . ... ---/1'" -P-~.~}..~,{._.t2~...--..W-~ _.... ... ~UoJ I 1l.U..4-i-- - I ..,. "7J -it __.CkrtL n. C L ;:~~~ \:;:. " .. ~ ;~:2;/(:;::::;:~~ , .' ~ :;:5t.~t/r?