HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0930 330 w.u..,,"y or. 0.... .....rd N.. lit, S.. 1._ ('-If. n.ri.ta. TillS INOF.NTlJRF~ Ua~ thls__....._...S1xt.oenth.. ___.d~, 01___._______._.._ Deo.embe~. ~. D. 192 6.--, bctwten ___ ._.._ _.__._..._.,..__.__ .._..._J._.l1_.llUaou.-and-ZleUa-----n...Wllaon.-.bla-wlte-----...----- ----.---- of lhe ('..unty 01._.___.. .'_ __~ ~......,!..':l.O.l..~ __._..._._.._....__....and Sltle of.. ..__.. ._..._.....__ llcH' J.(l~L......_._. __...___parl.lea n' 1M 6..1 pari. and "f Ihe ('ounl~' ..r. st, LU.Qh . Eugene 11. ...Gaillard..lnd.Rub1- -E..-Gallla td .. anti Slale of ........ . Flat' ido. ....... .__. parties. of Ii.(' __....1 ~rl. (1 WITNI-:SSI-:TIl. Ih~1 I~ ..;.lp&lllt'~. (.f the ra..1 pa,l. for ~n.l in c:oo'i.....~li<>:l "f lite .un. oL........ One .Dollar nnd.._o.thcr'__h"'_"__'''''''''_'' ..__ _.____.. ._. ........... '..__". _. vftlua ble...corutlclera\l-ontt--.----.-x 10.n tb8Q.-..-~ hand paid. I~ r<<ril't .hertof is htreby aclcnowl..tl(cd. ha ve gnnttd. Nrg;ointd, sold and lran.f.....ed. .nd by Ih_ p..~b do__.. .. _ 1t,;o.'1 Nrgain. sell and trandtt unto tht Qid parlles. 01 the sec-ond part and _.th.~lr. _.'_.. heirs ~nd auiRn. loX...r. all tNI o:<rl;oift parcd of bnd lying ",d htinll:;n the ('oanl}' oL..._.st._Luoie.___..______.......___. a...1 Slat. of . . ... ll0t Ida mo,r. ~..icubrly d....ri~ u follow., '_'_h' .._._...__.____..._.__.... .-............. .....--- .._...__..____. ... , :1 ] ;; ). ..1 ...- Lot numbered Eleveu..--t 11) ot-Blook.--nwnbel"ed -One l-l-}. of - Gp81B81' J 8.. --..--.-... A4dU lQuto \he C1tj'.. a ,Liar .LP1ero..ea-j'..lodda~-aocord1ugto-.the .pla.t._._ 0. f .Il~ J..~. . ~r ~mer · B.M.tlJ~ J.9-'L~.~..J,.!'._Q.LJ'~_Q 0.1'9, ._lll..1.h.L.9_t.nQJLQf~_b.lL.c.l.uk.__...._.. 'u. .____..____.___.O'f . the.. C ~I' oUul ~ CQur ~_.Q CSt.. t .!..Ml.e.....c.Q.unt..Y..._.~~lodd8 1 n Plat....ll.o..ok.. ?wo _'___.""__'_ { ?) ,t_PegE:.. Ten l10 1.."-.-..------.. __.. .._____ ~~ .... Th18 deed 18 made 8~bJeot.tO- aIll0_"t~aBe.fO-..-~bho.t-Y-8eV~nH\uldp.ed--?~~--.-------..-.. ...0.11a1'8 uuder do teo~. .~rQh .~Uh~_ ~~2U8I1d_ due..olLQ~ _bc!orfLll8roh..~'lth ...u__..__... ___.._.. 1929 ptlyable to Art.hur _ii. .Uo..CoJlvUb. .1l~gL nk._.3~. pageu 14.. __,,,___'__u_. ,- IN WITSI-:SS WIIF.\{F.OF. lho: ...id I';o,t lea 01 I"~ 6..1 p~rt ha..Y.e. htrnml.. ..I their h~,..t 8 ~nJ 'ulB . 1M d~y and )TU abn.. .rill'" . ~ t i ; J .l 1 i I I , .1 - ~ TOGF..TIIEI< ",ith ail thC" tC'n~lVut(,. hrr('(li.ank'nh and awurtc-n.:uw:t"'J.. _ ith ~\rr). l'riull"'\,.~'. na.:.b!. tit!f'. intrTc'\' ~f~l r\.t~tr. ,I.l.tr ~n-I ri)(ht uf .1. ,0" er. r, ..rr....J!I. <<main"'r ;o"d cucnWlI' Ihc..l.. I........llinj( Ilr in ;on)".i.... a~r1~minll: TO H.-\VE .\SIl TO HOl.lllho: !Unle in Iff .imp!. forrnr And 11>0: Qi.1 pari iea..1 I~ fj<'1 I..rt .... c"'......llt ..ilh I"" !U~I 1..'liCB of 11t< ..-cOll<I ra.1 110.1 th,e=r ore b.lullr ...-i,..1 ..I Ihr Q;.I p..mi.... that they art h.., 110m all incumi1raucrs and thaI. they have ..Il00.wl r;<hl awl b.lul aUlt.ority 10...11 tlw ...me; ~."J Ihr Hid putiee "f .~ liut put do.. __ _. h<<tby lully warr~llt Ihc: tillo: to Qid bnJ. and .i11 del...d Ih. ",n'e "l(~nl<1 IIlr b.ful cbim' of ~1I per~.r.' ."'.lIloot<<r. Si,tn.d. ,ukJ ;ond d.li..r'" in our ,,,rkn.:e: . u .u. :i~O:l CSQ.well A. H. Steward l J~.W, .Uoon Della B, ;lllBon 1~1-..\I.1 (~E.\J.1 ---- ---- - ---_._------- - -~------- --< . --~--------- - - -- -- --- -. ST.-\TE OF_ .?LC?IDA COm,TY OF 3T. 1t1CIl I HF.REIIY CERTIFY. T"~I on Ihi, Sixteenth. <by ,.1 . __ DeoelDber.-.---. . _..___.._.A. D. 19.?6..~ l>o:i..", ...., personally appt~,ed ."._.. ..___. J. _~ ..Yil l~ou__uuL~.e.ll.B..B ,_.fIl1aon. .hiB_wi! e... ._ .. .___... _..____. ___ _____u__._.____. 10 me kr.01on IOJ he th. per....n. 8 dMcribt<J in ;and who. uccutrol tt;.. lornroinJI: eon..~~r.ce 10 ...F.-.J.g8Ue U.-Gal11ard aud.H\loy. F. . Gellis td ...u._ . ,._ __and lC .<1:>11,- act..no.lal.:ed I.... utcUl~," II-.<lwl I.> I..,. __~he 1 r frcr ~. I and dtt<t I.., Iho: u.... ~n.t I,u'l""r. IM,ein mtnl;.......; ~ tho: Q;.I u . _____ __ .__. _._.. _ D~_ll!!...B.!....J1J 18.Q."-.._.__ .._____. ..___..__...u. ... ~- .u. . lite wife "f tht said_ ..u.. ...._. ... . .. . J. ..W. .Wilson ._..__._....___.._._._..._... __. ._._ .....011 a squUlo: ~r.d priuk e,.min~IK>:' uk.n an"mad< t.). ;and 1-..10<0: _. aIld .tpa,.ldy and .p~rt I,om her <aid hU>Nnd. 01;.1 ;ockno.k<Jg. Ih.t s.... mado: 1>0:<><:11 ;0 party 10 tho: said Llttd oi l'on.~...IlU', lor lite p"lpOW oi r<noundnll. rtlinqui.hinll .nd corIYt)inlf all her r;..hl, lillo: and ;el<l..I. .ho:lher 01 dower ()f" "I .c-paralt p,vptrty. sUlut"ry "r <qu,t.!.k. UJ ~nd 10 the land. therein do:ocribcd. and thai .ht utCU!." <aid dttd Ir<<ly and ,"olucl&lily ;on.1 without aoy con.,,;oinl, Inr, ~ppr.bdllion or compulsion 01 oc i'elD h<< ~id husb;ond.. WITNESS my .igJulure and C>flicial .....1 ~I '. _.fort _.21er.o.e._._ in 1M c....llly 01 at. . Luc1.e "_' ._..n ;ond lil~to: of. ._n '~nda - -- . -f--=W-~ .~L~l?~ STATE 01' FI.oRIIJ" l C'oanly of SL I.ucie. ~ On tI,;s.. -.- ~Otb --- 11.._ A. H. steward 1$1-:.-\1.) ~J{~t(lrj'_~~!l~_..for the !It.8~e of": :i.4).rIffji ~t lAl"gf!a-----,- Uy oo.mc1saloll expIres Deo. 19, 1928. Iht day and Jrar bn ~I')fo:said. .byof December ..... II. II}! 6.. ~ll.O: 12 o'''o<k A. .Y.. tbi, in.trum~"t wu I filed f'A f<Corel. alld btilllr dul, act..l1Owk<l,ced aM "r...m. I havo: r<<or'1o:d the .a_ ..n p~e .33.0.. . ')' 8o<ok .... bO ._ _ '_' in the pulolic records of said Count,. ~W.:,'~~~tl rat . I ha~ btrrunt.. S<t my hand and alIi"td tJ-.o: seal of the Circuit Courtlpi the Judicial Circuit of laid StaIO:, in and for Qid .' . '\1.':.\ ~fct\\ CO{O .. ~C "8~' a~~~:~'=>' '\ Cltrk I I \ "- ----- o (' . ~ : L ~.~.\;.::~: u~~:,~ ~:')~. i..:~.?~~~~Y~~>~.~,:~~~:~., "'lI( , .. l ~ .. ,'. -,.:.- .;. }~~::..:::?~_/<~ /__..