HomeMy WebLinkAboutENERGY EFFICIENCY CODESCANNED BY FORM . 05-2017 Ur FLOW' 'IDA ENERGY EFFICIENCYCODE FOR ,BUIL,DING CONSTRUCTION Flori;l a Department'of Bwsiness and.Professional Regulation Residential Performance Method. . I Project Naj''e: NGUYENiRESIDENCE _ Builder Name `JC AND SONS HOME BUILDER INC. street , 8285 SPICEBRUSH TERRACE Permit Office. • CITY OFPORT ST LUCIE City State ip: PORT'ST LUCIE ; FL;, 34952 Permit Number. iOwner. Junsdiction DesignL ion: FL FortlPierce i Countyr St .Lucie (Florida Climate Zone :2) , . _ IIll' ' 1. New cons t."ciioriorewsUn 9 New (From Rlans)' 9 Wall Types (2024 0 sgft) Insulation",,' nsulation Area 2. Single.farr ly or multiple family Single-family a. Concrete Biock =,Ex lnsul 666dor R 4.1 1772:00 ftz 3. Number o units, ff multiple mily 1 b.:Frame-Wo ,.Adjacent, R 110 252:OO:ft2 4. Number o 'Bedroom 3 c N/A_ d N/A R= it= 5. is this a rst case? No 10 Ceiling"Types (1844.0:.sgfL) R- ft' Insulation -Area. Ei: Condition floor area abovegrade•(ft2): ]845 a. Undcr Attic (Vented). b. N/A R 30.0 ' - 1844.001t2 'R— Condition d floor area below grade (fN) Q c. N/A, ft: R= ft2 7. Windows 85 0 s oft.) Description Area: a. U-Fact 11. Ducts . a. Sup: Attic, Rat: Attic; AH. Garage , R. #t2 6 150 r Sg1 U d 65 . 137a)0'ft2 SHGC j SHGC=0;25. ' b. U Fact 'r. , . Sgl, U--0.7048.00ft�. ' 12. Cooling systems kBtu/hr; " Efficiency. _ SHGC " SHGC=0 30 a .Central.Unit = 'WA SEERA& c : U Fact r.'r N/Ai•_ .. ft2 s�6�GC _ J de.. Fac r'. NIA' 13 Heating systems kBtulhr Efficiency . ftz SHGC�: a Electnc $trip; Heat` '. , 27A COP 100- Area Wei led Average Overhang Depth: 1.333 ft. -Area Wei fed Average SHGC: 0:263 %, Hot watersystems.. 8. Floor Typ (1845.0>syft.), Insulation. Ares a. Electric' Cap 40gallons a. SlatrO ' Grade Edge Insulation," R .0:0 1845:00 ftz b Conservation features: EF: 0:980. b. N/A R— None c. NIA ... R=_ ft2 . . 15Credits '. . No Glass/Flo rArea-, 0 100Total Proposetl Modiftetl Loads ,. 65 M T,ofaf Baseline Loads: : ,65 76 ,- I hereby cel�l tify that"the plans and specifications covered -by. this calculation are ih the• Florida Review of the plans and iiE S ,q O :c' pllance with Ene Code. - r9y specifications covered by this C ,AFOY `%4• cal' culapon Inde icates complianc: wi PREPA BY th the Florida Energy Code ,� „O "r DATE: - :Before construction Is completed:. _ thlsb'61161g will be inspected for compliance with Section 553 908 # hereby c � ify that thsigned, is in is bulltling, as -de compliance, Flon (Ida Statutes: vrith the FI ride Energy Code. CODS OWNER/ GENT BUILDING OFF ICIA L-: DATE: DATE: - Compli ' ce requires certification. by the,air handler unit manufacturerthat tk a air handler enclosure qualifies -as cerEified factory sealed m accordance with R403 3 21 C,ompGa ce requires ait Air Barrier and:insuiation`Inspection;.CHecklisf in accordane with R402 4-t 1'-and 4his'preject requires an.envelo a leakage,test reportvlrith.envelope,,eakage no greaterthan 7 00,ACH50 (R402 FILE COPY 8/1/2M 125 PM EnergyGauge® USA Sectlon R405 4.1: GomPliant Software • Page 1 of 6 FORM Rao' 2017 :;:INPUT: SUMMARY CHECKLIST R _: EPORT . '. 4, PROJECT .. n Tttte ByildingT� NGUYEN RESIDENCE Bedrooms : 3 a User Address Type Street Address. :,Own er N " CondibonedArea: 1845: 7`atel Skxies - . tot#_.; , {. of,Units: _ 1 9, Worst Case B1ocWSubdiv�sion No . { -. Bulkier Na a JC-AND SONS HOME BUILD . Rotate Angle 0 PlatBook SVeet Permit om Jurisdiction CITY OFrPORT ST LUCIE Cross Veri#ilafwn: No County: 8285SPICEBRUSH St Lucie TE1 FamilyTyp �;. Single-family. 1Nhole House Fan: No City State Zip PORT ST LUCIE N Plans 4 FL,: 52' { Comment: .. ESMERALDA MODEL , . CLIMATE f: esign LocaLan Temp TMY Site tnt Design Temp Heating bes�gn Daly Temp 97,,.5 % 2 5 % Winter Summer: Degree Days;'Moisture Range { { FL, ForPierC39 2VO 9 Low-: G_ BLOCKS : Number .Name Area. Volume • ; 7 H Entire ouses 1845' 21708i6 SPACES Number Neme } Area'" Volume Kitchen Occupants Bedrooms` : Infi11D. Finished Cooletl Heated BEDROOM 3 : " 163,"" 15322 No ' 0- 1 1 Yes Yes -• Yes. ' 2 CLST 3 20 188: No-0 ... 1 Yes Yes. Yes:. `. 3 BATH 2 No , 0 . 1'.. Yes _ 4: CLST 2 .. 2D` 188 : N0 0, j Yes, Yes .: Yes; 5 ' BEDROOM Z ' 169 1588ai No 0 • , 1 .' 1 ' :. Yes Yes Yes; I 6. KITCHEN 132, • 1: Yes(. Yes." Yes #. 7 , GREAT ROOM, 588: 6232 No 0 1 Yes Ye Yes i t3 DINNING 176 2464". No 0. 1": Yes yes Yes, =. 9. M WIC1 30 2t32 No .. 0 1' Yes Yes Yes. I ...,: 10 LAUNDRY BO '. 564 ' : No 0.. 1•' Yes' Yes t1 MASTER BE' 244 . No 2537c6 .: 0; 1. 1 ... , Yes' Yes. WIG.:2 30 . 2t32,; No fl. „' �.. Y Yes Yes :. j is 13 M BATH 128- 1203.2. No 0 7. Yes Yes. Yes 14 HALL" 24 225a3 No 0.. 1 Yes;.• Yes : Yes; j�' • I FLOORS : Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R Value Area Jatst'R-ValueWood,°'`'Carpet Stab On Grade Edge insulatkon• BEDROOM 3"' 26 ft '- 3 " 6ft� " 1' 0 0 - Sleb On -Grade Edge „Insulation CLST 3: •, 2;ft' 0• - o Slab- On-G a Edge:,insulation BATH 2 ft0 J61;`ft'" .6 Slab-OEdgeansulation CLST 2 :. .2 ft 0 2n-Grade O ft2 _ ..:: 1 :0.: 0 8/1/2016 25;PM EneigyGauge USA Seotlon R405 41 Coant So .. .. mpliftware Page f FORM Roo 20�7 .: INPUT SUMMARY.,,c KLIST REPORT . f FL OARS FloorTvpe' Space Penr`neter Perimeter R-Value .'Area Joist R Ualue :: Tile Wood Carpet` Slab-0n Grade Edge Insulation BEDROOM2 29ft 0 169 jA Slab-On;GradeEd'gelnsulation KITCHEN'. 12it, 0 } Slab -On -Grade Edga Insulation GREAT ROOM 22.1t 0 ;,gg ft2 1 0 " 0: '. I Slab-On-Gratle Edge insulation DINNING 16:ft. 0= 176 ft? 1; 0 p Slab-0rs-Grade Edge Insulation t: M WIC 1: 1 ft U .. 30 ftZ 1:• 0; :. 0 .. - t lab -On -Grade Edge Insulation LAUNDRY: 1 ft U 80 fta al plap-Oti-Grade IsEdge Insulation MASTER BERRQ 36;ft O 294 ft� 1. p ' • p .1 lab -On- rade, Edge Insulation , :. M W IC 2: 1;it• =0. 30 ft= 1 p lab-0n Grade Edge Insulation M BATH 1:1) ft 0 - 128 ft' 1 0 • 0 f: tab -On Grade Edge Insulation ,: HALL 1 ft: O' : ". 24 fts y p- , : " p , } 1 ROOF ;. , / Roof • " Gable Roof Solar SA Emiit Emitt t�ectc Pitch v Type Materials Area Area Cotor Absor Tested Tested tnsul (deg) fi Hip Campos+Gon shingles 1998 ftz ' 0 ft= Medium 0 6 No 0:9 No 0` 22.6 �. ATTIC. .: TYPe Ventilation Vent•Ratio(1In); :Area RBS z: IRQC'' Full;athc Vented 150 1845 ft' N N' j - CEILING , _ Aln9 yP Truss Type Space R Value Ins Type Area Fram+rig Frac i 11' UnderAtt+c {Vented) ' BEDROOM 3 30 Blown 163 ft= 0.1 Wood;; Under Attic (Vented) CLST 3 Blown . 20:fN UriderAtUc(Vented) • BATH'2 . 3a Blown. 60'ft2 oil Wood', I' Under Attic (Vented) CLST 2 ` 30 Blown ` 2tl ft?` 01 Wood=. Under Attic (Vented) BEDROOM 2' 30 :Blown 169`ft' 0.1 Wood, UnderAffic(Vented): _ KITCHEN 30 Blown: 13' , 2 ft 0.1., Wood'' UrSderAtt+c (Vented) GREAT ROOM', 30 . -Blown:. ; 588ft' _ A:1. Weod.' Under Attic tinted N. ) DINNING 30 Blown, 176:ff : 0:1 Mlood Under Attic (Dented)' M WIC 1 . • , 30 Biewn' 30 fiz 01: Wood UnderAttic (Vented} , LAUNDRY . 30 Blown'." 60;ftz •' 0:T Wood. 1 UnderAtt+c{1/ented); - MASTERBEDRQ 30.Blown 244'ft?.' 01 Wood_; Under Attic (Vented)- M W(C 2 30 a3lown . 30"ft? 0.1.. Wood : 3, Under Attic (Vented) Blown • 128`ft? UnderAttic`{Vented)' ;.. HALL.. 30 Blown-:. 24;ft' 0.:. Wood r f 8!'I/2018 25.PM { I EnergyGauge� USA SecLon R4p5 41 66pllant Software : •� Page 3 of:6 FORM R40 + 2017 ".. ;INPUT SUMMARY?CHECKLIST •REPORT ,' WALLS 1. Adjacent CaOy Width '''- Tuna Space Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below 1 " . Extenor Concrete'Block Ext"InsHE13ROOM 3 .41 ' ' 13 0 9 ` 4 1213 ftz 0 0'; 0.6 2 Exterior Concrete Block ExflnsBEDRt70M-3 4'.1 13 0 9 4 121 3ft2 0. 0. -- 3 Exterl r o C`n o cre YeBiock Extlnsul CLST'3 4.9 2 0 9 4 0: 0:6' 0 -- 4 . Exterior Concrete Block Extansul BATH 2=.. 4.1 t 0 . 187fN: 0; 9 4 56 0 ft 0 0 .. s, 0 '. 1 _ 5 , Exterior Concrete Block ExtInsui CLST,2 4-1. 2 .. 0 6 4 18 7 ft2 0' 0 '. 0.6: 0 _ 6 Exterior Concrete Block Ext Insi51EDROOM 2.. 4.1 2,. , 0 9•. 4 18 7 ft2' 0 0.6 0: J. Exterior Concrete;Block Ext lns�&IEDROOM 2 4 4 13, .: 0 0 0, Exterior Cortcretp Block EM•Ins�4FDROOM 2 ,4.1 14 0 9 -4130 7 ft' 0 ` 0 9 Exterior .Concrete Block E)d nsul KITCHEN_ 41 12 0 14 0 168 0 fl= " 0 0 0'6 ; 0 90 Exterior.Concrete Block Ext-insaiREAT ROO " 4114;: .' 0 308 0 ft�. 0 0 6 0. 11 �. Exterior Concrete Block Ext,lnsul DINNING 4.9 Q6 •0 _. 14 , `0 224 0 ft' 0;' = • 0 O 6;' 0 0:6 0 _ 12 Exterior Concrete Block Ext Ins�NASTER BE : 41 21 t) 10!: : 4 217 0 ftz 0 ' .. 0 0 6. ' 13 Exterior Concrete Block Ext InsdNASTER BE 41. 15 a. 10 ; 4 . , 0 0 Otis V. 14 I Exterior Concrete Block Ext lnsuI M BATH 41 ..10 • : ' 0 S .• ' 4-' 93 3 ftz 0 . 0' 15 f Garage Frame Wood LAUNDRY 11 .. 3 9 .. 4 28 0 ft2 U.,25 ` 0 600000 0: L . —16 Garage Frame Wood M BATH 11 3 9 28 0 025600000 t): t. —:17 fE Garage Frame Wood M BATH 11 21 9` 4 196 0 ftz 0 . 0 25 ; 0 600000 Q ;DOORS Omt Door, Type Space Storms [) Value '`-SiVldth Hel ht _Area F!- In l E = . _ Insulated GREAT ROO None 4 6 8 ;.48 ft' `I WINDOWS _ Orlentationshown ISL a entered Pr osed orients➢on { Wall Overtjan9 Frame Panes NFRC{ U-fector,SHGC Imp Area ,, Depth:;Separaporr ..InfShade Screening, t: Meta'- LovwE Single Yes OP 02 N -- 15:0 ft' 1 ft 4 m 1 ft 4 m: None '` None ` 2 3 S 4 Metal .Low-E Single Yes 0.65 0 25 N E 7 MetaC Low-E Single 9.Q ft' 1 ft 4 in 1 ft 4 m - None None ;' Yes 0.65 025 N 25':0 ftz 1 ft 4 In 1aft 4 m Nine < 4 W 9 Metal> LoW E Smgie Yes 0.65 0.25 N 9,0 ftz 1 tt 4 in 1.ft 4 in None ,None ;Nona f. E 10 Metal Lotiv-Eis! glw_ Yes. -0i65 0:25 N 50:0 ft= 1•fl4 in 1 ft 4 in ., None ( 6 W t1 Metal : Low E:SIngle . " Yes: 0.7 Oi3 ' N 48 0 ft° 1 ft•4 in 1>ft 4 m None None 4 . j 7 N 12= Metal . Low�E Smgie" Yes ; 0:05 0:25 N 20(O tts 1 fl 4 in 1 ft 4 m None,None . } 8 N 14; Metal`,' Low E Single Yes; OaiS 0',25 N 9.Oift' 1 ff4 in . 1 #t 4 irr' None,. - FlobrArea - �Cei6n 'Area 8 Exposed WaII Perimeter:: Avg Wall Height Exposed Wa➢ Insulabon 504 fta 504ftZ 27 ft' 91d, ' :. 11 • 8/1i2018 3: 5 PM EnergyGaug'ok? USA Sacbon R405 41 CompliantSoHware _ Pege 4 of 6 f FORM R40. zo1Y .- ;:INPUT::.SUMMARY`CHECKLIST REPhRT`_', � !�, iAiFiLTi�AT10Pi • } # Scop ; Method SLA CFM 50 ELA Eq A. ACH AGW 5D , 1 Wholeh se Proposer! ACH(50} OOQ523 2532 7 139 04 26149 4257 I HEATlNG'SYST�M, ..: , :. System Type ': Subtype ' E rcie cy Capacty .: Black Ducts: 11 Eleciric Ship HeaU ... None COP 1 27 kBtu/hr " 1 sySi COOLING SYSTEM } System T YPe Subtype Efficiency Capacity - Alr Flow SHR Block .. Ducts CentralSpld SEER 18 35:4 kBtu/iir 10ti2 cim System Type ` SubType : LocaUort ;; El Cap tJse , , SetP.,nt' ;i Corservatan 1 Electnc None - :.Garage . 0 98 40 gaP 80 9 gal 120 deg None SOLAR HOT W,Q,TER S1t'STEM. F C EC rt # Company Name F :: Collector. '' Storage System Model # Callector Model'# Area , . ;.Volume FEF .: ' - ne None r -• .. - ,, Supply Locatlgn R=Value Area Retum Air CFM 25 ° CFM25 ; Locayon' Area_ HVAC Leakage Type Handler; TOT OUT..' QN RLF .'Beat= Cool 1 Attic 6 160 ftz Attic 15 ftzc, Default Leakage , - Garage -, ; (Default) c(Defaylt)`c TEMPERATURES; Programabl fiermostat N Ceiling Faris Cooling Heating Ventln 9 Jan Feb an, Feb -, Jan Feb Mar Apr Mar r AP Mar 'Apr May Jun" Jul Aug r Sep Oct M ay Juri Jul Au Se ' Oct May : Jun�:Jut Nou Dec .; Nov Dec Aug Sep;:Oct( Nov Dec •; i 8/1/2018 3 2 PM ' II EnergyGaugefril USA 5ecdon R405 41 Goinphant Software ",' Page 5 of 6; .: �. - CV oco oao . aoto mao co f} co ram: ccm .CDCD .. .. o. oco' CDC mm COO d a CD CD CDt ISO V1 F t0 .6 V F .Z EL Y.�.s I W00, co .'tiff otio ;w� oc°pD 'co' M cq. vi, : M ,. r�. - ri cl . M,.. co L° . tD ao, mco -MLn'CD tom ' y . <OfC coco f mom: fir- �� ar G GL 00 nn room Uoom .N ffi •. If o Wc:44Q. V -- `} Goo coo :tDao- 1- co �W (DW to co torn N„ ' ticcohCo Dcco •� <Oc(D co , Cl, mco' n� W �D" 1,1?co D.tO-. OD ccD co .. =a - W t7' U) 67. CO 0 N to N. NN to co co GI a O�J G------ W W ' t0 • .N f0 . W N 10 Cat0 IN N W -= -- - - - -- - - -- _ apt �, ` 0 ❑ . 0, O' ❑: 0 :0.. 0 0 ❑ "' 0 00 • G �t11.. � _C L_ _C N., , 0, F U U 2 2 2017 - R.BARRIER AND;INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.11 WBARRIIER AND INSULA' 'ION.II��PECTION C�i�7P-NENT.CRIT€RIA Street City, Owner', Desig :' sine, NGUYEN RESiC7(:NCE Builder Name: JC,AND SONS. HOME;BUILDER, INC. 8285SPICEBRUSHTERRACE PermitOfficet CITYOFPORTSTLUCIE S te, ZIP: POR7 ST LUCIE , FL ;, 3g952 hermit Number:. Jurisdictltin ,Location: FL Fort Pierce Y „ W 3: NENT General reguirem is AIR;BARRIER CI21TERiA A continuous air bamer shall be installed (n •the building envelope The;exteriortherrnal enya 'a'contains a coniinuous'air bamer: Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall bOealed. :. IPJSULA'PION INSTALLATION CRITERI Air -permeable Insulation shall not be Used as,a, seating material. Ceiling/a The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit 1. shall be aligned with the insulation and.any gaps In the air barrier shall b&.s"1ed. Access openings, drop down stairs:'or• kneewall do= to unconditioned attic spaces shall be aated' The Insulation inany d rapped ceiling/soffit shall _be aligned with the air bamer. Walls The•jun6Uon of the foundatiamand sill p!ate shall be sealed The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall;be sealed � Knee walls,shall'tte seated:. Cavities`within corners aridheaders of.frame walls : sha11"be lnsulated'by coinpietely hilih' the cavity a materfal,having a thermaPresistance of R-3 per inch ': -minimum. Exteriorthermal enWlope: insUtation fot framed -walls' shall beAristalled in substantial contactand:continuous L. alignment with the air barriers Windows, dojos kylights- The space between window/door jambs and framing,,.and skylig'ts and framing shall bz se%aled. Rim foists Rim,Jo(sls shall include the ar. barrier. Rtm joists shall tie`nsulated. (including .(including: .. and cantit'vered`floors) ge The air barrier shall be installed atany exposed edge of insulation. Floor framing cavity insulation shall be^Installed to.. ;maintain iOrmanent coritacEwdh the Undersid'e:of subfloor decking or floor framing cavity insulation shell be pemtitted to be in contact with the top side:of.- she athlrig; or -continuous insulatton:irsstalled on tF e underside of floor framing and extends:from the.botf' to the:top'of all perimeter;flnor framing members; Craivhsp, Shafts, p III �e walls. etraGons Exposed earth'In'unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with a- Class; i vapor retarder with -overlapping joints taped.. Duct shafts, utility penetrations( and flue shafts openirigao exterior or unconditioned "s ace shall be seated: Where provided instead of floor insulation insulation shall be permanenNy attached to the.crawlspace walls. = _. " Narrow ties Batts innarrow cavities shall be cuf to fit or narrow cavities sfiall be flied by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces.. Garage s aration Air sealing shall,tie provided betwe the garage and: conditioned spaces Recess IitghUng Recessed tight fiMures installed in the' bUllding hermal;envelepe shall be sealed to the drywall Recessed fight fixtures irstatied in the building ; the enVelopesh'all be a r,Gght and:lC rated: Plumbing'' rid wiring; Batt insulation sfiall be cu! neatly to ft around yviring a plumbing in exterior walls, or insulation Ghat on -'` .Shawer/t on exteri wall The air:bamerinstalled af'extenor walls adjacent to'showersend ' tubs shall separat4thom,from-the showers andtubs. installation.readily,conforms to available space shall extend behind i in and wirin Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be insulated: Electri 1 exterior Its hone box on., The airbamer shell be installed behind electrical or communicafon boxes;or air seed boxes shall be'installed., HVAC ster boots , HVAC register boots thatpenetrate"building thermal envelope -shall be seated to th- suMoor ar ywall .. . dr: Conceal sprinkle a In additin, (n inspection of When reGuired,to;be sealed; concealed fire sprinklersshall only be sealed a manner that is:recominended by the manufacturer.: Cauikng_orother.. adhesive sealants shalt notbe used'to fill voids tbetween fire sprinkler co a lates and•walls or ceilin s iog•vralls shall W in accordance with,tha. e. rnvic(nna =c icr•ann . Ll 6/112018 325'PM EnergyGauga& USA FBC'6th Edition (2o1Zf.,Compliant,Software. Page 1 of 1 2017 �PL; 1. N IS 3. N 4. N 6. G 7. IA c 8. S11 a b 9. Fli a b c: 10. V A 2. B 2j ;PLAY CARD tENIM 12 Y� 'ERFORM NCE LEVEL (Ek)DISPLAY CA RD FOR MANOE I EX;=99- The lower the Energyrince Index,-tile-m&6 em i t-th erfo- an c on the ham a or, addition I. New (From Plans Ducts, location kitisulition 1pyel Supply oflunits,(if puitiojewfamily) No. hi s a worst case? 5.' Id.itioneO,flogr area �(sq. ft.) 18, idows, type and area U- , f6dtor:(wOldht0averpgq) 7a. 0.663- Solar-Heat ,dain` b - �11 eff* o Iclent.(SHGC) 7b Area 7c. j85.0 U-factor:(wdighted average) 8a. NA Sol6r- Heat G" "On Opt, aInC oeffici t;(SHGC)_ NA )r type, insulation level: Slab -on -grade (Rviilue). :ga. Wood, -raised (R-4uo)..', C'Qncreta,�raised (R-Valuejx 9c. A ty0e and insulation: Exterior: Alood frame (Insulation Rwaloe� JO&J. Waso nry (Insulation Rnva , lue , , _:-7- IOA2 4.1 Ndjaceft' Nb6d,fra me,(Insulation R-valu6) - •JOBII. das"on'ry, (Insulation R_Val'6 10132. U,) 14. Heatingsystem: Capacity a) _Split system heat I pump,, ..H;SPF. e, ppe agp; H h6at pumo; SPF' c) Electric resistance COP 1.6 d), Gas furnace; nitu ral, gas AFUE' ej -Gas fuenaL-ej LPG AF I 0C �­ 15.wate'rheating.'sy.stern a) Eleciric,repist4rice- EF 0.98 'b)� Gas fired; h6turaf §os- "EF - .c) Gas : fire'CLIDG, EF A Solar iyst6ni with stank .&_` e), Dedicated' heat m 0. Heai;recovery. unit, He6tRec-/q__ g) Other 16. HVAC credits',blaim6d.( ling typean0risul6tion I Performance Method) ifideir.Ot'fic evel a) ceiling fads" J 11 a.- '30.0' b).dross ventilation 0 . >Irigle assembly. p. c) Whole hous64an --,-'No nee walls/9kyll96t.w6ljs tad;ant d) Multizoneitboling credit, ;a barrier installed Ild. No -0), MUltiz6ne heating credit Pro rammable thermostat.. 'equirei d by�'.Secti6n R303AZof,t e Flodda'Buildih Code, "Energy �oniervation, if not DEFAULT. h 9 ergy,C that this home has complied with Ahe. Florida -Buildihg,Co Code, Energy Conservation; Ahtoughthe above energy. bature's, Which Will be installed ('6r)6k'cb"6 exceeded) in this home.befo "' 1, ins� n 6th;- re fin Oct , card'willL b6 cornoleted'b ' ed installed - ? - 10 erwipplariewEPL Eks on Insta[W code cd-rnpliant',feat 6 a ures. Signature,:- bato: ew Home:, 8285 SPICE RUSH TERRACE City/FL Zip:'bR U _, -P -T!STL CIE, FL34952 PM Et1ergyQauqqop USA 6.0.02= _FBC ft:Edifion (2p.17) Corpp�iani,pof�4aee flaRes2017 _Page 1 of 1 14. Heatingsystem: Capacity a) _Split system heat I pump,, ..H;SPF. e, ppe agp; H h6at pumo; SPF' c) Electric resistance COP 1.6 d), Gas furnace; nitu ral, gas AFUE' ej -Gas fuenaL-ej LPG AF I 0C �­ 15.wate'rheating.'sy.stern a) Eleciric,repist4rice- EF 0.98 'b)� Gas fired; h6turaf §os- "EF - .c) Gas : fire'CLIDG, EF A Solar iyst6ni with stank .&_` e), Dedicated' heat m 0. Heai;recovery. unit, He6tRec-/q__ g) Other 16. HVAC credits',blaim6d.( ling typean0risul6tion I Performance Method) ifideir.Ot'fic evel a) ceiling fads" J 11 a.- '30.0' b).dross ventilation 0 . >Irigle assembly. p. c) Whole hous64an --,-'No nee walls/9kyll96t.w6ljs tad;ant d) Multizoneitboling credit, ;a barrier installed Ild. No -0), MUltiz6ne heating credit Pro rammable thermostat.. 'equirei d by�'.Secti6n R303AZof,t e Flodda'Buildih Code, "Energy �oniervation, if not DEFAULT. h 9 ergy,C that this home has complied with Ahe. Florida -Buildihg,Co Code, Energy Conservation; Ahtoughthe above energy. bature's, Which Will be installed ('6r)6k'cb"6 exceeded) in this home.befo "' 1, ins� n 6th;- re fin Oct , card'willL b6 cornoleted'b ' ed installed - ? - 10 erwipplariewEPL Eks on Insta[W code cd-rnpliant',feat 6 a ures. Signature,:- bato: ew Home:, 8285 SPICE RUSH TERRACE City/FL Zip:'bR U _, -P -T!STL CIE, FL34952 PM Et1ergyQauqqop USA 6.0.02= _FBC ft:Edifion (2p.17) Corpp�iani,pof�4aee flaRes2017 _Page 1 of 1