HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTr- =o l ` _A #' - ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BURBIATGPERMIT SU13-CONIMACTORAGRE]OHM SCANNED BY I pany amName) the Ne/Individual have agreed to be "�em_ �� �- Sub JC an - -contractor for d Sons Home Builders Inc. ape of Trade) (Primary Contactor) For the ' roject located at 8285 Spicebush Tern. (Project Street Address or Property Taos ID #� It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding Our participation with the above menti oned Project, a Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing o Change of Sub -contractor notice. 17 l^ PRINT Ellie - Coll: 11111,11 !1': 1111�' 111''! 1�i7tIdBER State of III County of SZ4 (3 �-l� The feregol lusdvmeut was signed before a, day of Q-t�l 20�� byM&AFC who is wn Ili or has produced a . asidendr=- `2otPaYAo'Bo,,� JOSE FRESNILLO Notary Public - SWe of Florida Commission kiiii850 ZN 4 g Signature°�oo�; fill . Expires Dec 22, 2018 ""` 3onded through National Notary Assn. Revised 11//07016 CORN ry CBRTIF[CA 701q WMBER State of Florida, County If '( The foregoing inSUM ne t was signed before me this t— 3 day of .20 by l� iraL��(✓ �� Who is penonany Imo or has produced a as identMeafion. JOSE FRESNILLO 11 =2ti o Notary Public - SL:e of Florida 'igaatare�oComm' n y F 164850 �,piresDec22201ofNotary. Donded through National Not ASai the For the It is un( project, filing of ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division ompany Name/Individual Name) i/_ _,% of BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT C/- io /- �7 have agreed to be Sub -contractor for JC and Sons Home Builders Inc. ject located at 8285 Spicebush Terr. (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Addren or Property Tax ID #) :ood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the a Change of Sub -contractor notice. a.vtr I K rve 5[G ATURE (Qualifier) i PRINT NA i COUNTY R CA ON ER State of FIo, ida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of i 20JL by-T�&Vil� eoOA rt who is Pew y known or has produced a asidentin n Revised 114/2016 STAMP \ ���\11111111111//// Q�:•�,15S�O,N�o.Y ii r 9 #GG 093815 _+ . al ponded llll 111N 0\ \\\ _. TR`A TOR T�NATURE(Q -y- (Qualitier) Julio Batista PRINT NAME %,%yUJ'Tf Y CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of r� (tC( Q The foregoing instrument was signed bye/fore me this � day of - . 204 by � «�i' - - � ii? '_ who Is personally known �or has a as identifi aE H,l.. STAMP the For the It is un( proles filing of j- ISSUE DATE ' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUR DING PERM Y SMCONTRACTOR AGREENWNT (EA=_ v`�u G 4 �r ne/Individual Name) of Trade) ) t) a T o,v ,;try have agreed to be Sub -contractor for JC and Sons Home Builders Inc. (Primary Contractor) located at 8285 Spicebush Tern. (Project Street Address or property Tax ID �#) stood that, if there is any change of status regarding ourparticipation with the above mentioned e .Building and Code Regulation Division of St Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Change of Sub -contractor notice. � N CIR7 IFICATION NUMBER P State of Re County of liQ The fwvpf Instrnment was signed before me this a'J3 day of / who is III wn or has produced a as Ideati6ca III a. I! �dtpR� PVC,, JOSE FRESNILLO Notary Public - State of Florida Slgnatareof Commis-90WF 184850 %9rFOFF`o�°�' My Comm. Expires Dec 22, 2018 ` ` 3ondedthrouohNational Notary Assn. Revised 11/I Iq/.rrr;7. COD1 1 y CERTIF(CAT10N NUMBER State of Florida, County of SA , Tire foregoin instr•omen w- signed before me ads o%2 day of 20klby E,r-- 6,�%X who is pesoaaliy _r bas produced a asidentt6cation. IV_ i \ � —m J05E FRESNILLO Notary Public.- s_ 1e of Florida Mp �StgaatoreotNotary � �--, a ...-, ,�, 'ssion # r�rAiti",d50 ;;• Y Comm. Expires Dec 22, 2018 ���s,, Bonded through National Rotary Assn. If% PrintNameofNotarypuW, 1 SCANNED T BY H '^% !L, PEf�Im # I �` h I I q ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (I ompany Name/Individual Name) the N tr- of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 6"i ao7z S -L L C have agreed to be Sub -contractor for 3 G 't -SO w S 406-1 c; /:N-/ I— C�7c s (Primary Contractor) i For the reject located at 0 0- iOS 5OPf G e' J'I (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is un erstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, he Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County .will be advised pursuant to the filing o, a Change of Sub -contractor notice. G ONT t„ OR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) I ����� =z�c;e 71-E�,e2e_fo c72 PRINT N ME PRINT NAME 2, Ccc�32,0737 OUNT ' CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of orida, County of '.i L • R State of Florida, County of Qc� vk The for oing instrument was signed before me this day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this h day of 2_,by `� $4�LS}c OC�T ,20%,by anonoz who is p onally known _or has produced a who is personally known _or has produced a t• 10 L as identi cation. as identification. I� 9 STAMP STAMP Signatu of Notary Publ Signature of Notary P lic i cktr\•rs'0, \-VA"V" �.ear,nq 6:'V-'h Print N#e of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public NNAMARIEGIVENS MISSION # GG 022023MY December 16, 20201/16/ u Notary Public Underwriters a•+J� mm_ ::tears YP�3•• DEANNA MARIE GIVENS COMMISSION # GG 022023EXPIRES: December 16, 2020S: 1&9'„oFF.. Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriter;