HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TITLE2L �. BY at..I'Lufi�laCo(u HSMV.82251 (REV:1'/90) �� _-®� .'�L®:� I DA �a9a s!ibgNTIFICATION NUMBER 19$5=AND LATER%:; MODEL PAEV. AEG DMVE EF 5 Z3i92�:3A 91 - i*1E52 RR - - -BODY WT BHPBER USE P REV ISSUE DATE DATE -OF ISSUE, ?�`• ?�`• ' REGISTERED*OWNEH_(LASi •NAmt snail '`MO -,:DAY -YR I - -- Y>=i31?.>� ARC S CR1'iRtiA J +53 2=;APC3T: F7:'PgC� 349512 C � 6 `a ' ' FLORIDA TES THAT TITLE TO`THE .SATI FACTORY=�PROOF•OF OWNERSHIR-HAVING BEEN SUBMITTED'UNDER-SECTION,319:23 STATU ABOVE..I$VESTEO IN THE NE NAMED HEREIN,_ THISOFFICIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE IS ISSUED FOR PRVEHICLE,DESCRIBED SAI ,MOTOR VEHICLE... r �"�• TALLAHASSEE OLORIDA • M' DEPARTMEN ' ON OF MOTOR VEHICLES a AND:MOTOR.' EHACLES ,., CONTROL.NUMBER_..,"�N c� CHAFES J BRANTPLEY - :. B 2 9 6 LEONARD R MEL60N EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, � - - f -• •�•• �• .• -tcy o uwcyuu tact m� ,nettdgd IR dpntreCfr�17 5Y)in;Y an�rCr 6Y OL'1nel )stp Fa lure 4a cortplofe. ar ``�'., i0V lnya�a18e91a4afl10i1fPA8y.-PpStt14)R:}Ines;BTId/Or,It11DLI80AIY10t91.`:. N037( YcALYERATIONQRiEWA"aUAE.b/01D5ttfISTr7r For value cecewed (S2IIing Price) $ ,ibis bile is warranted and cerhfisd to be free from an/ kens,excejtt as toted on ihz,fce p thts certificate and the motor vehicle described is hetetiy transferred to il ., eater or Purchaser's Name(s) (Prfntor type) i `• Cfi I hereby c=rtdytnafto t basf�of m ,inovileU etiie odometer readin ? /We state that they odometer now reads ,a (NO TENTHS) mils date raid y - g - 9 ref! cta the amount of mileage 1 excess or its mechanical limits. �cd t the knowledge that it reflects the actual mileage of the ❑'2. 1 hereby.c rti6 t1at,the odoneter reading is not the actual mileage.ehidadescibedherein, I wing statements Is checked. WARNINGEPANCY. oIgnature of: Printed Name of: mcitaser : Purchaser. o Pu chaste , Co•Purchaser- F='< elle Seller o-Sell - Co -Seller uction Na rna (Wharf Applica Address Addre i, +�•>� _ - `.` Iling Dealer's Dealer's Tax r Tax . c No _,. Name p1o. Collected $ r� I e warrant this Title and certify that the vehicle described herein has been transferred to the following: Address: ❑ i, l hereby dertit thatto'te best: my Imo•.vied a the odometer read'm I to state that the odometer now reads, i i (NO TENTHS) miles, date read y y g g reflects the amount or mile e m exc Bs o its mechanical limits. and to the best of my knowledge that it retiects the actual mileage of the . p 2. 1 hereby oarhry: hat -the odometzr.readiilg is not the actual mileage. z v Iciedescribed liarein, unless oneotthefollowingstatements lschecked. WARNING -ODOMETER DISCREMNICY. nature of: Printed.Name of. - W, '--P rchaser Purchaser. ?: C -Purchaser - Cc -Purchaser r S far Seller �C Seller Co -Seller A • tion Name (When Applicable) Address - Lie. No. Dale: - S" InggDealer's Dealer's ! >: - Tax T.- .1 Li No. Name No.Cotie^tad I f, a warrantthls Tille and certify that the vehicle desdritiad herein has been transferred to the following: N' e(s)t _ ... .. Address: in ❑1. I hereby certify tnaEto the best-6 knowledge the odometer reading 1p. fate that tite odometer now reads ' (NO TENTHS) mites, date read reflects the amount of mileage m e ass of its mechanical limits.. rid to the best of my knowledge that It reflects the actual mileage of the p 2..1 hereby certify tbai.4ha xt.•"ometerreGUtng Is not the actualmil age`,;: v Us desedbedhereih,ubiesspneoiihefoApwngstatemeptsfschepked, WAAt1iNG-ODCOMETERDISQQF&ANCY. Si I ature of: Printed Name of: Pu chaser Purchaser c d, ,Furoha5er _ ..Co-Purcheser ' �Sel sr Seller Cc eller Co -Seiler -Au 'ion Name (When Applicable) Address Lie. No. Data: tSell } g Dealer's Dealers - Ta„� 7ar, _ t Lic. No. ^Narn@ No. Collected'$ Iwarrant this Title and Certify that the vehicle described flereinhas been transferred tothefollowing: Address: I/tha Mate That the odometer now reads i i i O i. l hereby cartiry that to thz best of m knowledge the odometer readi X NO TENTHS 9 g i ❑ ( ).mites, date read reflects the amount of mileage m excess of its mechanical limits. A d to the bast of my knowledge that itPeflects the actual mileage of the 0.2.1 hereby csrtify the :the 686rQ6 er re dlr•g fs not the actual m I ag3. r vah describedherain, unless orisofthefolfowingstatemenisischeCked WARNING-ODO;ieYER t1;5CREPA ICY. Sign lure of: Printed Name of: Purc aser Purchaser 7. a Co- rchasar Co -purchaser Salle Seller - CoS Iler Co Seiler tAuctl n Name_(Wfien Applicable) Address Lie.'1%, .. Date. ' -'Se!lin .Dealer's Dealer's.Tax Tax. 7 r Lic. Name No Collected ,;•I]We arrant this Title and certify that the vehicledescribedhereinhasbea transfarredtothefollowmg. c eAddress:- � � " . .. . - Address: - i.' �.... cIJWe to that the odometer now reads V 0 c !t NO TENTHS miles; date read fT i. 1 hereby certify that to th best of my knowledge the odometer reading, �' ( ) reflects the amount of mileage m excess of its mechanical limits. - a nd.to the best of my knowledge that it reileots the actual mileage of the 17 2. 1 hereby certify that the, odometerreadldg i not the actual : mtleaga >c vehicl escrio¢dherelo;��lessdreofthefahovringstatementsischecked: WARNING-000 TERDisco ANCY - signa urn of: Prihted'Name Of, >_ Purch ser Purchaser _ Oo•P I haser Cc -Purchaser s Seller �. ti Seller o Co Se der - •::_ •� Co Seller Ruche Name(When Applicable) . - Address IJData 'NOT � ,$t0.00 PENALTY -IS REQUIR EDBY.LA4V'IF.NOTtREMSUBIVilTTED:F,OR'TRANSFEr1 b1tTHIN Ski D.etYS`At 7E; D4TE .OF fit(faiC RURCf?hS II I I I I I I i II I - I