R13 -
R19 -
>.eo1 St Lucie Count/ 00(m
Planning & Development: Services RENED
Building & Cade Regulation Department
2300 VTrg!nia Ave JUL d'$ 7
Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Permitting DepMORIft
772-462-2165 Fax 462-6443 St. Lucie
Name: Gillespie Builders
Permit 09 Address, _5590 Tree Top Trail
Loir B31ock: .Subdivision:
The undersigned hereby certifies that insulation as been installed at the above described property as follows:
1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with ........................... () Spray on cellulose
which thickness, according to the manufacturer: ' () Fiberglass- blankets
(Density N/A) will yield an "11" value of ( ) Aluminum Foil
() Other
Exterior Frame wall have been insulated with ......................... () Spray on cellulose
To a thickness of � ..inches,_which thickness, according to (} Fiberglass'biankets
the manufacturer, - (Density NIA) will yield an (} Aluminum Foil
R" value•of: () Other
2. Ceilings — Level - have been insulated with ..,................... „..,.. O. Fiberglass blankets
to a thicmessof7,Q`r inches, which' thickness, according to () Fiberglass loose fill
the -manufacturer - Sucrasebf��ty N/A) will yield an O Aluminum Foil
"R" value of 30 S ra Foam
Ceilings— Cathedral — have been insulated with: ................... OFiberglass blankets
to a .thickness of !... inches, which thickness, according to () Fiberglass loose fill
the manufacturer, Density (N/A) will yield an O Alumlhum Foil
" R" value of O Other Cellulose SAB
3. InteNor kne-emalls have'been insulated With ........................ () Fiberglass blarkets
to a thickness ofj,g" inches. which thickness, according .6 () Polyurethane
the manuiact- SES SucrasedDensity N/A) will yield an ( ) Spray .on cellulose
"R" value of .30 W ISpray Foam
4. Garage.partition wails -of conditioned living areas have been QQ Fiberglass bianlcets
Insulated xrith . �z.......:..... ;............. .....;........ :._ O Spray on cellulose
to a thicimess'o 6 25 inches, which thickness,�according to the () Polyurethane
manufacturerCertainteed . (Oensity N/A} will yield an O Other
R ,value of
13 & 19
MULTI:FAMILY, RESIDENML CONSTRUCTION ONLY: The common .(party) wails separating different tenants shall be insulated as
follows — Frame/Metal stud walls R 11(Min); CBS or Concrete walls R 3 (Min) by Energy Code requirements. See Energy Code
Rev.1/87,. paragraph .903.2(b), on pages. 9-17, latest edition. These "minimum levels of insulation' are not Included the Energy
Calculations, but shall be installed in the field...
NOTE: Densities of sprayed.on, loose fill, or any other composed -on site insulation shall be the PCF' (Ib/tt3) average of three (3)
"DRY SAMPLES" of actual installation.
MER Enterprises, LLC
Print Name of Insulation Contractor Signature of Insulation or
26202 2/5/19
rtifiWon '(Number Date of Certification
. _ t_ltY C rounC
Notary Public- SrJ:e o`-.orid,;
. r ..•, 'y Cor+rt. EMpiiei Jug', 2012
56ndec! tnrcugh ha;iona: heury A.<-,
Notice of Preventative Treatments for Termites
(as required by Florida Building Code (FBC)104.2.6)
Meyer Naturally
42S Skylark Blvd
Satellite Beady FL 32937
�raV", C_E
Address of Treatment or Lot/Block of Treatment
-Z - 1. L % 36 Cif' (3 M. C_V' �
Date Time Applicattorfr=16733rS
Product Used Chemical used (active ingredient) Number of gallons applied
o_5 8_3
Percent Concentration Area —'treated (square feet)
Linear feet treated
LuA A b Fkovirt A=;�.rzc,14 �l lOv/-1 L c 2�a12
Stage of treatm orizontsl, ertical, Adjoining Slab, retreat of disturbed area) 7—k,E--A,46 ti j
As per 104.2.6 —If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used, final exterior
treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval.
If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line _Z /
PlannL,ir,, k Development Services
Building & Code Regulation Division RF�Fi�Fo
2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 /�// ;���019
Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Apr
Phone: 772-462-2265 Fax: 772-462-6443 ''tt/C/ o Eo
House Infiltration Test Certification no,rti�9. «00"
rm, , uc....
Prescriptive and Performance Method
e: 6 / /3/ /? Permit #:
itractor• Gillespie Builders
Address: _675- 0 , TAP_e_ -roP -�
ruction: Old) New Construction - Complete ( ) Existing -After Addition
Ase Infiltration Test Results SLC Climate Zone 2 /
A (50) _ /a 77 Test Date:
ume= 1CP)-760
f (50) = CFM (50) is 60 / Volume = ° iAl Mec apical Ventilation required less than 5 ACH
sing results must be & ACH (50) or less Gass ( ) Fail
building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not exceeding 7 air changes per
in Climate Zone 1, 2 and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8. Testing shall be conducted with a
rer door at a pressure of 0.2 inches w. g. (50 Pascals). Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined in
ion 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105 (3)(f), (g) or (i) or an
-oved third party. A written report of the results of the test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and
ided to the code official. Testing shall be performed at any time after creation of all penetrations of the building
,not envelope.
re the air infiltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than 5 air changes per hour when tested with a blower door at a
;ure of 0.2 inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation
welling unit shall be provided with whole -house mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section M1507.3.
ny Name: Energy Raters Plus
Address: 5151 NW Newark Lane PSUL
eby certify that the above House Infiltration results demonstrate compliance with FBC Energy Conservation
irements in accordance with Section R402.4.1.2 Climate Zone 2.
Name: Scott Brann
cation #: CAC1813645 / 9325399