HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTKAN NEE DY ST- Lurch Cnuniv PERMIT 1 I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPKE, NT SERVICES I - Building & Code Compliance Division, 0 BUILDINC PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AG IFEMENT Aeay's Electrical have agreed to be (Company Nanlo9ndlvidual Nano) the Electrical Sub-contrnctor for 0 R Horton Inc (T)W of Trade) �[�j, (Frimary Contractor) For the project located at O✓� Cobblestone Dr. (Project Streit Address or ProperT sae ID k) It is understood [hit, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Diviyiun of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Wq i tucroa si , tiU en Snan W Davidson PnINT SAME CRC 1327068 COUNTI CERTIFICATIONNUMSER stare or Flareda. Count) v1 Brevard Thrrorrgaineln+bucrrnrui++leneibrrorrrttert+l. 17 da4 or July 2018b). oho Is Prr.oealts YnannO� or I%- Producers a as Identification Signaler of Norar) Pultlie Print Nameoroutary Public Dbe state 01 Flatrdo Pu �,'►F"�4t,sandsaleone omzst a] GG y_ y�oor �Yrao� pflQJ 20 rt ItRIv'2 julo v:c-, SUB-COYTPWTOR Stt,N ItTURE tQu9lr+ctl Christina Slate ctUST MAOIL ER 13014555 33v i COUYF% CERTIFtCAT10N VU%tWFR -sin Is: or Flnrida, courts; or Brevard 1 he foregoing Instrument nas signed barrio ate tills 117 da} of July Its 1�8 �h.ispenvnegts.n.w�'ir' yrbarprvJver�a �Y—�,_ ___� m f J Can. _ 51 AMP Signs rrvaur7fL �`��•� _ — STAMP Print Haase ar;iatary Puhlir Asa"'ua Notary Public stairs of Panda h sandra Lacne MyComm's3bn00020251 y�wn°F E.Plres a8110=20 PERMITA ISSUE DAZE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES W Building & Code Compliance Division IT - WEB , But1.olNc PER1+i1r SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREE51ENT Benjamin Draw Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Nome Indnidusi Name) Cite Plumbing Subcontractor for D R HORTON INC (Type orTradc) (Pnnuy Caaltaetor) For the project local ad at S�I23 Cobblestone Dr. (Project Strcet Add resa or Propeny Tn% (D ) 11 Is understand that, if there is any change orstatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, lite Building and Code Regulation Division orSI. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ore change orSub•contraetor notice. CO.Yrtt \Croft StGfr %TUN! Iown4ca) Brian W. Davidson ritnlTrl•t�lt: CRC1327065 CtlUfrrl E[fthiii:AT ,r A Yutr.rrtartda,Cwaq at Brevard Tarrarrniti�hNntalta{MNIIMhIMfanwtMl 17 tit rr July rbhpwriullttraaa�„arhupniatNt..�_ ._.._._.__ L In :z `t_rt"S STAMP r PNat M/taa.rerwri mega -- Nmmj It W1014 ,.frr'Ey� F Nctary Pu�4t: State o} Flawa Sandra Lccnc y c 4 �or'nui 'SayComrtr:ucn GG a;0:51 Erplte•.t7a/Wr;02� Su1t.41kicrollSIGN%r IABIQWjW'r Banfamin Jimenez rlttfriefWE -- CFC142E456 t01.t1TYCEtITr"—Q% aHti<tWArnER irct.dilnidt.C.wq.f T>ttrwettdgta+trratatrudprdhrrntInc lfl. 17 rai.r July .ln A W%0UPrftaara) I A@%AL *flue pr.bNatl.......—.-_ ._.� +rtdratlrt Stasatttrt atM Pa r - — STdPtr �K6 MINI d+MOFIW U11rOft t PC?, tictary publ" Sute d Fiatd, `o Sacdta Leorw d Co,=xre,suonGr+o=CZSt Mr ',ya t d+° Ei� es Ct11tiU7:C2Q PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Di-tision BUILDING PMN11T SUB-CONTR C I'OR AGREEMENM Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company NamefIndividuai Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL. Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Typeo[Tradc) (Primary Contractor) For the: project located at 6�T� Cobblestone Dr. tt•roject 5ireet Address or Property Tax [D 0 It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be adNised pursuant to the filing, of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. r COYT LACrnR SIGNATURE 10uar.rerl Brian W. Davidson PREW N.t.4IE CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUSIBER State or Florida, County of Brevard The foregoing instrumeni was Biped herore me this 17 day of July a 2q 18bg who is personally known ar has pradueed a as idemtrication. signature of Notary PuhUe ST,01? rrint Name of Notary Pubne f�rY1P�f'�°I�{Y-W }r nu hafa: y F :,h:n $t zea at Ftic:+dn � 5antlsa !^. uru C,G o3u?� 1 Raised 11 1&2016 n` aty CanCOrtu ?0:0 ?arri-`fi ExFfe 4hr°v SUa• � ON I'FtACTOR*P4,M (Qualifier) � Kristen Kelly PRINT t4A.NtE Ut I `! CUUYCl' CFRTIFICAT O.4 NUNIBER state of Florida, County of The farroint instrument N as signed before rue this 17 d21 of July — '01$ by who Is personally hnowrt N_ ar Itas produced a as Idenilfintion. signature of Notary Public sTA.�tr Print NameaI Notary Public n�gT ec Na �ry P::W;c �it]lo of FL-r dd z , Sardra Leone tdp ccmn:,s; an IoG 020251 'crs-`s hAv'�' Exp;rMM, 4020 PERMIT# ' I ISSUE DATE PLANMG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building" & Code Compliance Division •mom"BUILDING PERMIT SUB-COM'BACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Rolioing LLC (Co pany N=e&dividtW Name) ' "" — have agreed to be the Roofing (Type of Trade) `-- - - Sub -contractor for D.R.Harton • (Primary Cane,ictor) For the project located at Cobblestone Dr. (Project 5trert Addrps or ID gj It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CQtiTRACTOR � {Qualtlter) _-` Brain W. Datrldaon P—'NAME CRC1327O68 COtWN CERTfftGTtQY NUII�ER stok of R■dd% County or BfiVard The fira=oias t■rtruoxal wu dptd berary ax tbb L 7 day or July �IoL8 by wbo L PmoaaDy knows X or au rrod■tad a asidmtlitca al S--------...-.,o �-�_ . Slyloaelrt erHa4ry tr■SRe &Mka LBoh6 ...... 114otaryratm 7- SUa•CONrRA 5 IYA wRnerj Bdan Maloney PRMT iW'H£ CCC133O653 COUNTY CLUMCAT'A`f N"ZR 5411a of Rodd■, County or T6a lore{oloj tauroetaot Wu dptd berm In tWIEL day or Jul-- y ----- 20L br who Is oeraonavy known X Oran' Orodneed a as WaotlavW■. STAMP - jor -STARV Sk■■roreKotarytf■silt �""`-- "" sedi-a Leon mist Kaoro O 1-7 rabic * .a EO f Florida �'�NotaryPubhCShteo1Frwlda Rerimd I fr; Sandra Leone 020251 t F MYComoihslonGG02025r �arRa Ea,>,toa0tlrtN2020