HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0948 348 l. . . w.~~~~~~~:= '. -.-.. 1__" ~ ~........ Pc'" .<<0101 1'1... ... S.. 1.11<10 ('OU,::..non... ,- ----.. -..--.. ......... ":":' TillS INnF.NTURF~ Malle Ihls..._..._...li'h...__._____..__day of ._._ ...-UOYBUBJR._..--..-----.--^. D. 191~.__. bttw<<n .......... ........._..._.._...nn_._...._.__.__.__...__A.lM.M._RJ!FA._~....J _A_~~.~g~.!...~p..L_ _______.__._.____..._..__.__.._. 01 Ih~ (,"1'.101}' oL_...____.._.SA lilT ..:r.Vq.U~.~ .._.n.......n._...... ..aM Stale of.... ... p'LOR ~~"" ._. _.n" ...n....._: .-...................fart n.7- _ of 11>0: 6..1 ~rl. ....I . _. ..... .' JOJql_ ,-._ .~ t..... ..._. ...... . SAINT .14VCI~.. ... . 3...1 $talo: of .1r.QRU>A. .. ..... ..... part.. 1. "f I~ uc.....1 ~rl. ~ ...1 Ih~ (,'C>I1IlI)' ..f WIT~ES~E'.If. lhal ,~s3;.ll'3rt 7 n' of 1M fj,,1 l03rl. f..r and in ron.id.uli.lI'l of Ihr sum ..f.. .l!'IYEn HUUDRlD..._."!_..-_~_..~_~I>ollar.. I".. ... hla..._1n hand J'&id. 1M r~ipl ..hertof is ooeby .ekn....I..hcc.l. ha.' .. granted. bargainrd. sold and Iransl..red. .nd by these prrs.nts do .... .... ((rani. barxain. ..II and Iran"" unlo lho: said parl._.l'_ of the s<<ond part and ___ .bll . ..hti.. and ..signs fo...... all thai eerlam par<<1 01 bnd lyin(( an.! bring in lit. ("ounly 01... ......s~.... . .Luole...______n and Slale of.... _. .l!'lor ide .......0: pall;culul)' dtscrihtd as :0110",,, .... ._. n Being Lot. Uu.mber_~RlB'rY .PIVE. (36.) . an4 Lot. Uumber.._....._........ n. THIRTY SIX. (36) OD.~hl rd_.8\.l'el~o._1.n.1i.bo ..MU....Q.!1c.lJ. \ 19J! .tQ _l1HlTl.C.ITY. .. ......n... .. ... lWR1J>A... ...... nn ._ __._._.____.____.______. .____.__._.__......_________._.n..n TOGI-:TItEk ",ith all the kllnt)("fJh. hC'"rC"'fiUnlCtit.. ~nd appurt!"u2ncct. .-ith t\.~ry t'ri,iln:'(,. riJ(h,. tit!r. ir..lrrnt an.! ('statt. .!..'Vl.(r ~1'kl ril(llt ,.i ,.....\(.r. fc \'rr~"t" nmai...lc-r anot ,,~'C""ul Illtr<l" t.......nlCinll "r in anp.i<r apptrl~ininll: TO ""VI-: .-\SU TO IfOU) tho: "'.... in I.... simpl.. (",n..r premise.. th.1 Ih.,. arc feu Ir(om .11 i""un"'r~ncrs ar.d Ihu ... hebQs.. ... . ~.o<>d rillhl al~1 b...I..1 .u.horily 10 srll Iht "uno:; and .!It .~id part 'i. ollht u i i , l , a J ~ ~ And Iht ...i,t ,oarl Y ,.1 lho: fil>l I"'rt.... .. . ....vrn~nl wi,,, tht ,~i.t r~rt 1- d ,,... <tC<""t pari .1"'1 he hae h..full.,' <ti...1 ..I Ih.. ...;.1 /i,,1 parI do._._.. h.<<by fully ...rr~nl Ih. .i.l. 10> ..id land. and .iII d.ltnd Iht sarno: al(~in'l I"~ la",hl clai".. 01 al\ t'<r..",.. ..tw-..n...",..r. IN WITSF.SS WIfF-REO.... tht said parI 1---... 01 the /int part ha a.._ b.r<un... 5<1 h1e band afl(1 ~al . 1M day and )tar Oll...."C' _ritu"r. S~ ..aled and d.li,,<<d in our presence: u 1I1111alll J. worren. T. G. StrlaUODd. l . . Adam Rhea I:er r. j~E.\I.1 1:'1-.\1.1 ---- -- ---- _._- -- - - ------- .--- -- --- -- - . STATE OF. I'LORII>A . ~nlT LUCIE COUXTY OF I HERF.IIY \'ERTI..Y. Thai on this 19th .. day ,.r. ._. UOVEUB.EB. ......._ 'h____'__"'_-\' D. 19! 6 . bdur.. mr ptnoro.all)' appnred .. . __ A.nlU.. RllEl.KEBll. .1.UnmauJ.od) .. to ~ kno.n I" J-..r. thl' (JIt'r\<lm dnc-rihrd in and .ho t':ucm:t'd Ih~ fnrqoing C~~ft}.1.-.ct' In h .101m ".-- KERR ,_--"00_-' --..--.-...- --- '.' .____and <r.cr.dly admowkdg.d Ih. tucul~.n Ih..r....oI I.. he __.hie frtlf" ~l' ~1Id dttd I..r Iht uws a...1 I'u.,......s I~...n ......Ii......t; VVV1m('Clftl: ~~i3~=~1:..~~~!:tE;t3~~~~4H]~~a w_~.-!( WITNF.SS my .. ...al a' l'OB!1'..PlmCEo....i'LOlllDA.. .in I~ eo.,"I)' ..I SAIliT L~9L!... .nol Slat. of 11>0: .lay and ~ar 1"1 aforesaid.. .__ ~'Ll'..L..lI' ST An: OF F1.0klD,\. .-/ Counly of SI. I.acie. 11._ .__ ~_ llo'al'~ ~!1~lio .f_o..r ~i6l~~ffl.~e J,rillrg'-B.j;-Lati'ii~ Uy aOIllll1B81on expires Jan. ~2. .1900. On Ihi... 30th <lay of . Deoember .-\. U. 19! 6.. at t ~ 26 .o'clock u..A. Y. Ihi. instrumrnl ..... I /i1M f".. ro:o:nrd. and btin<< dill)" ac"....J1I'k<l~ aM pro..... I ban rKOfdtd lhe sarno: 'of1 ~r M8 of Book._ __ 68 __ _.. in 1110: public r..ords ul saiol COUllI}'. '.ei~tJir8t IN WITSF.SS \V .... ht......lo set mylw1d and alti...d Ihe -' of th. Circuil Court of tho: JDd.dal Circuit c>f uid SUte. in aIld for said COIIDI}'. . ..~ .,~\J , <,,\... ~e 4'0 0" C; <<..4f~ '" _ P. C ...!LI>R!D.u .__.u__.. ..... ~ ~ CC? .J.~ ..auk. U C. . ! ,. I I ~,;:;~';'"~~~::~:':' .i"':~: i"2~~Zi' , . . . '.~ ^. ..>:~~:.:?:\~>~~.:.~~:.:~~:-.;:.~.~..