HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYSCANNED ItwaZ 00 LOT 292 (OCCUPIED) : I I I LOT 293 I (OCCUPIED) j 6' V1Owj FENCE (CLEAR) LOT 294 (VACANT) 0 CERTIFICATION I hereby acetify that Ure aorwy ceproaanlod hp.on was performed undo LEGEND MYwpmvlatre and furtho that there err a N6 s, dha.e ground enaooehmrnls udeas ,hoer or Antoci. UE + URUTY FASWEI.T A . WATER METi�i FND . FOUND OHE OVERHEAD URU)Y LINES A CAME TELEVISION RISER WATER VALVE MAY 7, 2008 IR • IRON ROD . p—. POLE ANCHOR _ Date of Stgnathuo —' 1 0. DFNHEIT FIRC FOUND IRON ROL• & CAP 9 . FIRE HYDRANT YRPP. WOOD POM Pox µV • WATER MEM Prooeelond Sulw)ar & Mapper . wow POWER E CL � CETnERUNE Florida Certificate No. 835E RIM:Pcr 0. . TMEPHONE RI EP •EDGE OF PAVEMENT LB No '1608 Via 17 ]Lap (Not To Sado) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 235, HOLIDAY PINES SUBDIVISION, PHASE II—B.according to the Plot thereof, reeordad 1n Plat Back 20. at Page 12 ('A' through E'). Roaorde of St. Wets County, Florida. LOT AREA: IOX63 Sq. Ft; 0.26 A r..k STREET ADDRESS. Bill xcgis Drive, red Poraa, Floddo SURVEYORS' NOTES: 1. tiambhgs rnwsn hence era based on the North line of Lot 255 as platted end boon N8B79'27'W. 2. Vhtttn dlnrnalons take procadence orar sroled dtmonstons and distances are not to be acdad for aorhaWctlon and/or daalgn purpo.ea 3. NI dhtenae and bearings am ca fluid mawurod and am coincident wm Y1AT' and doserlpton data unloaa athrwice naiad. 4, ihle dnmtng Is not rand rdthcut the slgnoluro and original rained sad of a Florida Ikented• Surveyor & Mapper. 6. Thfe survey le based upon o deoaiptln furnished by the dlant, there fioa bean no eoorch of Rho public records done by tills ofllca. 0. Property Ilea In Flood Zone 'IC as $salad horn the Notional Flood Irmranoc FFtroopprram Rate Mop, Communityy Pond Number 1211100070 F, with an eRsoUw data of August 10, lggl. 7. Thb survey Is not severed by pprtoPoastnal IlabAlty Insurance B. Cly valor & asrrsf are awallobla In this area. CERTInED TO. JAIME ORTIZ & NICOLE ORTIZ, husbgnd & Wife; GROUP ONE MORTGAGE, INC., .ST. LUCIE TITLE SERVICES, INC and COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. Data of la.l n.lA ve.e. nri/n7lonnn W n n e ff Bonnof( Surveying, Ino. 403 Pat St Ifidd. SENorria OhAv Fbtlda JAOIH Ih•b 772 Xib•4837 foxt 7/2.LS8,818U tmoA: wbennallddommm goaadary faoy ' PnPon on n o ry oA St. Luole Title Selviaee, luo. Field; JS H jab Rea 0"604 Dnwn: itB Oo1s:OB 07 2000 Scorers 1"pE0 Shoeh 1 of 1 & 1 i V(ti�io eexalej LOT 292 I (OCCUPIED) I zn WOOD (CLEAR) LOT 256 (OCCUPIED) 1 FJ (BASIS OFARINGS) U9_'27" 120.31' I _.1....... ±3' o __•. 8LS ---- 25'8 313s s I - - 42 7' O I ONE—STORY bt ~ >: RESIDENCE F I m a LEGAL DESCRIPTION: O COVERED l I o LOT 256, HOLIDAY PINES SUBDIVISION, PHASE II—B, according c .. .- • _ -SCREENED 20.0' 2A8' 4 to the Flat thomol recorded In Flat Book 20. at Page 12 ('A" through -...- .-.............. or B.G. PORCH 'emd I , ' 'E'). Reearde of St. Weis County, Florida. LOT 293 i' a2' 'C N LOT AREA: 10,863 Sq. Ft: 0.2e Aerssk (OCCUPIED) ;,, n I L %� 5LIGHT 5 t POLE Io do STREET ADDRESS: Sill Eagte Off", Fort Plaree, Florida. coltRmO o ENTRY b — f s SURVEYORS' NOTES: I I ^ COFICREfE II a 1. 0emM9s shown her000 arc based an the tlorth Una of Lot 285 as S31' 31.8W, '', r DRIVE t Il. Platted and bama N89.29'2r Z - - - - - -'• .. ____-_____„_--_-• 1� LLI Written dimensions lake procedence over sealed dimensions and -- I of I 2• M gr distances Oro not to be scaled for conabuellan and or design Qurpoaes 3. At dMOnae and bearings am as Hold mom and are coincident Il0 \ w e with pU1T' and description data uhlosa othemlge noted. y, w. 4. This droving is not valid wnhOut the algnoluro and orlgInal raised pat of o Florida �Ikended• Surve r at Mapper. 5. This survey Is upon o degc4tW NmisAod by lha ell"' "areff iiii I a fins been no eeordr of lho public roeorde done by this otnce, IRgPE F i 6. Property Itp In Flood Zone '8' as sealed ham the Notional Flood ,•„—j I 8 of Inauro eo Poogqrrom Rate MOP, Canmwltyy Pone) Number 12111CO070 F. N89'a9'z7"V/ J0'Q° Mth an effeaUvo dote of Au st 19. 1081. 121.09' FlRC 7. Thb Aurva 4 not eO . qu i 8' t1DC0 m y trod by pprrofassiond Ilabfllty Insurance FBRCE (gEAp) �• 8, city outer &sewer an awtlobi0 Ia this area. j LOT 294 i ^ ^ I 1 CERTIFIED TO: LOT 254 fl JAIME ORTIZ & NICOLE ORTIZ, husband & Wife; i (VACANT) (OCCUPIED) GROUP ONE MORTGAGE, INC.; ST. LUCIE TITLE SERVICES, INC. and COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, j CERTIFICATION Dab of Loel Held warlu OB/07/8008 i I hereby cwufy that the survey repmeanted hereon woe performed under LEGEND my suPtrvieion and further that there or* o vl• A dbove ground lR: + UidJ7Y EASEMENT A WATER MEMETERBolthde[y Survey, 1 encroachments uNcoe shown d noted. FHO FOUND A : CABLE TELMSION RISER e0ennettparePred`an re o er oft �I �---� ORE OVE7RHM UTIUIY UNES + WATER VALVE MAY 7 2008 _ 1R " OtaN ROD E--. POLE ANCHOR BennoN Surveying, Ina. St. Lucie Title 3eivicea, m0. (` — Dole of Slgnobrre ^ 1 B. BENNETr FlRC ` FOUND IRON ROE• re CAP %WPd WOOD POWER POLEProfessi, '9, FIRE HYDRANT Wtr WATER METER 493 SE Non s Whe Cal SLrfat N d< Moppet 0 . HOOD POWER PULE CL a CENTERUNE Port St, Laele, Floddo 340W Flsld: IS B Jsb' Nat 08-0604 FloridaFloido CetU o 7 08 B3S3 TREPHONE RW! EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT b•k 777.336.4033 fma 772.338.8f o 5—Mw 1 )TB Dole:08 07 2008 lB No 7808 ama9: vbennetld0co'com Sooler 1'=20 Shell: i of i •' 4 d 4 A i t