HomeMy WebLinkAboutEXISTING TRUSSES(3 M to 0 '0 W r t 1 C) M 221911 TRUSS END DETAIL PLUMB CUT OVERHANG 12 41 3 15116" HEEL HEIGHT ®I 8' T.O.B. a a 191311 0 CJ1'y� U EJ5(6) a C3 �. C01 N C:Iii 1* U GI � � OI _ I CD CV U v 1' <7 LO 1. co 0 U OR, �N > C08 \ C09 C10 C 12 (2pw) -ter---- I I I I I V08 I I I I I I I I I I I h I I I iV071 I \ I I I I I I I I I IV061 1 I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I V95 /I a i � IV04 I I I I I I I I I I I I C I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I iA[ 281411 L DIMENSIONS TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. L ROOF PITCHED TO BE FIELD VERIFIED. o 0 M:4 I EJ6(14) ti LU r LLJ Z RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting o D (0 > 0 D- M01 Al A10 > 11611 A07 _ - N A06 1' 11 1 /4 > A05 A04 I A03 t> N co > p > N -------- > IT-- Q O > A01 ° T <7 JSTITo AD 1 J5A EJ7(6) 3' 1 /16" C 1 _U IV L) V 7 o 0 16211 81 011 291611 221 4tf 761 011 _ o M to SCANNEF BY at. Lucie County Q A r Q Q LUMBER CO.,LLC 2820 Kirby Cir. NE, Palm Bay, FI. 32905 Phone: ( 321 ) 409-9800 Fax: ( 321 ) 409-9803 Sig tare of this document acknowedges that the diem has reviewed the bucs pla<ement diagram in its entirety and is in agreement with the following items, including but not limited to; A.) The client is responsible toveritytheaccuraty of Information submitted for use In design, Fabrication, a cad scheduling. Any labor, material, or time delay incurred from inadequate or incorrect information supplied from thedient will beat the client's expense. a.) Design Criteria: The client acknowledges that the truss design criteria noted on this truss placement diagram meets of exceeds the design crneria specmed by the bulldingdesigner, engineer of record, a nd local and state budding roquiremenh. C.) Fabrication and Delivery! One approved truss placement diagram must be retuned to the truss manufacturer before fabrication and delivery will be suheduled. It Is the client's responsibility to coordiimp delivery dates with die trues nianufacwrer. The client shall provide a narked I catims far delivery, which mull bear<acsible, level, and char of mabarial' and dabrip in lieu of 4his, trusses will ba delivered in thebestavailable loutionat our driver'sdiscretion. Care and handlinflof the trusses J following, ilvery is the wsponsibilty of the client. � D.I Installation & Bracing: SCSI 2008(Building Component Safety Inbrenadon) WTCA /TPI 1 guidivliw" shall he fnllnwed when handling, installing and bracing trusses. TempnrarVaM/or a perinauInt bracing and blocking is not included in the truss package. Trusses shall be braced to Q f prevent rotation and provide lateral stability in accordance with the requirements specified in the Z construction documentsfor the building and on the individual truss design drawings. Theoverall W „I stability of the truss system is the responsibllityof the buildingdesigrer. U E.) Field Framing; .) TraycdRngs and other ceiling transitions may require geld framingby others. 2.) Ceiling drops and valleys not shown are to be field framed by others. 3.) Overhangs maybeover length-cuttofhinfieid. Overhangsam2d4m2d6-noblmkingisapplied. Comer Jacks will be square cut and Inplacks wit be double beveled. F.) Repalm Truss related problems are to be reported to the truss manufacturer ASAP,preferably inwriting. DO NOT CUT ANY TRUSSES before contacting the truss manufacturer with specifics of the problem. Any field modifications made without an engineered repair drawing will be the responsibility ofthedient. No back charges or cranecharges of any kWwdl be ampewd, unless specifically approved in writing by the truss manufacbncr's management. G.) This Trussislacement diagram was natcreated by anengineer, rather by Tibbetts Lumber Co. LLC staff, and is purely to be used as an installation guide and does not require a seal, Trussdeisp analysis are on the Truss Drsign Drawings which may be sealed by the Truss Design Engineer. Floor Load; Roof Load; 55# pet; 40 TCLL, 10 TCDL, 0 eat-, 5 BCOL; Duc: 1.00 37# psf; 20 TCLL, 7 TCDL, 0 BCLL, 10 BCDL, Do,: 1.25 Design checked for 10 psf non-condurent ILL on BC. Design checked for 10 pat non -concurrent LL an BC. Mitek Engineering Exposure 1 C Building Code : FBC 2017 Mean Hgt. ...... ASIDE 7-10 Bldg. Cat. : II TPI 1-2014 Importance Factor : 1.0 a Truss Design : C 8 C Enclosure : Enclosed K kW„ Uplift Calc. : MWFRS Entry : Exposed to Wind U Wind Speed : 160 mph US Lanai : Exposed to Wind Z ROOF CRITERIA FLOOR CRITERIA Cq LOU) T.C. Pitch 4 112 B.C. Pitch 2 / 12 Depth J u T.C. Size 2X4 Spacing ... Heel Hgt. 315116 Bearing 4" Vapor bamer between floor & concrete by others. Cantilever ... Floor trusses held back 314" at exterior wells, bock & fill by others Bbddng for vertical load transfer by Deers. Overhang 2' Odd space floor bosses around plumbing as noted Spacing 24" o.c. TYP. ROOF HANGER: TH026 TYP. FLR. HANGER: THD46 A THD26 Qty MO THD46 Qty a) (D THD26-2 Qty O THD48 Qty V(J THDH26-2 Qty O THDH48 Qty ZOD THDH26-3 Qty O THDH410 Qty v O THD28 Qty O OSKH26 UR O O Install hangers per manufacturer's guidelines- All conneectors and be downs other than boss to girder truss are to be specified and supplied by others. W Approved by: aDesired delivery date: Approval Date: w U Reaction Uplift Reaction Uplift Reaction Uplift 1 xx xx 7 xx xx 13 xx xx 2 xx xx 8 xx xx 14 xx xx G3 xx xx 9 xx xx 15 xx xx g 4 xx xx 10 xx xx 16 xx xx rn k- 5 xx xx 11 xx xx 17 xx xx a6 xx xx 12 xx xx 18 xx xx Only points listed above have reaction > 5000 or Uplift > 1000 Values shown on sealed design drawings supersede the above co t- 0 Z I- Client: TURNER Z W J Project : KEITH AND TERA TURNER V Address: 6604 PASO ROBLES BLVD. FORT PIERCE Date, Initials, Description W K Date : 7/12/2018 1 Designer : PAT fl Project # 506204