HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0978 378 ~._ ,.......A.VTY n..n THlg INIlf.NTl1RF. Made this .. ..... "'.' ._.., .10 __'_'___ ..______.__day of_.. . ..- DQOO.IDbe~_..____._...______A. 0 192 6 ... t>ttw<o:n . ........._.._......____ ... "4J,'l'~JW:QllA~_..YI.P.. .;'IDli... .Q.LmIGUSS. . mTSBAWt AUD. ..IfIF.&__.___.___.___._._.._...__..._ ._._.. 01 tilt C,'unty 01. _._..._______... . __X~.~~.___ ...._. ,__,._,__", an" Stale of .. lit b~aeka ~ ....parl 0.8 ._ 01 Iho: fi"l parI. ~Il., C~~J.".a~. ...~~.1II. 1 ..f Ih.. ('''''"ly ..I. Dougl.' . ~...l ~laI' of . . Debra, Ita . part 1/. of th~ .<<.ond pari. \\'ITNF.SSf.TII. .h~l Iht ..i.1 \,&'Ile, ..f tilt r.lill>a'I. fc.r ~nd in coo,i'''uli"" ..f Ih.. <urn of .. One. fIl..) and Q~.h~~_. v.aluable oOn~... I.!<l~!'.~ Hone ........ ----....._. ._oo. ""'._'''_'_'' ___......_...1>.>11.... 10 ~.hem.._.in ".nd paid, Ih.. r<<til't ..htreof is htreby a<I<I......I..,I~<<1. ha.!e._. KTanlro. barpin<<<1. sold a.d lran.f....rtd. alld by th... prc"fils do ..... !(ranl. bartl:~in. !leU and Iran.... IInlo Ih~ sa;.1 parl.Y._ of Ih.. S<<Ond part and his ..h..in .nd l<...i)(n. hrtHr. all tlul o:<,t.in 1'..<<1 of Ia..d Iyin!l' an.1 btin!l' in .h. County oL...._....._.._..$~.f. lAl9.1.0__oo_.. a...1 Sial.. ..f flor id a .....r.. parti.:ulul~' d....rihtd :u foil......:.... ..._. ._ ... _._.._._.... __....... _. _..... loti One (1), 'l'wo (2). 'rh~e (3) J~nd.1Q~_(4). 1nBlock.Two (2.Lot S\lQUODThlrty ~1ve . '(;'0), ln townehlp 'thirty Six (36), south ot Range i'orty (40) &aet, and Lots Nine (9). Ten (10), .ala..n (11) ao4 'hel.. (12), 1n alook Qne..+U-of. 8eeUoa'l!hlr\-, '1.,. (~b h - in-.~~wnshlp .Thlr~l Six (3&) South ot Range i'or\y (40) Bast. Said traot oon\aln"Sighty (80) Aore8, more or le8s, '-be-1ng- deeorlbed.ooordll18 "to . a .ma"Pl)-r..pnt"-o~--tliat--."5uMl"ilBl&h-1Qio.n- ai'-"'st~--fuole'()arde'n8;-re_ u.GoNe4 in Book 0110 (1). PaBe 'thirty FlYe (30) ot the Publio ReOOMe or ..14 8\. mol. OOWltY., thla aODYeyanoe being made 8ubJeot to an easement tor a right at way tor a publio road tit\een -. (lb.)..~e&t. w14.. .a appear. Oil 9&14 tft8p,-Sttb-.JeO'\.-how-ever,1;o'-au-'ua1JUllIJu"t" over atm- along'SaId u' ~~:m~:~o;~t~~e:o~~~~~~~:e ~-~d ~~~~~~~d~ma~i{~}rir~.-~~H~.~t:r t~'r~I~U:~'~:~r:.~~.;O:tl.l::th f~~e ..Io~6h\ ot the grantor or thofilO ho.lUD&.aDd.. -Q1m..1IIgut.1Uea-to.-l..an4--1D-...~t-..j,.eJ.D-l'\.Y-'Ollulred . from o.r through it or the Publio Authorities ot said st. Luoie C~ty, It desired, to enter upon .8ald preolaea tor the purpo8e at dl~lft<< 'ol"ftI81n'alning'sald'di1;lJh-t'or-ltrallB~JlUr1JOae8"--- TOGHTIIHH: .ith ~!I 1M tt-r.nl'!nlt\. hcr("l'i!.3.mt"nt~ and 3ppurlt':I.J.ncC'$. .ith r\"('ry l,ri\1lr.:'l-. ris.:.h!. li!1~. iutr1'Mt at..' ~".;l,tc.-. "h\\U' :an-J ri.:!,t hi '!"''''fr. r('~'t""'~;.ta. rrnui.rckr 3.11.) 1f~H'lnr'nt th,.rtlu 11f""'n~ins: or in ;an)'wi~ appcrt.ainil'CC: TO 11:\\".... :\~I) Te) Ilnl.1l thr U~ in frt' "mpl(' forr\Orr. And Ih.. ~id pa~.8a "r 1M fil>l l<lrl 010 . rU~f'flant 'W ilh t~ "-.litt tlraf'"t uf the ~und r3.r! tll3.1 they b.fun)" mlf"tt HI the' ".:ti,1 I \>rmlise.. Ihat they ar~ Iru from .11 incumwan<<' and llul. . the". .__ "....ool ri"hl 3.,1 b.lul aulhorily t., ,..II tM <am..; an.1 Ih. ,..id I'art le e 01 Ihr fir, I pary do....... hucloy rull)' .a"..nl the lille I.. ...;'1 land. :on" .iII ddmd ,h.. 03"''' ..".in'l 11:. la.. lul dOlim, of ..II ""r....n< ...'....m"~..cr. IS WITSES5 WIIEREOF. the: ...id parll.Q~ 01 th< foul 1':..1 h...,~. h<rcunl.. ...1 their h3.00 8 . and ~3.1 . tM d3.)O and 11'3.r .!ho,,'c wnttf'n. Signed. ...altd and dtli.,,<<1 in oor pr<s.ne.: Herman Ragge C. C . Falling l Walter HU8hee :)ina o. lIu8he8 i:,E.\1. , I :'1:.\1. I ST.-\TE OF lfE.ORASU YORK ('OUNTY OF I IIEkF.HY ('ERTlfY. Thai nn lhi,. If) da)' "f Deoember .. _ n_" __.______A. D. 192 I) . bdu" m. ptrsonally appt'ared .. Walter. ~heB 8J;l(L~!l~._O.!._Uy.gh~~.. husband end .Wito. fo mr Itno..n ,.. ht thf" Iot'n...n "I'~ribr.t in an" .'h~, l'xccutcd t"'~ f(.r(1tOUul COf1"f'~Ar.('r t.t I I . . their _" and ..r.lt(311)' adutOwk.IKf>t1 tbe- (',n:ut...n thrnt")f t., t~..._ n. ir...c- .31. I and dcttI '..r 1M u~, ~rtt' IllIfI....\('s tMft'in tnnlt;..n,....l; ..lJ'ld Ihc= Qitl ~na. 0 ~ )il1B~~ . ..._._____.__ .___________. __n . _ ._. lilt ...if. of I.... uid ... . .. Wal te r Hughe 8 . . .__.__ .., _ ...' ....... .. un a sct>3ral< ..nd priul.. .... '..-.Uulio-", t~I<m a...1 nu.I.. ")" 3n.1 belM. ....... anot ,...",rald)' 3..,1 31'~rt ir..m h.. .ai<i hu.b~n". 01..1 ...."........Ig. thai .h.. made h<rseJf a part). to the: ....d l)Ud o! L.,nlt)'3""". EOf" the (furpoSt' of r~juncin,c. fl'linqulshing and con\""f'~;n~ an h,r rt,i"hL titlt and intttf<"t. .hrther ('f -!I)\I"tr c.T of JtlQratc vr~rty. statDtPry ~r C'f}u:bM~. In .and 10 tho: land, Ih<..in do;l<ribtrl. and Ih.t .hc ut'Cu:o:d _aid dud freely 31ld .-oh.inlarily ar.,1 wilhoul an)' con.lrai".. fur. 3I'p!t......1QI1 ',r compulno:> of ...r ".m her said hllsband. and S'at.- "I u. 1feb~~8k York, lJ~braelt~ in 1M ("....nl). ..r York WITSESS my .iJtl.atur.. :lnd oS; and JT.lf I,ut afunsaid. Lalia Heinemeler .SF_-\I.) - ----- -- ---------- - - - --.-. --- _ _ :-_~~~~-_ ~_~7'"=--__::__-:_----=---~-:-:---:-- STATE OF FI.OIUD:\. I Cc.Ullty of Sl l.uci.. f lilt<! f.,. .<cord, and hti..g dal}. ",I<",..lc'!J......1 and 1..(....... I hay~ r..-.,rckd I'" .amc: on J>~1<" _~ 7 tt of Ronlc .. 68 .. in lhe: llubJic r<rordf .,f said ("""nly. I On Ihis.. .th tiA)'" ..,f R bru.ary A II. I'J! 7,'1 1;:>2 "..-1....1< l' ."Y. thi. ;n'tru.....'" ..-a< IS WITSESS WHEREOF. ~ttt my hand 3nd aIIi.ed the suI "f Ih.. (",nll;t (".)lIft 01 Ih. F,It......th Jud..:ial Cinuil of .aid Slalr. in and lor said Coanly. I \ (\ '" /;1Ie C. ~p.PI'J'.' . ,. auk \,,-(C!.O'rY~ ) o\\e(\ . {,&~ . ,'if(/~ II. l" \j e'\ f {U / ~eCO ';!ft~;r:'::~"~ ~{}:i.~~ ~i.~1'~: " 1"' , '.;,.', ',: ':"':S(~.)~~~,.Y;..~~!~: