HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0980 380 -- \\".IAK'I'Y n~1tD ,..... l....nI N.. ... S.. I...... (''-'Y. FIorioIa __ _'" .._......~ ~...~.............O.>...LO. _ ....~~. .--- .- ...- ... ....... iisill _.. .... .....___ _.t ~....~_ --. ..-..-.. --- -- - - .......... . " . . . . ..... . l TtII~ lNOF.NTlIRF~ !dade Ihls.. . e,.._..h...._._.._..._h._.__day of ._... ..r..brnar~_h__"___.____'_'_-A. D. 192''-..._., bet..'"fll .. Z.tn..O.J)o.n180t\. am\hAriA. ~t'h>>tnlaOD.k1Jlh.w1t'. aleo.l.1 W.. hS>>O~.!\'hM.~.3IIM..sanl_.~"_1rU~'__h' ,..f lhe ('..un., of. ._S.\.. . Luole"h .....h....__. ......_ ". _h' and Stalo: of Florida. ""h'_ h_"'__" ..part1te. of Ih.. lint pul. ..nd MdrOw EdJa1B\on '_h' ... _ 'h_..... of lh. l'nunly of. IAtwla . . .....1 Stal. of ..Weet Vlrslnia - WITSF.:,~f.TII. 11.31 I~ "aiol,,,,,rl leeof tht Ii... '....1. f... ;end in ron,r.I.f1li.", of Ih. 111m 0(. . TEN AlfDJI0/l00. ,,-rl Y _ . of th.. 0<("....1 part. ;J. ~ ". ... _._. ._._...._h...n.. h .'_ ___.. _...... ______I>oIbu. I., thall n'. ..in hand paid. I~ r<<ripl .-htreol is ht..by acl",..wl..lt:tti. ha YO Rr&nl.d. barl!:.ined. sold ..nd Iran.fC'fred. and by' Ih.~ pr...nh do _ . _ gran.. I:\.f~..i... ,tll and lra...f.r unto lhe said part ~..._ 01 the S<<<lIl<l part and '_h):118__. . h.;,. and "..ign. le'tenr. all lhal ctllain parcel 01 land lying an<! btinll in Ih. ('ounl, OL'h 8t., blO-1e.- ..--.--..-... ..nd Stitt' ui . Flor14.a . . BEt O-r HIt of Seotlon~n.'7.8iJC...J26Linto1fl1shlp Th1~~l~~iv~u..(~) S. Rana., 'lh1rl7-e1'Jht. (aa ) Ea.t, .ubJeot-to... &n- ea..mentor .~i8b.t-o-r.WV _...-ror. 4rainaBe "",r.. I""rl;.ularl)' d"'ICrihed II foll..w.:. ,h"," ._ u.. . oana1s or' d1 toM I . anlll'ubl1cr.?8adIr..._U.-...._.---~- .u, "__"'U. u ..___..___.____.._.Uuu m'_" This". cle0d' 1. gIveriuusub.leo\-\oageneraI-Jlortig.geaAti4'-Ilij-"3rd;-1924"- whloIl- 8aid Mortgago oontains a release olause providing -ror the release o-r the lands . . _........_ - ...----..---.._...0_.____-----.---. __..._____._____________...__._ .--_.-__ d1sorlbed in the. ~~~~. Jl()r~86~ _ up.on. pIl~~~.P~ i4_ln. ou_~ .t ~~~_~~~. C),f. . T1!enty Dollars ($20.00) per aore.- u . _"_,,,_,,u___ __.._ '__ u _._.____.__.___ ________u_ TOGt:TIIER .ilh aU thf' t('11f"!nt~IIc.. tKn;tit::a1~r\t(, ::and :appurtrnar.c<'J. .ith c,.tf)" ,-,1,,1"",:(,. ri:-h!. tit'". intf"f'...... a,.,t ("Ult". ..1....(1 ~ftfl rii{ht "f .'.....tr. r("'!'rc~~.. """,imkr ~nd u<cmclll IlIrr.l.. I....on~in~ nr in ..ny.'i~ ~ruininll:: TO 11.-\ \'E .\:-\n TO 1101.11 Iht s..me in I.., .imp" for.nr And Ih.. .aid ,,,,,rt 18e..; Iht ';"1 ""rl doth . CI"~lIl ..ilh Iht ...iol ,"".. 7..1 II... _.,...1 part 1"-1 the7 are law lully' ...;,..1 ..f Ih.. ",i.1 I "ro:nn..... 1""1 they art Ir<< hom an incumbrances and lhat _ ~hoy .y, ..1"",><1 rtll:hl ..,,! b. lOll authority to> ..11 II;.. QI1It; an.1 tht ,~id ,....t 1e 8 01 !~ 6nl p.rt 00__...____ h...b,. lully wurant tho: tillo: to Qid Iarod. ...." will delmd Ih.. ,a.".. ax~i"'1 Ihe la.flll claim. f.1 .11 f'Cr~>rt' whr"n..,...-rr. IN WITNESS WIIF.KF.OF. In.. Qid p~rt 1.08 01 tho: Ii..t pul ""-.Y~ __ hernllll.. kt the lr Iur.d B and .....\ S . lho: d..y alld )Tar aloH . rillcn. Siltntd. ...altti and ddi.....1 in oor p....na: 08011 J.. l>owd.. -.. Qeuse J. Baker lr .'- l . 1:. O. Denison .Anna llee Deni80n --~.- w .--8neecr--~-~' !'.IIlma Sneed .~1',\1.1 i=-~:.\1.1 ~T.-\TF. OF FlORID.', "OU~TY 01' ST. wen: l (SEAL) (SEAL) 1 IfERf.iI\' CERTIfY. Th..t 'oil thil Elgh'~ day ul Feb~Tm..._._.____...... _.....______..A. D. 19!Z.... bt;o.. 11I< r>e",,",ally awnr'" . E. O.PeDlsoJl,_J.DDa...x... Den1aon his wl-r.,. J.. W, 8M.d., iIII-. . Sneed, .. his.. wile. .-- 10 me known I.. ht Iht {oCr..,,, 6 ""<nihcd in and who. u..cut.d tho: f..r<"ltoinll: .....nyt).a....o: b _ .. J.Jl4r.W . Edmiston. _u'. --_..- .....- ._ ._and ....rally ad,,,,,."'llt,,,1 1M "ttul~.. "...",..1 I.. to.. . t.heir ;rto(' ;;ad an" dtt.1 Ir.. lite 01<<. ~n<I "..r'....... Ibtrtin mmli.-.n..l; ,and 1M .....it! ~8 . . . th.~. Iht said. E. O.Den1s0D and J. .i. .a~!Jpe.o.tlvely.___.. . 0' .a ...-panle ar.d prinl' ....amin"I..'" 1..1r.tn an<! mado: I.y am! (,,1.... mt. and '<"j'-3ra!clr and a"art I~ hu<wn.ISti.1 ..c!r....,wirdC' t""t .w. \!M.~lirty to Ibt said Ottd o! l'onn)'"3fttt. lor tht purpo~ of rmounci:.~. rclinqui.h:nl[ u_! conn);njr all ill:bl, lid. ..nd inle...t. .-htlho:r 0' 0\.,... or 01 "paratc proprtly. .Ulutor)' or o:<}U'l..hk, III ~ 10 tht land. Ihtr.in dcsc:ribr.l. and lhal ih'1t<<cuttd s..id dtcd frttly and vO!ollltuily au" witbOllt any ro"..rainl. Ic:!r. "I't...htn.ioo or cOl11(>ubioo 01 .,r ir.omil,dI<J Qid husband.S a WITNF.~S ...,. .iv.alure and otJic~1 .....1 "!.... Fort Plel'o8. Anna I.ee Den1_II.~_~~_ ~_..~~e(t.(\.__.__._ ... u__u'" _. in 1M C<IIlJllt). t.t S'. Lucie and Sl~t. of 1M .lay and Jt..r last al..A'sa;>!. ..0eo11. J. >>owd (51-:.\1.) .O\&zo~~ ""'oz>--4be -c S~"- o--r . .1ort4a,,.~-llu'ge . Jq OolDi1l8ion Expires Jan. 7 t 1930 <I.a)- 01 Fe b . A. n. \')! 7. . at 11J~~0';\o<k ..1."\1.. Ihi~ instrument w..' 1 '.. <>f u...ok _ _oB _.. . in Ihc public rtrord. of saj,J Counly. 21.' . y. hcnunto set my hand and affixtd the .W 01 Iho: Circllit Court 01 the P.daIII> Jndidal Circuit of said State.. in and lor ~id (,~ for r<<<>rd. and brine duly acknnwltdnd and l.rMm. I han rtcOr<ted I~ Q~.... ";0;;:0:. . ~ao ~ / By~ild-~~- .0..,,- .' ~.~ .( Of . '", '- Il c. ~ et\\Wt\ to ~eC(\ '~'-i~~\ ~.}~:~-:~~ ':~::::J ,~>.:..\~~,:..:/]J~:~{,~ ';