HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITJ 10 Permit SCANNED BY ilt. ILude Caafflv Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-2165 or 772-462-2172 Fax: 772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT I,.s"" TP.lQ/`licensed as a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect (lease print name & circle license type) *FS468 Building Inspector RECEIVED SEP 0 6 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County Building, Residential or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 F.S. to make such an inspection. ,ll Onr about �g/��/l,�I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing 11 (Date) word' at:��!' (Job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current edition of the Florida Existing Building Code Section 708 or the product approval submitted (whichever is most stt;igent). Signature and Seal ('CC13266-6-a License # STATE 'OF FL COUNTYOFO <Uat e;�U—My I Sworn 'tP a d}u ribed fore me this day of 20 by w�; Nvho is personally known to me�or who has produced as identification. Notary'(?ublic, State of Florid Signatu ,e of Notary: '49 RGE L. FlGUEROA F2! $ Commis' ion Number: * �$ OMMISSION#FF21W2 EXPEn IIII NrgTFOFFLO�\�P Band dlTRhru9udgetNotarySe0195 IVV CASH BLANCA N�'1;CONSTRUCTION INC. LICENSE #CCC1326556 467 S F gler Ave #84 Pompan Beach FL 33060 Phone: ( � 54) 422-2504 SLO ESTIMATE #_ PERMIT #. t1 WE ARE PLEASED TO PRESENT THE FOLLOWING CONTRACT Owner/Agent: Lonnie D PRY/ -S4Date: qllg Phone: Email! Owner Address: / 6 6-P T 0Y6wcae— A V city: Fr f, eYLe V L zip: 314 9 y S, Job Address: �SGiPM1E City: Zip: TYPE: ❑ RESIDENTIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL EXISTING ROOF(S) TYPE: _ /I2 HIEGHT: I0' JOB TYPE: �RE-ROOF ❑ REPAIR ❑ MAINTENANCE ❑ OTHER: RE -ROOF TYPE: ❑ N/A ❑ CONCRETE OR CLAY TILE ❑ ASPHALTIC SHINGLESAFLAT / LOW SLOPE 11 METAL ❑ WOOD SHINGLES AND SHAKES ❑ RE-COVERING ❑ OTHER: PE OFWORK_kie)' &e e&is4-t xg tnooF 7o f l-ie woo ATTACIIMENTS: ❑ N/A ❑ Drawing(s) ❑ Specifications ❑ Pictures ❑ Written Requests ❑ Other: ADDITIONAL COSTS (WOOD): /A ElThis contract includes either _ sheets of plywood OR _ lineal feet of fascia board free of charge. Damaged deck wood is to be replaced at $ per sheet of plywood, and charged at $ per lineal foot of fas I'a replacement and truss re -enforcement. ❑ Other: PERMIT l NG: ElN/A tloof permit fees are included. Special inspections, engineering tests, existing violations and all non - roof relate fees/fines are the responsibility of the owner. ❑ Other: WARRANTY: The work done has warranty from workmanship defects for a period oi� (� YEARS. This warranty is transfer0le once and must be fully paid to be effective. PAYMEN I The owner or designee agrees to pay CASA BLANCA CONTT. INC. the sum of 2.0 { I� ($ .00) Dollars & O CENTS (tax included in price) in cash, checks, or credit (processing fees apply) in the following installments: DOWN PAYMENT: / O % OF TOTAL COST ($1.01 SO t .00) UPON JOB COMMENCEMENT: NO % OF TOTAL COST ($ZD y SD .00) ADDITONAL WORK & WOOD REPLACEMENT: 100% Additional Charges Billed Separately UPON LOADING MATERIALS:..., % OF TOTAL COST ($_ .00) UPON JOB COMPLETION: _" % OF TOTAL COST ($ 20 y$'O .00) BY SIGNING BELOW YOU AGREE TO HAVING RECEIVED, READ, AND ACCEPTED THE ABOVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AND AGREE TO PROCEED WITH THE PROPOSED CONTRACT. CANCELLATION FEE OF $300.00 PLUS PERMIT FEE IF PAID ALREADYWILL APPLY AFTER 24 HRS OF SIGNING. NO CANCELLATION AFTER COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK. 4 Ca nca l' onstruction Inc. (Rep.) Signature Date Owner/Agent S Ignalture Date