HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF CERTIFICATIONDear Home Owner, SCANNEC An ns-ectfon that 'maysave yournoneZ on your Homeowners Ins J..'ranc Florida. Statute 627,0629-mandaLes that every insurance company offer .qualif - Yin customers C qrsa.DIS DISCOUNT provided they have a wind loss mgi_gpgtionsurvey dbne.bzalicensed professional. ,Even if your home, is not now, you may still qualify for discounts. A 4-PoInit i nspeCtfon * may qUalify.anolder home if it has-been rebuilt or re. -roofed. I, will !aspect your propbrty and send the forms directly to ygur-insurance comp ny. They will notify you of the disc Please*_call.my office 772-201-7670. remail (e at DonaldSff!gier�.ma!l"'co� to setan app 1nMt I Adilneed you surance formation at the time of .. i inspec. o VV.1.11U L_U56 ivinigation %,ju Pticludes'r6of, wall and.. ooehi Standard 4-point. Inspectfon _(includes electrical, plumbing., HVAC and* Roof Life) Stiller Florid Bul-idingG'o*ntractor*1256081'/CertifiedProfessio.nai'laspp-ct' alI sp' ' or #NAGH108102. 0 _c�or #N 1 02."'0 AGH108) 3575 El -oven' Mile Rd, Fort -Plerce.. FL 3.4945,1� 772-201-7679 Gaf Weatherwatch 36-In X 50-Ft 150-Sq Ft Polypropylene Roof Underlayment 0912000 Lowe's 't 9.6 mi - Pickup