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d 12 12 3 1 SLOPE �� SLOPE 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I6" O.H. ® ❑ ® M a� FRONT ELEVATION 12 3 1 SLOPE 3 FSLOB 10-I-Iti Extreine Metal Fab. 26 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed per product approval FLU 11022.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached —� to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan SCALE: 1/4" = 12 SLOPE 3 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction OFEN --------------------- - - - --- LEFT ELEVATION 10-1-18 Extreme Metal Fab. 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing installed per product approval FLU 11022.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached — to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan 6" IL" 16" O.H. O.H. ® O.H. 2 ° 5/8" thick light textured 0D stucco on typical concrete block construction REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" - I' PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Building Code Residential: 4TH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Categorg: 11 Wind Speed: 140 mph ultimate Mean Roof Height: 10'-9" Roof Pitch: 3:12 Internal Pressure Coei7`I` cient: ±0.18 Subjectability to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Veru HeavU PIP Width of Roof End Zone: Wind Exposure Classification: B Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and PLAT ROOP Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.6WL; 0.4DL+D.6WL ITC12 Exp Height Ad j Factor: 1.00 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = 0.4 applied below Components III Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. +14.0/-24.0 psf Roof Zone: 2. +1L.0/-45.0 psf Roof Zone: 3. +14.0/-44.0 ps' Components A Cladding Wall End Zone Width: Components i Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +28.0/-30.0 psf Wall Zone: 5. +28.0/-38.0 psf Components 6 Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: +24.0/-29.Opsf Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes GABLE ROOF LESS GABLE ROOP FROM Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes THAN 2:12 PITCH 2.12 TO 12:12 PITCH Are Components an Cladding Details Provided? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2.500 psi, Presumptive: X By Test: psi 0 Roof Zone 1 10 = Roof Zone 2 = Corner Zones This Building Shall Have the Following: walls Zone 4 Walla Zone 5 Roof Zone 3 APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BOTH: NEITHER: END ZONE THIS LEVEL OF WORK IS AN ALTERATION LEVEL III RIGHT ELEVATION " SCALE: 1/4" rP:, SCALE: 1/4" SCA19NEO Product Approval Submittal Affidavit O.)ening Schedule Swung Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Windows & Skylights Opening Type NOA/FL NUMBER Product Model # Manufacturer Glass Attachment method T TT Expiration Date Maximum Design Pressure of Approved Tests 1, FLU 239.3 Single Hung SH-100 Im act PGT 5/Ib" 1/4" dia. tapcons w/ min. 1 3/8" penetration to be spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to min. edge distances s ecoduct a royal died in Pr + 80.0 PSF _ 2. FLU 1523.1 Inswing/Outswing Impact Smooth Fiberglass Plastpro 3/14" dia. x 3" Tapcons w/ min. 11/2" penetration7dsgpea per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to e distances stated in approval. ± 4.5.0 PSF Product Roof -I-18 Under— layment No BER FLU III'15.1 FLt 5259.1 Model # 5v Crimp 26 a g Polyglass TU Plus Self Adhered Underlayment Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators Polyglass USA Attachment Method 5v Crimp Roofing installed per approval over Polyglass peel and stick underlayment over 19/32" COX sheeting nailed to trusses per nailing pattern detail on roof plan Install Tiles per Roofing Attachement Detail on sheet 0-2 Using ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-140 Large Paddy �xspiration Date Design Maximum of Approved Tests -84.0 psf Field and perimeter. -93.5 sf corner a$� Siding STUCCO ON BLOCK 5/8" Thick light textured stucco on typical Concrete block construction ��ST U �E C Soffit FLU 16503.1 Model Tripple 4 12" vented Vinyl Soffit Kaycan Install using 2" x 2" battens at 4" o.c. screwed to soffit framing using 48 x 3" wood screws at each truss. Install soffit to battens using 0.12" dia. x 1.5" long ring shank nails with 3/8" dia. head. Using J-Channel to J- Channel installation. + 66.1 PSF - ALL Product Testing by: Miami -Dade County Budding Code Compliance Office / Product Control Division I have reviewed the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) N O N_ N Oa � Ile Q � N OW O �.3 1q _v q> v .J % W ups o� v N �2a0 O I I m zrni i OD 0 a OD a a A I qUU� r1 ry 0 v q L Q p tl �i m ` c0 vODvo u) coo ?(VCY UU �o Q °I °1 o Q r r- u v� ooco2 03 IC eN O W NN vJ �� m �r 10-3-19 c w ar UtA— x jo-A v 00 ELL 'Q' ~ iL I v WL 10 N Im [bd FI I ELECTRICAL FLAN ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" I. Use copper were onlyy, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire alf required smoke detectors as noted below. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider 4. All recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. 5. All branch circuits that supply 125V single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outlets shall be protected by combination —type AFCI Crcult Breakers. 6. ALL new receptacles to be Tamper resistant A=C1. 1. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles t,) be GFCI protected. 8. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. 9. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F.B.C. Mechanical 5th ed. and 10. A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 11, ALL A/C Equipment shall be min. 13 SEER 12. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and ALL other equipment as required by N.E.C.) 13. A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class 0 or Class I duct or other approved material and steal have no openings into the garage. 14. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations per FBC R314: a) In each sleeping room. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. c) On each additional story of the dwelling d) ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired per FBC R314.5 KITCHEN 2' VTR i Electrical S mbol Leend S Single Pole Swutch ® Recessed Can Light S, Double Pole Switch ® Elieball Recessed Can Light Sb Dimmer Switch Exhaust Pan PB Push Button Switch ¢ Ceiling Mounted Light Duplex Outlet Wall Mounted Light Special Receptacle Light with Pull Chain (attic) Waterproof, ground fault interrupter © Computer Connection Jack ® P►oor Duplex Outlet Flood Light ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel T Thermostat 8 Electrical Meter ® Central Vac A � C A/C Disconnect ® Smoke Detector Ceding Pan ® Television Jack Telephone Jack ® 2 x 4 Plorescent Light ® I x 4 Florescent Light F11 Intercom ® Speaker Hook —Up Q Ceiling Mounted Light Dome Style + Pendant Light ® Motion Detector If closet light > © Carbon Monoxide Detector 20 ppVTR 12 PANEL 11A` Poles SR Load Wire Description circtt cirett ription Wire Load BR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw tt8 3.5 Ton A/C comp 1 2 q' tt10 3.5 kw 30 2 3 4 i0 2 30 4.5 kw #10 40 gal. water HTR 5 6 a4 12.0 kw 50 2 1 8 s I 20 1.5 kw #12 Range Hood 9 Ip "'I' tt10 5.0 kw 30 2 1 20 1.2 kw #12 Clothes Washer II 12 ^w 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 13 14 $her #12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. I5 IL Aerator #12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 tt12 1 General Race ticals 11 is 441eral Lighting ttl4 15 I 1 20 #12 General Race ticals 19 20 ('Moral Lighting #14 15 1 1 20 #12 General Rece ticals 21 22 fore 1 20 tt12 General Rece ticals �3 24 lore 1 20 #12 General Rece ticais 25 26 "' re 1 20 412 Bathroom GFI 21 28 re spare 29 30 spare 31 32 spare 33 34 s are 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 i2 PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Description Qty. Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting (3 .watts s . ft.) Small, ,A,ppliance. C,ircult(s).. . . . ..... .... . Range......................................................... .Range. Hood ............................................. .Refri.gerator.................................................. .Dish Washer ........................................................... Clothes..Washer.............................................. Clothes, .Dryer ................................................ Water. Heater .................................................... 1315 3 3,945 2 1,500 3,000 1 12,000 12,000 1 1,100 1,100 I 1.200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 5,000 5,000 1 4,500 4,500 Total Watts 33,145 First 10000 Watts e100% I 10,000 10,000 Remainder 23,145 040% 1 O 9,258 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 065% 1 10,000 10.000 Calculated Load Watts 29,258 Voltage 240 Calculated Wattage Divided by Voltage = Total Amps 122 Panel Size Required = 150 Amps .&r `wIw. r A/C disc. 150 l ) 41/0 copper feed AMP I /2` COltdult _� MCB PANEL 2"PVC (IMP 2 Copper to rebar in slab ELECT RICALP,fi CODE CONIPLIA-U ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOCC � m OC emu �p[OL = a v FLa-IL ODODC" 5 I CC-4 1 G 010 3 OD o� :M c .0 :3 QCY B Uyt�( I q Q Q u U Q u i` �jODmN C "N u OD OD E (L M pp CO oo � 66 to 1 .. to n n u M Ulilrr� Ny W U x is Q tL i UI Sheet FILE I r C a -O" 2{,-�" New Concrete stoop -3" DO. O O D Li i_i_ IV)� Cl `�- O O D - DW OHO O WASHt<R DRYER ' Pour existing slab floor lavel to existing With - -i new 4" concrete slab with 6" x 6" #10/10 dllWM F- _i Contractor to rough surface of existing slob ' prior to' pouring new concrete for adhesion I • -i V 0 44'slab bar at- 24" o.c. each wa in new slab over cracked area y O u Recess for Shower o A - :C9 ------------- • 3 a , O I — w.H. -- — I v4 m v sI O N N I I I I 1 w G �3 o � 24" _ Za. , I- 0 1, - • • I P N N Q O ' Noe Step t , ,I 0 i " ! I O � a 5 m °D it oExisting i V ---24- --- -o - I o I ry z slab to remain I I, I Dowel new footing steel•intq I existing footing min. 6" and set in F - • - • " C Hilts HIT, RE500 epoxy (or equal) 2 �� I i N4 slab bar x 48" CA - I I I1-2q-18 long over oint I IU- ho at 24" o.c. ICI , l -4— I��--- I 0 I~ J:' Cut and repair existing slab — for new footing 4'-9„ Dowel 44 bar x 12" long 6" into existing slab and set in Hilti HIT RE500 adhesive (or equal) for slab to footing connection and settlement resistance. 0'-4" J Field VeriFy 31'-O" Dowel new footing steel into existing footing min. 6" and set in Hilti HIT RE500 epoxy (or equal) — Provide new fill to existing slab level. Compact and provide new 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill — Remove existing stem wall to existing roofing. Install new stem wall with new vertical steel as shown FIII cell with concrete and #5 bar at 40" o.c. max all concrete block walls new or existing Fill all existing jamb cells solid with concrete and 45 bar at all openings Provide new beams at existing walls per roof and beam schedule Pour existimill slab floor level to existing with new 4" concrete slab with 6" x 6" 410/10 wwM Contractor o rough surface of existing slab prior to you ing new concrete for adhesion Filled Cell Masonry Column With One 95 From Footing To Beam, Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Single Filled Cell Column NTS Filled Cell Masonry Column With One 45 From Footing To Beam Each. Cone. Fill To Be 3000 FBI See Floor Plan For Location Double Felled Cell Column NTS Pour existing slab floor level to existing with new 4" concrete slab with 6" x C 410/10 WwM Contractor to rough surface of existing slab prior to pouring new concrete for adhesion —T Existing slab Slab sectlon cell with concrete and (1) � " (U #5 bar Vert. (typlcaU. Max. spacing shall not exceed 40' unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for DEC �+" 2Oi8 spacing at openings BY: FOUNDA70N FLAN FOUNDATION NOTES: I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect for approval prior to proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for Verlflcatlor Of all nOtatlon and dimensions prior to start of construction. 3. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall b(_ 3,000 Pi concrete min., and ALL Concrete used for vertical fillerJ cells, contiuous, tie beams etc., shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 S.I. grout mix min. :u 4. Soil bearing capacity assumed to be 2500 psl and stable. If other condition found verify soil with new soli report by othes. S. Verify all recess thickness at shower floors, a floor finishes as selected by owner, door sills I1 thresholds including pocket GE) frame widths etc... prior to placing any slabs. 6. Contractor to provide filled cell With CorCreti and I #5 bar Vert. at 48" o.c. max. Provide (1) filled cell on each side ' Openings up to 5'-II" wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each sicle of openigs from 6'—O" to d'—II" and Provide (3) filled cells on each side of )erings from 10'-0" and up Contractor to See plans for any other conditin used. Foundation walls shall have filled cells at 24" o.c_ Linless otheiise noted (see section) 1. Contractor to provide for Form BOard Survc — Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to trDs construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 60, meting ASTil A-16 and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A307 steel. `l. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protectionit footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for AL reinforcing bars. 10. Contractor to provide the Architect with tss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reirions prior to START OF FOUNDATION WORK for strap and foing sizes verification. Typical lap See detail on sheet D-I Remove block Face as needed for new steel - installation Termite Protection for New Construction as per F.B.C. 1816.1 CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. BUILDING 1816.1 FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilhng and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, area shall be re —treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws establlshed by the Florida 'Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around piping penetrating concrete Slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose —containing materials and shall have a min, wall thickness of 0.010" and shall be sealed within the slab using a noncorrosive clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shall be applied inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 305.1.2 Uneven existing slab With minor cracks g.5 ^a L #4 Slab bars (See foundation plan) Scale 1/2" = 1'-0" Level existing slab with new 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x6" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Existing slab to remain Excavate as -e e_c=III=IIII— for new vertical _! steel installation and —IIII= IIII—I _ fill and compact niter ° - #5 bar vert. at each filled new cell pourer - —1Ill—_IIII cell (2'-0" o.c. typlcaU with ! 30" overlap at each filled cell Epoxy new steel J —11 into existing footing —IIII--i Existing footing to remain Mbar plac&Tent Detail Scale 1/2" .,,, a 'o c _� O O a � of �' Ile Ilk � QL C � AJ to CID O O a i cCv �O! 3 00 , �fn I q wry � u UVQ Ll 11 t17 C � -2 L 4 U_ U o Ov E L ' (L O� N U_ A� ry m �[ >oomN o) ,Q Ln oo O ccv ry v U OD 00 E R l I oQ v dp 00 Cd 'Q oryry2# i O �' r cicr +s �m ..,cn" 1e► u r — x j5 —t �coEIL Sod ~ u- I u.i _110 to �I Sheet 3, OF: 6 Comm # 11-212 12 3 1 SLOPE 12 SLOPE I 3 ----------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------- 16" O.Fi. ❑ El �� FRONT ELEVATiON 12 3 1 SLOPE 3 ----------------- - I6" 16" EA !2. REAR ELEVATION PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Building Code Residential: 6TH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Category: II Wind Speed: 140 mph ultimate Mean Roof Height: 10'-9" Roof Pitch: 3:12 Internal Pressure Coefficient: ±0.18 SubJectabditg to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Veru Heavu Width of Roof End Zone: Wind Exposure Classification: B Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and Load Combination per ASCE '1-10 Section 2.4 DL+LL; DL+0.6WL; 0.6DL+O.6WL Exp Height Ad j Factor: 1.00 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = O.6 applied below Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. +16.0/-26.0 Of Roof Zone: 2. +16.O/-45.0 psf Roof Zone: 3. +16.0/-66.0 psf Components t Cladding Wall End Zone Width: 5'-V Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +28.O/-30.0 psf Wall Zone: S. +28.0/-38.0 psf Components t Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: +24.0/-29.Opsf Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes Are Components an Cladding Detads Provided? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2,500 psi, Presumptive: X B9 Test: psi This Building Shall Have the Following: APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BO H: NEITHER: THIS LEVEL OF WORK IS AN ALTERATION L15.VEL III to —I -le Extreme Metal Fab. 26 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed per product approval FLU 11022.1 over Polgglass self adhered roofing underlagment over 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan _ SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 12 SLOPE 13 16" 6/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction OPEN LEFT ELEVATION 10-1-18 xtreme Metal Fab. 26 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing installed =r product approval FL# 11022.1 over POlgglass self adhered Iofing underlagment over 19/32" COX plywood attached — trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan SCALE: 1/4"I = 1'-0" W OF LEss i nnn A." PITCH ED = Root Zone I = Roof Walls Zone 4 Walls END 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete block construction TIP 12 O . PITCH aTO IR'2:122 PITRO CH„ 2 M = Corner Zones 5 Roof Zone 3 RIGHT ELEVATiON 12" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ST, LUCiE COUN" CY BUiLDP'r —'` �? REV1FNN'ED FO IANCE REVIEW Y, DATE PLAINS AND PERWT MIDST BE KEPT ON JOB G.: N Ci INSPECTION WILL BE NIADE. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECE96ARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACNT,,.ENT5 ARE THE RESPONSIKITYOF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD ALL MANUFACTURES LABUES SHOWING U FACTORS AND SHGC COMPLIANCE WITH FBC ENERGY CODE MUST REMAIN ON ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS UNTIL INSPECTIONS ARE APPROVED OCT ®S 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL Product Approval Submittal Affidavit 1 Opening Schedule Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Windows & Skylights Manufacturer Glass Attachment method Expiration Date Max um Design Pressure of Approved Tests Opening Type NOA/FL NUMBER product Model # PGT 5/14" 1/4" dia. tapcons w/ min. 1 3/8' penetration to be spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to min. edge distances specified in Product approval + 80.0 PSF - l FL# 239.3 Single Hung SH-l00 Impact Jeld-Wen 3/IL" die. x 3" Tapcons w/ min. 1 1/2" penetration spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to edge distances stated in approval. F±80-0 PSF 2. FLU 11136.2 Outswin g Impact FlberLast French Jeld-Wen 3/16" dia. x 3" Tapcons w/ min. 1 1/2" penetration spaced per product approval. Contractor shall adhere to edge distances stated in approval. + 80.0 PSF - 3, FLU 11136.1 Inswing Impact FlberLast French Product NOA FL / NUMBER Model # Manufacturer Attachment Method TEST' Expiration Date Maximum Design Pressure of Approved Tests 10-1- Roof FLU 11175.1 5v Crimp 26 ga. Extreme Metal Fabricators 5v Crimp Roofing installed per approval over Polgglass peel and stick underlagment over 19/32" COX sheeting nailed to trusses per nailing pattern detail on roof plan -86.0 psf Field and perimeter. -93.5 psf corner Polgglass USA Install Tiles per Roofing Attachement Detail on sheet D-2 Using ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 Large Paddy Under—t Under— laymenUnderlagment FL# 5259.1 Polgglass TU Plus Self' Adhered Siding Soffit STUCCO ON BLOCK le 'f 12" Model Trip Yin vented I Soffit y 5/8" Thick light textured stucco on typical Concrete block construction Install using 2" x 2" battens at 6" o.c. screwed to soffit framing using 98 x 3' wood screws at each truss. Install soffit to battens sing 0.12" dia. x 1.5" long ring shank nails with 3/8" dia. head. Using J-Channel to J-Channel installation. + 44.1 PSF FLU 16503.1 Kaycan I have reviewed ALL Product Testing by: Miami -Dade County Building Code Compliance Office / Product Control Division the above and approved it by my seal below. ( Architect or Engineer of Record ) a c 0 a �a �O QL to a q' Oly d3 aQ) go u� o� o� a MOD IT �[(`li� I Obi W H— O E 4 N � W W a Q tL C U O u`, �O(L C4LL Q— CV M O d� r- OD OD EOQ v(-�MN # R a o aqi r- U`9 I`I a- � +'ri �6- � t!LU JG .. tell. U N W x 63 E IL Qr�LL I Ul R N Sheet 1" F r c V mm 110F I I 1 13110 � OS Meter ° anel L o® O Dw I 0 WASHER DRYER Ln 0„ 6,. 5, DINING r KITCHEN D UTILITY Q o o u, l t r oc I a m p un R/A HU a w.H. --------------- 021 177779)--1 1 1 1931Q Rod t Shelf _ 0 _ n 0 N LIVING ROOM CURB = 2'-0° w '-0. � w o s MASTER110 BEDROOM i BSTER H or ry l'r J all � I in A I I iq �r N E 5'-O" D r& x 3L• n p ° C r edr Yda C I C 1 p o BEDROOM I I BEDROOM _ PORCH >x3 I Is #2 - I p #2 _ Ni 0 Q � °C 5 ® EGRESS EGRESS p ° o °o a a t o0 IQ + �U H.B. 2 10"31, 20'-1" FLOOR PLAN 5'-5" TYPICAL NOTES: I. Contractor to verify ALL notes and dimensions prior to proceeding with work 2. Contractor to STRICTLY enforce ALL OSHA Requirements. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have a min. 1,500 psi fiber bending stress. 4. No dissimilar metals to touch. 5. Drywall at ceilings shall be leveled and attached to bottom chord of trusses with screws per FBC R102.3.5• 6. ALL wood in contact with concrete shall be pressure treated. 1. ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finished wall or stud dimensions. 8. ALL plumbing fixtures to be low flow. 9. Lowest finished floor to be set bg others - Surveyor to set in field. 10. Separation between residence and garage shall be per FBC R302.6 11. Door between garage and residence shall be 1-3/4"t 20 min, rated door 12. Wall and Ceiling shall have a flame -spread classification of not greater than 200 per FBC R302.9.1 13. Wall and ceiling finishes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 450 per FBC R302.9.2 14. Ail exposed attic insulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than 0.12 watt per square centimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed on the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall comply with F.B.C. R316 - see permit info box of code edition 15. Gyypsum board material shall conform to ASTM C36, C19, C415, C514, C630, C931 C960, C1002, C1041,CIlll, C1118, C1218, C1395, or C1394 and shall be installed according to the following: (FBC R102.3.5) See table below for attachment 16. ALL ceramic tile surfaces installed shall conform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.6, A108.1, A118.1, A118.3, A136.1 and A131.1 WALL SYMBOL LEGEND �= CBS walls - Fill cells solid with concrete and (1) #5 bar vert. at 40' o.c. for walls up to 10'-0"* high. = 2" x 4" NEW non -bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non -A/C spaces = 2" x L" NEW non -bearing stud walls - see sections. Insulate with R-11 baits. [I Window Schedule Mark Size Window Description 1. 3'-1" x 5'-3' SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS 2. '-1" x '-2" AINGLE HUNG 3. 2'-2" X 31-2- SINGLE HUNG - ALL Windows to be white ESP aluminum windows with tint. Provide muntin's and structural mullions per elevations. See product approval chart for window manufacturer Information. - ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit Information Box on these plans. - ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered - ALL windows within 18" of finished floor to be tempered unless impact rated. - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. Door Schedule Mark Size Door Description A 3'-0" X C-8' STEEL DOOR - L PANEL B 2'-8" X 6'-8" MASONITE - L PANEL C 2'-6' X L.-S. MASONITE - L PANEL D 3'-0" X L'-e' MASONITE - L PANEL POCKET DOOR E 2'-8" X C-8" MASONITE - L PANEL POCKET DOOR F 5'-O" X 4'-8" MASONITE- L PANEL - BI-PASS DOOR G i'-O' X i'-8" MASONITE- L PANEL - BI-PASS DOOR - ALL exterior doors including garage doors to withstand pressures stated in permit information box on these plans. - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. - See product approval chart on these plans for exterior door manufacturer information (including garage door) - Provide one exit door (swing type) that is 3'-0" wide minimum and one emergency escape door (not shuttered). If escape door has glazing then it must be impact resistant and shall NOT be t�ru garage. This may be the same door if it meets both criteria listed above. Column Schedule Remove wall down in this ar Mark I Size and Descritition C-I Ian x IL' concrete column with (4) #5 bars vert and 43 ties at 12" o.c. SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 11. Cement, fiber -cement or glass mat gypsum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, C1325, OR C1118 and installed I.A.W. manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall tile in tub areas and wall panels in shower areas. 18. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed within floor -ceiling assemblies, roof -ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics shall have a flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompan ing smoke developed index not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84. Insulation shall comply with F.B.C. R316. nrnuiail &ttArkwmPnt_ TAhle FBC R102.3.5 Drywall Thickness Location Orientation Framing Member Max. spacing of fasteners Nail sizing options for installation of drgwall into Spacing Maximum wood framing members Nails Screws 2" x min. thickness Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1" 12" 13ga 1 3/8" long with 19/64' head O 0.098" diomRter x 1 1/4' long annular -ringed or 5d cooler nail /2 OR walls Either 16" 8" 16" 0.080" dia. xx 15/8' long with Direction 15/64' head OR Gypsum board nail 0.OSV dia. x 1 5/8" with 9/32" head. Ceiling Perpendicular 24" 1" IT 13ga 1 5/8 log with 19/44" head OR 0.098' diameter x 1 3/8' Iong annular -ringed or Ld cooler nail e O Walls Either IL" 80 16. 0.092" dia. xR 1 1/8" long with Direction 1/4" head OR Gypsum board nail 0.0915' die. x 11/8" with 19/64" head. Water Heater in pan where required with drain per FBC Plumbing Square Footage Breakdown Total A/C Space = 1,251 sq. ft. Covered Porch Total = 58 sq. ft. Under Roof Total = 1.315 sq. ft. Total Volume = 10,056 cu ft LIVING DEMO PLAN ALTERATiON LEVEL iIi SCOFF OF UJORK -REMOVE ALL INTERIOR WALLS -REMOVE ROOF -EXTEND BEDROOM #3 TOWARD PORCH -EXTEND MASTER CLOSET 24" TO REAR -PROVIDE FOR NEW WORK AS SHOWN Gap Remove existing wall down to footing in this area SCALE 1/4" = if R. F57 t OCT 08 2018 Per! .ittlnq nepartMent File Copy �1 Qn QU�OC q6a0U Q N' .. Tr_ q o �>o L E i- (>_ K n_ 0. c ig 'too OD M Qe Q in ao si c Cl cv v C�ODGo E 16 o I I 8- 0r0 aro q au 1 Sri C Rao U rri cv •+ r- uvWr rr 2 x o go !� ~� E W R Sheet 2. :6 Comm # I-1-212 lo'--( KITCHEN I'M 9)- R.I LIVING ROOM IT-L` �4 „,. 12'-0" V lV\t alai i '1 l t 6 EGRESS 1i' %.W AaeN ath Igoe. H.B -00 x4: Wcr, Cc.,LcsT�. MASTER BEDROOM MIDx-I ll'x to it #2 EGRESS FLOOR k. TYPiCAL NOTES 1. Contractor to verifi ALL notes and dimensions prior to proceeding with work 2_ Contractor to ST5 CTLY enforce ALL 0,3HA Requirements. 3. ALL Lumber to be used as Beam, Rafters, etc... to have a min. 1,600 psi fiber bending stress. 4. No dissimilar metals o touch. S. Drgwall at ceilings i tall be leveled and attached to bottom chord of trusses with scre is per FBC R702.3.8. 6. ALL wood in contat t with concrete shall be pressure treated - I_ ALL wall dimensions are nominal and not finrahed wall or stud dimensions. 8. ALL plumbing fixtur, s to be low flow. 9. Lowest finished floo to be set bg others - Survegor to set in field. 10. Separation betweei residence and garage .shall be per FBC R302.6 If. Door between garac ? and residence shall be 1-3/4"t 20 min. rated door 12. Wall and Ceiling sli. 11 have a flame -spread !aassifrcation of not greater than 200 per FBC R2 D2.9.1 13. Wall and ceiling f,nt hes shall have a smoke -developed index of not greater than 4;a0 per FB( : R302.9.2 14. All exposed attic I isulation materials installed on attic floors shall have a critical radiant flux not less than ( _12 watt per square certimeter. Exposed foam plastic insulation materials exposed o the underside of the roof deck or on the attic walls shall complg with F.B.C_ R316 - see permit info box of code edition I8. Gggpsum board mate al shall conform to AS7M C36, C79, C478, Cg14, C630, C931 C960, C1002, Ck 41,01'ii, CI178, C1278,. C1395, or C1396 and shall be installed according to the fc lowing: (FBC R702.3.5) See table below for attachment 16_ ALL ceramic the s rfaces installed shall corform to ASTM A108.1 thru A108.6, A108.1, A118.1, A118 3, A136.1 and A131.1 WALL SYMBOL LEGEND T�= CBS walls — Fill :ells solid with concrete and (1) #8 bar vent. at 40' oc. for walls up t - IO'—Off* lugh. = 2' x 4' NEW non bearing stud walls — we suctions. insulate with R-11 batts at bathrooms t between A/C and Non —A/C spaces = 2' x 4' NEW non bearing stud walls — see suctions. Insulate with R-11 batts. i- Window Schedule Mark Size Window Description I. 3'-1' x 5'-3' SINGLE HUNG - EGRESS 2. T-r x 3'-2' SINGLE HUNG 3. 2'-2' x 3'-2' SINGLE HUNG - ALL Windows to be white ESP aluminum windows with tint. Provide muntin's and structural mullions per elevations. See product approval chart for window manufacturer information. - ALL windows to withstand Pressures stated in Permit Information Box on these plans. - ALL windows in bathrooms to be tempered - ALL windows within 18" of finished floor to be tempered unless impact rated. - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. Door Schedule Mark Size Door Description A '-O' X L`-8' STEEL DOOR - L PANIEL. S '-8' X t,,-r MASONITE - L PANEL C '-L` X L'-8' MASONITE - L PANEL D 30-O' X C-8' MASONITE - L PANEL POCKET DOOR E '-r X L'-r MASONITE - L PANEL POCKET DOOR f: '-O' X L' 8' MASONITE- L PANEL - BI-PASS DOOR G '-O' X L'-8' MASONITE- L PANEL. - 61-PASS DOOR - ALL exterior doors including garage doors to withstand pressures stated ,n permit information box on these plans- - verify all masonry/rough opening sizes prior to ordering windows. - See product approval chart on these plans for exterior door manufacturer information (including garage door) - Provide one exit door (swing type) that is 3'-O" wide minimum and one emergency escape door (not shuttered). if escape door has glazing then ,t must be impact resistant and shall NOT be thru garage. This may be the same door if it meets both criteria listed above. Column Schedule Remove ews mart down to in tins area Mark I Size and Description C-i 180 x IG' concrete column imth (4) 45 bars vert and #3 ties at 12' o_c_ SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 17. Cement, iber—cement or glass mat ggpsum backers in accordance with ASTM C1288, 1328, OR CII78 and installed i_A_W_ manufacturers recommendations shall be used as backer for the wall tole in tub areas and wall panels in shower areas. 18. Insulation including facings such as retarders or vapor permeable members installed within flo —ceiling assemblies, roof —ceiling assemblies, wall, crawl spaces and attics shall havea flame spread index not to exceed 25 with an accompanying smoke developed index not to exceed 4b0 when tested to accordance with ASTM E 84. Insulation shall complg with P.B.C. R316_ Druwall Attachement Takho Farr 12-rno '2� r, nThi kc neaa L ort Onentatton Mrawigembe; Max sPa«n9 or fasteners Nad amrg options for r�pacrng a 5tallation of dBrgwall into 19-a�amum wood frames members 2' x min. buckneas Nails Sereaa CethN Perpendicdar 240 -i' Me t30 1 3/8' lone with 19/44' tread 0.098' daamater x 1 1/4' long 5d a nular-nrgad or cooler nail .�2„ OR wa 14' g• rL' 0.080' dia. X 1 5/8' long with DuecUon 15/L4' head OR Grew board nail 0.084' dia. X 15/a. with 9/32' head. Ct ding Perpendmlar 24' T' 12' l3ga 1 5/8' long with 19/G4' head 0.098' diammeter x 1 3/8' long aria dar-ringed or Ld tooter nail .x 0.092' dm.x 1 1/8' long with wa Either Melon 14, 8. �• 1/4' head OR G board nail 0.0915' dra. x i 'VS' w2h 19/L4` head. w•H- = Water Heater in pan where required with drain per FBC Plumbing Square Footage Breakdown Total /C Space = 1,267 sq. ft. Covered Porch Total = 58 sq_ ft. Under Toof Total = 1,315 sq_ ft. KiTCHEN Remove exraUng mall dome to rooting in trua area 1 I r._.- - -*--- - - --- --- 7 1 '._.------- Gap DEMO PLAN - SCALE 1/4" = 1'—O' SCOFF OF WORK -REMOVE ALL INTERIOR WALLS -REMOVE ROOF -EXTEND BEDROOM #3 TOWARD PORCH -EXTEND MASTER CLOSET 24" TO REAR -PROVIDE FOR NEW WORK AS SHOWN AC Square Footage Breakdown Existing A/C Space = 1.110 sq. ft. New Master Closet = 24 sq. ft. New Bedroom Area = 123 sq. ft. Under Roof Total = 1,291 sq. ft. a w 4T .c ®NaI �,v 04 cc sW 7 Sheet 1 - RUv , ^ r 7 L- OCT 08 1 13 .tt Perrin, ,g L Comm 11-212 Ile Copy 10'-3" T N N I 0 mxisting— slab to remain C-1 Cut and repair existing slab — for new footing New Concrete stoop 0 io anfli o 'o O 0 o u Dw , O I WASHRR DRYER Provide for precast Pour existing slab floor level to existing with ; - AC pad or our new 4" concrete slab with 6" x 6" #10/10 .WWM f- new slab with house slab Contractor to rough surface of existing alab I_ prior to'pouring new concrete for adhesion 4 #4'slab bar at 2,4" o.c. each wag in new slab over cracked area A/C Recess for 0 #I Shower Ao- - - - - - - - - - - - - , O01 1 1 0 9OI W.H. F24 O I v v r jI = I N _o. _ 24" - C -4 N p �._ -24 ■E OEM No Step ' I ' I 24" Dowel new footing steel•intq " exsting footimin_ 6 and set in— FeI Hilti HIT R00 epoxy (or equal) I Id) , 11 I LL I I ' F- - -�"-' O .. — — — — — — 10'-4" al Field verify Dowel #4 bar x 12" long 6" into existing slab and set in Hilti HIT RE500 adhesive (or equal) for slab to footing connection and settlement resistance. FOUNDATiON PLAN 0 I slab ar x 48 long ovejoint E#-4 at 24" c. Fill cell with concrete and (U #5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed 40" unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for spacing at openings Dowel new footing steel into ewsUng footingg min. 6" and set in Hilti HIT RE500 epoxy (or equal) Filled Cell Masonry Column With One 45 From Footing To Beam. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Sinale Filled Cell Column NTS Filled Cell Masonry Column With One #5 From Footing To Beam Each. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Provide new fill to top of existing I J I `"'_"'` I slab level. Compact and provide new 4" concrete slab with flbermesh OR 6"x4" 410/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over Double Filled Cell Column clean compacted termite treated fill to level slabs NTS Remove existing stem wall to existing roofing. Install new stem wall with new vertical steel as shown Fill cell with concrete and 95 bar at 40" o.c. max all concrete block walls new or existing Fill all existing jamb cells solid with concrete and #5 bar at all openings Provide new beams at existing walls per roof and beam schedule Pour !xitang slab floor level to existing with new 4" aleb with 6" x 6" #10/l0 WWM Conti acj,,onctrete r o roughsurface or existing slab prior toouring new concrete for adhesion FOUNDATION NOTES: SCALE: I/4" I' O" = I. Any changes to plans must be submitted to the architect for approval prior to proceeding with construction. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all notation and dimensions prior to start of construction. 3. ALL Concrete used for slabs shall be 3,000 PSI concrete min., and ALL Concrete used for vertical filled cells, continuous. tie beams etc.. shall be 3,000 P.S.I. concrete and/or 4,000 P.S.I. grout mix min. 4. Soil bearing capacity assumed to be 2500 psf and stable. If other condition found verify soil with new soil report by others. 5. Verify all recess thickness at shower floors, all floor finishes as selected by owner, door sills t thresholds including pocket SGD frame widths etc... prior to placing any slabs. 6. Contractor to provide filled cell with concrete and 1 45 bar vert. at 48" O.C. max. Provide (I) filled cell on each side of openings upp to 5'-11" wide. Provide (2) filled cells on each side of openings from 6'-O" to 9'-I1" and Provide l3) filled cells on each side of openings from 10'-0" and up Contractor to see plans for any other condition used. Foundation walls shall have filled cells at 24" o.c. unless otherwise noted (see section) 1. Contractor to provide for Form E3oard Survey - Form Board Survey to be provided to Truss Company prior to truss construction 8. ALL Reinforcing steel shall be grade 40, meeting ASTM A-16 and A-35 specifications. ALL Anchors to be A-301 steel. 9. Provide a minimum of 3" concrete protection at footings and 1-1/2" concrete protection at beams for ALL reinforcing bars. 10. Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START OF FOUNDATION WORK for strap and footing size verification. Pour existing slab floor level to ewating with new 4" concrete slab with C' x 6" #10/l0 WWM Contractor to rough surface of existing slab prior to pouring new concrete for adhesion ---7, Existing slab Slab Section Typical lap See data on sheet D-1 Remove block face as needed for new steel - installation Termite Protection for New Construction as per F.B.C. 1816.1 CONTRACTOR TO REFERENCE F.B.C. BUILDING 1816.1 FOR FURTHER REQUIREMENTS Soil treatment used for subterranean termite prevention inside the foundation perimeter shall be done after all excavation, backfilling and compaction is complete. If soil area is disturbed after initial chemical soil treatment, area shall be re -treated with a chemical soil treatment including spaces boxed or framed. Treatment must be in accordance with the rules and laws established bg the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services. Protective sleeves around piping penetrating concrete slab on grade floors shall not be of cellulose -containing materials and shall have a min. wall thickness of 0.010" and shall be sealed within the slab using a noncorrosive clamping device to eliminate the annular space between pipe and sleeve. NO TERMICIDES shall be applied inside the sleeve per FBC Plumbing 305.1.2 Uneven existing slab with minor cracks #4 Slab bars (See foundation plan) Existing slab Scale 1/2" = I'-O" Pour existing slab floor level to ewating with new 4" concrete slab with 6" x 6" 410/10 WWM Contractor to rough surface of existing slab prior to pouring new concrete for adhesion Existing slab to remain Ell]_— Excavate as needed III— =IIII—IIII—II for new vertical I I I I I II I I I= I I I=— l steel installation and fill and compact arter II IIII _I IIII III I I_ #5 bar vert. at each filled new cell poured cell (2'-O" o.c. t icaU with 30" overlap at each filled cell Epoxy new steel =IIII I —III ( into existing footing —IIII =IIII-IIII Existing footing to remain Rebar Replacement Detall Scale : 1/2" = 1'-0" 01(11 s r Not��c,U6"4 File a > m 3 al) �► � 0 3 U 1 I J No L] >� C4 c�1 c c0 so > CO 0 • m 4 in ao 1 O c C4 cv v U W Op E q I 1 04 C C- O Orp Or4 o 0 UCAN�te a to cv cv �-+J rrucr a-+ Ln y M �i eC lL E U- �� W+' Q N M Sheet 3. F: 6 Comm # 11-212 Mete C-1' - Southeastern Metals per product approve roofing underlagment to trusses per shee' PRE—ENGINEE AT 24"O.c ( shop drawl, k L31 BI O L31 BI 12 107 O lei bill <; 3 SLOPE SLOPE _ 16" H H BI I O BI L31 10) L31 BI 3 SLOPE SLOPE 3 BI 16" L31 BI r'tt"ch A 16" H .H::' O N "<.' IIO BI BI ON L45 51 L31 BI L31 (Y N ROOF PLAN 4 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed I FLU 11115.1 over Polgglass self adhered over 19/32" COX plywood attached :I g attachment diagram on roof plan ED TRUSSES TYPICAL i_ manufacturer ) Provide new lintels over all openings in block walls per roof plan and lintel schedule ►..........l ♦......♦ .,oil ,.,.,.,.,. Will .,.,.���,�',.jjj.,.,., Ni i `J Q .. . . . Ke Area Ede Field Fastener Pressure Zone I �" �" Sd ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 �{" �" 8d fin shank 76 sf Zone 3 �{" �{" 8d ring shank 84 psf ** Zone 3a 6" 6" #8 wood screw 112.5 psf Calculations FBC RSOL2 .AtticVentin Total Attic Space = I499 sq. ft. Venting Ratio 1/150 = 10 sq. ft. required P ovide A Continuous Vented Soffit TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: Scale 1/4" = I'— " — Overhangs shall be 16" unless Otherwise noted on this sheet — Roof pitch shall be 3:12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet — Truss shop drawings to be provided by manufacturer — Any changes to this plan shall be submitted to the architect for approval in writing prior to starting construction. — ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER — Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior to construction for layout and uplift verification — Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Form Board Survey to Truss Company prior to truss construction — Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings including ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START OF FOUNDATION WORK for stra and footing size verification — TRUSS DEFLECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5" ON ANY TRUSS. Diagonal bracing to be 2" x 4" to span 8'-0" from gable end nailed to each truss 2" x 4" PT Brace Expansion Anchors BOTTOM CHORD TRUSS BRACING NOTES Contractor to brace all bottom chords in floor and rod trusses in the following manner: - install first raw or truss bracing 30 from extenor walls and spaces 12' cc. thereafter. - install bracing on ang bottom chord which to longer than 12' in clear spal qII trsse bra�einp to be 2' x 4' wood and shall be attached to bottom chord d trusses. Wall below �l—ice i� ALL Truswe spaced per truce �%manufaetwes pbxu � TYPical splice Attach bracing to truce chord Wanngg (2) IOd rims in all \ IoesGons x 4' wood bracing —Wood bracing shall by one truss .Y WITH BCSI-83 SUMMARY .Comm # 4 \Se Precast Lintel 8P8-OB/IT 81s1i-IB/rr One Rau of Block Above BPIL-IB/2T NOTES: I. MIN. COVERAGE OF STEEL = LS" 2. MIN. BEARING REQUIRED ® EA. END = 4" 3. STANDARD FOR REINF. STEEL = ASTM A4I5 GRADE TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) Lintel Length Bar Length Clear Span "A" Bars "B" Bars 2'-8" 1'-6" 2,43 none 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,43 none 4'-0" 3'-10" 2'-8" 2,#3 none 3'-2" 2,#3 none 5'-4" 5'-2" 4'-O" 2,43 none 5'-8" 4'-6" 2,#4 none 6'-4" 5'-4" 2,#4 none T-0" 6'-2" 2,#5 none 8'-4" T-10" T-O" 2,45 none ALL reinforcing steel Is grade 60 LiNTEL SCHEDULE Marls Window Unit WidthSize Lentil Caat-Crate S eedieateon Pro Stressed BM Block Rome or Above Both Steel Sef T Shed Sim Gax adW Load (PLf) uax PMt Load (PLP) Max Lateral Laced (PLP) L20 J:_?,' 2'-10' SP8-OBAT NO I 86 3061 561 1642 — L31 _i9; 3'-1' SPe-OBAT NO I 86 2661 13i3 169 — L45 4'-6' 6'-1' 8P8-OBAT NO — I 86 1341 IObt 411 L50 5'-0' 111 8P8-OBAT NO — I 86 1105 101 $31 LLO i'-8' i'-S' 8P8-OBAT NO — I 86 loll 121 534 L10 T-Om T-0' SP8-OBAT NO — 1 85 loll 121 534 L80 8'-O' 8'-B' BPS-OB/IT NO — 1 a6 414 611 512 L40 Y-0' T-8' BPS-OB/IT NO — 1 66 636 630 401 WOO 10'-0' 10'-8' 08-OB/IT NO — 1 66 682 414 462 LIIO 10'-O' II'-8' ePli-IBAT NO ONE 1 86 1 S6 1264 410 402 L120 IT-0' 12'-8' BPIi-BAT NO ONE I 86 1 66 1016 604 324 L140 14'-O' 14'-8' 8PIi-IB/IT YES ONE 1 86 1 66 1310 611 284 LIDO IL'-O' I6'-8' BPIi-IB/2T YES ONE I SS 2 85 160 500 M4 LISO IL'-O' 18'-8' SPIi-I8/2T YES ONE 1 85 2 86 160 424 H8 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE PILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 13'-11" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. - CONTRACTOR To VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTEL;, 19/32" COX plywood sheeting nailed per roof sheeting attachment detail on roof plan sheet Soffit and fascia — see typical section for exact details 2" x 4" sub —fascia 1/8" thick light textured stucco on plastic lath over 2 Layers of 151b felt on P9/32" COX plywood nailed 6" on edge and 12" in field w/ IOd galv. nails Concrete beam — see schedule on roof plan GABLE ENDWALL DETAIL (12") NTS STRAPPING SCHEDULE HETA 2 SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss supporting Max. 1,810 Ill uplift. Strap ar have (9) IOd x 1 1/2" nails. File C AT � ON 3 m U U� ai Q N n� L co N Ln W c NN v r. fD OD E a I I O �- 0 ODD arD B r R b) CV C4 Q)td Ill �Ny .. ere ` E lL w v4 Q M Sheet . OF: 6 1i-212 Southeastern Metals 24 ga 5v Crimp Metal Roofing Installed per product approval FL# 11115.1 over Polyglass self adhered roofing underlayment over 19/32" COX plywood attached to trusses per sheeting attachment diagram on roof plan Simpson HETA 20 or equal hurricane anchor at each truss with (10) IOd x 1 1/2" nails ( 24" o.c.) supporting Max.- 1805 lbs. uplift Galv-Alum Metal drip on Aluminum Fascia on 2" x 6" Sub -Fascia Vinyl vented soffit installed per product approval and MFG'S specs 5/8" thick light textured stucco on typical concrete —� block construction #5 bar vert, w/ 30" overlap at each filled cell Grade 12 base board s PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES at 24"o.c. TYPICAL ( shop drawings bg manufacturer ) — R-30 baits insulation in bottom chord or trusses 5/8" drywall with smooth finish 1/2" dr wall over I" x furring strips at 14" o.c. with R4.2 fy£oil insulation on typical 8" Block walls All drywall is per FBC 102.3.1 and shall meet all pertaining ASTM codes. Mortar to be Tgppe "M" onlg. Provide Dur-O-Rock at all wet areas (ex. showers, tubs etc...) Fill cell with concrete and (1) #5 bar vert. (typical). Max. spacing shall not exceed 32" unless otherwise noted see foundation plan notes for spacing at openings — 4" concrete slab with fibermesh OR 6"x(" #10/10 WWM on 6 mil Visqueen over clean compacted termite treated fill Typ. Masonry Filled Cell Detail NTS --— — Attach door to block wall with 1/4" dia_ x 3" tap —cons with min. =IIII 1=IIII=IIII=IIII-1II11�1 Existing slab 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max to remain and 6" o.c. max from each corner thru II _ IIII IIII=IIII ' Exterior fac ofwall 1" x 8" PT Buck of wall -I —III —_—IIII=I1 Varie bar vert. at each filled cgh (2'-0" o.c. typical) with =1 IIII-1 gip" overlap at each filled cell A i _I I I I=IIII „„I Tuplcal Section I li II I I II II E II O II 30" min. Corner Steel La nts Scale 1/2" = 1'-0" I"x8" P.T. Buck 2 sides t header UVE NTS Attach window to block wall with 1/4" dia. x 3" tap —cons with min. 1 1/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max and 6" o.c. max from each corner thru I" x 4" PT Buck Exterior face of wall Detail dt UJindOWS Contractor shall pi for temporary shori under block to rerr Contractor shall remove wall as needed for new lintel Provide Cast -Crete 8U8-05/OT precas lintel set in mortar Min. 4" Bearing Dowel (I) #5 bar w/ 25" min lap and 6" embed < Pour sill blocks solid for window attachment Provide New PT Bucks attached I jamb etails into exists g filled ce" See plan for size 1"x4" P.T. Buck 2 sides E header NTS Iled Cells Typical) /2"x 4 1/2" 5onrg Inspection .lean Out Hole )° bend from footing I bar dia. lap in wall d footing Filled Cell Masonry Column With One 1*5 From Footing To Beam. Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Single Filled Cell Column NTS Filled Cell Masonry Column With One #5 From Footing To Beam Each, Conc. Fill To Be 3000 PSI See Floor Plan For Location Double Filled Cell Column NTS Contractor shall provide for temporary shoring under block to remain Contractor shall remove NEW BEAM BI wall as needed for new lintel Remove Existing block Provide Cast-Cretet as needed lintel 8U8-OB/OT precast and set new Remove Existing lintel set in mortar .:'•- •"'^:'•: ^,•+'.' `:: over new opening p g block as needed Min. 4" Bearing ;;r :': ;,•.; New Lintel shall and set new lintel have min. 4" bearing over new opening on each side of new New Lintel shall opening have min. 4" bearing on each side of new opening NEW FILLED EXISTING Cell CBS WALL EXISTING EXISTING Provide New PT GBS WALL CBS WALL Bucks attached per jamb details into existing filled c ll. Pour cell solid with new grout after new steel Remove block as needed s installed and inpected n each side of window for new vert. steel - fill solid with grout ' L I- u I Dowel new steel into BXIStIn slab to remain Epcx ) Ml� existing ftg min. 4" 9 6 Existing ftg to remain and set in epoxy DETAIL AT NEW WINDOW OfOENINGS DETAIL AT NEW DOOM OFENING Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Scale: 1/2" = I'—O" stucco retui Dowel new beam steel into existing beam and act in epoxg New Beam — see section at block i Dowel 1 #5 bar x 1 P into emoting rill, cell t set in apoxg Block Wall Connection Detail amen last cell and (1) iew wall main ng steel and set in Epoxg Dowel (1) #5 bar w/ 25" min lap and 6" embed ete Footing nits ttach window to block wall with 4" dia. x 3" tap —cons with min. I/2" penetration at 12" o.c. max id 6" o.c. max from each corner thru x 4" PT Buck rguiall return arble sill gwall Section Window Head � SIII NTS 3 CO �r a W T ID 0 n oUv� 0 L 0 (J CV cq •' Q d) �O �00m NO o) to oo O >cvcv u(J r6Q� 1 EOQ r r— u 03 N N 2 # IQ N O ty ty Vl vUrr -'z3cr 4) t� W c� tfiF N X E IL �rHU 1 to L N M Sheet OF: 6 File Comm # 11-212 ELECTRICAL FLAN ELECTRIC NOTES: SCALE: 1/4" _ I. Use copper wire only, no aluminum. 2. Provide and wire all required smoke detectors as noted below. 3. Contractor to verify location of electrical service and provider 4. All recessed cans to be installed per NFPA requirements. 5. All branch circuits that supply 125v single phase 15 amp or 20 amp outlets shall be protected bg combination -type AFCI Circuit Breakers. 6. ALL new receptacles to be Tamper resistant AFCI. 1. ALL bath and kitchen and garage receptacles to be GFCI protected. S. ALL exterior outlets to be WP/GFCI protected. 9. A/C Return Air Balance Must comply w/ F.B.C. Mechanical Sth ed. and 10. A/C Refrigerant lines that are run thru slabs must be sleeved in PVC 11. ALL A/C Equipment shall be min. 13 SEER 12. Provide Disconnects at ALL appliances (water heater, A/C units, and ALL other equipment as required bg N.E.C.) 13. A/C Ducts in Garage shall be metal or I" thick minimum rigid nonmetallic Class C Class I duct or other approved material and shall have no openings into the gara 14. Smoke Alarms shall be installed in the following locations per FBC R31'4: a) In each sleeping room. b) Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms c) On each additional story of the dwelling d) ALL Smoke Alarms shall be interconnected and hardwired per FBC R314.5 Im or e. Sdritdrg Riser Le d Sanitary line BT- Bath Tub "P" trap - — Vent Line Shower "P" trap SH� r l �-' Lavatorg Trap r ' Washing Machine Drain r' Sink Trap r' Urinal WCi-1 Water Closet r ' Water Fountain Drain Fi ' Floor Drain 6P Grinder Pump T' Clean Out 2' VTR 2" Vent thru Roof 2 yM— 2" Vent thru wall 2" Pipe Diameter Designation (2" olio) NOTES: - ALL sanitary pipe to be Schedule 40 PVC - Slope hall be no less than 1/8" per foot and no more than 1/4" per foot KITCHEN 2' VTR J Electrical S mbol L-e end S Single Pole Switch ® Recessed Can Light S, Double Pole Switch ® Egeball Recessed Can Light Sb Dimmer Switch Exhaust Pan p Push Button Switch ¢ Ceding Mounted Light 1 Duplex Outlet Wall Mounted Light Special Receptacle ro Light with Pull Chain (attic) Watwrproof, ground fault interrupter © Computer Connection Jack ® Floor Duplex Outlet Flood Light ® Junction Box m Electrical Panel 7Q Thermostat 8 Electrical Meter ® Central Vac 1-11 A u c A/C Disconnect ® Smoke Detector Fan ©Ceiling Television Jack Telephone Jerk ® 12 x 4 Florescent Light ® I x 4 Florescent Light El Intercom ® Sbeaker 1400k-11 O Ceiling Mounted Light Dome Stgle ♦ Pendant Light ® Motion Detector ( closet light > © Carbon Monoxide Detector 2' VTR 4 12„ I PANEL ",4" Poles SR Load Wire Description circ# circ# Description Wire Load SR Poles 2 40 1.0 kw #e 3.5 Ton A/C comp 1 2 AHU #10 3.5 kw 30 2 3 4 2 30 4.5 kw #10 40 gal. water HTR 5 6 Range #6 12.0 kw 5o 2 � e 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Range Hood 9 10 Dr er #10 5.0 kw 30 2 1 20 1.2 kw #12 Clothes Washer II 12 1 20 1.5 kw 412 Kitchen S.A.C. 13 14 Dishwasher #12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 1.5 kw #12 Kitchen S.A.C. 15 16 Refrigerator #12 1.2 kw 20 1 1 20 #12 General Rece ticals 11 is General Lighting #14 is I 1 20 912 General Rece ticals 19 20 General Lighting #14 15 1 1 20 #12 General Rece ticals 21 22 Spare 1 20 #12 General Rece ticals 23 24 spare 1 20 #12 General Rece ticals 25 26 spare 1 20 #12 Bathroom GFI 21 28 share spare 29 30 spare 31 32 spare 33 34 spare 35 36 31 38 39 40 41 42 PANEL "A" LOAD CALCULATION SHEET Load Description Qt . Watts Total(Watts) General Lighting (3. watts sq. ft.) S,mall..4.ppliance..ircwt(s)....................... .Range......................................................... Range. Hood .................................................. Refrigerator.................................................. Dish . Washer ............................. I ..................... .Clothes. ,Washer ..................................... ,Clothes..Dryer................................................ Water Heater 1315 3 3,945 2 1,500 3,000 1 12,000 12,000 1 1,100 1,100 1 1,200 1,200 I 1 1,200 1,200 1 1,200 1,200 1 6,000 6,000 1 4,500 4,500 Total Watts 33,145 First 10000 Watts e100% Remainder 23,145 e40% 1 10,000 10,000 1 O 9,258 Electric Heat or A/C 10,000 e65% 1 10,000 10,000 Calculated Load Watts Voltage 29,258 240 Calculated Wattage Divided bg Voltage = Total Amps 122 Panel Size Required = 150 Amps :� :.. bw Approved weatherhead Overhead Service bg FPL A/C disc. 150 MCB PANEL (3) #1/0 copper feed 1 '/2' Conduit -#2 Copper to rebar in slab ELECTRICAL RISE OVERHEAD SERVICE NTS a OD ON O U U I q�o6 IJ Q Al 0 lL n C �O OD M c cti" U L) C iD ib E I 0 Q �IL ^10 I �OD OD� 1 uNN �#t Rto M cvcvq) Cr Cr Uj 4) �F � Y Q E LL uLI A N 71f Sheet E-1 OF: 6 Comm # 1 1 - 212 w =LIFE SAFETY WARNING This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read and given special attention to all persons installing trusses. T SPACING NOTE All trusses are to be set 2'-0" on center except as noted. MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE FASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWING ,. TO DETERMINE IF MULTIPLE PLY. A DON'T LIFT TRUSSES WITH SPANS LONGER THAN 30' BY THE PEAK. CONSULT BCSI 30' Sp11 n or less A 60 degrees or less Ta llne ">-- 112 span Tag line 0 approx. REFER TO SCSI Truss must be set this way if crane is used. Truss is an example, your truss may not match. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. <-- pWx 2I3 to -� 1/2 of Span. REFER TO BCSI Truss must be set this way If crane is used. Truss is an example, your truss may not match. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. All load bearing walls, headers, beams, & lintels must be in place at indicated height before trusses Ift are installed. ZT, AIR HANDLER NOTE Unless noted elsewhere on this layout, these trusses are not designed for air handlers in the roof or for any other A/C requirements. This may be in conflict with building code and A/C Design requirements. Consult with Building Department and A/C Contractor. ! WARNING ! The size of these trusses makes it necessary that they a set by a proferesional builder familiar with and experienced in the problems and dangers of setting large span trusses. The builder and erector should consult with an engineer licensed in Florida specializing in wood roof trusses about the safe erection of these trusses. The engineer should be at the job site when trusses are erected to provide supervision and advice. SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS TRUSS egend E LOAD BEARING AT 8'-0" d =k Architect's or Architect's representative's Shop drawing approval is NOT a "double check" of the contractor. he contractor shall remain responsible for checking field measurements and " other construction criteria. Architect's approval covers general roof shape, review of truss strapping, and loading on ` stru ure from gravity and uplift loads and their respective locations. pproved By Date: Btrado,, - Braden A.I.A. P.A. 1 NOTES: d Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & properly nailed to straps and hangers !! AARRANGI * ALL CEILINGS ARE FLAT. 'r * LEVEL RETURNS ARE BY BUILDER IF DI ..f SIRED. 'IN LENGTH!! SQUARE CUT END 2X4 TOP CHORD WALL HEIGHT 8'-0" END DETAIL: TYPICAL 3 F- FABRICATION AGREEMENT TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT IS SIGNED & RETURNED The undersigned acknowledges and agrees: 1. Trusses will be made in strict accordance with this truss placement diagram layout which is the sole authority for termiling successful fabrication of the busses. 2. All dimensions in this layout have been verified by the undersigned. 3. Unless written notice is provided by certified mail to Chambers Truss within ten (10) days of delivery the ndersigned agrees that no backcharges will be allowed. In the event such written notice is furnished Chambers Truss hall have three (3) business days in which to begin repairs requited, or to substitute other trusses, at Chambers option. I Vier 10 days of delivery remedy will be according to Florida statute 558. 4. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of 'BCSI' summary sheet by TPI & WTCA. 5. Delivery is to job site. It is the buyers responsibility to make the job site suitable for delivery. Chambers Truss has 1 e sole authority to determine the suitability of the job site or a portion of the job site for delivery. Chambers Truss will j responsible for dump delivery only. The buyer is responsible for additional delivery expenses if Chambers Truss has o redeliver because job site is not prepared for delivery or buyer is not prepared for delivery of trusses. Buyer is ponsible to Chambers Truss for lowing costs due to site conditions. . 6. Price as shown in paragraph 7 below is subject to charge I any changes are made in this layout. A $50 per hour i ee for revisions may be charged by Chambers Truss. 7. This is a PURCHASE ORDER to Chambers Truss of the sum agreed to, or if no agreement a reasonable price. nvoice will be made on delivery and paid within terms of net on delivery. Invoice may be made at scheduled date of elivery it buyer cannot accept delivery of fabricated trusses. The undersigned agrees to pay Chambers Truss'. asonabte attorneys fee for collections in event of payment not timely made. 1-12 % per month service charge will be added for all sums not paid within terns. - 8. Signature or initias anywhere on this sheet constitutes agreement to all terms herein. 9. In consideration of Chambers Truss extending credit for this material the undersigned unconditionally guarantees I yment when due of any and all indebtedness owed to Chambers Truss by any entity receiving material and the; ndersgned agrees to pay such indebtedness including attorneys fees, 9 default in payment for material be made by the eciplent 10. In the event of any litigation concerning this agreement, the items furnished hereunder or payments referred to erein, the parties agree that the sole venue for any such action will be Saint Lucie County, Florida. 11. Design responsibilities are per ""National Standard And Recommended Guidelines On Responsibilities For Donstruction Using Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses ANSUTPVWTCA 4 - 2002'"' 12. Warranty is per Chambers Truss Warranty attached. DATED SIGNED OR TITLE A spreader bar may be required per "BCSI" to prevent injury & damage. Multiple ply trusses must be fastened together per engineering before they are set, failure to do so can result in roof collapse. Temporary and permanent bracing arerequired and can save life and property and is the responsibility of the truss erector. Study the contents of the information packet included on delivery before setting trusses. Trusses must be set and braced per design to prevent injury S damage. l Trusses must be s®s®lumb and square Do not set bunks or stack of plywood„ roofing material or any other 1 concentrated loads on trusses, this can cause collapse. I DO NOT INSTALL TRUSSES USING THIS USE PLAN DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC I 3105 Oleande venue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-6423 800-551-5932 Fort Pierce 772-465-2012 Fax 772-465-8711 Vero Beach T72-569-2012 Stuart 772-286-3302 Web Site: CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM Email: MAIL@CHAMBERSTRUSS.COM ITEK VERSION LOADINGIDESIGN CRITERIA REDUCIBLE PER CODE SUCH AS SBC 1604.6.1 DESIGN CRITERIA County ST. LUCIE COUNTY I Building Department FT. PIERCE - f Wind Design Criteria ASCE 2010 Wind Design Method MWFRS(Directional)7C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 I Roofing Material METAL I: Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. Floor Top Chord Live 20 0 Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 0 Bottom Chord Live '10-Non Conccurent 0 Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 0 Total Load 47 72 0 Duration Factor 1.25 0 I Wind Speed 160mph Top Chord C.B. Sheathing by builder Bottom Chord C.B. Sheathing by builder Highest Mean Height 15, Building Type Enclosed Building Category It: Non Restrictive Exposure Category C>Open Terrain with scattered obstructions Miles from Ocean 3 Conforms to Florida Building Code 2017 R.D.L: Restraining Dead Load C.B =Continuous Bracing i I Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the building department and your engineer. Design Criteria is the responsibility of the Building Designer and/or Engineer of Record Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: 75341 SCALE: 1 /411 = 1 r-011 21 total trusses, 6 unique designs Designer: RLC Reviewed by: RLC Date: 07/25/18 FOR i CONFORT BUILDERS DESCRIPTION: WERT Page 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 75341 File Copy