St, Duds PGOlanw
January 9, 2019
Ms. Linda Pendarvis
Development Review Coordinator
2300 Virginia Avenue
Ft Pierce, FL 34982
Re: Oleander Properties/Dixieland Townhomes
County Project No.: SDA-1220185423
Response to RAI #1.
Dear Ms. Pendarvis:
ofgel Develo
JAN 10 2019
C&T Project Number: 17-007.002
File: Building Dept
Email: dmorin(a)ct-eng.com
We are in receipt of your review comments for Dixieland Townhomes dated December 4, 2018.
We have listed each of your comments below along with our response and the actions or
corrections we have made. Six sets of the Boundary and Topographic Survey and Six Sets of
Construction Plans are included in this resubmittal.
Planning and Development Services
1. According to LDC Section 11.05.01(A)(1)(d), no Building Permit shall be issued for
development unless the application for building permit is accompanied by a copy of a
sealed and signed survey of the property on which the requested activity is to be
permitted. All surveys shall completely depict thefollowing:
a. The location of the proposed development activity.
Response: Please see the Construction Plan Cover Sheet for a Project
Location Map.
b. The relationship of the activity under application to all adjacent property lines,
and as may be required for the review of the application, all adjacent structures,
improvements or natural features.
Response: These items are as shown on the Boundary and Topographic
A minimum of two (2) elevations along each roadway on which the proposed
activity borders, the existing ground elevation at the approximate center of the
proposed structure, the existing ground elevation along the side property line,"
adjacent to the proposed structure, and the proposed finished floor elevatio
the structure under application. All elevations are to be based upon NAVD
except for detached single family residential lots or parcels of land h
area of one (1) acre or less.
2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497
Response: Please see the Construction Plan Paving, Grading and
Drainage Sheet.
The location of all native trees of 20 inches DBH and greater, with the specific
diameter and type of tree clearly identified.
Response: Existing trees are shown on the Survey, Paving Grading and
Drainage Plan sheet and the Clearing Plan sheet. The trees which are to
be preserved and the barricade plan is shown on Paving, Grading and
Plan sheet and the Clearing Plan sheet.
2. All elevations and benchmarks shown on the survey shall be in NAVD.
Response: Rod Reed, the St. Lucie County Surveyor, has accepted a data
conversion statement placed on the Topographic Survey. We have also added
this statement to all Construction Plan sheets with elevations as well as the
Construction Plan Cover sheet.
On the "General Layout Plan" submitted December 4, 2018, please provide the
following information under the "Site Data Table" for the RM-11 (Residential, Multi -
Family -11 du/ac) Zoning District:
e. Provide the required and proposed front, rear, and side setbacks.
f. The required minimum road frontage.
g. The required minimum lot width.
h. The maximum lot coverage by buildings.
i. Provide the proposed height of the buildings.
Response: The items listed above have been added to the Site Date Table shown
on the Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan sheet.
3. Provide parcel dimensions on the site plan and survey.
Response: Parcel Boundary Dimensions are shown on all Construction Plan
sheets and the Boundary Survey.
4. Provide appropriate striping for reserved guest parking areas.
Stripping of the Guest Parking spaces is revised. See the Horizontal Control and
Pavement Markings sheet.
According to LDC Section 7.05.06, the following driveway requirements shall be met:
a. Construction of all driveways shall meet specifications for public works
construction, as described in Chapter XIII of this Code, and all other
applicable County regulations.
b. All driveway construction within the street or road right-of-way shall be paved.
c. The maximum width, at the right-of-way line, for a driveway accessing a one -
or two-family dwelling is twenty (20) feet.
2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497
Response; Driveway dimension at the Right -of -Way line is shown on the
Horizontal Control and Pavement Markings sheet The driveway is proposed to
be paved.
6. The developer will be required to pay Impact Fees. The 2017-2018 St. Lucie County
Impact Fee Schedule can be found on the County's website. Impact fees are
subject to change.
Response: Acknowledged.
have submitted to the Water Quality Division under Separate Cover. The following is
informational purposes only.
1. Revise the plans to indicate the required 15 ft. landscape buffer along Dixieland .Drive
[Land Development Code 7.09.04.A]
Response: 15 foot Landscape Buffer added and shown on the Paving, Grading
and Drainage Plan sheet. It is also added to the Landscape Plans.
1. Drainage Structure Table (sheet 2) indicates CS-1 rim elevation at 21.50; however the
CS-1 detail (sheet 4) and design calculations indicate it at 19.10. Explain or correct.
Response: Control Structure CS-1 as a top elevation of 19.00. This is now shown
consistently on the detail and in the design calculations.
2. Provide a drainage statement on the signed plans (Paving, Grading and Drainage plan,
depicting how the stormwater is managed meeting the requirements for quality and
attenuation and how the maintenance of the system will be carried out.
Response: The statement requested is added to the Paving, Grading and
Drainage Plan sheet
3. Drainage Structure Table (sheet 2) indicates IVIES-2 invert elevation at -0.62; verify and
Response: MES-2 invert elevation is corrected to elevation 17.00'.
4. Drainage Structure Table (sheet 2) indicates IVIES-6 invert elevation at 17.40, lower
than d/s invert elevations (MES-4, IVIES-5); explain or correct.
Response: MES-4, MES-5 and MES-6 invert elevation are all now set at invert
elevation 17.40' NGVD.
2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497
5. ROW grading may be required for confirming positive flow. ROW permit may be
required for installing the discharge pipe within county ROW. Please contact Grant
Chambers of engineering at 772-462-2741.
Response: We are in the process of applying for a ROW permit from SLC.
6. Provide letter from County Engineer for draining to county ROW.
Response: We are in the process of obtaining a letter from the County Engineer
for draining to the county ROW.
7. Design perimeter berm minimum elevation is at 19.10 as per drainage calculations.
Plan sheets does not depict the same. Please indicate this requirement on the plans
and sections. Since the overflow structure top elevation is at 19.10, WQD recommend
that the perimeter berm be slightly higher.
Response: Perimeter elevations are raised and the control structure top is
lowered to elevation 19.00' NGVD.
8. The finished floor elevations shall be 18" higher than the crown of the adjacent
roadway as per SLC Land development Code Section 7.04.01, this requirement needs
to be met from the constructed access roadway.
Response: Finished Floor elevations raised to 18 inches above road.
9. Provide SFWMD approval or proof of self -certification to demonstrate regulatory
agency requirements are met.
Response: Self -Certification receipt is included in this submittal.
e trust these revisions and responses will prove to be adequate. If you should have any
iestions or require any additional information regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to
,ntact this office at 772-464-3537 or via the email address referenced above.
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Project Manager
osures and Attachements.
Brian Bean
2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497