HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1017 411 WAitlAIlTY DIW Pc'" ...... 1'1.. ... 51. I....;. ('-11. flariok -.........;~~'IT.....i r ! ; ~___~_.___ w__.........__.. [ THIS INORNTURF.. "ade Ihis_...,......._--11'h.__..__.da7 of___.....__...~oh...._..___._.._._._._______._.... o. 1921_. btlwno .............__.__._...~~~!!_.~.!...~~_ an4___._.~~l~.~..E:~~~.~_~.L __._..._. ._......_._.____.._..._ _..___._..______ of tht C.>Ul\11 oL_~.\!! .~~.!.,.._.___~-.______ and S~le oL...._.__...... J1.~l"14& . .-.._......_......_.._....._part!~.!lof th. first parI, and ._...... .._.__..._.__.___._...._..____._.______..__../.~~~...~.!.~e~__._..__.__._......_ ........... __. .._.__..___.........._...._.._._.__._ "f 1M Co.ml)' of.........._ S\.Luole.. ".'. ._.._....... ..... ...._._....and Slale of ...... ............__ '10l"14& ~rt '1..... of Ih. -.ond ~II. \\'I'TNI':$$F.'TII. Ih.1 the <ahl pariOI. "f the fillt parI. for anol in con.id.Mion ..f Ih.. "Ill' ..lOne 4 o:).)."r'.&.Q4 ...9~b.e.". ..aJ.~ab~e. _... __._!'.~.14. ~.~~.lg..!1.!1_......._._____ ..._._..._..._._._______...._.___.~. 10.. ~.heJI . in "and paid. I~ r<<rip! .htrtof is htr.by ack",.wl..!~ttJ. 1ta._T.. granted, barcaintd. sold and Ir.n.furtd. aod by the.. pr...nll do.._....._ grant. barlCain. ..!I and lun.I., unlo the said parl.7.__ 01 Ihe stcood part and __._..._..h~.... ___.00. hei.. and assign. fornC't. all thai c.ruin parcel 01 bod l)'il'l: and btmg in Ih.. Counl)' 01... ~~. ._JA.()~.!_. '"_......._..'_''' ".._'_" an.l S~I. of. .........n...f.l~1'14... ...._........ n...re particularly d.scribN as f.,lwws:.__._......._...._..... ._..._.. .... ..." ... ...... _. ......_. _... .....__ "___'__'" .._.........._......__~.'....~I.1~___J ~t.~~...~l.~.~~_~~_~!" 14!.!.~.._~~ n~~'~It~~n...1 per plat l"800l"4e4 " m.. .. _.......___.111 R.l,!l~ _l:!o~~...fIl.F y~ _ ;1.~... ~~~~. ~._~~..~.~.L~J. o.!tt._ CJo u.n \ 1. f'l~ l' 14. . . _ . . ..-.....1.-.. ..---.....-----.--...---- -..........---.. ~ U TOGETHER .ith ~1I the- tClM'1nCllt4.. hc-r("CliUtJW1lti .and 1ppurto:n.an<<s. ..ith (""tf)' 1.li\lln~-. ri..::h'. ti,lf'. i.:!t"u ,t 11:.1 (~latr. .1'1'\4( r JoI:.J ri...:ht ..f cJ...-C'r. fn,-"uiun. r........inder alld .-a~mrnl Ih...lo btlotllcing or in anywise appcrlaininlii: TO 11.-\ \"E .\]1;11 TO "OUI 1M ...noo: in ,.., .iml'lo: I"rt\er And Ihe sa;.t part..,1e.ol Ih. /i,,1 ~rt do '__ ""CPant .ith I~ ...j.t pari '1 ..1 Ihe ..........t "".. Ih.1 they are . !.a. fully se;zed "I Ihr ~id p<<rni,"" that Ihe, arc fr<< from all incUlnbuncn and th.... \tle'1 .ba'f.li.. .___gOOoJ ri~hl an" la...lul aUlhorit)' tu ..II II", um~; an.J :b.. nid pa..lel. . ..11M first part 00..____. Mreby fully warranl lho: lill. to ...id land. &no:! will dtl.nd !h. nnlC a!(~in'l Ill.. b.dul claim' Ilf all l"r".I" ..ho'm...".-cr. IS WITNESS WHEl:EOF. tho: ..id parllJt~ 01 1M 6r'l pari Iu.'f~._ b<rcunlo "'I \hell" Iund I and ><:all . 1M da)' and )"car aN'" w rillcn. SiKned. lukd and dtl;.cr.d in our p......cc: S8laa Hekel' _._...~_. .-. R. .B. IAleh ~...l Jenn1e K. )lann U. II. Kann j5F_-\1.l _\SE.-\I.\ - ------_.- -- ------------ STATF. OF . ,J,.odd.. . :it. lAw1e COU:,TY IH' I IIEI:EIIY CERTIFY. Thai on Ihi. ll\h day 01 . ___"m . _.. __...Jl~9.l1__._._..___. ...__....... D. 192''-_. btlor. Ok' ""rsonall)" al'l'tlT.d .. ..__......._._.... ." /~!l~.1~.. ~... ~_DJl.-'.~_ ~~.Q~I'_b,q,l:I!Illl4._ to .... kc.o.-c 10 bt Iho: (.otr...n I do:5<ribN in and..oo u<<ulcd th. lorqoinc coon)"&nC" to ._..J!l~.~fQ81;O.r._..__________ __ .___and <c,.rall, admo.I..t"..t 1M ......uli.... Ih..".1 10 bt _ ~h~ll"__. Ir<< acl aud tit,,) for II", nlC. ..nd I'U'1""" IIl.re;n mnlli.."cd; and 11>0: Qid _._.__..!.~~!e _~Han~__ 11>0: 1Iil.. 01 11>0: said.. . .. . .. ..___.. . .. Kann ..___._. _.__.______.___..._..... ..... . . on a ..~r..,e and pri...l. .uminalion takn> ar:<I' made by aIld btl..ro: mt. and '.~ralcly and ..pari from her said husband. did ...,knowledg. th.it she mado: bc:rso:lI a pally to tho: said Dctd of Con'e)~ncc. for the purpusc 01 rmoancinlt. rtlin'lu;.hing and COllYe);ng all hc{ right. lille aIld ;nlcrut. wMlher of do...r or of Kl'arato: property. .Ialulor,- or tfjuil.bk. in and to the land. therein ck1cribtd, and 1""1 .he o:UCUled ..id deed frttly and ~.,Janlaril)" and ....thout any conltraint. Inr. al'prthcn.ion or compulsion 01 or Irom mr ..id bu>lwad. f1 U snl aL _. ~. t. .}lj,.., rQ.,___._.__.._.._ '.__'.. .__in lite Counl)" 01 . ~ ~.. ..lMQ 19 _.._.._ ____.___._. _.. .Iht da1 and yar last aloruaid. S~ laa Be kl)r ' BO'1D'7 PUtJ110. S~.h at Lar~.--" --vr-oo-.exp-z-;;--n--;;-n. '__uu ----~ . (SEAL) d3). uf Karoh A. n. 191 7 . al ~: 2a 0"'0<10: __~.. 1'-. tbi. in.lrUlftftlt ..u fi~ lor rnord. and being dOlI)' ackn.....ItdKcd and \>ro.-.11, I ban r<corded Ihc same on ~ !!.!... . ---...ll!.. ~ . '"6Jil~ ~... in the public fCOOI'ds of said Count,. TW8n,y-.I. 1'." IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF, 11u.. hereunto stt my hand and aWned the Mal of the Circuit Court of the ~ Judicial Circa;t of Wd S~le. in and for Wd Coanl}'. P. c. KLWED -- .---.....- "-'j?'-- .71n.-.---.------...--.OUIt. ad.v f7'.c r~/ . .. C .,' ..(\ 'Jet'" Q r-CO{l\ ;f-)--:! :':.~,i:~,.::~~:~...~i~';(~\.~:,.: ~~~.~/:~r . . :.~.::; ~~~~:~ }~~'\<~.-~~ ;i~: