HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT 12-5-18F I M-I -estinc. [8�[Q &MA YFARS'GF EKCRLENCE RB L ISH EA 1989-1 i de �. MondaY,:D ember 3; zois _ ... ngineering.. 306 S Bro ksmith Road O@Sti119, .ItIC. Foit Pierce FL 34945 .. .. g Pae2 ... ... Thebo .II g log(s)'attached present a detailed description.of the'soils encountered'at.'each'locatiori:'The"soil stratification ' shown the boring logs) .is based on the"examination :of 'the: recovered soil samples. and "interpretation" of the driller's . .. . field to (s); It indicates. only. he:approximate boundaries between soil types.: The. actual transitions between adjacent ; . ' ii soil.typ; s may be gradual. From a; eotechnical,engineenng.perspective,, the site is suitable for -the construction. of the proposed structure; provided that then �urface sand layers are compacted in, place. and- proof rolled. Localized areas: of loose materials;'ifpresent, will = :! become levidenf during site clearing; -grubbing and proof rolling; and must be removed Prior to filling -operations . Based on :our: understanding of the proposed structure and' the :inforinatiori obtained from' our:field boring log(§); we,.'.'-. - ! : recomnindahe :following procedures for foundation design::.::: _ :: :.: i.' .-. .. .1 y Saturate and compact. all construction areas with: a 'heavy self propelled vibratory roller to, a minunum: of. of the:.ASTM D 4557' •modified• proctor method. Make -a minimum of".t6n (1"0) passes'.with• the ' roller.• in each direction: .. . 2). Care' should. be _taken when .using vibration. in case of existing. structures' in .the .vicinity of the _construction: area.. If: vibration, cannot:,be used -for: compaction, static compaction may' be applied. However, :mJhis. case, .the :.' . Compabted.lav6r should.not exceed 6 inches in thickness.• . 3.):' Backfill .construction areas' to proper.'elevation if needed. using a clean granular material placed :in lifts not to exceedawelve, (12) inches 'in thickness and compacted as. per item 2.: -4)::Representative: samples of the: on -site and proposed . fill material should: be collected, and. tested to. determine the :. f '; classificationand compaction characteristics. .5), All construction. fill . material above •the .water. table .shall. be. clean ,granular. soil; free of organics - or .other - deleterious material; and shall :contain no. more than twelve (12) ;percent fines passing a,U.S: Standard�.N6._ 200 sieve (0:07'5mm) and' ave a Unified'Soil Classification (USCS) designation: of -GP,. GW; GP -GM; GW=GM; SP or SW. No particle size greater than three (3) inches shall be used iii the top 12 inches of the building pad..- ' 6 .Fill Material 'below: the:vater'table shall be washed free drainin avel.such as .FOOT No. 57:'stone or.: �.:. equivalent to: about:42 inches 'above the water iable,-unle'ss dewatering is used.: When dewatering. is used; fill material shall 'be: clean granulat soil; free of -organics or other deleterious material;: and shall contain no -more thaniwelve:(12) percent.fines.passing aU.S. Standard No. 200 sieve (0:075mm).:. { .7).,''Vefify, all. denisifidaiion 'procedures by''.taking an adequate number: of. field: density tests in each•_layer .of. compacted - material: Density :tests.:shall be performed on the slab -'areas; 'footing areas,: interior bearing wall footings and column pad: footings: This. "must: be: ;scheduled': -immediately: after Tamp and ".Spray ;and/or Compaction, but before:Reinforcin Steel Placement.. If reinforcingsteel is alread m- lace • it must:bexemoved f Ofti.. l -areas to be tested prior to performing: densities: " is :_ I ecleral. Monda , .D y ember.3, 2018 esfirl ng, Ind'. . Q ngine 3136 S Bro ksmith Road - : ". " • " " 8 OQ Fort Pierce; FL 34945 Page 3 .. 8)' er the'. msta'llaiion. of any plumbing and electrical .piping; we :recommend that the "disturbed --area be ecompacted and additional:densities-tests'be performed to verifyproper.compaction: of the disturbed areas::. -of-:the-=above : Geote ' cal � work shall. �be performed: under the supervision ."of Federal .Engineering -&- --- esting's : geotechriical; engineer" or lus "representative "to verify "compliance with our .specifications " and " the Florida Building Code: Please callus at: 954=784-2941 forsclieduliiig.:: ". 10)� In the event. of existing structures,: ekistiiig footings or proposed drainage lines; provisions shall:be made, by the = structural'en meer and site contractor to rotect.all footin s from and ex osure:' The. •eotechnical .. g•... .. .p. ".. g g .P. g,.. engineer shall be -notified "of the'se,conditions .to evaluate ihe:applicability of his; recommendations:. " " The ab �I' 'e foundation .recommendations, being achieved and -.verified; it is .our opinion that the proposed structure be designed for- a shallow foundation _system with a permissible soil bearing pressure not to exceed' 2500 P:S.F Building " pad certification -requires. satisfactory completion and verification.of all "the'above. foundation recommendations. : Slabs cedar on com -acted fill" xna be designed usiri 'airiodulus" of 'sub • "ade reaction value of 200 c' L The following pla p p y gn g .. .. , .gr . p. g soil par; meters shall .be used for "retaining wail designs:.,. Soil:unit weight moist-----------=---==--=-------------------=-------------------=--------------. • 1 l0:pcf Soil, unit weight buoyant--=-=---=--=--=-=-----=-=--=---=--=-==------=--=---=--=-==------==----= " 48 .pcf . -•. "Angle: of "internal :friction' --=-=--=---==--------------------------_______----___---_-_:_____:___. 300 . Active Earth ressure- coefficient Passive Earth: pressure coeff cient (Kp)==----==-==--==-----==-=- ---=--=--=----------==-=-- ' 3.0 Angle. of wall friction for steel piles--=---==-=----=-=--=--=----=-=..----=-=--=--=---==-.=---=- 30 Angle of wall: friction for concrete / brick wails --- =------------- ------ .===-==-==----==---- 20° • Angle of.wall friction for.uncoated steel--=-=------------ ------------ --------------- =----- - 150 Excava, ions "shall not: aktend within :one, (1)" foot .of the arigle.of "repose: next. -to. existing- footings or ,structuies.unless I. underpinned. Trenching shall: be'. in. -compliance .with the :Florida "Building Code, OSHA and Trench: Safety Act requir. . ents.' Shorings.shall be designed"aiid•inspected'by a Floiida.licensed professional engineer. " Provis.l ns. shall be made. by the: "ar"chitect; :engineer, of. record: and contractor: to address' differential - settlements when . tying new. to.'• existing. structures. = "Miking of different foundation .types . shall not be . used ":unless provided with expans`onjpints to address, differential settlement: Detailed settlement analysis -was- beyond. the scope :of .this. report.':.Comparing, the •field.test,data.-obtained in -this. exploraffiion with our experience with str ictures,-similar. to: those. proposed, for this.project, , the .estimated •inagi itude -of - . these.settlements is 0.5. to-1 inch.' Due to "the" granular nature of the subsurface materials,• the foundation settlements I. should' ec'Ur as'the.loads are applied and'should be virtually -negligible by.the ehd."of the building.shell completion:: " Ali' outlI`IIide ground surfaces .must. be sloped, away from the structure'to avoid:water accumulation and ponding:- All rain waters,sball be discharged away from. all- building "foundations.- Verify all water; sewer, plumbin&:sprinkler.and drainage :- lines ar„ ,properly functioning. with no: leaks in the :vicinity of the foundation:. ' " " :.. ei rA I .. © d- , . Phone:.954 78.4-29.4l -'. . On .. .. , . Ineerin E=Fax. ' 954 784=7875 admit@fed-eng.com . Liu, g. ... i eM.1 .". ww.fed lni-.eng:com - '' '. -1 - .......... ... .. .... :. : SPT Test Boring;Report : .' . .Client•: �' ..,Groza�Builders; Inc.. �' . .Date of Test:.December:2, 2018 . . -Proposed Residence (After Fill) : Hole -No., Address 3136.5 Brocicsmith-Road__: _ .:: . " " - Location:::: See Attached.Drawing .:...:. - :. .'. Fort Pierce; FL.34945 Depth'.(FT) :. Soil Descriptions'.. Hammer -Blows : "W'. . 1l -.31:: Gray Sarid,(Fill).... .6 2: 3:- ..:. : 3 :. ..: .. . : `.' . :. 3' :: 5' -' .' Light, Orange' Sand: : , .. 4 .::. : 5 .. '4 10 .'. .. :. : - ..4 5, .:.: .: 5' y. 7' .. Lig4t:GraClayey Sand 9 . ". .5. - 5:. _ .: :13:......, A. :: 7' - :10' :. .Bluish Gray Sandy Clay .18 ..:. . 1.0 .... :'...... :.9 .9.. 12 .10" 15' : Bluish Gray Sand : . .I3 . A A: 1'5 10.' - 1'1 , 1.7 19... ..20. 2.1 . _ 22 ' .23 24:. . .26 . . :. 28 ;Water. Level: :: - — A'5" - : Below Land Surface ' ra j MH n;o6rinH.. rzFe'dei ®ederal ..�. Q ngineering 8 Q esti ng;. Inc.. - :Soil Classif cationS. `Correlation 'f Penetration:Resistanee with Relative:Deiisity, and. Consistency ,_.... .. � ..." " Sands I . Dynamic Cone-Penetrometier Standard Penetration ; Relative Density..: , ' Penetrometer Resistance :. Hammer Blows ... 1- 0 - �10 = . :: : : 0 - 4 . ".: Very: Loose .. ,. ' 1.1. - 25. :. : _ " .:: 5 .= 10 . ::.... , Loose ...... -.26 -: 45 ... " .: :.. 11 - 20'. Finn:. :.45'= 75 :.: :.' 21:-:30' :.. Very. Fitin i :..76 -120 :::::. 31= 50:::.Dense .. : 120 - :::. :> 50:-". . .:Very...ense Silts &a Clay Dynamic Cone Penetrometer - - Standard .Penetration Relative Density ..... - ": -Penetrometerr Resistance Hammer Blows ... :. 0 -:6 . . -. ::: . 0 - 2:.:" .:: :: :: Very. Soft. 3-5: .. :Soft: .16 -;; 30 `R . :.. " : 6.- 10.. :. Firm. 31 � 45 :.. . 11:-:15 :. Stiff. . 90 .:.::.. :16 = 30.- :::. :.:. Very Stiff - 9I - 150 ::: 31- .50 .Hard Roek Hardness Description Soft:::.::.. .:::. Rock core crumbles:wken-handled::::. Medium .. :::- Can break core with your hands:. Moderately.Hard.: Thin edges offock:core can be broken with fingers.' Hard. .Thin edges of rock core. cannot be broken with:fingers . . Very.Hard.: Rock. core rings when -struck with a hammer Sand Quantity Modifiers . Very.Slight Trace .. _ ." 0 - 2 %. .-Sligh 'Trace .: 2 - 5 Trace: _ o .. Little.Trace :; 10 --15-%- :. Some::- ::.. ".: :-15 .= 30 %::: With.... .. Silt -Clay Quantity Modifiers Slightly'.Silty /Clayey ..: 0 .=.5 %. : Silty / Clayey :.. -,5 =: 30-°� 7 Very. Silty. / Clayey" :... 30 - 50 -%:.. :. i - ede�al• . .. Q ngineering . ng, :Inc.. Lirriitk ons. 'of Liability Warranty. :. - Analysis 'and: Recommendations. cont, . We wairapt-th t the services performed by Federal Engineering, and Testing; In accepting this. report'the-clientundecstands-that all from•the soil boring' I. Inc, (F.E.T.): a -conducted -in a.manner consistent with the-level.of skill and- .. is intended for foundation analysis.only and:is not to -be used. for excavating,; �care.ordinaril xercised'by•members.ofthe-profession'currentlypracticing''.'. -backfilling.orpricingestimates:Jn-acceptingthisreporttheclient undeistands. . under_ similar' nditions.- .No other .warranties; expressed: or- implied; that all data from :the soil boring is intended. for foundation analysis only and' • made. While t ,'are �• services -of F.E.T. are an integral and valuable -part of the is not to be. used- for'excavating,-backfilling- or pricing.estimates. The site-. design and cons ction process, we do not Warrant, guarantee; or insure the . 'contractor must. familiarize themselves -with the Job.'site 1 conditions,' Soil" quality lof cone eteness of -services :or satisfactory performance provided by.' 'boring(s)-, on unmarked' vacant property or -existing structures) to: be: other member.,h,: f the:construction process and/or. the construction plans and demolished: is considered :preliminary "with further boring(§) .to. be performed specifications iich we' have: not prepared, .nor the ultimate "performance of "afte'r:proposed building pad is staked out: Report recommendafioris are -based building site terials. As., mutual-protection.:to clients, the public and 'primarily on, data from test. borings made at the locations "shown on- the .test - ' ' ourselves, -all r authorization fo ports.are'submitted as•the confidential property.of clients, and publication of statetnents, :conclusions .or extracts from or. :. . • - boring :reports.' Soil variations :may exist between .borings and may: not. become.evident-until. construction.: -If variations are then noted,. F.E.T. •must regarding: our, orts -is. reserved pending our written approval. Reports are • be :contacted so that field conditions can be. examined. and. recommendations. not intended. f " rd party use. : :.:. revised. if necessary: The Geotechnical report states our understanding as, to. - . • the location; dimensi. . and structural• features ;proposed of the site, Any. SubsuYface Expko ation' .. Significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site -improvements Subsurface ex ration is normally accomplished by test borings.. The soil. :.:. must' be = communicated . to F.E.T. ' .so : that. -the ..Geotechiucal. 'analysis,: boring ' log i I1 udes - sampling information, description of ,-the" materials .. : conclusions, and recommendations can be'appropriately adjusted.::. 1 . recovered; app1 xunate depths .of boundaries between soil and rock.strata and groundwater d L�. And time the bo t . 'The log represents conditions specifically at the location rig was made. The boundaries between:different'soil strata. Construction Obse ' tions: are -indicated a pecific depths; however; these depths are in fact approximate . : - Construction observation and. testing is an important• element of Geotechnical a and dependen ul on the frequency of sampling . The transitions between soil services. The Geotechnical.Engineer's Field Representative (Field Rep.): i.s the stratum,' are o' n gradual.. Water aevel readings are made at the time 'the "owner's representative"' observing. the .work .of the contractor, :performing . boring was pe' rmed and can change with'time, precipitation, canal levels,., : tests; .and; reporting: data'from such' test's and' observations. 'The Geotechnical :local well. dra" own,:and other factors. Regardless of the:thorou&es§ of. a : " :. : Engineer's Field Representative :does r't.direct the :contractor's construction Geotechnical exploration there is always a possibility that conditions may be. ipeans,. methods; operations,. or personnel:: The Field.Rep:.does.not. interfere. , 'different. from the test.locations therefore F.E.J. does not guarantee with the relationship between the owner and: the. contractor,:and except. -as an I&II�se.of any subsoil c,1 ritlition surrounding the :bore test holes. For a more -accurate observer; does not become a substitute owner on site. The Field Rep: is.only portrayal of: s„ surface conditions; the site. contractor should'. perform tests, . collecting data"for our Engineer to, review.; The Field. Rep. is responsible. for. - pits. If differe conditions -are encountered, F.E.T. shall be notified to review his/her safety, only,-but.has. no responsibilityfor the safety of other. personnel the findings ariil make any" recornrriendations as needed. . " and/or the general public at the site. :If the Field: Rep: does not .feel .that the .. site is offering"a"safe environment for him/her, the Field Rep. will stop his/her observation/ testing until he/she deems the site is safe..'.The Field Rep. is an important- member of a team ,whose responsibility :is to observe.the test and: Labordtory. and Field Tests • work being done and report to, the client whether that work• is being carried . Tests are pe otherwise indicated. o ed in accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless • All criteria• included *in a given ASTM Standard are not out in:general conformance with_ 'the planss and specifications.: always required and performed.- Each test:report-indicates the:measurements and.determina ions actually .. .:.. f .. Limitations of Report .. t?lNneYShip Of TeStS �R2pOYtS Federal Engineering'& Testing,. Inc: shall have no'liability, in contract, tort or. All Pest resultl�aand/or reports:prepaied byF.E.T. pursuant to this agreement otherwise; for any inaccuracy, defect; or.omission:in interpreting this report and/or Addend Im(s) thereto,: shall .remain -the :property of F.E.T; 'until all and shall not in any. event have any liability for lost profits or any. other: monies due �d owing to F.E.T. under this Agreement 'and/or. Addendum(s) indirect, special,. incidental; consequential; exemplary or: pimitive'dainages., In thereto, are pad in full.. : :. the event, of future conflict- between owners and :contractors the following. - . .. applies: F.E.T.(s) legal ;and/or. cornpany •representatioh� and •preparation for; . An[ilysiS and Recori2YYleY1d¢tiQriS representation fees will :be billed on an hourly rate, i.e.:.dep:osition; expert - The GeotechntcaI report is prepared' primarily to aid in the design of site work Fitness, • etc.- • F:E.T: has no: obligation to amend. its . conclusions or . and structural oundations. Although the:ihformation in the report is expected recommendations After the.date of this. report..Any alterations. or changes in to"be sufficie or these purposes, iris not intended to defermine the'.cost of the location.of the.'project_should be brought. to our 'attention at.the:earliest " construction o o stand' alone as construction specifications.. ' . , ' ' convenience for.review: and' applicability' of this'reporf. . Soil '/:Agg '.poll Borint Density Q Grain Sike, -Moisture C Sol i I Class! Limerdck I .-FloridaBe Cilfbonat Hydraullc Organic.( L.A. Abr4 FDOT. Ini QC Mana QC Conti QC A'sphe Phasel S. Site lhspqi Riise'air*ch -TAS•-.105 F TA$- 1061 TAS. 124 E �TASAA 0 wihelloid Qecilfiage i. k6of. Ass, -,-Cap Shei Fasten"eir .Tile/� Shin `BAse.Sh( .Roof bra delr-161' 'Phone: 954-784-2941 ...... -9-Fax:'.'954r784r '7075 ng e h n.ejr ..admIn@fedeng.*dom'.' . J"d Wivw. e -en.g.com... sting; 250 SW 13th Ave I Pompano Beach I Florid ' ait rV. COS. ", P lalthAbf-S"d '1' -Qoatedh-n1!q91 Eh9ineerint: Services Oate.Tiists. Field Inspection Services - -.Fil . IAQU . alily.pdritrol Ins-pOttioris'-.'. -'.'Backscattdr- Pdrisit,y Tbsts ioaiction'T-66t6- -• De1mUckIng'lhspcqpns,-.-. .. Extractions -9-Gradations '- na ypit I . I :Building-Inspections'.:.:'-�:Mar9haII.LImits.'­.'.' ntents: ..Pile'.Ddving In'spep!I6,ni; .,,Bulk:Spqcifid Gravity - rations Pile Load Tests: Cores f6r.ThIbkrie' s: Determination S. n., on. . wing Ratios Ste L A h A 'haIt,PaVernent'M9 ito,nri§ sP.. in Nalue .9 ..s. . 'Theeshbld Inspection- Asphalt Assessment. vity - analysis 'Weld'Inspection•• 'ConC Concrete Testi- .. )nducti ity'.. Mbratl o*n Monitoring: . . . . tonbretattr6rig"th'.16sting.. dents, , ,Slump .T n Geot6chnical E sering.,: ngiriL ihftbt. Probelestlng.. W actions Foundition'Engirieerinig: - Schmidt Hammer Testing:.. Ment'. FbundatonDesijn -Recommend.ation , -Q6reTesting: ­.. Air Contint- 1spectiohs: Subsoll Investigation.::,• Load -ca lcolatbrs- . Concrete Unit Welght aInspecto6a Ifispectl6rs. ..PiI6 Piling Installation M6nitonn9. FlegUal Strength Tattn g :Environmental En'gind'e, j ring - Servicesdes i.A6sessmoftts 'Phase 11 Site:Asiesiffients: Lead Base Paint Surveys' ons.•• Phase"I Follow a Ilow- Upon Contaminated: Sites 'Report and Analysis:., Property k66ords - Air Monit6d Soil Bbrings - S6116t%d:Grdurid-Water-Analysis fTestis g& ns e Rooon"Ser"vi des" iId Fastener Withdrawal T Wplift Test - id� - Chamber' ! Bdhde Pu ll ull Tisf llit6re s6rvey . . . ... Ak ilbulafibfis. . Obhcrel:6 plAderhb6t: InsOqqIJdn ,meet I Evaluation'.' - ispectiori, acing .InsOeo0dh: w. % I SiMn'dg in;Seam Inspection::::. lfi§tallation.Inispocfion: ifigation: J Otion/ Cerfifidailon: ..... . ;e.CaIduIatIons..:,,. 250 SW 13th Avenue Pompano Beach, Florida 33069 -ac I lk _C i6PA M T Op APPnAMd Lzbo WOTY