HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1054 , I , i ! 454 I ! 11<... a"""", No. St. IArie (' _. 1'Ieri4a. ~T "au I ~ . - - __4~ ~ -~ _I"~' - _. .. -...-.- --'- --!' I: TillS INOF.NTlIRF.. t.faJe Ihl. ..... ..--. ._..?~-_._._---.._._da1 of .....__.._.....~r..oh....___..__._..._.. ._--A. D. 191'1__. bttwer.t . Gartru.deH.. IUe1ll!ll... a.. .1dQ..._ao~I._.he1r._oL.Md._.olo.JJ.enot1c.1IU'.Y'_..w..1!\Q!,,_~~e_~.1J,J_ ot !~!~.P~...J.: !._~~~m, ~1 1 Y de~ease of .he COUIIty of..____...._....._ JaakSOIl.__.......__._.__.......and State of....... -....- . .s.!,~_~.... ._....................n__.____par...__._ of th~ lirs. p1rl. aud ,. !; \\'fTNEs~E.nl. lhal .he saj.ll..rl .1.. uf I:~ fiu' p1rl. fur and in ~(",.idtu~..", (.f .,~ 'unl of .-........ .... partY... . of Ihe _.....1 put. Ten Dollar s aDd....~.~.~e.l" good an~ .~ uf lhe C"unly of "_'" A.nna ~. Rutly, w1do. .)1:. Herman Rutl".. D8Qeaaed _''''n' .__.m.... .,...... __. '_'__"" St. Luolo '. . and Snle of. ..p'.10~.14.~...... . --. ......__y&luable oons1clera 'iona..... ._......_..... _. ...............__.......... I.,. b.or ...... .in hand paid, Ihe reeeipl .hereof i. hcrrhy a<k.~...I"IJ(td. "'~,.& "Yo or ha. .' .. granled. harpined, ...Id and I,anofecred, and by .hese p,eoenb doe,) ^ I(ranl. bafllain. ..11 and lraruf.. un.o .he ~id pari _..01.... of .he .~ p1rt and _........her. ... ....._.....heirs and so.ign. forner. :all lhal urlain pucel of land tying :and being in lhe County oL.. ._..... S to .LIlOl<<L ......_..... , and S.a't of .... Florida mo.,. p1r1i.:ululy described a. fo>l~)\,..:. _._. _._ Sou.theast ._Q.uarter. o~ ..the SOlltheastQuarter. (SEi not sr;i) <tfSOOUOD ... Eleven (11). TOWDShip. ~hiJ;t.Y:~fni'Ye_{~J~ l..~()~tll...Rf1gge.. Tll1r ~'y-D~De (39) .1.:&910. ._____....._.__...Qon tal~ .Fort7 aore-a... m.or.e ...or._l.eaL________.______.__.._._... .h________ ._. ._.._ _ __u_ .___.___. ...... Su~J.eo \._ho\tOY~r ....~o..e.D.J....and..Jlll._taxes..-B_e.neml.-.B~.e.Q1al.....Qr_.d.m.1M.gt.-ft. n.\.___ . h. ~Qft.ll assts8O\ents or..lev1u au.ba8.'t-\18.D.t.. t.o. .D8cambtiru.3.l.at.._192.5.....and...1480 subJent _.. . .100 aD..; . c1e4llo Uon tOJ"1',"1gl1.tf;l.o_f.. ~.;y_tQ!, .."Il~.l.t.OJljEhilrft.YJL9r_ .f.)~ ..(U19..l!~!L~~....~.1gh~~_... \ otway or . the No -: th St.. Lu.a le.R1 ver...Dra1nag8...D1Iltrlc.t. .__.___......_____.~... ....h.h...... \ _"._.,_"n',. ______.___...______._._...__ ____..._____.___...___...__.._____...____._______.__ TOGETHER .'i~h ~1I tht trnMr.n:h. h('r('\'it3mtr.t~ and :appurh..'~rrCt'. with C"Y't'r). I.ri,itr-.,:,-. r:;..t.!. tit!('. ir.tt1't"...t anct r'!atf'. .!......(f ;1.1..1 fitd!t ui ..I........... rt'\f'f\ion. r<l"Uin<lcr 00..01 e..sclllrnt Ih...I.. "d,,'n~inK or in an},.-i.. a~rl~ininll: TO 11.\ \'E ,\SH To 1I0l.H lhe ""ne in f~ .imple fnrntr. And th~ <Lid pari Y of the hr.t p3ft .10 e S . ",venan' with .he ..id parI y ,.f lhe ....,.....1 par' .hal she is .... 'h._Ia.ruDy ";,,,1 ..f Ih.. ...i,1 ..remise.. thaI .hey ar~ free from all incuu.bnnce. and IMI. . she haS.. .11:0.,,1 rij(hl and lawful an.horily In !tll.h< .ame; and lhe ..id \>.., Y oi !tr!' I fi"l pan do. 08 hcrcby r..lly warrant Ihc .illc I.) ...i.1 bnd. an" will defead Iht "''''C a!:3i.,", lhe b..flll cbims or all ....r...... "bo.m,."',,,',.. IN WITSESS WIIEREOF. the ",,;d !>art. y..... oi .he I;". part hol. _ . hc:rcuIII. 'OCt h8l" Jur.r! :tn_I ~.11 . lht day a.ld y~.u ~1",\,(' "r;fh.-tl. Sigr.ed, sealed and dtliH"ed in 011' P'<lcace: ..R. 2(. Pearson 2:. V. Lovelaoe - l ~ertrade H. Kle~ . Sole heir ot and sole bene_'ioiary will of Josoph J. Heio. De~ea8ed. ."-E..\I I under the ,:;E.\I.1 ~,_._--- _._- -- - ------ -- -----.-- ------------ - - --.._----.. _ _ _ ~. _ .__ dO STATE OF lUsS:JW'1 ('OUST\' OF Jaokson I HEREk\' t."I~RTIF\'. Th~t on this 22n~ d..l:" hf i4arah __........ .... ___m....A. D. 19~ ..7. . . bei..r,' lilt per~\I)' appn,red.. Gertrl1de H. K1e!lllll._.....__._._.__..... . hJ ute known I.. he lhe ."rvoo &J t!el<'riht<1 in :anot .h.. encul," the f..rf1lOinor ennYe,anc~ .. .. ...and ~ ",kno.kolgtd rhc ...'..:nl~". .h."...i I.. be -- hep . toM: ~,' anti dtlf1t fur Ihr D't", aM vnrpoJ'(" tbrrnn Iftnltj.lf'Kd: ... ,ii, .~ .if~ "f tt.. sai h. . ~ h _ ... ~ .. . ~ . on a . la and 11'..:a.", 1.,-" ....f..rc me. ae.d ~'3. . ly .n1 ap~rl f'''111 Ii .a;d hu.band. 01..1.. ....ledgc thol. .he ". c hcrKU a pan) t" (or purpose of rcnu i"'l(. rr-linqaiJhing: ~r. ~.ntnr-Jr an hf'r ri( ,~d~ and ir..lffl50t.... hotr of do.tr Of cc.-aratc pro;-erty. it"J to the .1. lhercin desc.. arod .holt .he nttU. 'ai<J detd rr<<ly ~ yob....rily ~n I willi uI any cQn.tr~int. r. ~ppr.hc:n'lOn or said hu.ba an.1 Slatt ..f ~~I ~I KlJ.DSaS .G.! t.r in 1M (""'UlIll HI Jackson I"" ,t..y ~nOI YO-'" I~.t af"",s:a~J. Adolph J. Kayar 'Sr:.-\I., .. ~-'- .__..~.."-'.-.o~Ptritl to . .iao-kaon -C~un~~Mi1!8(t;1rh-'" U3 oommissiOD expires De~ember 16th, 1930. (,led fM rfCt>rof. and bein<< oIaly a<"r.....I.o!Jled and ..rovm. I ha.~ recordC'1 lhe ..me .... ....lI::t ._ 4:)" "f Il<oolc 68 ... in lhe pub/X: rt'Cnrw "f said C"""ty. I On lhi, 1st .by ur A.prll .-\ It. 19~ 7 . al 10: Oil,'h'\c A. M, Ihi. in.lrtnne1't sa. IN WITXP.SS WHt:RF.OF. I ~ Coun.y. / I t. "- -- . P. c. Eldred....~-. ~. _.,_.._. Clerk ./~<_ L -c .(_ r- t. Cd.- ~_.. () c. to> "t my hand and affi.ed the sui "r lhe Circuit ('onrt of the Flft<<nth J...h.-i:al CirCllit of said Stale. in and for said ,,1 cr\\iCc\ F"r.("I{{\ . . >. .:: ~ .:~~~~:;:;\..:.~~_./~~~~.;~:.~.:~?7..~!~:~.. . _.' . '.: . ~':/~~;~~':::/.~i