HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTERNoveml Mr. Jos( Saint L Buildin 2300 Vi Fort Pie Permit 3755 El Dear.M We are in way c 21, 2018 ih Fersch de County Department — Plan Review ;inia Avenue, v. FL 34981 'K N;,f C O N S T R U C T I O N =NNE), BY 81,Lade 0"'%n ication No. 1808-0637 Mile Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Fersch, Project No. 18-031 receipt of the plan review comment letter, dated 10/24/2018, for the Shiffer Residence and offer the following narrative response: se note that the comments are for the clarification or correction of the submitted documents. Additional review be required after submitting corrected documents. show on the survey flood lines. 107 FBC 2017 6th edition. Please see attached revised site plan surveys. e show on the survey the finished floor elevation. Acknowledged. Please see attached revised site plan surveys. lease provide per 2017 FBC 107.2.5 site plan. the construction documents submitted with the application for permit hall be accompanied by a site plan showing to scale the size and location of new construction and existing structures Fo the site, distances from lot lines, the established street grades and the proposed finished grades and, as applicable, od hazard areas, floodways, and design flood elevations; and it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate �oundary line survey Please see attached revised site plan surveys. revise product approval to reflect the current for 17234 R1 chapter 1, section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 i building code. wledged. The product approval chart has been updated to reflect FL17234-R5 which is the current n available through the State ofFlorida Product Approvals listings. revise product approval to reflect the current for 1354 rl on records could be found chapter 1, section 107 tion 107.1 of the 2014 Florida building code >wledged. The product approval charthas been updated to reflectFL17354--R2 which is the current n available through the State ofFlorida ProductApprovals listings. revise product approval to reflect the current for 1654 r8 chapter 1, section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 L building code ►wledged. The product approval chart has been updated to reflect FL16546-R10 which is the current n available; through the State ofFlorida ProductApprovals h'stings. 540 NNY University Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 State C',rtified General Contractor CGC 059365 S? Please revise product approval to reflect the current for 10674 r12 chapter 1, section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 Florida building code cknowledged. The product approval chart has been updated to reflect FL10674-R13 which is the current version available through the State ofFlorida ProductApptovals listings. lease revise product approval to reflect the current for 5259 r26 chapter 1, section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 Florida building code ch nowledged. The product approval chart has been updated to reflect FL5259--R28 which is the current ersion available through the State ofFlorida ProductApptovals listings. \14. Please revise product approval to reflect the current for 16703 r9 no record chapter 1, section 107 subsection 107.1 of �he 2017 Florida building code Acknowledged, The product approval chart has been updated to reflectFL16709-R4 which is the current version available through the State ofFlotida ProductApptovals listings. 1 Tease add the total cubic valum to the area section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 Florida building code. �`—TiI16.G 5c Acknowledged. Cubic volumes have been added to the floor plans. Flease provide detail for the front porch roof attachment to residence. section 107 subsection 107.2.1 of the 2017 lorida building code. Acknowledged. Please see, the climatic and geographic design criteria table on page 3a. 13. Zlwowledqed ase provide the soil density percentage required section 107 subsection 107.1 of the 2017 Florida building code. The proposed soil density for the building pad is 98% ofmax dry densityperAASHTO T- 1 80 method. A note to this effecthas been added to the foundation drawings. /14. lease show compliance with r302.7 under -stair protection Florida building code — residential 6th edition 201 p p g ( i Acknowledged. Details for the stairs have been added which refer to a V211 minimum drywall ceiling to be 11 'nstalled beneath the stairs. 15. lease show compliance with r302.9 flame spread index and smoke -developed index for wall and ceiling finishes lorida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) Jck nowledged. Additional notes and clarifications have been added to the drawings to clarify intent. 16. lease show compliance with 602.9.2 smoke -developed index. Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) cknowledged. Additional notes and clarifications have been added to the drawings to clarify intent. ✓17. lease show compliance with 602.10 flame spread index and smoke -developed index for insulation. Florida building ode — residential, 6th edition (2017) cknnowledged. Additional notes and clarifications have been added to the drawings to clarifyintent. ✓d8. Please show compliance with 602.11 fireblocking. 1, 1.1, 3, 4 Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) ch nowledged. Additional notes and clarifications have been added to the drawings to clarifyiatent. 149. Please show compliance with 602.11.1 fireblocking materials — Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) Acknowledged Additionalnotes and clarifications have been added to the drawings to clarifyintent. 1 0. lease show dimensions bathrooms complying with r307.1 space required. show Florida building code — residential p Ymg p q g 6th edition (2017). Acknowledged Enlarged floor plans for both bathrooms have been added to the construction plans. 540 N University Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 State C rtified General Contractor CGC 059365 :ase show compliance with 609.4 automatic garage door openers. automatic garage door openers, if provided, shall listed and labeled in accordance with ul 325. Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) cknowledged. Note eighteen on sheet six has been added to clarifyrequirement for stated compliance. ,J2. Please indicate 610.2.2 window sill height. Where a window is provided as the emergency escape and rescue opening, t shall have a sill height of not more than 44 inches (1118 mm) above the floor Florida building code — residential, �th edition (2017). Z' Achnowledged. The proposed sill heights have been added to egress /rescue window locations. 23.'Window j master bedroom does not comply with 610.2.1 minimum opening area. Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) ,Acknowledged. This opening was not intended to be an egress /rescue opening and the note indicating ruch has been removed. Adequate rescue openings are proposed elsewhere in the room complying with , Crequirements. 4.1 . Please provide complete detail for the stairs. Florida building code — residential, 6th edition (2017) achnowledged. Additionalplans, sections and details have been added to the construction plans. ease show compliance with 611.5.1 attachment 611.7 stairways 611.7.1 width. 611.7.2 headroom r311.7.6 311.7.8 handrails. 611.7.8.1 height. 611.7.8.2 continuity. Acknowledged. Additional details have been added to the construction plans to demonstrate compliance with referenced code sections. 26. Please show compliance with section r314 smoke alarms 614.3 location. #2. outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. hallway to bedrooms. Acknowledged Two additional combination smoke/CO2 detectors have been added to the hallway adjacent �to bedrooms for compliance with FBCR314.3. 27. Please show complete compliance with 601.2 climatic and geographic design criteria. table 601.2 (1) provide all apical information Acknowledged Please see the chmadc andgeographic design criteria table on page 3a. 8. lease show complete compliance with fill section r403 or in accordance with ACI 332. Acknowledged Notes on site preparation have been added to the foundation plan. 29. lease show complete compliance with section r506 concrete floors (on ground) r506.2.1 fill. cknowledged. Notes on site preparation have been added to the foundation plan. 0. Please show compliance with r403.1.7 footings on or adjacent to slopes. cknowledged. Please refer to the site preparation notes added to the foundation plans. Please show compliance with r506.2.4.2 contraction joints. # 2. concrete slabs on ground containing 6 x 6 welded wire reinforcement fabric Acknowledged The builder is opting to utilize fiber reinforcement as allowed in note 4 on the foundation Ian. Fiber -reinforcement is noted to comply with FBC and ASTM C1116. 2. lease identify materials to be used - section r702 interior covering r702.4.2 backer boards. cknowledged. A wall section for the tub / shower surrounds has been added which references the required backing materials for code compliance. 33. Please show compliance with r703.4 flashing. # 1 please identify materials to be used Acknowledged Details have been added clarifying intent to utilize fluid applied fenestration flashing. 540 NVIUniversity Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 State Certified General Contractor CGC 059365 i 4. 'lease indicate r802.7.2 engineered wood products. R802.7.2 Engineered wood products. Cuts, notches and holes ored in trusses, structural composite lumber, structural glue -laminated members, cross -laminated timber members or Hoists are prohibited except where permitted by the manufacturer's recommendations or where the effects of such Iterations are specifically considered in the design of the member by a registered design professional. / cknowledged. The front porch rafters have been revised to reflect sloped installation in lieu of cut to slope / s previously depicted. 35. lease show compliance with r903.2 flashing r903.2.1 locations. please identify materials to be used. cknowledged. Additional information regarding flashingreguirements have been added to the roofplans. I We are nclosing the following items which together with this letter are intending to comprise our response submittal to j the rece ,ved comment letters on the plan review: 0 JRevised Plan Pages 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5 and 6 of 7 We app eciation your attention and consideration of these items and as always, should you have any questions or need anything further on the above, please feel free to contact me. Submitted, Kerns C, onstruction & Property Management, Inc. Daniell Muschweck Cc: Files Enclosures: As Noted 540 N University Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 State NW, General Contractor CGC 059365 0 4. 'lease indicate r802.7.2 engineered wood products. R802.7.2 Engineered wood products. Cuts, notches and holes ored in trusses, structural composite lumber, structural glue -laminated members, cross -laminated timber members or Hoists are prohibited except where permitted by the manufacturer's recommendations or where the effects of such Iterations are specifically considered in the design of the member by a registered design professional. / cknowledged. The front porch rafters have been revised to reflect sloped installation in lieu of cut to slope / s previously depicted. 35. lease show compliance with r903.2 flashing r903.2.1 locations. please identify materials to be used. cknowledged. Additional information regarding flashingreguirements have been added to the roofplans. I We are nclosing the following items which together with this letter are intending to comprise our response submittal to j the rece ,ved comment letters on the plan review: 0 JRevised Plan Pages 2, 3, 3a, 4, 5 and 6 of 7 We app eciation your attention and consideration of these items and as always, should you have any questions or need anything further on the above, please feel free to contact me. Submitted, Kerns C, onstruction & Property Management, Inc. Daniell Muschweck Cc: Files Enclosures: As Noted 540 N University Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 State NW, General Contractor CGC 059365 0 C 0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N February 26, 2019 Project No. 18-031 I Ms. Lydii Galbraith, Zoning Specialist Saint Lucie County, Building & Code Regulation RECEIVED l 2300 Vir 6ia Avenue, Fort Pier e, FL 34981 FEB 2 7 2019 i Permit A., pplication No. 1808-0637 ST• Lucie Cnynty, Permitting 3755 Eleven Mile Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Dear MsJ I Galbraith, We are i# receipt of your email dated February 25, 2018 outlining the additional documents needed for the County to be able to is„ ue the above referenced permit and are enclosing the following items as requested: 0'Iwo floor plans stamped by the Health Dep. (Attached) 0 1wo surveys stamped by the Health Dep. (this may be the survey before the lot split) (Attached) 0 Copy of the well permit. (Attached) 0 3 4echanical sub -contractor is on hold and will need to update his license. Updated through Contractor Licensing, idence of update is attached. 0 ubmit roof sub agreement (Attached) We appr' ciation your attention and consideration of these items and as always, should you have any questions or need anything,lfurther on the above, please feel free to contact me. Submitted, Kerns (.construction & Property Management, Inc. Daniel 111 Muschweck Cc: roject Files Enclosures: As Noted I I \0 NWIUniversity Blvd., Suite 204, Port St Lucie, FL 34986 'te CC ified General Contractor CGC 059365 �RIVIIT # 1808-0637 ISSUE DATE 11 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Building & Code Compliance Division WEIVED BUILDING PERMIT F E B 2 7 9,019 S -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ST. LUCI9 904[l t MrP111><C ng Kerns liConstruction & Property Management Corp. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the R fing Sub -contractor for Kerns Construction & Property Mgmt (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) Forthe project located at 3803 Eleven Mile Road, Fort Pierce, FL 2328-343-0000-000-7 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I It is un erstood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I filing qf a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTIU ICTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Charl s D. Kerns PRINT ME 2713T COUNrx CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The fore ing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of FebrL ary 20�by Charles D Kerns who is p sonally known �C or has produced a as identi nation. STAMP JULIE J. GUETTLEW ' EXPIRES October 31 20i9 53 FbridoNote Servke.00r- _ Revised 111/16/2016 SUB -CONTRACT SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Charles D Kerns PRINT NAME 27133 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 26 day of February 20 by Charles D Kerns who is personally knownx—or has produced a as identification. of 53 JULIE J. GUETTLER 07 iXPIRES October 31 2019 STAMP