HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1130 530 W."'AMTY DI! ...... ....... No>. 61. St. I...... ('0....... ~ 4. ~ TUlS INDI-:NTlJR...... "",Ie thil ._......_,...~.~~...____..__..__d~y Of___.__......~l..._.__.___.___ -A. n. 19L~._.. betwe~n ...._....................... ....___......._.__.._.GI.QJ......Raaa.7_and..-Car.'Ol.1ne..B._.lla11UIQ.. _h1&.._Ua_________.... ...._ _ ........._.___ of lhe Counly of. _.._..-.-... ....... ..._Jalle. .-.-- __.._..__...___..and Snte oL_......__ _. rlo.r.1.d.. _._..' ."- .n'_ .... --__.__..... .p1'll~.~ I.f lite 6"1 P'I". :ut,t .... ...--' .....-.... ... J.. Ju. UoB.eUl.....!l' Wt\'.1 .____.__..._._. ......_...._..._...... "__...__...___..__.._ . . ... . ".h... . . or the County ..f .. . 510 ...Luo1.._.......... .. .....anrl Snle of ........_.. P10l'.ld..... . . . ...... ........--.. ....... pan ..~... of t"~ .tot.....1 1''''1. I WITNE$$El'lI. t"'" the ...;'1 p1rl le. of II~ lint 1'3.1. ror :1Il.1 in ("...'id.uli..... <of Ihe .;Slll 01..... . ODe DOllar .ancl..other ................ ......_ ....._.......__.....h..... ........ ... ....1 U$ b1e oonaider at lona.._... ..___..__.~ 10.. ..tho ....in hand paid. Ihe recdpt whereof is hertb)' a.l",u,..leJKcd. ha. _1'. Krant~I, ""rgained, sold aNI transfnred, and by these prt,ents do_... . ... Kran!. ba~in, 1('11 &lid t..nl!~r unto the said parl...7-.. of the _d part and _ ._...... hie .. h..i" and auijrn. furtver, all that ttrl~in parttl 01 hod lyinK a",1 beinK iu the ('....nly 01.._.. -....--3t ____Luoi. __............_ and Sial. of l'lor1da . .1I~.rt I...rtio:ularly descrihM .. folio....:. __.m_ h. ... .__.._......._.._... ...... An un41Tlded. Two..,Thlu.a -(2/.3) .lnter.e.t.1n..Lota..Tw8nt)'....onll...._... and. TW8nt1- two. (n. .22 )~-lU.Q.QIL!'C"_ ot... Hog !.aA4d11i 1on. _to Jor.l._._.... Pierce. l'lor ldAy.. aooordlng-tn. PJ.at....r..oorded...1n..Plat... Book 1......PDge._._. _... ...._....__.. ..l.ot '. the >>ubl1a ...r .e.a.o.rela. ..o!....at.L..1M.o.1.LCount~11.QJ..U.~ __'_"'___ Th18 d.eed 18 SlveuaubJeo.t.-to.._tluLt.axea......3.t.te..c.mwt~r:...and....c.U3..__....__ tor "1;he yoe \' 1~2~..OJl.d. 0119.. ~..~m~..mQ'rlll.l,g ..L~_~~~_.gl,y..'J'--.!>l_.G'_~.....h.____ .....u_.... ._.. Raau)'. toJ. 11. ~t~....~'l~~u_.p:r.t~. _~!a _l?2~~.___ ___._u____.._... TOGETIIEIoC "itb all th~ Itnn~lf'..l~. hc-rntit.l.nK'11U .I.r.d appurtrt~f1(:t~. .ilb ~V('I)' J.ri,iln.....,. ,i~ht_ tid('. inl("rc..t and ('~!~t('. d...t, :..nll ri;r:l1t <<.i .It..-cr. t't"I("'''h"l'' r~nuit:t":r ~nd t"oOl'i>CIJlt'llt thc-fdu '1I("Iun~jnJ: ~r in an)".i~ appt-rtaininJC: TO IIA VI-: .\XI>> T() 1I01..h thr ~~me in Iff simpk {t>rc\'f'r. And lhe ...id l03rt iea uf Ihe 6rSl lun rlo ....\cDanl wil" lhe .~i,1 p3rt y . oi Ihe _._1 pari thai. they .lIro _ . _' bwfully ..-;ocd .,f Iht ",.1 premises. that lhe, :art Iru from all i"cull1hr~ntt. :and tlul. ..t;hey have m._ ~"..>d n,(111 a"d b...rul ~bll",rily 10 stll the same; ar'd Ih. .~id pari 188 ui dlot' I 6", p3rt 01.>......_.. heRby roily .arranl th. lille t" '-lid bnd. and will deltnd Ih~ un.. :al{aiml the bwful c1..im. ..r all porr...n. .",..".......... IN WITNESS WIIEIU-:OF. tbe uid l.;a..le.s. 01 the 6rSl pari b...Ve. _ hCrtUIlI<> "'1 their hand. a and ..-al It lhe da)" and )'ur ~I""\e ..rittcn Signed.. ...~led :and dtli\crtoi in 00' [>rCltntt: J. ll... LWIIIIleD . Jr, ... J. 7red Wlner ~ Goo. J, Ramee}'. Carollne B. Rem80Y t~I':.\I.' ISE.-\I.. --- --- - - --- ---- _.~ ----------- -- --. .- -- ---- ---- -.- STATE OF.... I'lorlda COUXT\' OF >>ad. ptrsonally appeared . I HERERY CERTIFY. Th"'t on Il1i. 2ncl.....__ .d.>)" of. _.n .... Ju.ne..___ .__._.. Geo. J .)18D1.8~~_!l..~ .-Q.'!!.~.!!.~~..!-\ .Jl~~...1J.._~!n~._!'~1'~.._.... ....___._......A. D. 192 7... htf..r~ me 10 me known \I. be the ....r<on 8 ~'nbed in and ...t... u<<ut.d tho focegoing conn)~l1('e to .. 'n..... J. .. j,. UoIi.l1~... ~rua.tee _ ........_an.l .e.enlIy ackr",,.laI,tJ Ihe n<<uli..n Ihtrt"f I.. be........the1\' ir('(O ;1(1 ~"" dttot fu. 1M u.... a,.1 P'''I~'~ lherein ......ti.'llt<t: ..00 1M said _..9~.ro;l ~ne ..Jh....R~~8_e7 ____..____ ..__._......... Ih. "if. of the ",id. ... _n' '. Geo. J. Bell11181.... _ ...._ . .._ nn_... .... . .... .. on ~ !q'ar~lt ~l:.1 pri\'alt n;,mir..alivn laken and l1'adt toy and ....r.... me. and .t'tQr3Ie1y and aJ>art rrom htr qid hu,fgnd. diol ....kn.....IeJlt :~I .he ",...ok he-rK!f a parly t<> 1M said nero oi L.,,,,.t)"arKt. for lhe purpose of rmouncinll:. relinqtlUhin!l: ar.d e,'nYt)'illlC ~II htr righl. 1.t1e and inlcr".l wbelher of dower .... oi 'f1'>rale proptrlY. Sl~tutorr or t<ju,t~"'k ID ~nd 10 lhe bnd. lhe..in de$cribtd. and t1ul .he ueco:ct! .aiot deed frerly aGd yo!aularily ~r.,1 ...ithvul any run>!n:"1. lear, apprehm.i<.... or cOlDpuhwn of (of Iwra her .aid husband.. an,l S111~ uf Iht rIA)' al\oi y..ar b'l ~I..rcs:aid. WITNF.SS ..._ lUam1__n. .... _. . .. _in ttK C..Jant)" of .Dade STATE OF fl.ORIDA, l ('.ounly of SI. Lucie. J .uar~ l.t L. 3.1~P1t ... 1 5E.-\ I. 1 _~_..___..J{O\.r8~~b1MhuS"~...---Ot-".~~ due .at I.aT'se.- Yy Comm188ion EXpires Oot. 26th, 1927. 0.. Ihi. nh tUY'Jf ~e r,led for r<<ord. and hei.. duly a.k"';wkoll(col and I,..,...n. f leur rtt<lr.kd lhe .a.~.... 1'1J;e 630 :\. f) I'I! 1 ,,,,9: "1 e:dock 4~ ll.. Ihi. instrument w.. of I1.-00k. . ~8 ... .. .. in Iht publie Kt'ord. of sai>l CounIY. IN WITSJo:SS WHEREOF. I ha.~ her......t.. ..t my b.....t and affix..! the KaI of the Circuil C......" of the Iia.a'" Jlldicial Cimril of said Stale. in and for said ('OUDIy. . (l;b .~, <.'" \(l; ~ l..,b (". c . ~.C' 1';" c. p.~mnm.._ .mu.... J~~ C.. ~a..~ <."Ie:" 'd .1>. (' ../- '.- -;~?:< ~:~': '::: :~/'- ?;:\;-;~: '. i :.:.->,~,-;;> ;~:~;:~;/::<.\_~.:/~~.