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. ~ ~. -.- -_.~, .~,~&- -: . ,. I --......... ~..-......_.&.............._.~............... U1.U .....' 534 W.\IIANTY PItW 1><... ......r.. N... U. SL L.... ('....07. Floria T:lIg lNOF.NTl'RK Ma.le Ihi. _.... ..... ._."18h~___._._.._._day of ._. .' ._._..rune ._._________.__._..__-A, D. 1911....._~ bc-tw<<n .. .m.___......_.____.._..._...;\.)'r.~_l..._Q2.11WU.. ...u4.. fhtla...l.lalr_QoDllU_ ____.__. of Ihe CounlJ of...____...._..__........__.__....___......__..____....and Stale of ..... .- .--.- -- .---.....-....-- QQ1Ql"."'o._._._____.__.....par..l!.. of I~ 6ull'&r', and ". Ihe Counly 0'.... __... . 8t. l.U.O.le. _ ... .... and Stale of ....__ . ___ ............ .llor 1<\. ..__ part ".... of Ihe _....d I'&rl. I' .. lleUl'.ll..Cbambullu. W\1'NESSETIf. Ih.llhr .ai.1 pa" ..1.e_,f Ihr fi.., """, ..... an.1 in C'C""id,ulioll uf 1M .UI~ 01. feD anel o\her gO.od__and valuable ... ... Q0Il81del'..tlQn......______ ___.__.... 10 thBJll..___.. in band paid, Ih... rt<'eipl .~reof Is ~'eb)' ackno..Ie.I"..I. ha. yt Kranlr-d. barpinrd. sold and Iransfnr..... and by Ihete presenl' dol.__. . __. Kranl. barpin. ~II and trans'" unlo .~ ...id l>&,t _.~.. of the -..ad part and ___....!1~.!.__. __"''''_'' ._h,;u and ...igns forner. all thaI cer.ain parcel of bnd Iy;nll and bring in Ihe ("nun., 01...___...___._. S!., .~~l~_____ .._. ._ __..._.. and SIal... of. I'lor lda "'ore parlKularl)' de....ibrd at follow.: ._____ Barth halt and. aouth.eat..quart.st'_..ot..Kor.theaa't quarter_o~_....__._. SO!l~h"ell~ . q~r:t.~r___.9.t _.amlo1L.u..._10YnJ.h.1>>...a.~.8.0!.\\h. . r~'....ai__.._._. 1A.~t. OOl1t~j,p.!.gg.~.Q__llg.r.~.,_.mo.!.t.. Qr_1.88.L. , _ --_.'__.".." __._____._.__._.___.._.. ....___'L.-.._...._ ___....__._.________..._. . . . . , .. ---.------. - -.-..- -.-... .- ----- -..._______. _..-.-... ___ ___.__.___ ..__h.._____...._._ _ " . .______.___........___..,_u..._..._ _'.' TOGETtlF.R "ith all 111t' tt1:C1':~nt~. IK'fc--tiu.l1'k'nb and altpurhl~r..ct'$. With f'V~fJ' l.rh.!1("~(.. r;~h~. tll1t'_ ir.t('f"r..! ,)1._1 e"atc. d..at' :an.1 rixht "f 't....rT. rnrr...i..a. r('r.uir..lcr ~ml t"..'\-cnX"llt .he-ret.. 1J("loilltinrc nr in ~n)".l~ 3pptrtainintt: TO II;\VF., .\XU TO 1I0J.,U tM J1me in f<< ,i~l!tll(' forry,r. And Ih... uid pa,t J. 88 01 Ih... 6,,1 1"1" d.. __ __ c..,.....""n' ..i,h 1m .ai<t parI y ..f I". _.....1 ,"'rl 11...1 the)' are __ .___Ia..lul1)' "';ltd hI Ih... ....;.1 p....mi...... lbat Ihey are frre Iwm all irKumt,'anc.... and tha.. tho)' . he.." . ",;.><1 r;,:hl an" b..ful aUlhonly .., ..11 the oarne; and the ...id pari 188 "II~ I fi". P'rI do.____.__ h"...by fully ..arranl Ihe lill. 10 uid land, and ..ill d<lmd Ihr ,an,.. 'Il,in'! the la..-lul clai..-.. 01 all ",'",,11\ ,."'''''......er. IS WItNESS WIIEI1EOF. I~ >aid part 1~, 01 ~ fi". I'&rt ha.. Y."'___ Mrmnl.. ~I ~belr 1lano18 . ;and .ul8 . Ihe day and )..... ah,-,H .."n..." Signed. snled and ddi.cr,,1 in our I're....nce: J. . W. RuU E. J. aeriot l Albert J. Com"" ___. Thelma Blair CQnwa~ ~=,E.\I.i i:'L\I.1 ---------.---- - - .--.----. --------- -- - -.---- ---- ---- - - .- --- - - STATE OF. Qo.lor84o _ Denyor rOUXTY OF 1 JI~REIlY CERTIFY. ThaI"" lhi. . .. Blghtl1.. <lay uf. .. __ ___ June ._._.._.________ . __.. _._ _____m__-\. D. 19.? 7 , bri.,r. nk p.....ol1ally appnred __ .. Al.b", _.1.COD.aJ:.Anel_~helmaJUalr ConWA7_______.___. .____P... .p. ..u..... .p_____ _.....n__ ...._ ___.__ 10 me lno.n 10 I>< Ihe I"""'" a oksrribe-ol in and ..1>9 urcul,d Ihe 1.....qroillJl' c.'.......~a!ICe 10 _ _'. Haltle X. Chamberlin _ __ ___.. _____ ._____.._ __and >c.erally ",l.no.IcdJCt'<l 1M n<<ul;'AI Ih........ 10 he. _____~hel I' fr..... a'l UJf'I. dct'ft f,'r khr D~$ allt:l ptlr..-.........' w,cin RM"t,ti'IfIM: ar..d tM said ___. .1)1.~~. n.1LC.9.p~-".__... __.___u___.___..__ . 1m ..ife o' Ihr .aid.... .__ .. Albert J. Conway... _ . pp . ___._ _.. ..._un ____ ___.__. ." __... 011 a st(>ua.e and prin.e eumm,.,j"n lakm and rr.aole by a"" bcf..,e me, aT..! .t';>ualdy' wd apart 'rom her ...id hUlband, did adu>ow!edlle that .~ made brndf a parsy I() Ibc ",id Deed of Connyantt, '0' I~ PU'l'OK of rmounci"l(. rdinqui.hir.jt and conl't};l1II: aU h.. ';J(hl. litk and in......... whrlhrr of do... tor 01 scl'&ratc pmpcrly, "alulorJ or equil>!.lr. in and 10 ~ land. IMrdn describe'" and thaI she U<<Uled !aid derd fred, and yohmlanl, an" ..ithout any con"ninl. fear. apprcmllsion or compuhioo of ~ fr...m her laid husband. WITNF.SS my lij:R3lare and of>cial ....al al ._ . __' ~el' _.' _________._ ___.in 1m C(j\Jn.y of Denver Ihr .I.t)' and y.....r b., a'oresaid. ) .---- W11118m L. Carler __ . _ (51'_.\1.1 .------.. ~7~1Jt,lb.llQ tor'-o-CU7 ..-COWl\y- o~ >>-HH-..Go-lo.-- llJ COmm18010n EXplre. Maroh 3. 19~9. ; . myo' JuJi. .-\ n. ''11 7 , at 1: 27 o'dock P. M.. Ihi, inJlramn>' ..... c--! f......, f",. ree",d. and brill<< duly art.."..ledged ,"",I "rr'un, I hne rreor.1ed I~ .ame -oft p...... . flai. ... o' IIo<oIr . 68 __. ~ in 1M puMic r<<.>rd, of sa;.1 ,"ouDly. 'lWenty-J11ret f~ WfTNF.SS WHEIlF.OF, I hn... bnru...., Kt o.y band and afli~ed .m .eal .f th., ('inuit Court of the lE1IlI-. Jud..-ial CifC1lil of ",id Suk. iD and for said CQOIlIJ. ,.--....'" . .,~ . ~\. 'V e~\. 0-..\ l'<O pC- ~. ~~ ~lJL.____ _ Clerk j I. I I. t I I , : .. ~;; ~,;::. ..,.;-: .:~:~.,:;(9k ;,\~~ :..'" " ". ";~:,~';'~\/~.:~~~i ;.~.~.:~~