HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1174 574 ~-~~:~~~~~ Po... It<O... No. U. S.. L..... ('-lJ, 1'10<"" -.......-._.. ..._ ...;..:::-=-..:.=..._ .-.....t...... ~- - .- - .-. - .. -~- "" - ~ . . up .. THI$ lNnE~TUkF~ ).Ia,1e this '_ ._.~.ll.~r.~ h~.h ......___.da, of . .-_..___.Allr.11.._.___.____._ _____A. D 192.7... bctW'fffl . ... .. ........... ....-....-....... ...- ............. .....____.Rt....Iu__G094lrlD...M.4.BatUQ.1'.l_.G.Qocl.\l1n.._h1a . ..1teo___ ..___._______._._ of 1m COUllI)' 01.._..___.___. S t. __~.Oll....___u.._ _ __.'_h" and Stale of __... .____ _ . _.. P1Qr Ida ... ...... "_'_._._...'_' .....part lea of th~ 6,,1 po,t. all" ... ~.._~! ..(l()}~_~.!!.I!..._._..__ ..f 1m <.'ounl)' "f.. B1'8v..rci . -- pa,1 - Y . of the ............t parI. .and -"tal... oL..._... .. ....__ Plorlela \\'ITSFS$f.TII. '''''1 Ibr <&;.ll'&rl lea"f Iht fi,,1 I~", I..r and in Cot"ioIrrali/lO ..f Ih.. sunt 01... tOD dOllar-a- and.othel'.____ _..___._.... .___._.._._....__.......___'18lu8.bJe.oo.tl8~d.<<tr~.t.!.()~~.._.___. _.___._... 10.. them _.__.in hand I'&id. Ih~ r<<eipl ..hrreof is hrreby acl.lk,..I...I~.d, he.._". gnnlrd. I>1rr:>inrd. .old and ....n.frrred, and by Ihese pre'~h do ._..._ granl. bargain, s<U and tran"" unlO I~ uid parI ..~___ of the second pa,t and ll18 __.hei.. an" as<Q/ns f,)(hyr, all Ihal wtain parcel of land lyinl{ and bring in I~ Coonly 01...__._.__. ...8~ I .Luo.l.._..____.......__._. _"'__'.. anll Salle t.f . i'lorIda t....r.. I.uti<ularly clescribed as f;>U..w.:.____. The SQu,th.eBt Quarter ot __the 1Iorthe8at_Quar.ter...(SW:t.ot _JQt) nfSeot1on.__.Three (3). -..-.---...._..__. nTOWllBl11p ThlrtY-:fou,l'. t~.JJ}Q~tb.......BalJgl...j'b1.r~1~lllDe_.la9LEIlat. .QOD.ta1u.1.na______.______ ___.. --------..-..~() l'.tY._.8Dd...J.teven t ~Dths..:{"Q._1..Le.o..r'.I.Llll.'Q..knQ]!n__AL~~ \_u'e.rJlLhrJlUl 'l'r aat_Bo. _..89..&._ ._..__._.._...._. . ANI> .. t..l1e.. Nor thweilt . Q~rt<<t~ ._~f .J.~~_JfQr.~h~f!IJ~ ._,ql.:l.~"J!J'__lm...9..t..niL.Qt--.SnUOD. .1'bl'.Q.. .___ . (3) .~~'.DBhlp _ Thlrt.1-f9l.:lr J34..L:iQ~.th...._.~l!gg,-. ~.hll'~Y~J:1ill.L(~_~LPJlu.t._qQn:tA.lD1.ng._____n._. 41.2 Dorea, more or 1ell~L~l,a~. ~r:t()!~n_f!!i_.l.'~.!'..~ Ple~_O'.f)_'(u.mD.~l'aQl_.1lQ-"--M..___....__.__._. "_.- ._~....-_......__.-_.- ..----..---. -'-.-.. -.---------________n _.____. _ _____.. TOGETIIER "ith all tht' t::nM'l}(>nt-.. h..r("1tit.3n~lt-c. :anti appurkr'4lnct'S. .ith t".C'r)" :.ri\lt... :1,:. r!.'ht.. hilt". i..trf"( "t a".' <'""21('. .1.1""(( .:1:...1 rr..:ht IIi ,ttl~~r. r~\rr..j.J(l:. rrm.J.it..It.'r 41.11.1 T"~~("mt"ut rhC'rct.. bc-ltmJ(iute' (lr in anl_iSf' ~rptrt~inink: T() 11.\ VI-: .\\;)) TO 1I0l.IJ lbr Umt' in iN" iimrll' 100000,.t.... And II-... said rart leD ..r Ih.. fir,r I",rl d., he la -. CI'n'nant \\ ith lfw. ~"'hl IGrt" hf tll(" _ft'('.lIld part th..t b.. rulh- ""1'1'\1 of IJw. '1;41 prrmiscs, Ih.. thry ar_ f,<< from all iocum!orances an.1 lhal the.,. h~!.tt. . >;....v] ril/ht ar.<IIa,,'ful autboril)' to ,rllt"" sa_: .nd Ih. Hid part iee of ,''', fiot part du____ . h....eby fully ..-arra.., Ihe lill... to said land, .n.J will dd~" Ih.. .an... ~aih'l ,he la..-ful clai..,; of alll...r~'n' ..Itt.m...",,,,r., exoept tog 1926 state, County end Drainage taxe8. IN WITloiESS WIlER!',OF, I~ ",;,t I'&rl1e8 (>1 t1~ Ii..t I'&.t baY.~... ml'<'Unl....., their hand 8 ....1......1 a, Ihc.ta)' and )'....r a!.o'e ..in.." Signed, .....lrd ar.d ddi, <rrd in our 1'....S<n.:e: Geo~ge P. Baker. Jr. Ceo 11 J.. D01rd l i:'E.\I.. R. L. Goodwln . " . :'1-:.\1.. HattleT. Goodwln : ..c='" _ --------- - -.~- :,T.-\TE OF l'lorlda St. Luoie ,OUXTY OF I HEIlEJlY CERTI!'Y. That on lis 30th d..y ..r _ .Apt' 11--- ._. ._____ ___'_ _..A. D. 19! .7..... bd..r,' "It, R.--L..-Gaodlrin__.awiBattie .T. Ooodwln.hls wite, --.----.---- ----.---. I"'r..""'lI)' aP\'<2rrd __ to mr kno.n 10 he Ih... I...r",n B rkJ<rit.-.l in ar..J who u<<ut...1 tm forep:oinlr conn)-ance I" _..- _.____. _____ B. -- R.. _ CODkl1u. ____ ___._and ...".11)' &<kno...lco~nl lhe nrrut;.... Ihcr.....f I.. k _thel t' irf't.. .1.t md dtttt fnr the ~" 2Jlft trllllllot"('~ then' in mnl,ionnl; .And .he qMJ . .HQ ~ "'__le___1',J1Q!Ml~lp ______._._..________ ___._____ Im.if.. or the said..__ __.___ __. R. l.. GoOd~lD. __ _____..___ ______.. ____._____ __._ .___ .00 a SepaUI. and prn-al... ....UDnulio" talcm and tr.a"e toy and "riure <:\t. and 'tI'&.at....y ..nd aparl irom her .aid hu,band, dad arlm".ltdlr' Ihal .he made ",,,,II .. party I.. I~ said Ue<,d of Con\t)'aocr. for I~ pu.-pow or 'C1t<:.uocin~. rrlinqt:j,hinJ( aM Crnlvcyinlf all I..-r ,ijtht. litle and inle",I. ..-hcsl..-r of 00..... or 01 separalr prop....ly, "atutory or <'qu:r..Nt. 10 Uld 10 the lar.d. !huein de.cril..,.t, a.'>d that .hr UKu:....1 ....it! d..rd freely an.) yo:tmurilT .rod ..ithoo, any eonJlrainl. f..ar, appr..h..nsion or compubio>n of <or h.)Ift hu .aid h...band. '.H" lorL.1l1eroe ._ .in 111<' C'JUIJt)" ,,' st. LUcle .....1 ar .... Ilk .-t.). .,ad )......r Ian aforuaid. Ceo11 J. Dowd H. ..... ~r--"U ... .1JotD!'.Y~l1~LfQ.l'.....the.:lta1e.o't.1loilda.. rge. -.------uuuyoomilu on--explre8-Jill:-?-19~O. . On lhis. . HQth d.y of .A\I8~,t .\ f) IQ! 7 . ",2:" o'c,"'" P. .M., Ih., in.t.......,t us ~kd foe rtC'".rd. aM bring .-Ial)' ar"o"wlrdl!cd and pro\'..." 1 h.ue record!'llhr ...me "n l"'lfe _.674. H of Ilo~k.. 68 H' .. , in Ilk public f'U."ds of sa~ Counl,. 'l'WentY-~lret IN WITNESS WIU:kEOF. I haer htrrunlo trt 01J hand and affixtd W sral of lhe c;'cuit c-.I of t~ IlDdIIJIi: Judicial Ctrcuil of said Statt, in aM for said Coanl,. 8~ ~~'~..',>( c:. Ct. \ . \ .......-- .Clerk .\. ,(...~.... .." ~~. ~O o ~'lP . f>. C. ~ . r..:/t{ ;~'\~~;::'~\~f'j~;:'~tj;~i; I /' I : L /. '.' --' . '. ~ ~.~(-::;:J;':;~r::, ~ . -. -.; ---". -..... . .