HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1203 a 1 i', , r'- I - ! .. Jlned and ~!.lQ~~ded th18 24Wday of september, A.. D. 1925, at 10: 36 J..J.I. ( '\ ~i? P. 1'( (OT.CT.SUL) b By . ~ / 8 -- ~ ~-------- C. 8ldred, adr:u ~ 01rouit Court. . ~,f.J4 D.C. XEYSTOBB RBlioft COMPABr TO IJ.HRJ.BTYDBKD D. P. ALLISOB .lID wIn ,I 'fillS IBDBlITURB Made \hi. Klgbth day of June A. D. IV26, by and bea..n DYS'l'OBR REJ.Lft COUl'~, a oorpol'fl tion ex18Uog under the la". of the State of 'lor14a, ha'Ying U. prinoipal plaoe of busines8 iD the Coun~ of st. Luoie, State of Florida, party of the first part, aDd D. P. J.l1i80D and Alma L. Al1180n, hie wlfe, of the County of St. Luoie, State of 'lorlda. party of the seoond part. WI'RlESS!TH: . That till aald party of the first part for and in consideration of -the sum of $10.00 and other good ~nd valuable consideratlon8 dollars, to It 1n hand paid by the party of the second part. the reoeipt whereof 1s hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargalned, 80ld, allened. remised. released. conveyed and OODflrmed. and by the.e pr.se~ doth grant, bargaln sell. alien. remi8e. releue. cOllYey and confirm unto the ee.id partYJ of the seoond part their heirs and assigns forever. all that certain portlon of land ~i and being in the County of st. Luole and State of Florlda. to-wit: I Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 80 10 UBra'Yl11a Subdivlsion Seotion 21. I TOi\D8hip 36. !bl[@'e 40 &Bst. aocording to a plat of 8ald subdhlsion recorded in Plat Bookj I 4 at Page 68 of St. Lucle ~ounty Reoordo; thenc9 run West along tbe North boundary of ! I said lot one hundred fifty (160) feet; thence run Southwe8ter17 to a point one hundred I ! fifty (160) feet Seat of tbt Southeaet cor~r of said lot 80; thenoe run East along the i South boundary of said lot one hundred flf~ (lfiO) feet; thence run Northeasterly along I the Eaot boundary of s8id lot to point of beginnlng. I SubJeot to a mortgage 1n favor of G. L. Miller Dond and Mortgage Gompa~ reoord- ed in Mortgage Book 22 Page 3~9 of the 3t. Lucie County Reoord8. Whlch mortgage tbt Key- ! .' I etou. Realt)" Coc:.pauy a8SWD8S and agrees to pay. To ha'Ye and to hold the same In tee s1mple forever; and the sald party ot the i fir8t part doth oonnam with the sald 18rty of tbe aeoond part. that it 18 lawfully Se1.~ ed of the sald premises and that it bas good right and lawtul authortty to 8ell the same, and the said party ot the firot part doe. hereby fully warrant the title to sald land and I / wl11 defend the same against the lawful olaiDl8 of all persons whomsoever. i I l'l[)VlDED UEVERT!lBLRSS. That these pruents are lude subJeot to the following ex-~ 1 I press oonditiona, restriotions and limitation8. applylng to the sa14 10rav1l1a, oooordlngj to the reoorde" plat of said Kara'Yllla. am whlob oondit 1008. reetr 10 tiOD8 and limitatio, are intended to be and eball be aooepted ae OO'Yecant. ruuning with the land and whioh suf be bln41ng alike upon ths heir8. personal representative. and aS8ig08 of the party of tbl'- seoond part, who. by the 1r aooeptanoe of this inetJ'1llHnt agrees to abide by and pertonl oald restrlotion8. 11mltatlo~a and oondition' aa one of the express oonslderatione of the.. pre..ntll, 1. Ho residenoe shall be ereot., or oonstruot.d of a l.es ooat than .~,oOO.oo, am , all re.ldeDoe. In ea 14 Kara'Yllla, eball be oon8trUDte4 of ooral rook. oonorete, etuooo. oonorete blook. hollow t1le, briok or aixed oon.traotion. or 'Yeneerect with ooral rook or . -- :.:. -;:~.:~::? ,~~,~;,.:.,~~::~.} ??;.:~..~.):.~'(~L 1.--- ~ - '. - ,-- ' ~ -, .- .-.~ ;.~. :-':::~rfI<"'~ :',~~:~ ':