HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1208 \ 8 ,-'~ " . 'I' ......., to ..14 premises or the imprOYe~eDts thereon ror the uoes thereto. 8. The Leoleo turther ooyooants that upon the expiration ot this lease all buildings erooted UpOD said property during this lease will remain upon the premises and will be the pr p_ r. cr., erty ot the Lessor. '" 01 I The Lessee may at &DY ti~ mortgage .ie leasehold interest herein and this lease is mad , UpOD the oonditlon that the lessee ahall punotually pertorm all its oo.enaDts and agreements s hereiD Bet torth. and that it at any time there ohall be any deta~ on the part o.t the LeS8f'~Il:. in the 9Q~ent of a~ amount ot moDly by it herein agreed to be a~id eIther tor reDt. taxes. assessments. iDsuranoe premiums or any other purpose. and default sha11 oontinue for a period ot Dinety (90) days. or if there shall be any default OD the part of the Lessee in the perfor~noe or observanoe ot any of the OOyenaDt8 o~ Ooaditions ot the lease not relating to the pa~oDt ot reDt. taxes. asseesments or insuranoe premlums. and suoh default oontinues for a period of ninety (90) days. atter notice thereof giyen to the lessee. the lessor ~81 at any time after the expiration of suoh 6inety (90) days. eleot to terninate this lease and re-eDter UpOD the . premises and have Possession thereof. sue for and oollect all moneya for the paymeDt of whioh the lessee shall be iD detault. and theDoetorth this lease shall be vo14 to' all inteDts aDd purposel. aml any and all buildings and improyements ereoted upon the premises by the less&e hall beoome property ot the leosor without o~mpensatlon to be paid theretor. All taxes. lieDs and other legal assesaments shall bo prorated as of date of the s1gni~ of this lease aDd all suoh oharges prior to and inoluding that date be paid by lessors and subse uent thereto be pa14 by Lessee. Should this lease be aSSigned by the said C. Costas, then and 1n that eyent the said C. Costas will Dot be liable tor any ot tae rents assessments or any other obligations under thi . . ,i n D lease after the date ot said aS8ign~ent. . ; IN ~ITNESS ~~EREOF the Les80rs and the Lessee have hereunt3 signed their names on the ay aDd year tir~t aooye written. Signed. Sealed and Delivered ID our presena': J. ". Ergle Curtis Bobo Al ta Ka1 30bo C. Costas (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) .~.~. .:. .. ", . .. ..~.. . ,,"~ ) U Theodore Josephson STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. IDCIE I HEREBY CERTIFY that OD this day persiJnally appeared betore me. an ofticer duly a'~ hor- lzed to admiDister oath'. and take acknowledgments. Curtis Bobo and hls wife Alta Kay Bobo to me well known a:~ known to me to be the indlYiduals described in and who exeouted the toregoing leas8. aDd who aOkDowledge6 betore me that they exeout&d the 8ame treely and vOluntaril~ to~ e purposel therein expre8led. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. that the said AHa Kay B\>bo known to IDe to be the ..He ot the 8a d Curtis Bobo on a separate and private examination taken and made by ani betore me. separately and apart trom her said hU8~nd. did aokDowle~e that she made herself a party to aaid lease tor the purpose ot renounoing. reliDqu1.hing and O~nYeying all her rlgbt. title ana iDterest. whether ot dower. home8tead or of separate property. statutory or equitable. in and to the la ~s desoribed thereiD. and that Ihe exeouted the sa1d leaae freely and Yo1~~tarily. as thereiD st ted and without any a~pulsion. oonstraiDt. apprehensiOD or tear ot or tro3 har Baid hU8band. n u WIT.IISS my haDd:and ottlo1al 8e.l at Fort Pieroe. County of St. Lucie. th1a 4th day ot August. A~ D.- 1925. I \ B~ P . Seal \ " J. 71. Ergle Notary Publio tor the State ot Florida at Large. ~ oommia,loD . expires Sept. 21. 1928. , \ 1 , f I ~ '- - "-: . {., ..: '.~:',"q~0.:' ';:'//<:;j, ;~~ . . '. ~:. '. ,,;-~~~_.<{':l,{>:;::-'''< b,., t e.. ' -:'V ~~...~~' ~_-. ...:; e:~_ ~~. ~.