HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1224 24 ..en' the 1e..or. ma)' at a~ time atter the explrat ion of three monthe. eleot to t;ermIna te thie leue. and af-:'er giVIng thll't)' da)'8 notice of their Intention eo to do. dur1ng mlch thirtl da)'J lessee8 mal oomply with suoh requirements and avoid torfeiture. tbe le8sore 118)' re-enter upon the leased px.miee. with 01' wit OOu t Judioial prooue. and tag poe.usion thereof. and thereupon this lease ehall be vold.and the lessore shall N-POSIU8 the sai4 D _ leaeed premieee a8 in their 1brmer eata W. --- IT IS lI'URTHE!UlO!E AGREED b, and between the part 181 hereto tm t all noUon which m~ be proper or neoessarl for the part~o het'8to to serve upon eaoh other. shall be in wril- iog am pereonalll oerved or C1D oa8e the one to be Dot1fied be at tm tir:.e a non-roeident ot or abeent from the Citl of Fort Pieroe, ~lorlda) ma)' be effeotually eerved upon suoh ab- 8ent pertl bl delivering a signed oopY of said notloe to aomG authorhed offioer of the tru8tee herein named, or i tB suooeesor in truet, and addresoe4 to the party or part lea to be aerv,d, and bl l18iling a oopy thereof properly stamped and addreoaed to the laot known addreee of the part)' to be served. 'l'he l88sors aha II have the r~ht to appoint ano ther trustee to aot In the plaoe aDS stead and In lieu of the truotee hereIn deaigDbted, by ~lv1ng thirtl daY8' wr1tteD Dot;- ioe to the lesse8e and reoording a oopy ot suoh notioe with affidavit 8bowiD~ oervioe there of, in the off ioe of the Clerk of the Ciroui t Court in the County in which said land 18 Jt r) . { o i', - situated. IT IS FUR~HERllO:B AGREBD that all olaim and demnds of the leSSON against the .J leS8eeo ari.ingout of or in respeot to said lEl8ee or aI\V of the provislono hereof, shall and are f1rot liens on aIff and all buildings. fixtures and 1mprovementa now or hereafter upon said premises; that all o~venants. provieions, oonditione and ~r8ement8 in ths leaee oont81ned ohall be oonstrued as ronning Aith the lam; and thia leas, ie made upon the oondr tlon that the lessees smll punotually perform all of their covenants and. agreements ae hereiD oet forth, and that tilll8 is of the esseuoe of eaoh and every paragraph herein contal Do boundar.y lin. dl.put. .hloh may arIa. att.r tho .x'out'on and dal1.... ot thial I lease between the lee8eee and any peroon olaiming, o.ning or oooupying adjoining Iota. shaU I I I I I IT IS DIBTINC'l'LY UNDERSTOOD AND AG3K!D that the le8eeee herein aooept the property herein leaeed and demised in its present oondition, being governed by ~eir o~n personal ini speotion of the p18mises. and in u:eouting this lease they have not been governed or iDf1ue~u I ed by any representation of the leosors as to the al!e aDd condition or oharaoter of improve 6d. .) oanoel this 1 El8se. reduoe or suspend the paym6nt 0 f ren t8, or 8U bJ eot the le8801'8 to 8D)' u aot ion for darmge8. llothing herein oontained sha II relieYe the leesore from theIr dutl to defend the title to the property hereiD aDd hereby demised under the terms and condition8 of their ~arranty herelD. ments, if a~ situated upon saId property. or a8 to the earning capaoity thereof; and that tbe le880e8 herein shall under no oircumstanceo a8s8rt or mintam al\Y olaims for darm'gee agaill8t the les8 or8 by reaeOD of any present or future oondit ion of imprO'Yemente or bui.ld- ioge, if any, eituated upon the above desoribed^ property, and that no 'Yerbal agreementa. 8tipulationa, re8erTation8, exceptions or oonditioDB ~hateoever have been made or entered 1 to in regarci to the ubove described property. whioh ""HI In any way \ary. oontradiot or im- pair the validity of this ~8e, or of aqy of the termcJ and condition8 hereiD oontained. The lee(l988 herein shall mve no authority to oreate any 11ena for labor aDd __ tnial upon the leeBon' intere8t 1n the abo'Ye de80ribed property, and all persOlls oontrao' iug with. the le8llee 8 for the de8tr uottOD or remo \'81 0 t any bu 11d ing, or f cr the ereotion. n . "~'< '.:~' '.~.~~~~,:<~.-..~.:;~:~\~:~ ~ : :.--. "', .'. ';..'..-~~:'~:'~\~;..~:~.;.t.. . .. . <;'-