HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1262 H2 Tf~""""1' 1 I.. aI..--...,- .dJ........~"........,., Lote Fiye, Six, Seven and the Eaet Twenty-tive teet o~ Lot Eight. Bloot "L". ao- oording to the plat made by Aaron Lee) Surye7or. and reoorded in the Clerk's ottio ot Breyard and St. Luoie Jountiee, Florida. And the lessor oovenants and 88rees wi th the lessees that oondi t10ned upon the per. tormanoe and observanoe of the several oonditions herein provided upon the le8see8 tQ be perfor~ed and observed, that the lessees shall haye lawful and peaoeable p08se8sion and enJoyment ot these premisus. ...~_._-~.., . \ ! ! ., }O t .... f ~. The lessor warrants that she is the OWDer in fee simple ot the property above dee-j oribed and that the same is not sUbJeot to any liens or tnoumbranoes. !hat she has the I lawful right to make this lease aooording to the terms and provisions herein .et forth. I .3. During the term of this lease the lessees shall and nIl pay to the lessor at any I ! bank which the lessor may designate, the sum of '2~00.00 in advanoe. for the first year's' I lease whioh first year shall begin on the First day of Ootober 1926, And the lesseee fur. l ther oovenant to pay to the lessor the sum ot $2500.00 per annum in &dvanoe eaoh year thete- S after for the full term of this lease, suoh sum to be paid in gold coin of the United . ~..: -.: >. ~.:'~~~~~~~T.~~~ ~.' . States, or ot legal tender e,ual to the present standard of weight or its equivalent, pay. I able 8em1-annual17. I 4. It is further agreed that the lessees ah~ll have theJ\r~~~~r-h~~d~;O~ibrd ~l I or before five years from the time this leaae beoo~e8 effectiye. Suoh purchase prioe to ! I i I I i , I i ; I , 5. The leS8ees w~ll pa7 to the public offioers, oharged with the oolle~tion of taxes,! j i all taxes, assessments and publiC charges whioh may during the term of this lease be le- i I I , , be fixed at fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000.00) upon the following terma. to~wlt: one fourth of whioh is to be paid oash and a b~lance of $41,250.00 to be paid in four equal yearly inst.&llmenta of one. two, three and tour years eaoh from date of sale. sald unpaid balanoe bearing 6~ interest per annum, phyable semi-annually. vied or as~essed or be payable upon the terms of this leas8 and will at all times save harmless the lessor and the premises h~rein desoribed from a11 guoh taxes. assessments and public charges. Also free from any and all olaims for damages, liens ohargeable to or payable for or in respect to said premises during the term of this leese. Nothing in ./ this lease s:.a11, howeever, be oonstrued to prevent the lessees rrom contesting any ex- oesalve or unlawful claims in respeot to the above. G. Should ~he lesBees at any time desire to remodel or remove any buildinga or struo-' ~ ture on said premises. they are privileged to do 80 tn the oonditlon that they reoon8truc~ i a building of the s~e value or a greater yalue and quality and the lessees further coyen~ I i I i I which ehal1 represent not less than three-fourths of the full insurable value Whioh insurj ~ , I , I I I 7. The 1esaees during the term of this leaee will o~nrorm to and observe all ordinan-' oes, lawe and regulations of said oit7, and all publio authorities, boards or offioers I i I ant to keep all suoh buildings insured against los3 of, or dama~e by fire in an aaount anee shall be ~de to the lessor of this lease a8 her interest ~y a~e8r, but shall be available to the lessees for the reoonstruction or repair o~ the buildings upon said property. relating to said premises of the improvements thereon for the uses thereto. 8. The lessees further coysnant that upon the expirat10n of this lease all buildings ereoted upon said property during the lite ot th1 Q ~eaee w111 remain upon the prellle.. and wIll be the property of the lessor. The 1eS8ee8 m&7 at any time mortgage their leasehold interest herein and 'hi. lease i8 lIlade upon the oondl \Son that the lessees shall puDe wally pertol'1l all their L -.. - ......-~ OOT-:;...- -:~. ",- '~.~-:;-_.~-:.,,--:-~-;. :--. :>>~ ~: /~ ;:../::.:::..~:.~<.~ _:'::.:~~~~:;.:'o~<~t,\ '" ] ) ) / . ] rl j