HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1273 ,,-."",1 t73 ....~ ........ , ' (c(rpora te se~) ,Corp. Seal;, \. I Atte.~;~ Corrinne ~elleme AssIstant Seoretar7. ! ---; II........ ERIE LAlID " IlfVES'NDT COllPAlfY DlC.. B7. J. I. Kej;'" . eslelent. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in our Presence: rraDkiatet80n. ) . . ) I I I t J I KERDY CERTIFY, 'l'h.at on this 23rd da,. of September, A. D. 192~ before IDa I2rsona111 I appeared J. I, Kellems anel Corlnne Kell..., re8pootl....ly Preeielent and A.listant Seoretar1 of', I ERIE LAID" IJlVESTIiElfT CO. n:c., a oorpora tlon under the lawl of the Stat. of Florida, to me 1 . known to be the person8 desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing oonve,.anoe to J. A. Ha4- R. R. Alford. STATE OF FLORIDA ) J ) COUlJTY OF ST. wen: do ok and severally a oknowledged the ex.outIon thereof to be thei r free aot anJ. deed as suoh offioers, for the USIS and purposes therein mentionedj and that they atf1Xed thereto the of- fioia1 seal of said oorporation, and the said instrument is the aot and deed of said oorpora- tion. WITlESS my si8nature and offioial. sea 1 at l"ort P1eroe in the Count,. of St. Luoie and State of Florida tl:e day and year last aforesaid. /~ \ I B. P. Se 1. I \ Frank X. Stetson (Seal) lfotar,. Publio for the Sta te of Florida at Largo.. My Commission Expires Deoember 22, 192~. on this 26 da,. of September, 1925 at Z:4~ p. m. .' i ( Gt. \ , \ ! P. G. Eldred, Clerk C1roui t Court, By /(]-U4 /~LL D. C. l;t. Seal. . . . " . " . n . n . ~.. .. . n. "...,- -;, . rt. n . n _ !1 . .. . 'f . " . " . " . n. ". ".". " . " . " . tI . .f . U . 0' . tI. ,o. . !, . .., . ". rt . .., . ., . " . " . rt . " . rt . ... . .. . " . n .. ., ~ . . . . . ...._-.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,10Hll301l D. AIJlOlfD A1fD WIn i I T!lIS '''''''TORS O? =SE .n..r.: :n:: .:,. 22nd ....7 of ~""""'. l'~. b7 and b.....n IJOHlfSOlf D. A~OND and his wife YAGGI~ L. A DtOND, now and hereafter referred to as the lessors~ I :and J. ~. Wilson. and ~. c. Weinert, hereinafter referred to as the lessees. t i lafter the date fi rst above wri tten, the following desoribed premi ses, to-wi t: TO J. ~. lfILSOlf ... F. C. "NEIlfERT The l.ssora hereb,. lease unto the lessees for a term of ninety-nine years from and The Wes~ hair of Lot 7 of ~look wGw .ituat. in the town of Yort Pi~rce,-and the ftorth 20 feet of the Wi or Lot 8 Blook "G" acoording to A. Lee'e surve,. and plat of the town: jot Yort Pierce recorded in the offioe of the Clark: of the C1roui t Court, St. moie :;ount.y, ~orida, and the lessors oovenants and agrees with the lesseel that c~nditioned upon their pe~- I~fomanoe and observance of the severli1 condi tioDS herein provided upon their ill rt to be per- ormed and ob8erved, that the less888 shall have peaoeable possession and enjoyment of the leased prtIDises without lawful let, htndrame or disturbanoe of any person or persons what- 80eyer, subJeot to all outs~ding leases by present tenants. 2. DurIng the tera of this lease. the lessees wl11 pal to the lessor at the Yort Pieroe .~ .. J " Trust Co:npaI17 in Yort Pi8l"oe, or at any other Bank, otfioe or plaoe as IIlaY be later leasors, 1n gold ooin of the united states of or .qual to the present stan4~ .eight and fineness or i te equivalent, rent for the said premises a8 aforesaid as During the first year of this lease, the lessees will pay to ~he lessors, the sum of fOI-j t i I -. <;{:~:-~~~'F? . :':;; -~..~: ': .:;~ J;' " :. : .', .~~-: ...:::::~--~~lt:~:~:;~::::~-~.;