HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1284 R4 2, ~ ! ~ ~ .. . _Jt 0 '-0 .. elk AI ~ f.4 o ... ...--..... f.4Jt . 00....'0 \-4 ri. J:lri Ii 'dO ~ ::s - ::s. ...0 s:: . :PO~ lIS '.... . c;S eo I .. QOl1 '0 ~... -a "lQ~ ... .-_ e riP :S~ r-t cl~ ......... '0 cd::S ...ea-.Q g. ~. ~e .1l C) Po , ..f.4 0 a.. _ f.4 o o,~ .. O~'d oOQ1..-f1 ~ as ,,\-4 . ~0\-4 ..... _ 0 O~ cde .'1:1 '" ::s 80 ~ r-i .. .-o..c::.. ..,~. ~ k ~ 00<11 k o 0 . .... M.. Qtoo. C) :f" ~ ~ ....~~~ ....~ C) IlO ~k ~C) A-t"'~ ,~~~ .0 ~,o 'd l5 . s:: '_ . cd !f-4.~ i Jto .. '"OS:: tIO , \4 ~ , .......rot QQk'd o os:: ''''.0 idO. Po :8s::ak '0000 '0 f.4 '000,'0 '00 _ I.... eoo..-fl ,tlk) s:: \-4 --<);ll...t o ... ....f.4 J.ejI to 0 ,;So- d 0 ...... "l ..... +I. O..a.c~ 1=1- 0 e ~~ ;:: o~ ..... .. I .... 00,0 ... I s::s s:: . 1e Wo f.4 .,J g .. . .... . fL ""' ... :~~~ . ~~. lj 'O~tO . ':xl S::. :~""III ~.,. I :,~P as . , . e I : .... ~ :a.! ..cS' s3S::.~ ! ~~i~. ; IIII"~ · !:~: . =. "0 ke f.4 oe _ S::ClI ~\-4c:S _0. ... o 'd ;:S.. 'it' . :! r p.,e~....o .. rl .... ~ ~ I~ -~e ..~., - ELIZABETH E. HAGAK AND HUSB.\.lfD TO o. R. BOrTINGijAM ~ ! L,O_S_I_T_ !i ! .Q. ! ! ~ 1: o KlAJlI,FLORlDA September 9th, 19~. Reoeipt 18 hereby 8Oknowledged of the sum of: Ten thousand & nO/lOO Doilars ($10,00 00) trom G. R. lottlngh8D as a deposit on account or the purchase prioe of the tollowing de.ori ed property upon the terms and oonditions as stated herein. Desoription of property: I Allot tho BWt .t tho BOt .t S..tl.. 16, ~.wn"'p 36 S.uth, Rang. 40 Ea." ....Ptl~ therefrom Blook 28 ot Lawnwood Addi tlon to Fort Pierce, as per plat reoorded in P1Bl Book 2, page 16, in St. Luoie Uount7 Reoords, the foregoing land being 38.90 acre, more or I eS8. I Also,all of the SW1 of the BWt of said Seotion l6, oontaining 43.45 aores, more or ! I I I I Also the REi of the BIt of Seotion 16, exoepting Jlooks 5 and 6 of said Lawnwood a4~ I I I ; I !, Blook 70 and '7 of said Lawnwood Addition as lying therein, oontaining" 36.50 acree I less. Also. all of the NWt ot the sWi of saId Seotion 16, exoepting theretr~ Block 108 of said Lawnwood Addition, oontaining 39.57 aores, more or less. ] dition oontaining 33.60 aores, more or lees. ) Also the sst of the 1fIf1 of said Seot1on 16, exoep ting therefrom. suoh por t10ns of of land, more or less. j i Also the NEi of the SWi of said Seotion l~, exceptino Blocks 96 and 107 or said La~ I wood Addition, containing 31.42 aores more or less. Also that portion or Blooks 32 and 33 of said Lawnwood Addition which lies within the boundaries of the !Wi of the NEt of said Seotion 16, containing 6.06 aores, . mo~ i I ! or less. Also the SWi of the wft of said Seotion 16, exoept tr~t portion of Blook 70 of said! I Lawnwood Addition, lying therein, oontaining 36 acres. ) i Also the BWt of the sEt of saId Seotion 16, exoept that portion of Blocks 70 and 77 j of said Lawnwood Addition lying thereIn, containing 35 acres. 1 j EXCEPTING FROK T!!E ABOVE the follo1rtng desoribed land: B10of.s !fo. 8, 9, 10, 11, ~ ! 27, 29, 48, 49. 50, 51. 52, and 72 of said Lawnwood Addition, sold to .A.ndy JOhnson, I : and also triangular Blook 10. 26 of said Lawnwood Addition, sold to Walter K. Ro~er~, and subJeot to any easement in the public in streets, high"ways and alleys the entire traot herein conveyed. thrOughou~ I I IT I S UNDERSTOOD THAT 'lRI S PROPERTY IS SOLD BY BOUNJA.RY A.liD NOT BY ACRE. It is agreed that this transaotion shall be olosed and the purchaser shall ~al the i i balance of the firs t payment and exeou te all pepers neo6ssary to be exeou ted by him for the l I ....oompletion of his purcmse within 30 days fro.(September~1925) othenrise the sum thia day i paid shall be retained by the seller as liquidated and agrAed damages, and the seller shall I , be relieved from all obligations under this in8t~ent. the seller is to furnish an'abstraot showing his title to be gpod and ~rketable, but- in the event that the title shall not be found good and marketable. the seller agree. tQ I use reasonable diligenoe to make the said title good and marketable, and shall haye a reaso~- able ti.e so to do, and ~r atter reasonable diligenoe on his part said title shall not be made good and marketable within a rea80nable time, the seller may, at his optIon, return the monel thi8 day paid and all moneys that may have been paid to him Wlder thi~ oon tra.ot, '] and ther'~1l he ehall be released trQll all obligations hereunder. I . i I h:: ~':;~. ~:.i.;; ': :;, ~ :; ~ .~,.,;'.'i~ J' . - _ ~ ~,...- ~ Il "" - _ 'f ----:-- =: . i''-~..~ -:.1; - ~.'9 . _' · > ..: :~:/!'f-'~-~_;,:~:,\'",~.