Office of the Fire Marshal BY
Plan Review W.Lu eCounty
•i 51E N.W. Milner Drive Telephone: 772.621.3322
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 FAX: 772.621.3604
The Code is based on NFPA 1 and NFPA 101, 2003 Florida Specific edition.
Juri.diction: SLC
FMO Permit #: B-08-119
Project Name: St. Lucie Oaks Commercial
Building Permit #: 0801-0215
Add less: 7041-7043 South US 1
Cor� ractor American Made Contractors
Phone # 772.283.4818
Cogiractor's Address: 3141 SE Dominica Terrace
City: Stuart
State: FL
Zip Code: 34997
Arc i tect/Engineer: Yates Rainho Architects
Phone # 561.493.1500
Occ pancy Type: Mixed/Assembly/Merca NB ines
AS Permit: Required
11 �19
Cor1�truction Type: IIIB
FA Permit: Required
Square feet: 15,300
FFP Permit:
Number of stories: 2
Access Box: Required
Occpant Load:
Access Key Switch:
revisions, including the electronic copy must be received prior to permitting.
s Fire Marshal requires 24 hour notice on all inspections.
respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office.
led inspections require payment of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections.
ietrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. Design criteria shall be submitted
i the construction plans.
s alarm panels shall be located indoors within a controlled environment.
ns and construction are subject to corrections in the field to maintain code compliance.
An electronic version of the construction plans on a CD is required. The file
for;at; shall be .pdf only. The CD shall contain a sheet index file.
Fishall be separated by discipline. Files names shall match construction
ents sheet numbers.
Required Revisions
• 1. he engineer of record shall provide the design criteria for the automatic fire sprinkler system. This is
req fired at the time of construction plan submittal.
i` • 2. separate permit and review is required for the installation of the fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems.
Thl installation and acceptance of these systems shall be completed prior to any type of final inspection.
e 3. ,i uture tenant improvements will require a separate review and permit as noted.on the plans.
. 4. rhe stairwell door and jamb assemblies shall be a minimum of 1-hr. rated. The door schedule
ind cates door 103, 109, 115, 202, and 205 to have a 45 minute rating.
�� • 5. I 1 11 rated door and jamb assemblies shall be equipped with self -closing devices.
% 6. poor 210 is part of a chase therefore the door and jamb assembly requires a 1-hour rating.
• 7. rthe 1-hour rated ceiling shall be constructed in all areas prior to any type of final inspection. Changes
that may occur for future tenants will be under a separate permit.
1 of 2
8. Provide emergency illumination for the Service Breezeway. The breezeway is the access to the public
9. Provide minimal emergency illumination for the second floor tenant spaces. Upon tenant improvement
th remaining emergency illumination can be installed.
a 10� Provide automatic fan shutdown for the HVAC systems that supply the exit access corridors on both
Tony Digitally signed by Tony Liento
DN: cn=Tony Liento, o=Saint
Lucie County Fire District,
ou=Office of the Fire Marshal,
Liento email=alientoDate! 2 08.04.116 08:26 27C 04 00'
Y Apri18, 20 i 8
St. Lucie ounty
Code Com liance Division
2300 Virg' is Avenue
Ft. Pierce, P134982
Attn: Mr Ed DeGennaro
Plans Examiner
Re: Plan 'Ieview Critique (2-14-08) Permit #: 0801-0215
St Lucie Oaks Commercial Center
Bear Mr. 1 eGennaro:
Pursuant to lyour Plan Review Critique open items, we offer the following clarifications:
1. Th., Owner and General Contractor are in the process of securin 1 trus ufacturer for this project. This
pr cess has experience some delay because not all manufacture prov'. e ' stallation of their product. Given this
cir umstance, the truss package may not be read fk r p view until all other remaining reviews have been
co pleted. We will have the General Cont o missing item upon our shop review and approval.
2. Th awnings illustrated on our exterior elevati s are being design by a local fabricator. We have been instructed
thz they will provide us with several shop drawings signed and sealed by their engineer for our shop review and
ap �roval. We were also instructed that this item will be handled as a separate permit to be finalized prior to the
sh 11 building's final C.O. inspection/permit close-out.
If we can be of assistance on this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Si e e
ates; R.A.
Yates Raio Architects, Inc.
A.R. 001 i 706
5707 S
E; (561 ) 493-1 500 FAX; .(561 ) 493-1 560 EMAIL;YRADES@BELLSOUTH.N
Wojcieszak & Associates, Inc.
5, 2008
Lucie County
ode Compliance Division
00 Virginia Avenue
Pierce, FL 34982
St. Lucie Oaks — Restaurant Building
Permit No. 0001-0218
o Whom It May Concern:
are responses to the Plan Review Comments dated 02-25-2008:
No. 1—
.orida Energy Gauge must be FLA/COM-2004. Version 2.5.
esponse: Per Energy Gauge software — Energy Gauge Summit Vers' and 3.1
Esfies the requirements in 13-400.3.A and 13-400.3.B (gener y 1 om-2004
)mputer program, Version 2.5). The Energy Code for this p sec gen rated on
ersion 3.0. ��
(772) 286-8696
Fax;(772) 286-4521
Consulting Engineers
nment No. 6 —
drawing P1, 4" sanitary cannot g o se interceptor, label one grease line and
,pone: Please refer to Plumbing Sheets P1 and P2 for revised grease line and sanitary
No. 7 —
ving E4, you must change house panel "A" to add a main breaker and sub -feed to
e panel "B" or use double lugs in meter and add breakers to both A and B, see NEC
►onse: House panel is two section, House panel section "A" is shown with main
{er and Section "B" is connected with feed -through lugs.
id A. Wojcieszak, P.E. #32091
, Box 2528 833 E. 5th St.
Florida 34995 Stuart, Florida 34994