HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1384 JH4 j I H~RSBY CERTIPY. that on thi8 day of September. A.D. 192~. before me peraona . . ...... 11 appear.d Joseph J. Heim, a single man to me known to be the persons desoribed in aud who exeouted the foregoing oonveyanoe, and aoknoWle4ged the exeoution thereof to be his free aot and deed for the usee and purposes therein mentioned. 8ignature and offioial seal .10 Fort Pieroe in the County of st. Luoie and the day and year laet afor8sa1a; J. B. Ho_rd (SlUL) Dotary Publio, st. Luoie County, Florida Notary P\\blio for the State of Florida at Ily Commission 3xpirea July 28. 1928. uy oommission expires .19_ /" ~, Piled and reoorded on this ~2nd day of september, A.D. 1926 at 3:28 P.K. '":~ r) ! P. O. 3ldred, Clerk Oirouit Court. i)~~~ D.O. . 1 , .0 ""Q. f';, 'J , ~~ ---_._~--------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------- Ct. Ct. Seal. \. By Joseph J. Heim TO Roy Deleon JLORIDA WARRANTY D33D THIS IND~'TUR&, Kade this 2Srd day of november A.D. 1923, B3TWR3N Joseph J. Heim, a widower of the County of Jaokson and State of Missouri party of the first part, and Roy is hereby aoknowledged, has granted. bargained, , I I i I I I I ! sold and transferred, and by these present~ I i ! I i ! Belson of the County of St. Luoie and State of Plorida p~rty of the seoond part. WITnSSSRTH. that the sald party of the first part. for and in oonsideration of the sum of ~ One Dollar and\good and 'Yaluable considerations to him in hand paid, the reoeipt whereof does grant. bargain. sell and transfer unto the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns fore'Yer, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in 111;8 County of st. Luoie and state of Florida, more partioularly desoribed as follows: The 3ast Half of the southeast Quarter of the nOrthw8st Quarter, and the Southwest of sit of BWt) of Seotion Seventeen (17) Township Thirty-fi'Y8 C36) South. Range (40) 3aat, oontaining fwenty-3ight and 54/100 C28.64) acres~ more or les9. I i I Forty ! ~ Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter CIti 01 s&t of nt and S1f! ~xo8pting and reserYing from this oonveyanoe the South porty eight (48) feet whioh pOS8S. i I I I I t I asaess:- ; i I ! I bas been appropriated by the North st. Luoie River Drainage Distriot for oanal pur- SUBJ3CT HOW3V3R TO any and all taxes. general, speoial, or drainage, and to all ments or levies subsequent to Deoember 31. 1922, snd also subject to any deduotionB for rlghts of way for publio highwaY8~ TOGRTH~ with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanoes, with every priVilege. , i right. title. interest and estate, dower and right of dower, reverslon, remainder and easement thereto belongiJ~ or in anywise appertaining: TO HAV3 ~ID TO HOLD the same in fee Simple foreyer. ~d the said party of the firat part does oovenant wi\h the said party of the 9800nd part that he is l'-tully seized of the 861d premises, that they are free from all inoum- branoes and that he haB good right and lawful authority to sell the some; and the said party of the first Pfrt doe. hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the oome against the lawful 01.1118 of all persons whomsoe'Yer. III IfITNK3S WHR3ROP, the sald party ot ths first part haB hereunto set hh hand aud 86al the da7 and ye~r abo'Y. writ\.n. :, <~.::\:~>~~~~,~~~.~~:~~~.::~<~: '~-~~?::T~}~;~ n I Larle. J J ) '1 .. ;-1 , ., -. <~" ~~~F?:~~J_:7\~~:~;;