HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOAD CALCULATIONS HVAC 1-14-19Express 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019 HVAC Load Calculations �I for Express Homes Prepared By: Kristin Kelly Florida Breeze 715 North Drive Suite D Melbourne, FI 32934 321-961-8767 Monday, January 14, 2019 Rhvac i an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calcula ,ions are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. Rhea R�sidentrai &-LlgtttCoritmercialFHVA`E.oBs --- ---- _ __ _�t�teStrftware Development;;lnc I i Flood Breeze F � �, Exp' ss 26Ei5�Hayderi Right St Luau 2019 � , West; elbourne, FL- 32�04 _ Page 2 • f G alPro ct 4 a matit� Project Title: Express 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019 Des! ned By: Kristin Kelly Project Date: Monday, January 14, 2019 Clien Name: Express Homes Com any Name: Florida Breeze Com i,any Representative: Kristin Kelly Com ,;any Address: 715 North Drive Suite D Com any City: Melbourne, FI 32934 Com 'any Phone: 321-951-8767 � C►a�a . ' 4 Refe nce City: St Lucie, FL Buildi g Orientation: Front door faces South Daily emperature Range: Medium Latitu e: 27 Degrees Eleva'ion: 25 ft. Altitu a factor: 0:999 ; Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winte 42 39A n/a n/a 70 n/a Sum �ler: 95 78 47% 50% 75 53 Ches �r�res - Total uilding Supply CFM: 1,366 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.524 Squar� ft. of Room Area: 2,605 Square ft. Per Ton: 726 Volu (w): 21,723 Butleii g_LsFlamm Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 37,018 Btuh 37,018 MBH Total ensible Gain: 35,726 Btuh 83 % Total latent Gain: 7,313 Btuh 17 % Total l ooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 43,040 Btuh 3.59 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calcul tions. are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All co puted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be surto select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your d sign conditions. i I C:1... \Ex 1 ress 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM I .%AG'&1dbF W! / ad dehtial � -' -�ree�ze, / -- ird / ,,, , � --' � Use 6hbdule: Yes Yes Minim m Height: 0 in. 0 in. | --- !Sdrijmdr ` . .... / ' ","v � ~"~`~ � ! ` � Total � Total � ^ Infiltrat i6n & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 21.98 = (1. 10 X 0,999 X 20.00 Summer Temp. Diffeeence) Infiltrat 6n & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 35.94 = (0.68 X 0.999 X 52.90 Grains Difference) . | Loss .Sensible Winter_ . --'m Infiltration Specified: — 0.210 AC/hr (76 CFM), Construction: Average � | ' i � ! � 1 nww/" Attic 18B 0.12 8 580 No � � � ' i i ` � � | ' \ � ' / � � U--�-----------------------'------'--�---'----�------�------------'--'---�------ - ��ess 2605Hayden Right StLucie 2O18.rhB Monday, January 14.2019,2:41PM Rdsk GWesf elbburi Ph scope Building SUPOY Lace Rehm UCf Zone I ®reiat NU MOOS R—WET 7%0�M� J". Net V Iron Area Ton Lat Gaip SYSI SYSI. Net Cjgj SYS, Duct Artj ]n L 'iZe Gain, L-!Os!L CFMI OFMI CFMI j 3.59 726 2,605 35,726 7.313� OW 37,618 460 .1,366 1,366 72q �to� .35 ;726 7At: 18, .1.366 2WO 31�O - 419t 419 5,707 -7.718 2AW, 3d,020 OW 34= 35= 460 11 1,366 2WO 1,104 13,616 ZOOO, ISA16 2OA63 :2136 6ig 6-6 1;501: 16AO4 2M. 19287 14,917. 194 00746 7-6- C1-AExress 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019A9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM Rhva ------------ Residential &'I.11ghtCorrtmercjaVAC`C . -- bide SoftuvareDeveto meat, Inch St'Lucie 2Q49.! Florid' Msu Breeze;° ; WIN xpss260'S Hayden Right , r 5 1 J West�� Tot elboume, FL: 39C15�,;, �, , ..,, 1 BbildingSummarytoadsNN ..?age C x onent� ! Seri Total Desk11GgDpw( iption ° Grin � Gain Ga " 2A-v-o lazin-oubleane lo-ee = 0.60 , operable ) 208.8 2,048 0 2,757 2,757 wi dow, vinyl frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 2A-v-di Glazing -:Double pane low-e; (e = 0.60), sliding 40.8 697 0 790 790 gl 1ss door, vinyl frame, U-value 0.61, SHGC 0.34 26-v-01 Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), fixed sash, 2.5 24., 0 3.3 33 vi �l frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 11 J: D ' or -Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 20.4 343 0 379 379 11D: oor-Wood -Solid Core, U-value 0.39 19 208, 0 230 230 13AB- ,fc's: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, 2156.3 11,050: 0 8,839 8,839 fill 'd core, siding finish, U-value 0.183. . 12C-0 �v: Wa1kFrame, R-13 insulation in 2 X 4 stud 355.8 907 0 858 858 ca ity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U-�alue 0.091 168-30� Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 2605 2,334 0. 4,585 4,585 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ce `ings), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Ashalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Mer brave, R-30 insulation, U-value 0.032 22A-pn�Floor-Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no 157 5,187. 0 0 0 ins lation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy dry or light wet soil, U-value 1.18 Subtot Is for structure: 22,798 0 18,471 18,471 Peopl h 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 Equip ent: 950 3,660. 4,550 . Lightin : 0 0 0 Ductw irk: 9,652 2,430 10,603 13,034 Infiltra{"on: Winter CFM: 148, Summer CFM: 76 4,568 2,733 1,672 4,405 Ventilation- Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Bui Total lding Load Totals: 37,018 7,313 35,726 43,040 Check rgtire g�'. , ..�w Total Budding Supply CFM: 1,366 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.524 j Square ft. of Room Area: 2,605 Square ft. Per Ton: 726 Volumi{ (ft3): 21,723 Total H' ating Required Including Ventilation Air: 37,'016 Btuh 37.018 MBH Total S' nsible Gain. 35,726 Stuh 83 % Total L tent.Gain: 7,313 Btuh 17 % Total C oling Required Including Ventilation Air: 43,040 Btuh 3.59 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Mots - Rhvac i an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calcula ions are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All com uted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sureiito select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your deign conditions. 1 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM Rhva� Residential & L' ht Com rrc(aPHVA Ro.nd� Breeze' WestMelliniutne. FL 32904 ' �, <. ern .1 WhoW6 House Summary Loads zA-v- : vlazing-uouble pane low-.e (e = u.tu), operable w hdow, vinyl frame, U-value 0,35, SHGC 0.29 2A-v- : Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), sliding gl ss door, vinyl. frame, U-value 0,61, SHGC 0.34 2B-v- 1- Glazing -Double pane low-e (e = 0.60), fixed sash, 4yl frame, U-value 0.35, SHGC 0.29 11J: gbor-Metal - Fiberglass Core, U-value 0.6 11 D: Door -Wood - Solid Core, U-value 0.39 13AB#cs: Wall -Block, no blanket or board insulation, filled core, siding finish, U-value 0.183 12C-0 w: Wall -Frame, R-13 insulation in 2 x 4 stud ca ity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs, U value 0.091 166-3 �,: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic FI .',or (also use for Knee Walls and Partition C �lirigs), Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark A phalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or M ''mbrane, R-30 insulation, U-value 0.032 22A-p • Floor -Slab on grade, No edge insulation, no in illation below floor, any floor cover, passive, heavy d or.light wet soil, U-value 1.1.8 Subto als for structure: Peopl Equipment: Lighti b: Ductw ' rk: Infiltra on: Winter CFM: 148, Summer CFM: 76 Ventila ion: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 Systerp 1 Whole House Load Totals: CFM: 1,366 ft. of Room Area: 2,605 (ft3): 21,723 208.8 40.8 2.5 20.4 19 2156.3 355.8 9011''9 697_ 24 343 208. 11,050. 907` 2,334 157 5,187',. �t�;�oftwar� Develo�ment,zlnc. � ess 2805tH69den;Right St ¢ Lucre 2019 - Page 6.� In Gan Gain ` 0 2,757 2,757 0 790 790 0 33 33 i 0 379 379 0 23,0 230 , 0 8,839 8,839 0 858 858 0 4,585 4,585 0 '0 0 22,798 0 18,471 18,471 6 1,200 1,380 2,580 950 3,600 4,550 0 0 0 9,652 2,430 10,603 13,034 4,568 2,733 1,672 4,405 0 0 0 0 . 37,018 7,313 35,726 43,040 u -M Ner Square tt. Square ft. Per Ton: 0.524 726 Total �eating Required Including Ventilation Air, 37,018 Btuh- 37.018 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 35,726 Btuh 83 % Total L"tent Gain: 7,313 Btuh 17 % Total C, oling Required Including Ventilation Air: 43,040 Btuh 3.59 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 3�toies �.a� Rhvac 1s an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All co41 uted results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sur�e,IIIto select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your deign conditions. - - -_._.__._._...__.----_----- CA ..•IEx ,ress 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM RttyPZP I ehu#* "0 .111 r I.. eol no 'Eli are `Breeze 8t Lucie9 0 ww E4 te Co Iling u System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Outdoor M6del: R4H448(A,Q)KC- Indoor Model: FXM4X48**AL Tridename: 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Outdoor Manufacturer: COMFORTMAKER Description: Air Source Heat Pump CHRI Reference No.: 10146684 apacity: 11 47,333 Eff icie ncy: 14.5 SEER Hea'6ng System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Model: R4H448(&Gjkc* radename: 14 SEER k SERIES R41 OA HP anufacturer: COMFORTMAKER escription: Air Source Heat Pump apacity: 45000 ffloiency: 82 HSPF This s stem's equipment was selected in accordance -with A*CCA Manual S. Manu 'I - S* - equipment sizing data: SODB: 951=, SOWB: 78F,'.WODb: 42F, SIDB: 75F,'SIRH: 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 35,72 Btuh, Lat.. gain: 7,313 Btuh, Sen. loss: 37,018 8tuh, Entering c1g. coil -bB: 78.8F, Entering c1g. coil WB: 63.817, Enteri I g htg, coil DB: 66.8F, CIg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. c'Ig. airflow: 1366 CFM, Req. htg. airflow: 460 CFM C:\ ... \Exp ss 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM 3hvac 6`dtl - Resident,a9 & [ ighf Gorrim r C tto it Breeze �kr� r I ttff Safitwsre Deyelapment, [r?c.' 5 SC '} aytlen Rlghf S# Lug% 2019 Pa g Nest elboirme, FL. 329Q4 fiT"� —_. _ __ ..__g Sys _ .e1-n 9 Roam Load SUMMa _�.. _ - — — -sx�.. _ _.. �� � Lat CIg S,ys � Roof -Zo 1-- 1 First Floor 1,104 20,463 266 6-6 626 13,616 2,000 619 619 2 Second Floor 1 501 14 917 194 7-6 543 16,404 2,883 746 746 t 1 Duct Latent �eturn Duct System 1 total Syste 1-Main Trunk Size: Veloc Loss I �er 1`00 ft.: Actu 1,638 2,605 37,018 460 20x20 in. 492 ft,/min 0.031 in.wg 419 5,707 2,011 35,726 7,313 1,366 1,366 alih - I orate erns Btuh 3.59 83% / 17%.'' 35,726 7,313 43,040 i 3.94 83%/17% 39,143 8,190 �Q'�,� 47,333 Heating System Cooling System Type: Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump Mode l R4H448(A,G)KC* R4N448(A,G)KC* Indoo , Model: FXM4X48""AL Brand 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP 14 SEER R SERIES R410A HP Desc tion. Air Source Heat Pump Air Source Heat Pump Efficiency: 8.2 HSPF 14.5 SEER Soun� 0 0 Capa( ty: 45,000 Btuh 47,333 Btuh Sensible Capacity: n/a 39,143 Btuh Laten�iCapacity: n/a 8,190 Stuh AHRI .Reference No.: n/a 10145084 This s'l stem's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S. Manu iI S equipment sizing data: SODB: 95F, SOWB: 78F, WODB: 42F, SIDB: 75F, SIRH; 50%, WIDB: 70F, Sen. gain: 35,72 Btuh, Lat. gain: 7,313 Btuh, Sen. loss: 37,018 Btuh, Entering clg. coil DB: 78.8F, Entering clg. coil WB: 63.8F, Enteri g htg. coil DB: 66.817, Clg. coil TD: 20F, Htg. coil TD: 70F, Req. clg.: airflow: 1366 CFM; Req.' htg. airflow: 460 CFM f xpress 2605 Hayden Right St Lucie 2019.rh9 Monday, January 14, 2019, 2:41 PM