HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1443 ::': ::.Di"':::;:E :',L .~ :;~} . !! ,..:31._ ".." ,. I I, . [ ( I ,. ,. ~ " . ( [ , ~ I: : ; r , . . 24;i .... al~e of the ou~-buildinga, ahall ooa\ not lea a than .~600.00, whioh prioe ahall not inolude arohiteotural expenaea or feea, and ahall not inolude any other olaaa of imp~ovementa aave I i i i I I I , I I I I I i ! i I 1 j i 1 I I i i I j i ! i 1 i I and exoept the aotual material and oonstruotion ooat of the said dwelling houae. i j 2. That not more than one reaidan08, together with usual and neoe8sary out-buildings.' 1 ahall be ereoted on eaoh of 8aid lots. I ! 3. That no unlawful or immoral use ahall be made of the premiaes hereby oonveyed, nor I ahall the aame bo used for any oomm~roial purpose; nor shall the same or any part thereof. or any intereat therein be sold; releaaed or otherwiae oonveyed to any persona other than the Cauoasian raoe; provided that nothing herein oontained shell prevent the keeping and maintaining usual and neoessary servants on the property for reasonable family use, 'l'his provision however, ahall not ouase forfeiture unless the holder of the fee is shown to b~ at faul t. 4. That no building shall be oonstruoted or ereoted at a less distanoe than twenty feet from the front line of aaid lot, or either of them. 6. That if said party of the second part. his heiro, representativo8 or assigns, or any holder of the property hereby oonveyed by virtue of any judicial prooeedings, shall fail to oomply with any of the above and foregoing restriotions, conditions or limitations with-' in sixty days after wri tten notioe by mail to the said party of the seoond part. hi8 heirs, personal representatives or assigns, or any of them, at the lase known address, by the .... said parties of the first "art. their suooessors, poroonal represento tivea or assigns, or either of them. then the said above desoribed and oonveyed property shall immediately re- vert to the said parties of the fIrst part. their suooeS80rs or assigns. who shall be en- titled to immediately enter upon said property without notioe, and take posde8sic~ of the same with full title in fee o1r!lple, together with all improvements there.)n, Dud no waiver of any of theso oondi 'lons, limitations or restriotions, expressed or implied, or failure for any length of time to enforoe the same shall constitute a bar to suoh enforoement. at any time. It is further understood and agreed that parties of the first part will not make any deed to any lot in Biltmore Park prior to January let, 1936, without the aforesaid provi- siOO8 and restriotions. ~ i ! , I I I I i I, I \ t ! I ! i I I TOt.3T!nR with all the tenemente, hereditaments, aud appurtenances, with every privI- lege, right, title,' interost and estate, dOWOT and rIght of dower, revt:lrsion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in aD7Wise appertainIng; TO HA V3 AnD TO HOLD the SQDe in fee s1.mpl e fo rever, AND the said parties of the first part do oovenant with the said party of the second part that they are lawfully saized of the suid premises; that they are free of all incum- branoe; and that they have good right and lawful authority to sel: the same; and that said parties of the firs' part do hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful olaims of all persuns whomsoever. IN WIT~~33 Wrl3R~Ol, the said partiea of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Sign~d. sealed and delivered in pruDenoe of: . H~ W. Sherman Uargo.r.t RusiJell o. u. ~ra8Well Ruby Braswell (S~AL) ( :3?AL ) 3TAT~ 01 lLOlUMl COUUTI 01 ~T. 10013 I H G ~3Y ';~RTIn that on thi8 28th day of September, A.D., 1926, before me persor:ally . ,.,. .'. ../r~:8:,:;Yt ..