HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATION FOR DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTIONAPPLICATION FOR DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION . aaw construction Fee($150.00)9]Upgrade/Replacement Fee($20.00) St. Lucie County Community Development 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort pierce, FI 34982 Applicant Name Allied Technolo ies Phones �� Mailing Address qS 14a:; le Armse L%r wc- oft I T �'A P1€goe L Owners Name APhone#3bs- a(o`S Construction ne Parcel Tax ID Number 4 r k '- r' bQQ \ ^ OI C� ^ c — Lot#8 Block# Subdivision The Nearest Intersecting Road/Street Is US Hlahway 1 Approx. 2861 to the east The Nearest Property Line To Proposed Driveway Is 520 Feet (This Distance Must Be A Minimum Of 9' With And 6' Without A Culvert) Desired Driveway Width Is 35 Feet (D/W Must Be Between 1V Min. And 20' Max.) Driveway Surface To Be - CONCREM AS_ PHALL❑ UNPAVED[] (Note: A Driveway On A Paved Road Must Be Paved And On An Unpaved Road Must Not Be Paved In The County Right -Of -Way.) The Center Of The Proposed Driveway Will Be Clearly'Marked On - .01 - 07 1 Will Mark The Driveway With:(Driveway Must Be. Marked For Permit To Be Processed) (✓) A Stake Marked Center Line Of Driveway Placed At The Right -of -Way Line ( ) A Bright Color Center Line Symbol Painted On The Edge -Of -Pavement ( .) Driveway To Be Centered On Garage Door Opening(Opening Must Be Visible) A County inspector Will Process Your Permit, Determine Grades, Setbacks'Ect., On Or As Soon As Possible After The Date Marked Above: Please Allow A Minimum Of 10 (Ten) Working Days From The Date Marked Above For The Permit To Be Completed To Prevent Any Hardship. Notice To Owner And Builder The Certificate Of Occupancy (C.O_) Will Be Withheld By The Building Department Until All Conditions Of This Permit Are inspected And Satisfied. I/We Agree To Abide By The "Conditions Of Driveway Construction' Listed On Page Number 2 (Two) Of The Permit Issued. i/We Agree To Construct The Driveway In. Accordance With The St Lucie County Land Development Code (Section 7.05.06) And Construction Specttications Listed In This Permit. In The Event The Culvert Fails Or Becomes Unserviceable, Or The Driveway Needs To Be Replaced For Any Other Reason, Replacement Shall Be Arranged By And At The Expense Of Tt# Owner. Owners Signature Date Received By Col unity Development Os7 By Rev. 1/98 Master building permit number Receipt i AIJON bar I Exhibit "A" Certificate.of Capacity File No.: SPMj-120071063 July 24, 2007 Resolution No. 07-135 Page 7 I - - '�. I 2300 Virginia Avenue • CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY Ft.(772��2 34982 Dat I`I 6/27/2007 Certificate No. 2650 I This document certifies that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the; standards for levels of service as adopted in the St Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for: ` 1. Ty J e of development Addition to Allied New Technologies 17.302 SF Number of units 0 Number of square feet 44746 2. ProIperty legal description & Tax ID no. 42011I100010007;420111100010100 9W �ew Range Line Road Allied Technologies (FKA Maim! Tank MFG� 3. Ap'proval: Building Permit Resolution No. 07-135 4. Subject to the following conditions for concurrency: Left ari�i Righ Turn Lanes. name Supply Corp 8350 NW 93rd St Miami I� Fl. 33166 6. Ce ificate Expiration Date 7/24/2009 Letter I! This Certificate of Capacity is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and is subject to the same ter �s, conditions and expiration date listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under the same terms air, ` conditions as the underlying development orderissued with this certificate, or for subsequent development order(s) issued for the same property, use and size as described herein. IS r,1111G, Signed J Date:7/612007 Gro th Management Director: St L�cie County, Florida l1D Signed Date: 71612007 Co urrency Review by: July 06, 2007 Page 1 of 1 J' RESOLUTION NO.07-135 1m r I n 2 FILE NO.: SPMj-120071063 Fde 3 I4 C4;1 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A MAJOR ADJUSTMENT TO A 6 MAJOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES, INC., A 55,444 SQUARE FOOT 18 INDUSTRIAL FACILITY LOCATED ON 25.00 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) OF LAND ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANGE LINE ROAD AT GLADES CUT OFF ROAD, IN THE IND (INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. 12 i 1$ - 14 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the j I testimony and evidence, including but not limited to the staff report, has made the following 1 determinations: 18 1. Allied New Technologies, Inc, has petitioned for a Major Adjustment to a Major Site 1? Plan approval for the project known as Allied. New Technologies (flkla Miami 2�p Tank/ChemTex), for a proposed 35,300 square foot expansion to the existing 20,144 2 square foot facility to provide for the introduction of a manufacturing operation that will 2 supply water treatment plants with necessary treatment chemicals to create potable 2 water. 2' 2N 2. :The Development Review Committee has reviewed the Major Adjustment for the 21 proposed project and found it does not meet all technical requirements and to be 2, , consistent with the future land use maps of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 2$ The proposed project is not consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives and 2. standards of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the St Lucie County 3 Comprehensive Plan, and the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County. The 3 Development Review Committee has recommended remedial conditions of approval 3 that, if implemented, correct the Code deficiencies and make the proposed Major A 3u Adjustment to a Major Site Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 1, 3. The proposed project, if the condition of approval are implemented, will not have an 30 undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic 3, conditions, parking, utility facilities or other matters affecting the public health, safety, 3$ and general welfare. 39 4 4. All reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any adverse effect on the proposed 4 project on the immediate vicinity through building design,_ site design, landscaping and 42 screening, as modified by the recommended conditions of approval. 43� 44 5. The proposed project will be constructed, arranged, and operated so as not to interfere.. ' 4S� 4 with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with applicable district regulations, and the recommended conditions of approval, —' EDWIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT File No.: SPMj-120071063 SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Resolution No. 07-135 - SLE # 3M3586 WOR12007 at 03:14 PM July 24, 2007 OR BOOK 2864 PAGE 77 - 84 Doc Type: RESO Page 1 1 i RECORDING* $69.60 7 0 I 2 3 7 8 9. 6. The project site will be served by adequate public facilities, upon implementation of. the .,recommended conditions of approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. Pursuant to Section 11.02.04(A) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the. Major Adjustment Site Plan for the project known as Allied New Technologies, Inc., is hereby approved with conditions, including modifications to the site plan drawings for the project prepared by Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B, dated June 25; 2007, .and date stamped received by the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director on June 26, 2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. No Development Permits order shall be issued by the County until complete sets of ,sealed constructible final engineering plans, supporting calculations and survey data for all site work and offslte improvements are submitted to the County and approved by the Public Works Department, Utilities Department, Environmental Resources Department,. Growth Management Department, St. Lucie County Fire District, and any other agency or County Department that may be determined by the Director of Growth Management to be necessarily Involved in the review and approval of the constructible final engineering plans for the site work and offslte improvements. The determination of whether or not plans submitted by the applicant constitute a complete set of constructible plans shall be, made by the departments involved in the plan review within five business days of the date: the plans are received in , the Department of Growth Management. 2. A condition of site plan approval shall be that all relevant regulatory agencies, including the SLC Fire District, SLC Environmental Resources Dept., Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and Dept, of Environmental Protection shall have approved of the hazardoustflammable material management protections and emergency response plans for the expanded facility prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the new facility. The plans must include protections and emergency response plans for both the construction phase and the operation phase of the facility, meeting OSHA and other regulatory requirements. 3. Contaminants detected by DEP in November 2006 surface water sampling events included arsenic, chloride, fluoride, sodium, and sulfate; pH levels were also outside of acceptable range. The DEP letter states that these contaminants "appear to indicate that a previously unknown release of additional contaminants has occurred, either because of leaking structures, accidental discharges, or leaching from site soils". Additional sampling required by DEP as part of the Remedial Action Plan Addendum (RADA) includes groundwater and surface water sampling for pH, sodium, chloride, iron, cadmium, chromium, copper, aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, mercury, manganese, fluoride, calcium, nickel, sulfides, sulfates, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and total dissolved solids. The intent of the File No.: SPMj-120071063 July 24, 2007 Resolution No. 07-135 Page 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4. 41 4' 4� 4! 51 5 required sampling is to delineate and characterize the existing groundwater plume and determine appropriate remedlation actions.. As there are known water quality contamination issues at this site, and as the SLC Comprehensive Plan -Objectives. 8.1.2, 8.1.5, and 8.1.6 are aimed at protecting and conserving surface water, groundwater, and soils, respectively, a condition of site plan approval shall be that Allied shall -remain In compliance with the remedlation activities as required by the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP): "Revised Remedial Action Plan Approval Order Addendum for Allied Universal Corporation, 9501 Rangeline Road, Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida," (approved May 17, 2007), as may be amended by DEP, failing which the Board of County Commissioners may withhold all or part of Allied's Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions, which are estimated at $1,680,000 over a 9 year period. In the event of non-compliance, the Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions would be deemed forfeited for any period of non-compliance, on a pro -rats basis. 4. Prior to approval of a Notice of Vegetation Removal application, the applicant must provide. ERD with a wetland determination from. SFWMD, covering the entire site. Wetlands and other surface waters, as delineated by SFWMD, must be shown on the boundary survey and site plans., Any permits required by SFWMD and the Corps, including, but not limited to, Water Use Permits and- Environmental Resource Permits, must be approved prior to approval of the' Notice of Vegetation Removal application: Copies of' the approved permits (or, permit 'modifications) shall be provided to ERD for our records. S. Prior to approval of a Notice of Vegetation-. Removal application,. a. revised landscape plan must be provided, including sufficient perimeter and vehicular use area landscaping per Section 7.09.04. of the SLC. Land Development Regulations. The plans must also include consistent schematics showing that the diameter (caliper) of trees on -site shall ,be measured at.4 % feet above ground. Perimeter landscaping -along the site's northern, western, -and southern sides shall meet. or exceed the requirements of Section 7.09.04.B. Vehicular use. area landscaping shall meet or. exceed Section 'requirements.- - Landscaping along Rangeline Road shall provide an opaque vegetative buffer at a height sufficient to effectively -screen Allied's manufacturing faclhties from the adjacent residential development along Rangellne Road. Landscaping plans for this buffer shall show: 1) the heights of each proposed and existing structure at Allied; 2) the width of the proposed, buffer (minimum of 15 feet width",- required , by. Code);%, and;. 3) locations/sizes/species of shrubs and trees proposed and existing on -site. S. Prior to approval of a Notice of Vegetation Removal application, the property owner shall provide right and ,left turn lanes on Range Line road; the entrances need to be modified to meet the requirements of, LDC 7.10.16; and the proposed shell rock area needs to be changed to either concrete or.hot asphalt. 7. Before the issuance of the vegetation removal perinit.the developer shall enter into an agreement to pay a fee in lieu of constructing the six foot concrete sidewalk along the projects entire road frontage. The The and agreement shall be supported by a signed and seal engineers estimate of probable cost. All estimates shall be approved by the. County Engineer. B. The property on which this major adjustment to a major site plan approval is, being granted is described as follows: File No.: SPMi-120071063 Resolution No. 07-135 July 24, 2007 Page 3 , lib 1 1 Parcel. ID #: 4201-11.1-0001-004/7: . 1 37 38 BEG AT NE COR OF SEC, ,TH S 0 DEG 01 MIN 30 SEC W ALG E SEC LI 1907.78 FT, TH N 89 DEG 58MIN 30 SEC W 606.98 FT, TH N 0 DEG 01 MIN 30 SEC E 1210.91..FT TO SLY R/W FEC RR, TH N 44 DEG 46MIN 36 SEC E,ALG SD SLY RNV 981.47 FT M/L TO N. SEC L1, TH E ALG SD N 116 FT M IL TO POB-LESS THAT PART OF NE 1/4 SEC1 MPDAF: BEG AT NE COR OF SEC 1, TH RUN S 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC W ALG E 0 OF SEC 1400.17 FT, TH N 89 DEG 59 MIN 06 SEC W 337.3 FT, TH N 05 DEG 21 MIN 13 SEC E 142.47 FT, TH N 44 DEG 46 MIN 00 SEC E-130.27 FT, TH N 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC E 937.46 FT TO SLY RNV LI FEC RR, TH RUN NELY ALG SLY R/W 329.97 FT TO E LI,SEC 1, TH S 00 DEG 09 MIN 38 SEC E.ALG SD SEC L1.5.98 FT TO POB- (17.83 AC) (OR 421-1078: 756-2922) , Parcel ID #; 4201-111-0001-010/0 01 37 38 BEG AT NE COR OF SEC, THRUN S 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC W ALGE SEC,. LI 1400.17 FT, TH N 89 DEG 59 MIN. 06 SEC W 464.67, FT, TH N 44 DEG 46 MIN 00 SEC E 330.01 FT, TH N 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC E 937.46 FT TO :SLY R/W FEC RR, TH N44 DEG' 46 MIN 00 SEC E ALG SD R/W 321.47 FT-M/L TO N SEC LI, THE 6 FT TO POB-LESS AS IN OR, 645-1778- (7.17 AC) (OR 1021-2682: 1717-1653) CONTAINING a 65,444 SQUARE FOOT FACILITY ON 25.00 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. . C. The' approvals and. authorizations granted by .this Resolution for the purpose of obtaining building permits on this property shall' expire on July 24, 2009, unless building" perrnits . have been issued . or an, extension -in: accordance with Section 11.07.05(F) of the St. Lucie County Land. Development Code has been granted. . D. The Major Site Plan approval granted under this Resolution. is specificaily conditioned to the requirement that , the, . petitioner;. Allied, New -Technology, including any successors in interest, shall obtain all necessary permits and authorizations from the, - appropriate Local; State, and -.Federal regulatory authorities prior to the issuance of any. local. building permits or authorizations to commence development activities on the," property described in Part, B. E. The Certificate of Capacity; a copy of which is attached to this resolution, shall remain valid for the period 'of Major Site Plan approval.'- Should the. Major Site Plan approval granted by this resolution expire, a new certificate of capacity shall be required, F. The St. Lucle County Growth Management Director. is hereby authorized and directed to cause the notation, of this resolution to be,made on the Official Zoning Map of St. Lucie County, Florida, and to make 'riotation of reference to the date of adoption of this resolution. G. The Director of Growth. Management' shall coordinate. the issuance. of. further site 2 2 2' 31 3 3' 3; 31 3: 3+ 3' 31 3! 'Development Permits. No final site construction authorizations or site -Development, Permits shalla be issued until all requirements for such permits are met. , i. A co of this resolution "shall be attached to the site plan drawings 'described in' PY Section , A, which plan shall ' be . placed on. file .with the St Lucie County Growth.: Management Director.. A copy of this resolution shall be mailed, return.receipt requested to the developer and.., agent of record as identified on the site plan applications. This resolution shall be recorded in the Public Records of. St. Lucie County. • .The recording of this resolution' does not -authorize the. commencement of any on -site . development activities without obtaining such, further development permits as may be required. All applicable conditions of approval as set forth above, and all applicable code - requirements must be. met to- satisfaction. of the ::County before final site construction permits are issued. after motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Chris Craft Aye Vice -Chairman Joseph E. Smith. Commissioner Paula A. Lewis ' Aye Commissioner Doug Coward Aye Commissioner Charles Grande Aye . Resolution No. 07-135 Page 5 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .0 .i .2 .3 I4 5 .6 I7 8 �9 >0 i ?I 25 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 20 day of July 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS.f0f4ERS* ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ATTEST 4, CL11T kr APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Wit` - . • Clerk hv* . County Attorney File No.: SPMj-120071063 July 24, 2007 Resolution No. 07-135 Page 6