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0 Wk MULTI CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE (BCCO) CONTROL DIVISION OF ACCEPTANCE t Florida Rolling Door, Inc. B West 79' Street ah, FL 33016 SCANNED BY ce�o h ©� WOR DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIANII, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2909 6e. This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing.the use of construction kenals. The documentation submitted has.been reviewed by Miami -Dade County Product Control Division and kpted by the Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA) to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where wed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AID). is NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control fision (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AID (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to re this.product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately oke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. BORA reserves the right revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Di ' ion that this product or terial fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. is product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to com Velocity Hurricane ne of the Florida Building Code. ESCRIPTION: 24' wide Roll -Up Door. PPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 0 - . 08/0 , last revision on 07/08/03, titled t'Roll-Up Door", sheets I through 3 of 3, k T" , Inc. signed and sealed by W. A. Tillit, PE, wing the Miami Dade County Product Con stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and )iration date by the Miami -Dade County Pr ct Control Division. ISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact WELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and lowing statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. ENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no mge in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. ?,RMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the terials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any ,duct, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply h any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. DVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by expiration date may. be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall done in its entirety. NSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors d shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. is NOA revises NOA # 03-0206.12 and, consists of this page, evidence page as well as approval document ' I entioned above. e submitted documentation was reviewed by Candi +ont PE. / 6{ 3 NOA No 03-0722.03 EAExpiration Date: October 16, 2008 Approval Date: October 16,2003 Page 1 - II NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE PAGE DRAWING: Drawing No. 03-145, titled "24' Roll -Up Door Door", sheet 1 and 3 of 3, prepared by Tilteco, Inc., -dated 07/08/03, with latest revision on 07108/03, signed and sealed by W. A. Tillit Jr, PE. TEST: Test report on Large Missile Impact Test per PA 201, Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per PA 203 and Uniform Static Air Pressure Test per PA 202 of "20 Ga Steel Roll -Up Door". Prepared by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc., report # 0204-0902-00, specimens 1, 2 & 3, dated 08/29/00 & 09/02/00, signed and sealed by V. J. Abraham. PE. C. CALCULATIONS: 1. Calculations for attachment of guide to steel or masonry jamb, prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated 09/14/00, sheets 1 to 29 of 29, signed and sealed by W. A. Tillit Jr,. PE. D. QALTTY ASSURANCE. 1. Miami Dade County. Building Code Compliance Office. 091 E. STATEMENTS: 1. Test Compliance letter issued by Hurri oratory, Inc., on 10/17/2000, signed by V. J. Abraham, PE. 2. Compliance letter issued by Tilteco, Inc, on 11/21/2000, signed and sealed by W. A. Tillit Jr, PE. 3. No financial interest letter issued by Tilteco, Inc. on 11/21/2000, signed and sealed by W. A. Tillit, PE. 4. Test clarification letter issued by Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc. on 05M/2001, signed and sealed by V. J. Abraham, PE. F. MATERIAL CERTIFICATION: 1. Product Control Notice of Acceptance No. 00-0403.1 lissued to Allied Foam Products on 07/20/200, expiring on 06/19/2003. 2. Test report on tensile test of 1 Sample issued by Q C Metallurgical, Inc. on 12/13/2000, signed and sealed by F. Grate, PE. 3. No change letter issued by Tilteco, Inc on 12/17/02, signed and scaled by W. A. Tillit Jr. PE. 4. Bill of Sale of NOA numbers 01-0326.02 & 01-0622.01from T.G.W. Rolling Doors, Inc to South Florida Rolling Doors, Inc, signed by Fidel & Ondina Torres on 07/02/03 /D /6 k3 Candido F. Font PE Senior Product Control Examiner NOA No 03-0722.03 Expiration Date: October 16, 2008 Approval Date: October 16, 2003 E-1 C HOOD - 24 CA. Hex Take dBOTTOM EL4R a•'.a• amaw ware (Y") TYPICAL DOOR ELEVATION STEEL STRUCTURE i REQUIRED (lyp.) w/ �� 1/4' Mln. WALL 7HlCXNE55• e'aa r/P I L J' x 3'' x (1/2' CenE- W/BWASHXER AdHO' k SIDES ) L 2 T/2' x 2 1/2" x J/8' Cont. L 4' x J• x 3/8' Conf, — 14" - A Counter Balance Shan oerv�vrra 1- Roll -Up Door shown on this Product aoprovol Document-(PA:O.-has' eon- esrgne-nFaeeardance-- 0.785' 5offd Rod with the 2001 Edition of the Florida Building Code, Design wind loads shall be Determined as per section .1BT9 of the above mentioned code, far a basic HEAD wind speed of 146 m.p.h., and in accordance w/ ASCE 7-98. standard, k PIATE Roll -Up Door's adequacy for impact and fatigue resistance has been verified In accordance with section 1605.1.4 of the above mentioned code as per HTL report J 0204-0902-00 as per PA-201, PA-202 & 037' PA-203 standard. (W/ GALVANIZING) 2.5J5' Max, design load is: +55.0, STOPS' L 2- Slot to be A.5•T,M• A-653 Grade 50 Structural quality steel with a minimum Fy=50.0 ksi and G-90 ' galvanizing, or A.I.S.I, series stainless steel manufactured with a minimum yield strength of Fy=50.0 ksi. J- All steel angles and channels to be A.S.T.M. A-36 designation, shop primed.against corrosion prior to installation. 0.725' T 4- All assembly bolts to be S.A.E. Grade 2 or A.S.T.M. A-J07 cadmium plated or galvanized steel. 5- Steel windbars to be A.S.T.M. A-36 designation, shop to installation. TYR SLAT 1Q FLAT SLAT primed prior OR 6- Wlndlocks to be 'Malleable Iron' Fy=42 ks! or A.l.S.l. designation steel with Fy = 40 ksi. 7- Hood to be 24 Go. A.S.T.M. A-525 designation G-90 finish fype coating, q 8- All rivets to be A,LS,i. 1006 Steel, Cadmium Plated, Stainless Steel or Zinc Plated with Fy-J7,000 pal. B 0.765 9- Concrete anchors to be as manufactured by Powers Fastening, Inc. and shall be Installed following all EDAM PLASRC of the recommendations and specifications of the anchor's manufacturer. O SEE NOTE 11 pd 10- All welding to conform to American We/ding Society's latest edition's regulations, and the Florida Y G Building Code. Use A.W,S A5.1 or A5.5 E60xx electrodes with min. J/16" fillet size. DD 24 GA . DETA/L 1/2 ?.5J5 ap G4LVAN1ZE0 11- insulation material shall be AFM-Expanded Polystyrene Insulation, manufactured by ALLIED FQ4lf 00 CLOSURE PRODUCTS INC. with 1.9J Lb/R? density. 1p 0 12- This door may be installed with slats concave side facing outside or inside of building, TYP. BOTTOM 54R� 1J- if shall be the responsibifity of the contractor to verify that the existing structure is designed to D support Vx and Vy forces at both Jumbs. See sheet 3 of 3, for Vx &• Vy values, © INSULATED SLAT 14- Roll up mechanism not Included in this approval.9ui�lvu..na_aeaz�f.�.�1�.ou.luDaaeNotuT T GSU�1-4-4 Cott t•�. _ _ , ' A S1• 15- (A) This P.A.D. prepared by this Engineer is generic and does not provide information for a site SECTION A —A specific project! i.e. where the site Conditions deviate from the P.A.D. (B) Contractor to be responsible for the selection, purchase and Installation Including life safety of this V4• r POWER BOLT wE 7• Min. P£NETRARON product based an this PA.D, provided he/she does not deviate from the conditions detailed an this E SCHEDULE ON SHEET J OF J document. ' FOR ANCHOR SPACING). START RRST ANCHOR AT 8' FROM BOTTOM. 8 1/4' Min•--j t (C) This PAX, will be considered Invalid if modified, ,.. .' : (D) Site specific projects shall be prepared by a Rorido Registered Engineer or Architect which Witt IXlSPNG —� ' • •' • : 4 • - become the Professional of Record (P.O.R) for the project and who will be responsible for the proper use POURED CONCRETE ' ' •• • •• ? of the P.A.D.REQUIRED ()yp.) •'� `.' • '' '�" • • (E) This P.A.D. shall comply with section 2: 6/G15 of the Rorida Administrative Cade. r r P x 1' CONT. SOLID STEEL WIND �E4R— L J' x J' 1/2' Cont. E'G1t:MeTREVISED W/ Jlf6' x 1 !/?' LC. WELD \ ASSEMBLY BO r•�'' r+'L^!%7ti6S lira FlodJo iA O e O. C. EACH SIDE. 5/8• 0. 1 J (14' 0. 1'� `'`' 0.A2 (D-0 SLAT T SHEET 3 OF J FOR 24GEMENT REQUIREMENTS SEE SHEET 3 OF J FOR Ma),. SUP TIP. EACH 510E FOR A GIVEN SIZE DOOR SECTIONS C—C SCALE 1/41-1• �-• 1 2 1/2' x 2 1/2' x 3/8' Cont. 1)OR® SIAT L 4' x J" x J/B" Cont: SEE SHEET J OF J FO NCDUOlNGS W0 I SL2ATT EVERY SLAT ENG4GEMENT REQUIREMENTS INCL (SEEDETAIL 1Tib 12) SEE SHEET J OF J FOR Max. SUP TYP. EACH SiDE FOR A GIVEN SIZE DOOR . SECTIONS B—B SCALE 1/4 -1' r5nn , R-i-- F.B.C. (H.V.H.Z.)/M1AM1-DADE COUNTY ,rwrao 24' ROLL —UP DOOR SSa4w L E C O SOUTH FLORIDA ROLLING DOOR, INC. 7a�Arr im.. 2,x4 a w1sT 7stn SWEET STING t ENGINEERING COMPANY }H4IF.G/, rLGRIO4 JJG16 OJ-145 Laagwirrxaid.'� irtm+Wr-reltVlY DRAWING Ho LP-0 Ale wILiEA A. TILT? Jr. P E rx ® mmnrl ao mats as rr r r x noena, - wr _ rNfET f OF' J .1..75' 1•J125' ' 1.05' w N 1 h h 1F--�•IL 125' .6875" I.JIZ5' .B58' .968' .50 2 PLACES FUR 1/4' / 11'1E75 n .75' 50' �0,1875' n 2' x I' x 1/8' --N Cont. STEEL CHANNEL EA. SIDE TYPICAL WMLOCK W-1 DETAM SCALE : 3/8' = I" •'1 1.J175" II .656' ,50' 177 PLA��CES f64' HOES L3 h I/4' I RNETS 7S roi .J725 n .75" N N .50' So T T y h n �1.J125� .6875' 2" x x N A C. TYPICAL WRIVDLOCKS W - 2 DETAIL SCALE : 3/8' — 1" 000F RAIL --Qi BOTTOM FULL SLAT 2'x2'x 5/16 I THRU BOLT x 2'—O' STEEL 5 EA• £ND FOR SIDE 18' 0. C. BOLT INSTAUATIC (2) 5/16' 0 x 1 Rnl n ® 3 SECTION X1 ® BOTTOM BAR Dli7A/L SCALE : J/8' = I' 1 BOTTOM FULL SLAT ' I (2) 5/16' 0 x 1 1/2' BOLTS ® J' O.C. TTOM FULL SLAT SECTION X2 BOTTOM BAR (5) W/ ANGLE' SCALE : 3/8' 5/i6 m x 1 1/2' THRU BOLT , I m 0 16' 0. C. 2' x 1" x 1/8u Cont. STEEL CHANNEL ENDS THIS LOCATION oz SLEVATlON BOTTOM BAR (3 W/ BRACKET SCALE : Z/8' _• I " (ELEVATION) I DETAIL 1 Tn, SCALE : J/16' = I' JUL 14 2003 2' x I" x 1/8' Cont. STEEL CHANNEL EA. SIDE the FlariaN F.B.C.(N.V.N.Z.)/AF0?ALAOE COUNTY 24' ROLL -UP DOOR l4e^H e 7/11/LU SOUTH FLORIDA ROLLING DOOR, INC. CAW 2724 8 M4ST 79N SIFUT HNLE9i R WA JJ0}8 03-145 rR �v rxmn wrt m: w oa�a am auwm No m awir • _ SRQT 2 OF J Vx & Vy REACTIONS & ANCHOR SCHEDULE MAXIMUM ANCHOR SPACING R£OUIR£D FOR Mln. �o Ccy DESIGN DOOR WIDTH (Ft) SUP (!n) vx (Lb/Ft) yy (Lb/Ff) £NGA� ENT BPS TYPE V 18' OR LESS 55 15 16' / 1436 405 11' 2 5 8 " / 20'-0' 15/16' 1804 450 9' 1 5/8' +45.0, —45.0 22'—O' 15/16' 2171 495 B. 2 5/8' 24'—O' 15/16' 2542 540 7' 2 5/8' OR LESS 7/8' 1906 495 9 1/2' 2 9/16' 20'-0' 15/16" 2266 550 8" 2 5/8' +55.0, —55.0 22'—O' 15/16' 2704 605 7" 2 5/8' 24'-0' 15/16' 3149 660 6" 2 5/8' TYPE I ANCHOR : 314" 0 POWER BOLT W/ 7' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT MANUFACTURED BY POWERS FASTENING INC. EXISTING STRUCTURE Vx Vy LOAD DIAGRAM EXISTING STRUCTURE IL E C�o �N�. T1W! 7C . ft 11111NEERIN11 COMPANY „/! KYr LIA >t A fi7 IRam rt min f1�Y, pA'1117I-IIId. f I (J0.W11-7m? y ,f �y f8-0008719 A 4 2003 �ROMIX 44167E . Vx LOAD DIAGRAM T''R0DVCT REVISED R3 sn:,;ri,?.k1u9Sy 6f:e FlorkW Rcacr}r�.�cz t�i� 0 220.3 i"rodaetCwtml Wvidon FB.C.(H.V.H.Z.)/MIAMI—DADS COUNTY AS SHOWN 24' ROLL -UP DOOR SOUTH FLORIDA ROLLING DOOR, INC. 7� ,zer£ 27T4 B %'E5f 78N MaT ' xW1Eut rtoezk JJare 03-145 mt ,o OCt>rIW an' nt w momx elII A4.IWINC No as er-en f f — SNFFT J OF J