HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1465 '.' ~~ T 'T f -...---....<11I] WIT1I3SS my signature and offioial seal at Fort Pieroe in the Oounty of 3t. Luoie and aforesaid. I Margaret Coffee Notary Publio, 3t. Luoie . i I I County ,Flori~. ( 3311) lol1 xpires Jan. 14, 1929. reoorded on this 30th day of September. A.D. 1926 at 9:06 A.Y. :Po O. 3ldred. By jf)~~ }.{ecord 'i el iiie\l I" Clerk Cirouit Court. (]la;;;;~ D.O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jcs eph J. Heim TO r. A. Whelan FLon Il>A WARRA1ITY D~D [ THIS lND3!ITUR3, Llade this 20th de,y of August A.D. 192633Ti13311 JOS3PH J. HUJ.l. a single man. of the County of Jaokson and ~tste of Missouri party of the first pert, end F. A. Whelan, of the County of Greene and state of Ll1ssouri party of the seoond part, WlTIl3SSg'.rH. that the said party of the first part. for and in oonsideration of the aun of Ten Dollara and other good and valuable considera tions to him in hand paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aOlnowledged, has granted, bargained. sold and transferred. and by these , presen~~_ d~~S hereby grent, bargain, a.ell and transfer unto the Boid party of the second part and bis heirs and ossigns forever, ell that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the Coun~ of St. Lucie and state of Florida more partioularly desoribed as follows: 30uthwest Quarter of Northwest ~uarter (sWl of Hll) of 3eotion Ten (10), Township ~hirty- five (351 ~outh. ~a~e Thirty-nine (39) 3ast. containing 40 aores, more or lesd, 3U':3J3Cf. HOi'l~V?.i, to any and all taxes. general. special or drainage. and to ell asses8lOOuts or levies subsequent to Deoember 31. 1924. 8nd also subject ':;0 any deduotions for rights of W8Y for public highways or for ditches or rightB of way of the lIorth st. Lucie River DraiIl8ge Di striot . ( ( I TOG~'.rH3R with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenanoes, with every privilege, right. title, interest and estate. dower and right of dower, roversion. reIIBinder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAV~ MID TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. And the said party of the first part does oovenant with tte s~id party of the seoond part that he is lawfully seized of thtl 88idpremises. that they are free froCl all inoam- branoea and that he has good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land. end will defend the sa~ against the lawful olaims of all per90ns whomsoever. III WITH3SS '."iH3R~P, the s8id party of the first part has hereanto set his hand and Seal the day and year above written. 3igned. sealed and delivered in our presenoe: S. Wintersoheidt J08eph J. Heim (33AL) R. L. Jenkins STA T3 OP 'WRlDA COUIIT"l OP ST. LOe Ig (16.00 ) l 8S. I. R. Stamps Cano.) ; I hereby oertify, that on this 2'th 4&1 of August, A.D. 1926, before me personally ap- : peared JOS3PH J. H3D1, 8 single men, to me knollD to be the persons desoribed in and who exeouted the foro8oing o~nveyanoe, and aoknowledged ths exeoution Ib8reo~ to be his free ., ~ j 5 r ~ , :' . ' '::.' ,...: :~~: '.t~~{(:;~'.~.,,~. :, , ... - . ~- .~~.~ ~...~ ~..._~ .. .~:~"'.~.