HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER REQUESTING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION'4 SCANED Bysautlecaufltv 16, 2005 1r. Boris Belfer -alph D. Denuzzio & Associates, Inc. 100 Boulevard of Champions forth Lauderdale, FL 33068 Application for Stormwater Permit International Airport Business Park Request for Additional Information # 1 ear Boris: e have reviewed the plans and calculations submitted on May 6, 2005 for the above referenced oject. The following items remain outstanding from my April 11, 2005 review: iENERAL COMMENTS Please provide a copy of the SFWMD ERP upon receipt. Comment Outstanding. Dry retention area #1, the control structure and the "bubble up" .inlet may not be located within the Cayuga Avenue right of way. Bubble up structures 14 and 14A are not permitted within the right of way. The inlets must be replaced with mitered end sections at elevation 19.61, similar to the two culvert crossings proposed to the north on Cayuga Avenue. The control structure detail on sheet 6 of,7 does not agree with the calculations or the callouts on sheet 3A of 7. The outlet barrel of the control structure must terminate at the right of way line and be raised to elevation 19.61. The control structure -detail specifies a 1 S' RCP outlet barrel and the calculations call for a 14" x 23" barrel? lease feel free to contact me at (772) 462-3755 if you have any questions or concerns. Once ;visions have been made, please submit two copies of signed and sealed drawings. Boris Belfer 16, 2005 ;2of2 incerely, topher M. Lestrange, P.E. Engineer/Plans Examiner c: file [:\Stormwater Permits\International Airport Business Park RAI 2.doc Irk it 11, 2005 Ir. Ralph Denuzzio, P.E. .alph D. Denuzzio & Associates, Inc. 100 Boulevard of Champions forth Lauderdale, FL 33068 Application for Stormwater Permit International Airport Business Park Request for Additional Information #1 Ralph: 'e have reviewed the plans and calculations submitted on March 25, 2005 for the above ferenced project. The following corrections or clarifications must be made before we can issue St. Lucie County Stormwater Permit for the project: 3TENERAL COMMENTS . Please provide a copy of the SFWMD ERP upon receipt. Dry retention area #1, the control structure and the "bubble up" inlet may not be located within the Cayuga Avenue right of way. The control structure detail on sheet 6 of 7 does not agree with the calculations or the callouts on sheet 3A of 7. Sheets PC 1 and S 1 were not provided for review. Please place a note on the plan stating, "Where fill is used, the owners of the property on which the fill is being located shall be responsible for assuring adequate drainage so that the immediate community will not be adversely affected per St. Lucie County Land Development Code Section 7.04.0l.D.3." Please place a note on the plan stating, "Upon completion of the project and prior to requesting a Final Paving and Drainage Inspection, please submit three (3) copies of signed and sealed record plans with a signed and sealed letter of completion from the project engineer to the St. Lucie County Building Department." The 25 year 3 day precipitation used in the pre -developed calculations should be 10.0 inches. [r. Ralph Denuzzio, P.E. pril 11, 2005 3.2e 2 of 2 Please show how the pre -developed curve number was determined. The control structure used in the calculations does not agree with the plans. The stage vs. discharge curve does not account for the affect of the bubbler at the end of the outfall culvert. There• should be no discharge below the top of grate elevation of the bubbler. ase feel free to contact me at (772).462-3755 if you have any questions or concerns. Once iisions have been made, please submit two copies of signed and sealed drawings and one copy calculations with a response letter indicating how each item has been addressed. hristopher M. Lestrange, P.E. ivil Engineer/Plans Examiner file Permits\International Airport Business Park RAI l.doc File Editview Tools Window Help 11:2.379 ? XY TVC area . . . .......... A Zones ure Land Use iing idzones; pile Home ParPs idiVisions d Waste Service i or Water Codes Q Feet Tuesday, Jun 21�, 2008 02:17 PM