HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1531 - ,[ County of st, Luoie and State of FloridR more ~artioularly des~fibed as follows: Southwest ~uarter of ~orthea8t ~uarter (swl or KEi) of Seotion Seven (7), Township Thirt7- .Ix (36) Son1h, Rang. ~hlr1y-.I.. 139.), !as1, oo.talnlng 38.69.aore., more or 1.... I SUBJECT RO~ER, to any and all taxes, ~neral, speaial or drainage, and to all a9sessment. ~ t or levies subsequent to ueoember 3l, 1924, and also su~Jeot to any deduotions for rights I ot way tor public highways or for ditohes or rights of way of the North st. Luoie Hiver I Drainage District. . ' ($6.00 Uoo. sthmps oanoelled) , TOG~THER with all the tenements, hereditaoents and appurtenanoes , with every privilege,l I 1right, title. interest end estate, dower and right of dower, reversian, rema.inder and easement 'thereto belonglng or in anywise appertaining: I ., i TO HJ..V~ A..1'ffi TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. it And 1he .a1d par1y of the tlrs1 part doe. ee.e...1 .Uh the ..Id party .f the .ee.nd I ,part that he is lawfully seized of the said pre~is6s, that they are free froo all incwnbranoet : i land that he has good right and lawful authority to sell the same: and the s~id party ot the I / i , 'first part does hereby tully warrant the t1 tle to said lar.d, and will defend the sarne against 1 ( I j the lawful olaims of all pers~ns whomsoever, t IN "ITN~SS "fHEREOF. the 8il.1d party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal t Ithe day ar~ year above written. I i i Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: I . i ~ Joseph J. Helm (Seal) E. B. Heskett R. C. R8Ilsey ( i . . ; 'STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ST. LOCU:, l I hereby certify, that on this 25th day of September A. D. 1925, before ~e personally ! j aooeared Joseph J. Reim, a single man to me known to be the persons describeJ in and who t ...- , executed the foregoing conveyance, ani acknowledged the execution thereof to be his free act I ~nd doe4 for the uses and purjoses therein mentioned. ss. .1 I I . ' State of ?lorida. the day and year last a~ore9ald. f j I r I . 1 I Filed am recorded this 8th day of Ootober L. D. 1925, at 3,: 55 P. ~!. I 1 i I I 'TITNSSS my IUgnature am official seal at l"ort Pierce in the County of St. Luoie and CN. P. Seal) Margaret Coffee (Seal) Notary Public, St. Lucie County, ?lorida, ~y OO~iS6ion exyiraa Jan. 14, 1929. (Ct. Ct. Seal) p, ~. Mdred, G1erj( Circuit C?urt. By ~~.6..J QJ......~r D. C. o . (. .',~ (~ .-l., ~ ,'\:) .0 v ~J '" ~~: ,~: ".'\::}'L;',;; ~;':Y:::i;:~; :l :31 " . .~ .;; .L~""-~f . t l ~ ~i < ., .! , . .~ .~ , , .\ ~ ~ ., :'" i 't ~ ;l ~ ~ ; - , < ;! .. '. ., 4~ .1 ~ t 'j . ~ :; ! ~ i I ~ I I t , '.. '. . ..'/;i~:,:~XZ;':':i