HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL 3-8-18d Product Approval usen. Pud eVli— nncuser wa m . ,k �. ' prMWctApM1rovar Mery >;Produrt or i+p Itieiron 5ear.'h.�.j.!g. +�it„�,{jori tJ5t> Appli6atiori;.Uetail FL # FL17022 R7` Appllcation.Type' Revision Code, 'Version 2013 Application;5tatv's Approved Comments'" ArctiWed; Product Manufacturer i Address"/PhonejEmall t l r Duttiorized Signature I Technical Representative Ad,dr,`es5/Phgn`e[E mall, Quality "Assu r-ance�Representative Ad dressjPh on a/Ema11" ry Catego subcategory' Compliance;Methokf 0e/18/20:vv. date;reapplyDB/ Extreme Metal Fabiitators .LLQ ' 60 Sm W',Poa Drive Paim diy;. FL34090 (772),.8,72=8034 flvalldatlon,Q.yahpo cam ,Richard Mquhen �flvalidation �yahoomm, Alchard McKuhen 216,q SW Poma prive Paim City, FL 34990 `(772)',872-8034 rlchard C�A'emfab:net Rooting M'etaVk6offng ST. LUCIE COU BUILDING DIVIF REVIEWF FOR COMMA DATE PLANS AND ERMIT MUST BE KEPT N JOB OR NO INSPECTION ILL BE MADE THESE FLANS AND ALL PROPOSF.O WORK ARE SWECT TO ANY CURECTIONS REQUIRED BY MLU 1teraC ►ORS Tf-U T NAY bE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY WrM ALL APPLIcAD� CODES. CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBUY OF THE MCTOR OF RECORD ;Evaluation'. Repoitfroin a Flodda Reglstered;Amhltect or.a Licensed Florida ProfesslonaLEnglneer ". Evaluation Report'- Hardcopy Retelved Florida=.Englneer or Architect, Name. W developed 'LOCKE BOWDEN the Evaluation Repbrt fiorftla. License PE 49iO4 Quality Assurance?Entlty Keystone Certificatlons;Inc. `Quality Assurance.ConEract Expiration,ba'ba 04/22/2024 Validated By` 2achaty R Priest, P;Ei R yalldatlon Checklist.- I ardcop.y.Received' Gertlficate of;Independence. F i70 sZ R7 COI FL 17022� 'S�V Cig ssr odf Rdf466&6& Standard and Year (i f Standard] Standard; TAS'iZ's 0 L Y897< U'L s80 E9uivalence:ofxProduct• Standards- Certified, t3y t sections `from !the. code Year 2003' 2oz 2006 .http /,/www loridabuilding Orgl rlpr_appidrl asp param=WGEVXQwtDgy2aBQpHpQQe :. " '1I8T201.8' Flonda Bail mghCode Onlinc Product Approval Method Method i' Option D pate: submittaa o8/1s/zo DaW%Ialid`ated '06/2572017 Data; Pending ;FBC,Approual AB/28f2017 Date ?kPrduod " Suoirta'aof"products? N FL #, Mode1,,eNuin1*ei;or Nome'' ,Description , 17022 i bv'Crlmp (.F26) 24' ` � 'mechadically'attached to15/32" ply . fasteher5 ifiril s of Use Instahation Ins[Yuccions,. Approved for use in HVHZ: No 17022 7 I :F v Approved for use°outside H%h4Z: Yes" Verified By Locke Bow -den, P.E. 4S I,'ii pact,Res starit-Mb' Created try Ihdependedt,Third Part FS'Asinn pras�ura: a-N'lAl-`r 6-A" -- ' �Evafuatiori Ralid its mar%ufactvrei's installatiori;Instructlons: 1"ZOZ2 2, 2 SV;Crimq" (R¢)y 0 032 Aluminum '3/8 Rib he a panel-M'echanicattyatteilc t Deck vuit h .expased iasw dit Lurr is of Use Instal121tron Instructmns (kpproved for use iri,yVHZ; No(17422 R7 II FL7g�2c2.':. Approved fdr use:Qutside yV,HZ: "Yes` Verified By, -Locke Bowdedf B Impact iOtaht No Created by Independent Thin Dejgn,PressureTahLe:A. Eva1)uat�nn Reports _._.._ assemoiy m compuance wam me ins®nanon memou usceu In ALUI-I this report add appilcalile codesec>'ons pf':FBC Refei Ito Created by.-Tnde&nd6 manufacturer's installaboli Instrucborts Y7022.3' 3 = "1.5" Aecharifcal SedYii"'(Rs) n sr; rib heights 16"°wid roof panel mechadicallj - deck with clipsrand, ast Limits of tl`se Instaila"tron Itist uct Approvea Torus 3 in HVHZ No *Li7t322 R7 II FL;9.7i Approved Eor use auiside H%1HZ:Yes m 24Aa ssradf-," t pact ResiSjls .i t•,',No . Venffed ;ey Locke• Bom DesrHn Pre�rasu+N jA/ Table;A Created by ep Indendei d.. IA ..R , , f. E..age 2 of 4> lapped roof panel or W& beck' Wlth Party'; Yes Other Refier to evaluation report forconditians an Iimitations`of".use Iri5faI the assembly in:'compliadce with, va ua, ion "epos s FL17022 R7' AEJL 17022 3 1.5_MECHANICAi 6*1hsta1i6t5on method'ilsted,in this reportandapplieabfe �rr r 24ga ssr -df code sections: of_FBC ,Referto.manufacturers lnstallatksn ., Created by Independent,Thirci Party: -; Yes,. frtst�uctions. � .. °' 17022.4' 4 1:5"'' Mechgnicat Seam" (RS), 1 5, rib height, 16" wide, ;0 032 aluminum; standing seaIn c roof pand mectianl'callyattached.to,1'S)32'.plyvfaod,or`liJood <' Deck wiili ch s and fasteners: Liri its'*.of`Usi3 -- Ihetapation Itisttuctiaris; Approved for use in' WVHZ No FLi7022 it7 II PfL 17022 4 M-CHANCIAL SE4M Approved Affor Impact Resistant` Nb Uerlhed' By Locke 0ovaden, P k 49704 Desi e Created by Independent Third Party Yes Other Raferto eval'uatioh repoetforconditions ahii Evaluation Reports ,. Iirriitatlons of use install the assembly Incompliance with . FL17022 R7 AE FL 17022 4 MECNANCIAL SEAM., Lit llITI {lM s r df the insta(IaE+op rfiethod llstedin this reporCand applicpplei ' 0riSofFBC,1�efeYto;hah' ur rs�nit4llatl6W, CreatedbyIndependenkThidParty.:'Yes? ipsCructions Y7022 5= S "1 in Nail,Sp 1p (R5) 1" htr height, 16 wide, Z6 gauge steel, standing seam roof' panel mechanically attached to 15/32" plywoodor wood deck With,faste'ners.. Limits of Use ,Installation instrud:, , Approved%r,gse rn'HVHZ. Na L1702z 1t7.I 1F1- 7022.5 1 Q,,� UTRIP ssr adf,, 'Approved for'use,outside tVVHZ:Yes°, Uenfied'By Locke Bowden, P.E, 49704 Ieipact Resistant::No Created hy`Ihdiapiandedt Tiiird Party,: Yes ' pesign Pressure+N%A/ Tafsle-A Evaluation Reports biher Refer to euatuabon report for conditions aritl FL17022 ! 7 NE 1 L 17022 S 1 0 tdAILSTPIP_ssdf; hmitat,ons of use Install the assembl in c m Iiarice with Y Y 9,x p.. Created by Independent Third Party":;Yes, h'ttp:%/www ,,.,nor,ldA,building.org/pr/,p asp?c p am=WG, kQwtDgv2aBQpHpQQe::;.• 1/812, 19 Florida BiiildingCode CriliriE Ufd lnstalCation •'method°listed` In tIhls report=and applicable coda sectlons of`FBC: •'Refer to'manufacW , r,% lnstallatton - lnstructions:_ - 170215 6 . "i.fri NaifStrlp [RS)° 1 rib`helgfiC, i6 •tivide;.0 Yoof panel mechanically of ptywaod ar yYood,-Deck:WII Lrtn�ts df Use .Instatlatwn Tnstcudion, Approved for use'in HVINV No ' FL170Z2 R7 II °Ff 1702s roved fa;c>use,autside HHHZ. Xes Im;paot ftes!stant No ALU)7 "ssc cadf, �. "Miffled ,By LockeBo ! Wde Design Pressure +N%Aj Table, Created by Independent' Other Refer to evaluation rpportfor,, nq' itions and' Evaluation Reports lirriitattons'of�iise Insteilthe assembly Wcompli 1702 the lnstalCatign fnethOd IIsted,inahls reportandapplicabler A3LUti ss pd code -sections Refer to manufacturers Instailat(ort Created by Independent;' Igstruct�ons: 17,022.7' 7 1, STIn, Nail"5trlp" (R5} td 5"riff . t dghti 19",aNide,:. roof panel mechanl�allyia ' `-.deck witkfasteners.. ;;;nits of Use. Installahori Iris#ruction Approved For use in'HVHZ Np Approved Ear use putsrde i** 'Yes, , ?oz R7 II FL 170,Z Verifled',By Locke,,Bowde Impact Resistant No Cr�atby Independent ` Ngo 3 of 4 eshjF1er Refe5rtUa'reValua/ttAoin :e: Oth+ d y76,2AE. �72reportoonsa .7, 5 NailSt p.245GA ssebdfontltt Indeendent Third Pa Cn'�ted ky' p Party" yes f;use iris€all the assembly in compliance,with -PP ttrwinstallatioh method °listed In this repo;# and ap lii able code se�ttonS':'of,FBC �Bf�r icl tYfanufattuia8r g 1n5tdit8tlon" igstcuction§' ' "EMfX Rib',(R5� °': 29gaugasteel lapped r of`panel mechanacaily;altached;f 15/32" {51/ruood cr `waod.dei k with exposed fasteners: limits of Use 'Installation Instructions Approved for use`in HVHZ Na ; 70 fi FL �77022`B EMA:X Rib gsr o tf,. Verifled By Locke Bowden, P E 497,04 ,Approved for use,outsrd, HVHZ -Yes• Impact Resistant No Created by Independent:Thlyd Part es Design Pressure:' N/A/ Table A _ Evaluation Reparfs Other. Refer to evaluation; n3pg7t fa> cohdittons,and FLY.7If22 R? AE `.FL 17702Z:8 Eh1 Bib_ ssnnrJf Created ,by IndependentThlyd Party; Yes, limltattonsaf use Install-"Op*sembly in compliance With, theartstallabon method,�Iisted in; this report.'and applicatite code:secttons"of FBC:�':Re€erko `mahufactuner's instal66r) InstrUctlonsr�r PBRtMAx (R5) 2�s gauge steel lapped roo# panel m' honicaily,,otta5fi, . ... p ywood o`r wimd deck'with,6kposed'f istenefs; liintsof"use `�nstallakioninstructions, Approved far use in HVHZ Nq FL1702 - R7 II A17022.9 Pf�R Rip ssr.od€, Approved for use outside HVHZ Yes Verlffefi Bye Locke Bowden, P 49704 In1pact Resistant ;No " Createti`iry Independent`Third Pai*. Y77 e§^ De ign pressure .+[l/A[ Tab16LA Evalivatwbn Reports Other Refer Wv evaluation repot forebdditions arld . `. FLi7 #37 AE FL +70 1�i8 z=r eft. Ilrn tatto�of;use ?in l the assembly in compliarlc9 with s 01*ed'tfy.cIndependent,Third Party;;Yes tfie'Installabofi methed'list ed (n this report<and ajiplicable. " dude=sectionsof,FBC.Referto�lrianufacturersJn5(•allatlon " - instructions'F� - - - ;Coma U5 ;. 2Sb18181T StAne,Road Tallahassee FL 32349 Phone;. 856-487,48241 ' .- _The,Skeke o"f,Flonda`i5'a(�FIA/EEO,�r �ployeY. CbP state - - Unckr Florida -law email'addre3ses ere publicfeSords tfyoudo notwantg - - eleotronie nfaiita this entity:' Irlsstead;'c'onmc2 the gffice by phone=or'by't};3 of Eicnda .::Pnvecir 'Sra6'i 6li EV Sfeten ant„ rtefi nd Stete`menF e-matleddFess rele�sed�in respotue Ts a pub�lo records ras�'iiest, do nof;str Itivnai malt if pouhave.any questlai5, please contaeC8504a7.1`395 �'Pur�anl 11 Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 6t' ed.. B: Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6"' ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3�1i Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. i Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 6t' ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. FL 17022.5 1.0 Nail Strip (26GA Steel), 16" Wide Roof Panel - Details 16" Panel Profile 16" o.c. 3/4" I Deck: -15/32" or greater Plywood, or - Wood plank Integral Snap Lock For METHOD 2: Apply 3116" Bead Bostik 915TM Sealant Continuous Along Male Rib Vertical, Flange Fastener #10 X 1" Min. per Table "A" Pancake Head Wood Screw (Typical Fastening Pattern Across Width) 1" I FL 17022.5 1.0 Nail Strip (26GA Steel),16" Wide Roof Panel - Details ==v15/k" or greater Plywood, or - Wood plank Pne+onor Isometric View Apply 3116" Bead Bostik 915Tm Sealant Continuous Along Male Rib Vertical Flange (Refer to Table "A")