HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1573 f' I I , - L ( ( ')~' ') ,J I tl -- .......-.... ;/ oon.eyenoe ana severally aoknowleuged the exeoution thereot to be-------free eot and V deed for the U8ee and purpose8 therein----------the wife of the 8aid--~~--on a aeparate and private examination taken and made by and before me, and separately and apart from her sald busband, did aoknowledge that 8he ~:ade hernelt a party to tbe 8eld Dee~ of Conveyanoe. for the purpose ot renouncing, relinqui8hing and oonveying all her right title and interest, whether ot dower or of separate property, Itatutory or equitable. in and to the lands therein desori~ed. and that she exeouted ~. 8ald de.d treely and .oluntarily and without any oonltraint, fear, apprehension or compulsion of or from her 8aid huaband, ;,/ I WITNESS my signature and offioial 8eal at-------in the County of------and r ot-----the day end year last atoresaid. Stete . I I I I I I I I I I i J I I i I , i I 1 i , i i I I I , j i ~ I I ! v -------------------------------------(Seal) 'iled ~d reoor d this 8th day of\\~. 1925, 3:55 p.m. : , t>~\ , ,...' , ..0 P .C. Eldred. Clerk Ci:cui t Court, . 'Ct. Ct. Seat.. 1') ('cl" 1:' ./ ,: // Jf) ~ / \' By ~0 ~A..-c---t.1../'--1.V Ii. C . . . . " . " . n. . n . " . ",,-.. . It . n . '1 . .. . t' . tt . n . " . It . " . n . It . .. . It . " . " . tI . II . .. . " . It . .. . .. . It . n . u . ~r . ., . ". ." . " II " . " . . . .. ~'If.../.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOSEPH J. HED( 'M .JR.~ MI'l'Y DEED WILLIAK J. H!mIlAH THIS INDml?~E. Made this 31st day ot August, A.D. 1925, between Joseph J. Heim, a single man, ot the County of Jackson and ~tate ot Yi~eouri, party of the first part. and William J. Hermon of the County ot Secgwick and Stote ot Kansas party of the second' part. .I~~~~KTH, that the said perty ot the first part, for and in considerafion of the SWD of 'leu dollars and other good and valuable consi deratlons to hic in hand paid the reoeipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold acd transferred and by these presents does hereby grL.t, bargain, Rel1 end transfer unto the selt party of . I the second part and his heirs and assiglls forever, ell that certain parcel of lend lying and being in the Count] of St. ~ucie and State of ?lorida mere particulcr1y described as follows: Southeast quarter of Uorthwest quarter (S~ ot Rift) of Section One (1) Township thi:ty-five (35) South, Range thirtY-Line (3~) East, cocteining '0 acres, core or le9s.; SUBJEC'.r, HO~rlR, to any and all taxes, ge~Frel, speciel or drrinege, end to all . 8sselsments or levies 8ubsequent to Uecember 31, 1924, and also Bubjeot to any deductio~s i for rights of way for public highwEYs or for ditches or rights of way of the North St. 1 Lucie River Drainage Distriot. (16.00 I.R. Stamps cancld) TOG3T~ZR with all the teneoents, heredlt8cents and appurtenances, with every privilege, right, title, intere8.t end estate, dower and right of dower, reveraioo, re- mainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise eppertainir.s: 'lO HAVE MID TO H'LD the s8l:le in fee sieple forever. And the said party of the first part does covenant with the said party of the eecond par' that he is lawfully 8ei~ed of the 8aid premises, that they sre free from all in- and cumbrenoe./that he has good right and lawful authority to 8.11 the same; and the sald party ot the first pert does hereby tully.arrant the title to eaid land. and will de- tend the 8ame again8t the la.ful ola1ms ~, all persons whomsoever. IN WI~135S WHEREOf, the 8ai4 party ot the first part has hereunto set hie hand and 88al the dey and year above written. Signed, ".aled and deliyered in t. p2...ne.: ~ :._~ -~ ., '" ; t .. ~-.t.:.;. 't..::.O-:' ::. - _,"- ..!'! . ~ ::- ",. :/, ~.~: '"~;<,,.~?~.::. \)-:,';~ ::'~~7'-': !-~~":-:~~~ , ,'..: '. :~,;-~.~,:;~,~':~:~:~,~>:~.~'_.:. .. .... ...... - ~~_....=~.. . ""Tr