HomeMy WebLinkAboutDESIGN CHECKLIST`'Desi Chect� Lns ' ar Poot Enclosures ZPA9e 1-of 4) 1. Design .. Manual by 1 tt2006 ese plans have been designed m aceorrlance the p�lumrrrum Structures Design _ Lawrenge E:Sennett and are m compliance with ihe.2004 Florida Building Manual Part EA &�N�: Expos�!�e Su�plemen; Chapter 20; AS and The 2005 Aluminum Design _; Importance Factor 0_87 for 100 MPH and 0.77 for 110 MPH;and higher. MPH Wind -Zones for 3 second wind gust; Banc Wind Zo Pressure Design Negative I.P.C. 0.00; : _ Zg Q 1ti for wind loads, and design, pressures are PSF for roofs'& -r--- PSF for visas. (sin im—g Pressures A 3� PLF point load *s �S° considered for screen roof nsembers- n tires and " Notes:..Wuid velocity zones and eigwsure category is detemiinid by local code :Design p • :. conversion.muitipGers are on page- Z. Hoist Structure Adequacy Statement; struch that the ho 1. have inspected and verify st re'is in good repair and attachments made do the structure wall be solid. t Phone: Contractor r¢ed Rep* Name (please pnnt): Date: " rrtrador / Authorized Rep` S'r9namr+e ,. _ a Job"Name SAddress Note: ff the "total of beam"span 8 uPd9ht+hoight exceeds 50' or upright iterghf exceeds ".:. ; 16', site Specific engineering,is n:qufired Yes: No. : 3. Buildiwrermit Application Package cordains the following A. Project name S address on plans ................... B. Site plan or survey with enclosure location ..........:..................,._•....• Contractor's / Deslgners name. address. phone number. 3 signatrire-on plans ✓ D. Situ -exposure , mpleted . . fonn:co E. Frrdosure layout drawing @.11W or 1/10' scale with the foA g .� 1. Plan view with host structure, enclosure length, projection:fronn�:twst:struchue.:, and Oil dimensions tins 8 het 2. Front and side elevation views with aG dimens 9. .Note:. - -. • -;::: := :: - .. Aa mansard wall drawings shag include mansard panel at the top 3. "Beam location (shover in plan 8 elevation view) sr ` (fade 1.18:1 Roof frame member ailowable•span`converssons from 120 .B* ro t34 MPH wind zone and I or C or �;'D;.:Exposure for -Load width of Note: conversion factors do not apply to members subject to point Load in a ro riate 120':MPH Span.xable: and°ap - .- ee- Look up span'. PP P PfYthe.followi rmutacr: --- ...:-.: . S Required Converted _ @ 120MPH Spank Height (b or d) x (b or d) x @ or d) = Wind Zone Multiplier _ Exposure MuftiPG (see page 1G) (see �� & Upright forgoon (show in plan, 8� elevation -view ', "siize :: ....... ..... .. - -- (fable 1.3 8 1.6) 5:. Chair ran & girt size, lengthA spacing _ _ _ _ ....... • • • • • • • . _'.. • ....: _ (Table 14) 6. Eave rail size; length. spacing and stitching of > (Table 12) f ..... _., . * Must:hwe attended Engineer's Continuing Education Class within the Past tw°Years. bl I" , SECTION 1 I SCREENED ENCLOSURES PURUNS (TYP-) W SIDE WALL MEMBER RISE' CABLE CONNECTION SEE TABLES a (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6 H2 H1 GIRT GRADE K-BRACING (OPTIONAL) CABLE CONNECTION GIRT (TYP.) (SEE DETAILS SECTION 1) SCREEN (TYP.) NOTE: USE H2 FOR CABLE AREA CALCULATION. TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - FRONT WALL ELEVATION SCALE: N T S. " EXISTING STRUCTURE ALUMINUM BEAM W (SEE TABLE 1.1 OR 1.8) SCREEN (TYP.) SIDE WALL FRAME (TABLES' 1:3,1.4 & 1.6) - H K-BRACING (OPTIONAL) l DIAGONAL ROOFIBRACING FRONT WALL ALUMINUM 1 (SEE SCHEMATIC SECTION 1) COLUMNS (TABLES 1.3, 1.4 & 1.6) CABLE BRACING GIRT (TYP.) SW SIZE MEMBERS PER 1" x 2" OW.) APPROPRIATE TABLES TYPICAL MANSARD ROOF - ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. CONNECTION DETAILS AND NOTES ARE FOUND IN THE SUBSEQUENT PAGES. Lawrence E. Bennett; P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL -ENGINEERING P.O. Box 214388. South Daytona. Fl 32121 Teleptmne#: (385)767-47T4 Fax#r (38M767-6555 EMIL lebpe@betlsoutthnel PAGE © COPYRIGHT2886 1-2 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHDUT THE WRITTEN PERNJSEWjj OFLAWRENCEE MC4Err. P.E BellSouth - Web Ismail http://webmail.bellsouth.net/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+mobmain? VEB E-MAIL 4 Home 0 E-mail a E-Greetimts $ Help & Technical Support Search I The Web F>: s More En Espanol i► You are currently signed in - Logout --d Compose New Message ; Replyitll t orward Move To: (Cfioose Folder) ;_- : ` ,Delete ' .A NP.xt r B�Ic.�Print Folders ;-4f Inbox Sent Mail, R Drafts Trash CreatelEdit Folders Options Address Book POP Mail Manage SPAM Preferences E-mail Help See Your Credit Score: $0 Comparison shop with BellSouth & save money Try BellSouth Webtunes today Get a FREE Multi -Room DIRECTV® System From: <lebpe@betlsouth.net> Add to Address Book Date: 2007/0311S Mon PM 0429:03 EST To: <adirortdackscxeen@bellsouth net Subject: Re: Re: conversion factors Correct, also Table 1.11 > From: <adirondackscreen0bellsouth.net> > Date: 2007/03/15 Thu AM 0726:57 EST > To: <Iebpe@beUsouth.net> > Subject Re: Re: conversion factors > > so the 18/14 multiplier applies to all frame members below Tallahassee & Jacksonville? > > From: <Ieboe0bellsouth.neh > > Date: 2007AW14 Wed PM 05:34:46 EST > > To: <adi�Ca76eiisouth net> > > Subject Re: conversion factors > > behind each span is Ub/Ud or Ph/Pd if the span has Pb or Pd the multipliers do not apply if there is a Ub or Ud the multipliers apply 18114 screen multipliers do not apply to tables 1.9.1 or 1.9.2 areas North of Tallahassee & Jacksonville. > > LEBPE > > > From: <adirondadcscreen0bellsouth.net> > > > Date: 2007/03/13 Tue AM 07.52.44 EST > > > To: <Iebpe(cD-Wlsouth.net> > > > Subject conversion factors > > > Larry, Design Check List for Pool Enclosures #3 Note: Conversion factors do not apply to members subject to point load(P).Tables 1.1 state that a point load of 300 #SF over (1) linear ft is also considered. The roof span formula contains an Exposure Multiplier. Do •1 apply the multiplier? I'm reading it as the point load has been applied'therefore the conversion factor does not apply, please clarify. Thanks. > IM!1_'�i j I ;Rey Fontaard Move To: I (Choose Folder) :::; E Delete `r Nett Back ; s P Need help with youreanaV7 Wbwsolutfons-to common issues. oft 3/19/2007 6:26 PM Section 1 Design Statement: - • The structures designed for Section 1 are framing systems with screen roofs walls and loads have been determined by wind tunnel test that include any negative internal pressure coefficient. Since these (I structures are open, the negative internal pressure coefficient is considered to be 0.00. The design loads used are from Chapter 20 of the 2004 Florida Building Code w/ 2006 Supplements_ The loads assume a mean roof height of less than 30'; roof slope of 0° to 20% 1= 0.87 for 100 MPH and 0.77 for 110 or higher. All loads are based on 20/20 screen or larger. Multiply wall heights by 1.10 for members controlled by bending(b) and 1.07 for members controlled by deflection(d) when using 8semen: All pressures shown in the below table are in PSF (#/SF). All framing -components are considered e 6063-T6 alloy. For components of 6005-T5 and 6061 T6 multitopiy spans by 1-13_ General Notes -and Specifications for Section 1 Tables: cFr--nnnr i'.r inifnrm Leads for Structures With Screen Roof & Walls Wind Velocity MPH Basic Wind Pressure Exposure 'W Exposure'Ir Roofs Windward Wails Leeward Walls Roofs • Windward Wails Leeward Walls 100 73 3- 12 10 -5 1T 13 110 14 4 13 9 5 18 14 120 17 4 15 13 6 21 17 123 16 4.3 1 15.9 1 13.3 6.3 - 22.2 17_6 130 20 5 18 14 7 25 19 14018.2 23 6 21 .15 8 29 23 150 26 7 24 18 9 33 27 Loads per table 2002.4 Multipliers only apply to members when spans / heights are controlled by wind pressure, not by point load. Conversion Table 1A Wind Zone Conversion Factors for Screen Roof or Wall'Frame Memlaers ,» e...... 4-2n MOu Mr -A 7- to Mhpm- FYnasrrre -E ' A` Roofs Walls Wind Zone MPH Applied Load #1 SF Conversion Factor Applied Load #/ SF Conversion Factor _. 100 3 1.15 12 110 4' 1.00- 13 1.07 120 4 1.00 15 1.00 123 ,, 4.3 0.96 15.9 0.97 Ff 13 5 1 0.89 j 18 1401 8. 2 6 1 0.82 1 21 •0.85 150 1 7 L 0.76 1 24 1 079 £ pTOTAL MULTIPLIERS U X EXPOSURE 18x14 Tb EXPOSURE 18x14 .. - ' Td Note: Multipliers are for coati Toads only. •. Multipliers only apply to members when spans 1 heights are controlled by wind pn:ssure, rah: yr� > - point loatl. Conversion Table 19 Load Conversionfactors Based'on'Mein Roof Height from Exposure "B" to "C""D" Exposure "B" to "C" - Exposure "B" to "D" Mean Roof' Height` Load Conversion Factor Span Multiplier Load Conversion Factor Span Multiplier Bending Deflection Bending Deflection 0 -15' 1.21 0.91 0-94 1.47 0.83 0.88 I1 , - ' 129.NO -_ 1.54 0.81 0.87 20' - 25' 1.34 0.86 .91 1.60 039 .0.86 25'- 30' 1.40 0.85 0.89 1.66 ,. 0.78 0.85 30' - 40' 1.37 0.85 U-90 1.61 0.79 0.85 Use larger mean. roof height of hoststructure or enclosure Values are from ASCE 7-02 Multipliers only apply to members when spans / heights are controlled by wind pressure, not by point load. Conversion Example (Convert span for Exposure "B" to "C"): If max span found from span tables for Exposure "B' = 37 -11" = 31.97 and the mean roof height of the struct ire is 0-15' then multiply span by 0.91 the span for Exposure "C'is 31.9Z' 0.91 = 29.05 =29'=1" SCREENED ENCLOSURES SECTION1 1/4" x 6" RAWL TAPPER THROUGH 1" x 2" AND ALUMINUM FRAME SCREEN ROWLOCK INTO FIRST WALL COURSE OF BRICKS • o CAP BRICK ALTERNATE CONNECTION OF BRICK KNEEWALL TYPES' MORTAR REQUIRED FOR SCREENED ENCLOSURE FOR : LOAD BEARING BRICK WALL BRICK OR OTHER NON- - STRUCTURAL KNEE WALL co 4"-(NOMINAL) PATIO 1" WIDE x 0.063" THICK STRAP � CONCRETE SLAB,(SEE NOTES @ EACH POST FROM POSTTO ,I� i . CONCERNING FIBER MESH) FOOTING W/ (2) #10 x 3/4 _p e S.M.S. STRAP TO POST AND n (1)1/4" x 1-3/4" CONCRETE ° (3) #30 BARS OR (1) ANCHOR TO SLAB OR ° #50 BAR W/ 2112" COVER FOOTING (TyP.) BRICK KNEEWALL AND FOUNDATION FOR -SCREEN WALLS SCALE 314" =1- 0" 1) #5 BAR CONT. J3j #3. BA_R CONT. Oi (2) CON#3 BAR CONT_ OR 1" PER FT. MAX. FOR 3-1/2" (TYP_ 1 #5 BAR T_ 2'-0" MIN_ 6 - BEFORE SLOPE I ALL SLABS) \ \ems\-�� a / \ /��/ .- \ \\\\ %\/�/�\\/�\\/��\/��/lam/.� /•�/i✓i./i.. ��- - /\w ._ i. , i, TYPE I TYPE-11- TYPE III .- FLAT SLOPE / NO FOOTING ODEE?MTE SLtt+JP Fes+ t G STEEP SLOPE- FOOTING 0-2"/ 12" 2' / i2' -1= 0'• > 1'-10" Notes for all foundation types: 1. The foundations shown are based on a minimum soil bearing pressure of 1,500 PSF. Bearing capacity of soil shall be verified prior to placing slab by field'soil test (soil penetrometer) 6r a soil testing tab. 2. The.slab / foundation shalt be cleared of debris, roots and compacted prior to placement of concrete_ 3. No footing is required except when addressing erosion until the slab width in the direction of the primary beams exceeds the span per table on page.1-69. then a type. If slab is required under the load bearing wall only unless the side wall exceeds Win height or the enclosure is in a "C" exposure category in which case a type If footing is required: 4. Monolithic slabs and footings shall be minimum 2,500 psi concrete with 6 x 6 -10 x 10 welded wire mesh or crack control fiber mesh; Fibermeshe Mesh, InForce— e3— (Formerly Fbermesh MD) per manufacturer's specification maybe used in lieu 9t vAre nest_ Ail slabs I fDDtings shall bs allowed to cure k%T 7 days before installing anchors. 5. If local codes require a minimum footing use Type 11 footing or footing section required by local code. Local i codes govern SLABFOOTING DETAILS SCALE: 314n _ eft W Lawrence E. Bennett, P:E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P O. 8=214368, South Daylona A 32121 , Telephone t (380 767-4774 : Fax lP (3867 757-0W Email tebpe@beusoulhnet PAGE © COPYRIGHT2086 NOT TO SE REPROtri10ED RJ4Vii01£ OR 1fr 4AR'r WITHOUT'iiiEv'FR1TSEt14ERNdSStt)Af flFtAWRENCEI=HF33NErf,P.E 1 � TI . SCREENED ENCLOSURES ' - SECTION 1 DETAIL ILLUSTRATES TYPICAL 2"x4"S.M.B.THRU2"x9"SUB CONNECTIONS CONCRETE DECK EDGE 2" x 2" PRIMARY ANGLE SCREEN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM EDGE OF CONCRETE TO C.O. VARIES FASTENER = 6d 5d (MIN.) 5d -, 2112" (MIN.) — B— SECONDARY 2" x 2" x 0.063" 5d ANGLE (SEE SECONDARY ® ANGLE ANCHOR SCHEDULE AND SECTION 9) 1" x 2" O.B_ BASE PLATE (TYP) C CONCRETE ANCHORS INTO #10 x 3/4" S_M.5_ (TYP_) PRIMARY AND SECONDARY 2 " x S.M.B_ COLUMN B ANGLES MIN. EDGE DISTANCE & O.C. ANCHOR SPACING ANCHOR ALUM. 2-1/2d WOOD 4d CONC. 5d 4 @-8 1 ITT" 5116" 25I32" 11l4" 1-9116" 3/8" 15/16* 1-10 S.M.S. STITCHING SCREWS @ 24" O.C. FOR S.M.B. (SEE TABLE 1.6 FOR SIZE) TOP VIEW POST TO DECK DETAIL 17ra• .;SCALE 3" =1-0" Primary and Secondary Anchor Schedule column Secondary Angle. Maximum Number and Spacing Anchors Size Angle Length "L Number of Anchors 174" 5116" 3/8 Ile 5116" 3187 ## A" -El- "C" # A" "B" "C" # "A" "B" "C" 2 x 4 2" 4 4 4. 4 1" 1" 1" 4 1" 1"' 1" 4 1" . 1" 1" 4 4 4 1" 11/2" - 4 1" 11/2" - 4 1" 1-1/2" - Jff2-M0 WMWAN EM 4 4 1 4. 1" • 2" - 4 1" 2" 1. - 4 1" 2" 2 x 7 5" 6 4 4 6 1" 5l8" 1 718" 4 A" 21M" - 4 V 2-1/2" - 2 x 8 6" 6 4 4 6 V 518" 2-318" 4 - 4 1" 3" - 2 X 9 7" 6 6 4 Ti 1" 50 ` .2-718" 6 1" 13f16" 2 7(8" 4 1" 3-1W - 2 x 10 8" 8 6 6 8 -1" 5/B" 2" 1 6 1" 13IIW 3-3116tl6 1" -A" I 3-1/4" Example, Calculate the number of anchors required- 1.5 x beam span 12 x beam spacing x roof wind pressure (PSF) = total #; if 1.5 x 3072 x 6' x 10 PSF = =1350# and 1!4 x 1/4" Tapcon In tension @ 5d _ 427#1 ea. (see table 9.1) then 1350# / 427# / ea. = 3.16 ea. use (3) ea., secondary angle not required Actual Edge Distance Example. From edge of concrete to fastener = 2" / dia. of 0.2W = 8d Note. For attachment to wood deck substihttewood fastenersfor concrete fasteners & calculate the required number of fasteners using tables from section 9. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Soot 214368. South Wona. Fl 32121 Telephone #. t3861757-4774 Fax P. C38i 757-6556 Ertralt lebpe@bW=utRnet @ COPYRIGNT2086 PAGE NOT TO SE REPRODUCED tN WHOLE oR tN PARTwrrHour THE wRrrrEm PERLas=N OF tAwRENcE F- SENNETr. P.F— 1-65 SCREENED ENCLOSURES PURLIN OR CHAIR RAIL ATTACHED TO BEAM OR POST W/ INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL'L' CUP OR'U' CHANNEL WI MIN. (4) #10 S.M.S. PURLIN, GIRT, OR CHAIR RAIL SECTION 1 SCREW BOSSES PURLIN TO BEAM OR GIRT TO POST DETAIL SCALE: 3" = l'-0" OFOR WALLS LESS THAN W-W FROM TOP OF PLATE TO CENTER OF BEAM CONNECTION -OR BOTTOM OF TOP RAIL THE GIRT IS DECORATIVE AND SCREW HEADS MAYBE REMOVED AND INSTALIIN PILOT HOLES O . FOR ALL OTHER PURUNS AND GIRTS IF THE SCREW HEADS ARE REMOVED THEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE CONNECTION MUST BE STRAPPED FROM :GIRT TO POST WITH 0.050" x 1-3/4" x 4" STRAP AND (4) #10 x 3/4" S.M.S. SCREWS TO POST AND GIRT IF GIRT IS ON BOTH SIDES OF. THE POST THEN STRAP SHALL BE 6" LONG:AND CENTERED ON THE POST AND HAVE A TOTAL (12) #10x 314" S.M.S. Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Box 21430. South Daytona. R 32121 Telephone # pW 7U-4774 Fax #: ram) 767-6W Emat mpe@hensoutknet PAGE © COPYRtGKr2006 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED 1N WHOLE ORIN PART WITHOUT THE WRPfTEN P6 0MMON OFIAWRENCEE BENNER,P.E 1-59 II SCREENED; t-ENCLOSURES Z, x 9" x 0.072" x 0.224" BEAM SHOWN .' 1-3/4"STRAP MADE FROM REQUIRED GUSSET PLATE MATERIAL (SEE TABLE FOR LENGTH AND # OF SCREWS REQUIRED) WHEN FASTENING 2" x 2" THROUGH GUSSET PLATE USE #10 x 2" (3) EACH MIN. ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE A MINIMUM ,YIELD STRENGTH OF23 ksi k \ x x Nc x k 3< x >< xg�c SECTION 1 �5T ALTERNATE FLAT ROOF 2a� e � db = DEPTH OF BEAM ds = DIAMETER OF SCREW STRAP TABLE 2" x 6" x 0.050" x 0.120" (db -27 (MIN.) UPRIGHT_ SHOWN BEAM SIZE I SCREWS # / SIZE STRAP LENGTH 2" x 7" 4 #12 2-3/4" 2" x W 4 #14 3-1/4' 2"x9" 4 #14 3-1/4" 2" x IW 6 #14 4-1/2" NOTES: t -1 7 - ALL SCREWS 3X' LONG 1. FILL OUTER SCREW POSITIONS FIRST UNTIL REQUIRED NUMBER OF SCREWS IS ACHIEVED. 2. SEE TABLE 1-6 FOR GUSSETT SIZE, SCREW SIZES, AND NUMBER 3. GUSSET PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL BEAMS 2" x 7" AND LARGER_ 4. SCREW PATTERN LAYOUT W/SPACING BETWEEN SCREWS GREATER THAN MINIMUM IS ALLOWED SO THAT EQUAL SPACING IS ACHIEVED. BEAM SPLICE CUT, GUSSET PLATE CONNECTION & GUSSET. SCREW PATTERN BEAM TO POST MOMEHT COHHECTION DETAIL SCALE 3 V-0a Lawrence-E- Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P-O. ftx 21436B, South Daytona. R 32121 Tedenhone � (386) 757-4774 Fax#. (386) 767-6556 Em-1 leNle@beRSmdhnet PAGE © COPYRIGHT2886 NOT TO EFE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART VVITHOOT THE VOI TFENfeMO5Sfav OF LAWRENCE I- BENNE7T. P F- 1407 SECTION 1 SCREENED' ENCLOSURES CUT 27x4",2"x5",OR2"x6" BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH 2" x 2" PURLINS ATTACHED OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER TO BEAM W/ MIN_ PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE (3) #10 x 1-1/2" S.M.S. (INSIDE OR OUTSIDE BEAM) SAME WALL THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS OR LARGER SEE TABLE 1.6) f � MINIMUM SPACING (PER TABLE 1.6) (SEE SPLICING DETAIL PAGE 1 21) STENER SIZE, NUMBER AND S ING PER PAGE 1 20(SEE TABLE 1.6) ALTERNATE SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL GUSSET PLATE MOUNTED INTERNALLY CUT 2" x 4", 2" x 5", OR 2" x 6" BEAMS TO SLIDE OVER EACH OTHER 2" x 7" & LARGER PROVIDE GUSSET PLATE (INSIDE BEAM) SAME WALL THICKNESS AS BEAM WALLS OR LARGER (SEE TABLE 1.6) SCALE 3" = l -W 1/1 X(so a ® FASTENER SIZE, NUMBER AND \ ® SPACING PER PAGE 1-20(SEE \ TABLE 1.6) ALL GUSSET PLATES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5052 H-32 ALLOY OR HAVE AN ULTIMATE YIELD STRENGTH OF 30 KSI ALTERNATE SIDE PLATE CONNECTION DETAIL - MANSARD ROOF S'-�TL►�TEI �MN�ff I j INTEE SCALE: W = V-0" p Lawrence E_ Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Box 214368. South Daytane, R 32121 Tefephune It (M) 7674774 Fax #: (M) 76746SW Effm& lebpe@be8sounh.net PAGE . © COPYRIGFTf2006 1-20 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE I— BENNETT, P.E. S �I CTION 1 SCREENED' ENCLOSURES SELF -MATING BEAM (SIZE VARIES)• 1/4 j x 2" LAG SCREWS @ 24" O.Cr OR #10 x 2" SCREWS @ O.C_ - .... 12' ® � TAIL CUT OFF BEAM e- - - (OPTIONAL) Tx, 2" ANGLE WITH (4) S.M.S. UPER OR (SE SECTION 9 FOR SCREW /4' FERRULE WITH 3/8' x 8" SIZES) EACH SIDE TO EXTRUDED SCREWS @ EACH BEAM GUTTER )SEAM TO SUPER GUTTER MAX. D CE FROM FASCIA RECEIVING CHANNEL TO HOST S CTURE WALL 2-1/8 x 1" W/ (2) #8 x 112" S.M_S_ 24 WITHOUT SITE SPECIFIC EACH SIDE OF BEAM ENGINEERING SELF MATING BEAM AND SUPER 'OR EXTRUDED GUTTER CONNECTION SCALE 3" = 9'-0' 1/�" x 2" LAG SCREWS @ 24" O.C. OR #10 x 2' SCREWS @ IT �i .C. MIN. AND (2) @ EACH, .7 STRAP OPTIONALM OR 2" x 2" FOR SCREEN SELF -MATING 2" x _" x 0.050" STRAP @ . BEAM SUPER OR EACH BEAM CONNECTION AND @ 1/2 BEAM SPACING W/ (SIZE VARIES) EXTRUDED (2) #8 x 1/2" S.M.S. PER STRAP GUTTER ANGLE_10TERIOR OR FROM FASCIA MAX_ DISTANCE EXTERIOR -RECEIVING ® ,IL= TO HOST STRUCTURE WALL HANNEL (SEE SECTION 9) (SEE TABLE 1.11) SEt dNG�BEANiT` �CzNIEC'T3a1�1�TO�SUPEfCC�RaiC�F�i'i'uti3•t�;u�l�r�� SCALE: Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Boot 214368, South Daytona, R M21 Telephone#, PM)767-4774 Faclk ra5)7ff-W 6 Email• lebpe@b8umumjmt PAGE r,� @)COPYIUGHT2086 26 NOTTO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUTTHE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. BENNEIT. P.E. SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES PANELS I ELEMENTS HOST STRUCTURE UNBRACED BY HOST ELEMENTS BRACED BY STRUCTURE TO BE BRACED O DIAGONALS BY DIAGONALS IN PERIMETER PANELS (MIN.) ALTERNATE BRACING ELEMENTS BRACED BY HOST — -- -- PATTERN, CORNER BRACES STRUCTURE CONNECTION A. STILL REQUIRED CABLE OR BEAMS AND / OR PURLINS K-BRACING (IN WALLS) CO Q ' J tY_ Q.O U in W m • 1 EXAMPLE OF ALTERNATING; BRACE POSITION ' CABLE OR TYPICAL LAYOUT ? CABLE OR K-BRACING BEAMS OR PURLINS K-BRACING (IN WALLS) (IN WALLS) ADDITIONAL ROOF BRACING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SIDE . ESA tAGeNAL TO WALLS LARGER THAN 4 2 x 2 (MIN) ROOF DIAGONAL, FASTENS €AGH EN * - ) PANELS. NUMBER OF PANELS MEET WALL AT WALL BRACING CH #fi0 S!M:uS. (MIN.) SHOULD BE EVEN TO PERMIT AT CORNERS (TYP.)_ POSITION OF BRACES ALTERNATING (POOL ENCLOSURE SCREENROOF MAYBE FLAT, GABLE, MANSARD,.DOME,:OR,•HIP) POOL ENCLOSURE DIAGONAL BRACING - SCHEMATIC •PLAN VIEW SCALE- 318" = V-0" Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL EJVGINEERING P.O. Box 214366. South Daytmm, Fl 32121 Telephone Y,: (386) 767-4774 Fax R rAS) 767-65% Emalt Iebpe@be0saummet PAGE A © COPYRIGHT20C6 1-45 NOTTO BE REPRODUCED IN W KMr--DRIN PART. W1111OM THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE E. SENNETT, P_E. ISECTION 1 I SCREENED ENCLOSURES I K-BRACING General Notes and Specifications: 1) The following shall apply to the installation of K BRACi%Gas aadifional bracing to diagonal wind bracing for pool enclosures:' a) FRONT WALL K-BRACING -ONE SET FOR EACH 800 SF OF TOTAL WALL AREA TOTAL WALL AREA =100% OF FRONT WALL + 50% OF ONE SIDE WALL EXAMPLE: FRONT WALL AREA @ 100% (8' x 321= 256 Sq. Ft SIDE WALL AREA @ 50% (8' x 20) = 80 Sq. Ft TOTAL WALL AREA = 336 Sq. Ft 800.SF > 336 SF THUS ONE SET OF FRONT WALL K-BRACING IS REQUIRED. 10 b) SIDE WALL. K-BRACING -'ONE SET FOR 233 SF TO 800 SF OF WALL c) To calculate the required pair of k-bracing for free standing pool enclosures use 100% of each wall area & 56% of the area of one adjacent wall. F.W_AREA= �rX54-N 1= @100%= � Sq. Ft S.W. AREA =�. CY x 7>' _ ZJr @ 50% = f 15 Sq. Ft a TOTAL WALL AREA = U04 Sq-Ft b b WA Sq.:Ft = 1� _ � SET(S) OF F.W_ K BRACING 800 SF a Z3 Sq. Ft NOTES: 1. K-bracing shall be used for all wind zones of 130,MPH and•higher_- 2. Side walls do not require k- bracing until the side wall area is greater than 233 SF. 3. Standard rounding off rules apply_ ie: if the number of k-bracing sets calculated is less than 1.5 sets use one set of k-braces; if the number of k-braces calculated is 1.5 sets or greater use 2 sets of -k-bracing: ui - �awrence. E. Bennett; P.E.. FL 416644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Box 214368, South Dwt=. R 32121 T�eptwne M. (385) 767-4774 Fax &: (386) 767-6566 Emat lebpe@bet maknet PAG C @ copm"T2°°6 � r.1 �SG NOT TO BE REPRODunrn M WHOLE OR W PART WIIHO TI-WIE WRIC M PER&RISStON Or tAWR04MF_ SENNErr, PE. SCREENED; ENCLOSURES SECTION 1 ' EAVE RAIL 4" x 4" x 0.062" PLATE a ®� ' 2" z 2" x 0.044" BRACE (TYP j 00 CHAIR RAIL ®_®® 1 �. e ®®®®®® m 10 1/4" x 1-1/4" EMBEDMENT EXPANSION BOLT @ 24' O.C. 1 x 2 SOLE PLATE - - ' - fSEE�'Tr�CSL■E�1!8E�©�C�U° 1R�b GtU,,A ,.lT11iT�1(sUl ��Iill�?RI�S• K BRACING CONNECTION DETAILS NOTES: SCALE: 3" = T-O" 1. Can trim plate this area. 2. Alternate connections use'H' bar cut to fit connections. Lawrence E.: Bennett, P.E. FL # 1.6644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, ING P.O.80 i 214368. SOOth DBYUMM. R 32121 Telephone w C3M) 767-4774 Fax #.• (386)767-6556 Email lEDpeQba'isaOshnet PAGE © COPYRIGHT 2006 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PAR-rVWMDtrrMM R nENPERA4MONDFIAVO ENCEE•BENNM. P.E_ t � �JS SCREENEU ENCLOSURES SECTION 1 Table 1.7 Minimum size screen Enclosure Knee Braces. and Anchoring Regi fired _ Aluminum 6063t-6 Brace Length• Extrusion I Anchbring System - o' - 2'-0' 2' x r x 0_o44" 2' HZhannel Wfth #10 x Ur each leg of channel . To 3-0' r x 3" x 0.045° 2 H-Chancel Wfti1 #10 x 712' each or channel To W-W 7'x4 x o.044 x 1I12.5 X KChannd With 4 #'1oz 11r each leg of channel Knee brace lengtih shall lie fhe hod mnW and vertical lmngth @ a 45' m4e from the center af the connection to the face of the beam or upright Note: 1. For requUed knee braces greater than 4-T contact engineer orspecif 6btions and detargs. - 2. Cantileverbearrr detall shown on page 140 shaft be used forbansam vraD to hdst anICbua' attachment when knee brace 6ngth m ceed%V-V- -r�tiro -1 R .. K-Bracina Fastenina Schedule - -NEmiber of #10 x 314 S-KS. Required Maxiimm Wall Width = Corner Post @ Top Diagonals (IQ PprEnd Intermediate Post @ Chair Rare' Comer Post " aQ Bottom - Plate to Sole Plate 2W-V . 2 2 ., 4 2- 2 3W-V 2 2 4 2 2. 40'-W 3 4 6 2 2 50'-O" 1M60L-li"m 4 �B� 5_ Illli ;+ -- - - $ -- _._., . . —: --3.-- ._ 3 =31M • Use front wall vddth when detemiming numberor s.1n m car ma sue wan n-oraGng. Use side wall width when detemdnfng number of s:m s. tar the front and) orbs& wall K-bra ft. Lawrence E. Benneft, P:E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P_O. Box 2143b8, �t Oaytm�. A 32121 TeRa ma& r_MG) F4"4 Hatt (38 M-G6 Ems. PAGE © GOPYRIGt T2M NDT7OBEit ItOf3Ut WWti61i 6rZiAiFlaiiiWiiitiEZiiiiiieii i�J iiGFAYrMp= iVSTi.FE 1"95 SECT(OtV, 9 FASTENERS _. Table 9.10 Alternative Anchor Selection Factors for Anchor ► Screw Sizes ction Metalto'HJetai '' ' Anchor.size. #8, #10 #12 _-- 5116" 311r O 6 027 ' .. 021 0.72Q� p3 026 112. 0.58 0.72 '1.00 .<'.. '0.78. .._ .OA6... 0.36... #14 0.46 .0.57 :0.78" 1.00 " 059 0.46 . 5115" 0 2T 0.33 0.45 {t 58 f.00 0.79 3W 021 026 0.36 0.58 0.79 1.00" d�' S I Factors'far Anchflr I Screw Saes " . Alternauve Anchor e e . ., Concrete and Wood Anchors (concrete screws: 2 maodmurn embadment) Anchor Size 311r 114 318" 3116" .. 1.00 : OM, . _ A 1/4 0.83 21M' ernt ie"ibi�Rec:u!*)' Anchor WI 1t� SizB; 31i6" - 1:00 0.48 Mul6pty ttu +umber of f#8 tasvisx size of anchorlsaetiv desired and WWW UP, to the next even number of screws: Examples 1f (10) #8 screws are requtged. the numbsr of #10 suevvs desued is 0.8 x 10 = (8) #1tT Maximum Wall Width Corner Post @Top X Diagonals (K) per End X _ Post @ Chair Rail iL X Comer Post @ Bottom 3 X Plate to Sole Plate 3 X Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 - CIVIL & STRUCTURAL, ENGINEER A G P.O. Bur 214M. So & DaV6A MI'i •r"nc:i.q_ (3M767-e7ra err C7n.�Y retspe�Atlsnotltia=t� ... . . PAGE COPYIUGNr20Ub 9-8 NarTOBEitEPR3OUCEDMVMDtt:OR"tPART1PhS1ffRSTl eWF4rVMPERIfASSiOROFLAWRE IC£E.BEmNE T,P.E I , ' SCREENED ENCLOSURES ' Ae 1.1A 130 Moment Connection ' ` Allowable Spats for Pr1mafy Screen RootFrameMembers Aluminum Alloy 6053 T-6 Am -as in Wind Zones up to 130 M.P- i-. ExFnsure `B and L-M- W- des Below 39.-30 -W North (Jacksonville. R4 iiniforrn Load = 5 fflSF, a Hollow Sections 2" x 2 x 0 044 2" x 2 x 0.050' Tribump"W Load 13r kPh'ff = $e^am Sing 3-0' Allowable 4 5' S T-6" T T , 911' 20=5 Pb Pb Pb Fit Pb Pb Span'L' 4=5" 5'-2" T-S' Ta" 9=1- - 20' B 1 Poinf l cad {P) or Uniform Lead Pb 4� pb.1 4LV Pb Pb 5'-2 - Pb 5'-2' Pb Pb T-6" Pb T5' . Pb Pb T-i" Pb ..7=T Pb Pb 9=1' . Pb, . 9'-1' Pb Pb . 2tY S' Pb 2W4 Pb (U). bendh 4'-W Pb 2" Pb T-6' Pb T T Fb 91" 1 Pb 2tY-5" Pb ). deflection 4' �' S T T-6' 7=7' 9-1- 18'-4" Pb PU Pb Pb Pb Ub (d) W-W I W 2- T-ti" T-T 9=1" I 18'S' " Pb Pb Pb Pb Ub 2" x 2" x 0.090» 2" x 3" x 0.045" 2" x 4^ x 0.050" 2' x 5" x O.Ob2' Self Mating Sections x_5'_'lCD050ax0_100'Pb 2" x 4" x 0.044 x 0.100"V-4a4�_—Ifr 2"x6"x0.050^x0-120' Q:972" x 0 24" Tributary Lead li',ftd@t %V = Bear Spalang 4-0" v` (''' nif 81 ® or Uniform 12'-3' Pb ''78�5Fb 2.T-tP Pb 2a_' Ub 35-� lUd 39'-(Y Ud 41-11" Ud 4ti-� Ud -V Load (z4). banding 12'-3' Pb 18=5 Pb .- 21 G Ub 23=5' Ub VV 3T-i' Ud 3W-W . Ud 36'� lid 8'-0' (b). deliection'(d) 1 -3' Pb ,1T-9Ub 20-0' Ub 211J' Ub 32~1Ud 34' 8' Ub 38-i" , Ud 44 T Ud 9 -0» i23' is-s" 18'-9 20-5" 31-0' 37 T 35-7 42'-6" Pb Ub Ub2"xT'x0.055-x0_120' UbX38 Ub2' Ub Ud Ud AtlaKlable At[w 5�-9" 61-3' Pb Pb Pb Ud Ud Ud Ud Span'L' 1��. 18'5" 23'-W 2-Pb 40-8" 44 8' 477 =11' 55-8' -1 Point Pb. Pb Pb l7d Ud Ud Ud i�ad Load 12--3' 18'S 23=' 2r4r. 31-9.. 4T-a 44'-6' 51'-B' (P) Pb. Firs Pb Fb Ud t1d Ud x'9" x OOT�' x 0 224' 2^ x 9" X 0.082 x 0.310' 2 x 10^ x 0.092� x 0.369" Snap Sections . Trr7► L sectJidtii `tfd' = Beare Spacing 3'-0' S-0" E1llovrafrle Span % I Point (P) or Unirinrr�r toad (l)),. trending (b), defiecGon (d) 2 x 2" x 0.044 2^ x 3^ x 0.045" 2^ x 4» x 0.045» 2"x'6"x0.062" 4'--1tr T-6' - w4r 22-2 Pd PdA7TW-WPd$ Fd'-ti° Pd'2" 4-10''' Pd 4=tff '-g'. Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd - 4-10' T<6' 10'-3' .22-2" 2s-s4 Fd Pd Pd Pd Pd 4-10` T-6" 10'-W 2T 2' 2& I Pd Pd PdftP-8' Pd Pd 4-10' T-0" 2 2 2e-a' E! Fd Pd Pd Pd 4•' 10- "Pd A2WV-CLId Pd Note: 1. hwknesses sho-n ale nominar industty Standard Uefw :e;_ No -A thidvress shall be lessChars 0.040". T 2- The structures designed usm9 this sm1on shall be ffmded to a madmum combined span anti updghtheight of 50' and a maximum uptight height of i6', Strpduse5 IarrW than files V Sha11 hatiz sr sp tc enspnn�emsg. . 3. Span is measured from center of beam and upright connec0on fo iasrie or'r- wrnns 4. Above spans do not ndude fen9fh of krma brat a Add hoibMW distanceftan upfigt to canter of brace to beam ' connection to the above spans for total beam Spans 5. Tables are based an a rnaxirnurn well height of 19 "sndading a 4' max- mansard or gable. tither conditions may offer better spans W1 endosure site spedfrc eng9 neerfng _ 6. Spans maybe interpolated_ a .. m . :rrs example em page l-a_ 7. To convert spans to'C' and 1) exposure calagodes see exposure tJ6p� Example: Max. 'L' for 2' x 4' x 0.05r beflow swftnwith 'tid' = 5'-0® =9-1» 2"X -3 „ r[lJ a 1 4 h L.W. 1 V J Y X/ 6 — l Span 2" X �. (o � ~ L.�i'V. = 34 q X . ��� — 33 id " Span Ta Lawrence E. Bennett, P-E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O Box 214M. _-mM ttaytma. R 30" • Te1epTMneik_ P88)7W-M4 nml1- PAG 1-110 MOT TP OBE REPRODUCED fN 1 WWLE OM? taU PARTYJiTf DLIT TH:-:V arT@r P rOFLAV E Belem: P-E SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES Table 1.2130 Allowable Spans for Secondary Screen Roof Frame Members Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 For 130 M.P.H. Wind Zone, Exposure "B" and Latitudes Below 30"-30'-00" North (Jacksonvflle, FL) Uniform Load = 5 #/SF, a Point load of 300 XSF over (1) linear IL is also considered. 11. Jc4YY. W . Hollow Sections Tributary Load Wrdth'w`=Purfln Spacing 3'-6" - 4-0" Ali'_ Ie.Span'V I Point Load: (P) orUniforrn Load U), bending (b), deflection (d) 2" x 2" x 0.044" :. 4-5" Pb V-5- Pb 4-6 Pb V-W: Pb 4�" Pb ' 4s' Pb 4-5- Pb 2" x 2" x 0.050" 5-2" . Pb 5=Z- Pb,- 5=2- Pb 5-2" Pb 5-2' Pb 5-2" Pb 5-2' Pb 2" x 2" x 0.090" T-4" PdIs-81 Pd T-A" Pd 7-4!..Pd T-4 Pd Tfi" Pd T-4' Pd 3" x 2" x O.W' 5'-B" PbPb &4r Pb 5'-0" ` Pb 6-W Pb 5'-S' Pb 5'-W Pb 3" x 2" x 0.070".. 7-B- PdPd . T-8' Pd T-lr Pd T w P•d T-B" Pd -P Pd 2" X 3" x 0.045" . T-4 Pd'Pd T�4 Pd T-' ' Pd 7'-V Pd T-: • Pd.. T-4: Pd 2" x4" x 0.050" 9'-1". PbPb 9' 1' Pb 9=i"-• Pb 9'-l" Pii .;9-1' Pb 2" x 5' x 0.062" 14'-1" Pd Pd, 14'-1" Pd -14 Pd 14-1' Pd Snap Sections Tributary Load Width W = Pudin Spacing 3'4- 4-0" 4-6" 3'-0" 5•-6" 6:-0" 6'-V Allowable Span 1 /Point Load P) or Unirorm•Load U), bending b), deflection (d)' - 2" x 2" x 0.044 4-11" 1 Pb 4-1.1' Pb I 14'-11".. Pb' • 4'=11' Pb 4-1.1" Pb 41_11" Pb 4r11" 2" x 3" x 0.049' 7-3" Pd r-3" Pd T-3- , Pd, T-3" Pd 7'-3" Pd T I •, Pd T-S' fpEb 2" x 4" x 0.046" 9-2" Pd 1. 9-2" 'Pd ' 9-T -[Pd I 9-T, I Pd . 9'-2' Pd 9-2"]Pd) . 9-2' Pd Hollow Sections Tributary Load Width 'YV'= Pudin. Spacing 3-6" 4'-0" f 4-V b'-0^... IS" 6..0. 6. AD le Span.:*V I Point Load•(P) or Uniform Load (U), bending (b), deflection (d) T� .Pb 11 4" Ud 10190" Ud •10-6' Lid jT( 2?. Ud 9-10" Ud 9-6' Ud 2" x 4" x 0.050" -13'-B' Pb I lw-r I Pb 13'-W I Pb - 13'-0'- I Pb I33'-B": Pb I 13'48" I Pb 93'-T Pb 2" x 5" x 0.062" 2T-4' lPdl 2T7- lUdl 20-9` lUdj 20'-1`.-. Ud 19-5."_ Ud 1V- V' Ud '1N-1- judl Snap Sections Tributary LoadWidthW = Pudin Spacing 3'-fi 4-0" 4-6'` SW 54- 1 6'-0" 1 Allowable S n'L I Point Load P) or Uniform Load (U), bending (b), deflection- 2" x 2" X 0.044" 1 T--11" Pb - --11" Pb ?-11" jPbj T-t3 Ud - T-5' Ud T-2" Ud 6':11" ...Ud Notes: 1. Thicknesses shown an: "nominar Industry standard tolerances. No wall thickness shall be less than 0.040". 2. Span is measured fmm center of beam and upright connection to.fasca or wall connection. 3. Tables are based an a maximum wall height of 16' including a 4 max. mansard or gable. Other conditions may offer. better spans wl enclosure site specific engineering. 4. Spans may be interpolated- S. 2" x 4" & 2" x'S' Hollow Girts shall be connected wl an internal ar exrernal 1 rX x 1-i/2' x 0.044' angle. 6. To convert spans to 'C" and 'O'exposure catagodes see exposure r uali iers aiid example on page 1-1 CHECK TABLE 1.6 FOR MINIMUM UPRIGHT SIZE FOR BEAMS. Example: Max. 'L' for 2' x 4 x 0.050" hollow section fastened to beam with clips with.W = 5'-0" i 211x " @ 6 e` • L-W- = r�tz` x r 9 �i = lei .. Span Td Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O. Box 214368. South Daylong, R =21 Telophono #: (386) 7b7-4774 Fax Ik j3W) M-65W FJnait let�begisaillu�el PAGE © COPYRIGHT2a86 1 78 NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF LAWRENCE I- SENNEIT. P.E. I SECTION 1 L SCREENED ENCLOSURES Table 1.3A 130 Moment Connection Allowable Post I Upright Heights for Primary Screen Wall Frame Members Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 . M. 12 ­--d .".r..d n..ct at a velocity of 130 MPH; Exposure "13" or an applied load of 18 #1sq ft_ Hollow Sections Tributary Load Widtb -'W =UpffghtSpacinQ 3'-0" . 4'_r 5'-0" W-0" i'-0" 8-0" 9 -9" Allowable Height"H"1 bending (b), deflection (d) - Z" x 2" x 0.04+b" 2" x 2" x 0.050" 2" x 2" x 0.090" 2" x 3" x 0.045" 2" x 4" x 0.050" 2" x 5" x 0.062" T-,1" T-10 9'-8" 9' 8 10'-8" i6-4" b- b b- b b b 6'-1- 6-8" 8'-4" • 8'-4" 9-2" 14 1' b b. b b b b 5'1t"• 9 11" TY T-4' 8-1" 12=i b b b b b tr 4 i0' 6 - FS' • 6'-8`. Tom` -1 i � b b tr b b. b 4'-5' 4 11" : 1 6':3'..- . 6'-1' V-9".. 10-6" b b b b b b 4'-1" 4'-6' 5--10" 5 S" 6'�"_ . 9'-9' b b b b 6 b 3'-9' 4-3" 5'LF 5' 3" 5-10" 9'-2" b b b b b b Tributary load 9ffidth'W'= Upright Spacing Self Mating Sections 3'-V 4-0" 5-0'� -0 -0"f --0" Allowable Height" H". / bantling (b), deflection (d) 2" x 4" x D_044 x 0_100' 7 t 0.0_SO z9��100E- r0slt"St4120; 2"'x 7" x 0_055" x 0.120" 2" x 8" x 0.072" x 0.224" 2" x 9" x 0.072" x 02W 2"x 9"x 0.082"x 0.310"34 1r ttY' 15'-10"- 1T=9" 19'3" 28-9' 30-T 39-i1 b b b• b b b d d _TVA' 1T-8': 154" 16 T •24'-1 i" 26-1' 30'-T 36� b b b b b b b d . IWA(r': 72° 137. 14 :10" • 22'-3" 23-4' 2T-4" 33'-3" - b !b� 6 b. 8 b b b' '11 • 'W ,15-0' 12' 13-6' - 203" 21'3" 24'-11" 30-4"' b b b b b b b b 6- i0-2 NOW 1 Z-5' i8-a . . 19'-8" " , 23- 284r b b b b b, b. b b T-W 9=6" 10'-8" 11'L7' 1T� 18-4" 21W W-r b b b b b b b b 7' 7' '8-11" W-0' 10-10' As-5'. 1T-3" 20 3' :2"x10"x0.092"x0.369" 24 W" b b b b b. lb TributaryLoad'V%d1fh'W'= Upright Spa ung , Snap Sections; -. 2" x 2" X 0.044" 2" x 3" x 0.045" 3'-0" q;-0" 5--0" I . 6 -V ..I 7r'-0" . - 8r-0 ` Allowable T-8" b• 6'-0" b 10'-0" b 8'-s' b Height "H" 1 5-9" b 7=5- b F bend"in9(b). I a-i" b : f3'-7'5=11" deflection 1. 4=7' b b (d) 1 4_ b 3 =10' 5�" b 4'-i.1". b h 2" x 4" ii 0.045" 2" x 6"- x 0.062" 2"x 7"x 0.062" i,4r 21-11' 2411" b d b 9-11' 1l-11" 20-11" b b b 8'-8" 16=10" iff r . b' .b -b. 114'-0" 1G15 Tijbi T-0'• . b b b 6'-5" 13'-0' 144" b b b 5 -11" 1Z 2" 13-W b b b Note: 1. Thicknesses shown we "nominal" Industrystarldard tolerances_ No wall thiclmess shaft be less than 0.040'. 2. Using screen panel width 'W' select upright length W. 3.. Above heights do not include length of knee brace Add vertical distance from upright to center of brace to beam connection to the above heights for total beam heights: 4. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30 in mean roof height 5. height is to be measured from -center of beam and_ uptight connection to fascia or wall connection_ 6. Chair rails of 2" x 2' x 0.044"min and set @ 36" in height are designed to be residential guardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) 1h0 x 1-117 S.M.S. into the screw bosses and do not exceed 8-0" in height. . 7_ Maximum beam size for 2"x 5" is a 2"x 7 x 0.056*x 0.120" 8. heights maybe interpolated 9. To convert heights to'C' and "1 :, exposure categories see exposure multipliers and example on page 1- •; , Span 2"X 4� is @ S 4 ~ L.W. - it � � N 211X rr (a)L; y L.W_ = l(IC1 �' x =Span Tb Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 • CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING P.O.8= 214368. South Days n 32121 Telephone#: CMB)767-4774 pm-ft tM}-rsr-ssss Ema& tebPe@beHmuUutet PAGGE ,{ ,q ©P,RI006 ! -1 i 4 NOTOPYTOGHTZBE RFPRODDCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART w17HOUT-IHE WRMEN PERM MON'OF 1AWRENCE E. BSNNEr. r. P-E. SECTION 1 SCREENED ENCLOSURES Table 1.4130 Allowable Post I Girt I Chair Rail Spans, Header Spans & Upright- Heights for Secondary Screen Wall Frame Members ' Aluminum Alloy 6063 T-6 For 3 second wind gust at a velocity of 130 MPH, Exposure 'W or an applied load of "l8 # / sq. ft. Hollow Sections Tributary toadWtdth'W=WfigbtSpacing 3'-0" W -' 6'-0" j 7'-0" 8' ' Allowable Height "H" or Span "L�./ bending (b), deflection (d) 2" x 2" x 0.044" T-4" b I 5-5" b. - 79" b 4'-4" b 3=11" b -3'-W b 3- 4" b 2" x 2" x 0.050" 6-11" b 5=11" b T-4' b 4-9" b. 4a" . b 4`.-1" b 3'-9" b 2" x 2" x 0.090" 8-1" d 7-4, d V-8- - b 6-1" •, b a 7" b 5=T . b 4'-l(r b 3" x 2" x 0.045" T-4" b 6-3" b V-6" b 4-1-V b - W b 4'-2" b 3-11" b 3" x 2" x 0.070" 8' 5' d T-T b` 6--T, b �5'-11' b 5'-6" b 3'-1" b '. 4'-9" b 2" x 3" x 0.045" T=6" d 61t): d ':6'-T. d :51i" . b . 6-T b 51" b 4'$: - b 2" x 4" x 0.050" 9'-6".. b 8-2" b -T-T b: 6-7" b 6'-0". b 5' 7" b' 5-2" b 2" z 5" x 0.062" 14-8 ti •12-7" b -. 11'-3"-' b I:O: , b W-T b 8'-9" b EK b. Snap Sections. -TribuYdryLoad.YYidth'w=Upright Spacing . 3'-0" 4-0" -.. '. 5'4- _ V-07: 1 ' T-0" - . I W-0' •9'-0 Allowable Height--H" or'Span"'L 1 bending (b), deflection (d) 2"x2"x0.044" 5-f11" 1 d I _V-4; Id I 4.11",_d---4'T_--b_-4-2"-. b 1 3-0". 1b. 1 3-6" b Note: - 1. Thicknesses shown are "non inar'mdusby standard tolerances. No•wall thickness shall be less than MOW- 2. Using screen panel width select girt.lengths. . 3. Site specific engineering required for pool enclosures over 30' in mean roof height 4. Spaniheight is to be measured from center of beam and upright connection to fascia or Wall connection. 5. Chair rails of 2" x 2" x 0.044' min. and set Q 36" in height are designed to be residential gardrails provided they are attached with min. (3) #10 x 14/Z's.ms. into the screw. bosses and do not exceed 8'-0" o.m 6..Girt spacing shall not exceed 6'-8'_ 7. Max. beam size for 2" x 5" is 2" x 7" x 0-GW x,0-120" 8. 2" x'4" & 2" x 5" hollow girls shall be eDnnected wl an intsmai or extemai 1-1/2 x 1-1/2" z 0.0W angle. 9. Spansfhefghts may be interpolated. 10. To convert spans/heights to "C" and "D" exposure categories see exposure muttipffers and example on page I-ff. lr.. r k 2"X 3 " @ 4� L.W. _ x o ( -7fC1 Span 71b, 211X 11 @ L.W. = X = Span Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING _ P.O. Sm 214368. South DW RHta, R 32121 Telephans P (385) 767-4774 Fax tk (386) 767465'56 Ema1 Iebpe@b� PAGE © COPYMGHT2005 1-86 NOT To BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR 114 PART WRHOUTTHE WKUENP6*A1MON OFLAWRENCE E•BENNETr. P-E- mi SECTION 1 "_ 11 Table 1.6A Moment Connection SCREENED ENCLOSURES Minimum Upright Sizes and Nunber of. Screws .or II Connection of Roof Beams To Wall Uprights or Beam Spricing Belam/Upright Upright or Minimum Pudin, Girt Notes Minimum Number of Strews` Beam Stitching #8 x'G" #10 x'/:" #12 x'/=" 4or Post Post/Beam & Knee BroceSiza Screw at 24" oC 2 x 4 SMB 2 x 4 SMB 2° x 2' is 0.044' Moment Connection 8 6 4 #8 i 2 x 4 SIv1B 2" X 2" X 0.044" am —ent be 8 6 4 ti x 6 SMB 2 x 4 SMB 2" x 2" x 0.044" Moment Connection t0 8 6 #10 2I x 7 SMB 2x S SMB. 2" x 2" x 0.044" Moment Connection 14 t2 10 #12 MS 2 x 6 SMS 2" x 3iTICf?t�tT!t>�i$ men one 16 14 i• #14 x 9 SMB- 2 x 6 SMB 2" x 3" x 0.045" Moment Connection 18 16 14 #14 X 9 SMB " 2 x 7 SMB 2" x 4" x 0.050' Moment Connection 20 18 16 #14 x 10 SMB 2 x 8 SMB 2" x 5' x 0.050 `vkameni 'Connection 20 SS 16 #14 and Center of Screws Center To Center Gusset Plate l Beam Size 2' x 7" x 0.055"x 0.120" 2' x 8" x 0.972" x 0.224" I I #12 j 112" 14 or 114" 314" 1AIT 2" x 9" x 0.08T x 0-306" 0.190" IJ 5116" ,'. 7/8" 1�/4" 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.369" 0250" I I 318" 1" ' 'RIefers to each side of the connection of the beam and upright and each side of splice connection_ Cdnneution Example 2" 7" beam,& 2" x 5" at beam & gusset plate, (14) #8 x 112" sms & upright & gusset plate (14); 8 i/2" sms ea. side of �eatrc up ght " .082" wall thickness, 0.310" flange thickness Node: 1.'Connect1on of 2" x 6" to 2" x 3' shalt use a full lap cut or 1116" gusset plate_ 2. For beam splice connections the number of screws shown is the total for each splice with 112 the screws on each side of the cut 3. The number of screws is based on the maximum allowable marnentof the beam 4. The number of deck anchors is based on RAWL R Tapper alloviable:load data for2,500 psi concrete and 1 or equal anchors may b used. The number shown Is the total use 112 per side. 5. Hollow splice connections can be made provided the connection is approved by the engineer. 6.� If a larger than minimum upright is used the number of strews is tha same for each splice with 112 the screws on each side of cut 7 All beam to upright connections for 2" x 7" beams or larger shell have an internal gusset plate except when a knee brace is used a the connection. Gusset plates are required for mansard, gabled and all spliced connections. 81 For gusset plate connections 2" x 9" beams or larger use 314' long screws- 9 The side wall upright shall have a minimum fieam size as shown above, le., a 2" x 4" upright shall have a 2" x 3" beam. 1 �. For minimum girt size read upright size as abeam and pur6n size is minimum girt size. p.e. Z" x 9" x 0.072" x 0224" s.m.b. wl 2" x0 �" x 0.050 x 0.120" s.m.b. upright requ"ues a 2" x 3" x (L046° gati chairra7.) Lawrence E. Bennett, P.E. FL # 16644 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PA- Box 214368. South Daylr:n-a. A 33 121 Tetephcne #f: (366) 767-4774 Fax$ (365) 767-6556 EmWt IepPe@heganaftnei PAG� D coPTRIGHTzoas In w.0n NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PARTwaHaur THE wRa iEu PERhLwou OFiAWRENCE E. BENNETT, P-E