HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEGAL DESCRIPTIONTH WEST 150 FEET OF THE EAST 467 FEET OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/ OF THE NE 1/4 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40. EAET, LYING SOUTH OF EDWARDS ROAD, LESS AND EXCEPTING ALL RIGHTS OF J STWAY FOR DRAINAGE CANALS AND PUBLIC ROADS, SAID LAND LYING IN STLUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. TOGETHER WITH; F.F. SET yell R=1 L= QS'= MEAS S.F. THAT PART OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF ION 29, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, IDA; LYING SOUTH OF STATE ROAD No. S-611-B, ALSO KNOWN AS 0S ROAD. LESS AND EXCEPTING THE EAST 497.06 FEET THEREOF LESS COUNTY ROAD RIGHTS OF WAY AND ANY RIGHT OF WAY FOR 4AGE CANAL. FD NIB NW CNR OF THE r--NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF.THE NE 1/4 SEC. 29/35S/40E —I LU CV v l7 U-) ri nM N 89'49'23" E 164.89' (MEAS.) =n `t 0 0 0 co 1 --#1% o J C I O Q � pI 'EVIATIONS: A verified by field measurement ue as platted & field measured .=Finished Floor Elevation Set 5/8" iron rebar with v cap marked "PSM 5543" lue as measured in field i—OH— Over Head Wires X— Chin Link Fence and 5/8 Iron Rebar = Right of Way -0-= Wood Fence lue as platted Idius of curve angth of curve elto of Curve ite Benchmark = Measured ;auare Foot FD SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements\ are shown hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 3. This site lies within Flood Insurance Rate Map Zone X. 4. Flood Zone shown hereon is an interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shown hereon are based on the North line of section 29/35/40 as being N89'59'24"E according to the Plat described hereon. 6. P.U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless otherwise shown. B. Unless otherwise indicated, Site Benchmark is a RED X in the centerline of the road at center of lot or .centerline intersections for corner lots. SCANNED Ely P�QS PSQ� c � M 1 q*M O J C W u7 CU Q.': o �o N R Page 1 of 1 II Legal Description 35 40 W 180.06 FT OF E 497.06 FT OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 LYG S OF EDWARDS RD-LESS RD AND CANAL RS/W- (1.33 AC) (OR ://www.pasle.org/legal.asp 07/17/2008