HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL SWINGING EXTERIOR DOOR ASSEMBLIESA 12018,, Florida, Building Code Online " yy • lit Professional ► i r usiness egutation BCIS Home ..I Lag.In I User Reglstretlon I. Hot Topics' , I Sutimlt Surcharge ,I .Stats & Facts I :Publlcatians I FBC Stag BC15 Slte Map . Unld 1 Search I bnonda.. 4:11_ ct duct ApprovaRhPublic User Pr°duAopmval Menu > Product or AopllcaUon Search > plrpkatton Ust > Application Detail - '- FL # 1`1_1799641.. ((;Fj}} BY Application Type Afffrmatiori • Cade .Version eD 2017 :Application'Status Approyed comments. Archived ( l Product Manufectiirefr Elixir. DOOr and 'Metal Company; .,Address(Phone/Email 121S Pope Drive D'ouglas,, GA 31533; (912) 4937-2215 ryarberry6eIbdrdrnc:com1 Al horized Signature Rafidall•Yarbetry ryarberry@elixirdrne.com Technical Representative PTC Product.Design Group Address/Phone/Email PO Box,520775 Longwood; FL 32752 (321) 690=1788 Info@ptc-corp.com Quality Assurance Representative, Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certiflcation Mark or Listing American Architectural Manufacturers Association American Architectural Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard)Standard, Year ASTM E330 2002. 'Equivalence of, Product Standards Certifle.d By f, I affirm that there are no changes in the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in. compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Docurnentation from approved Evaluation orValidation Entity ','--Yes ? No + N/A. -FL17996 R1, CO'C••AffirmaiWn-FL17996 4184208"ss.o4 flondebuildI g.org/pr/pr app_dti.aspx7param=iuGEVXQwtDquTluhTgi(2%o2bd3R%2b°/a2bN%2f8f6s4RCIbMU%2bfRDgsg3ZdGjXlw°(o3d%o3d, Florida bull -ding Code Online Product Approval Method Methbd I Option A Date t6firnitted DatEWalidated. 9l/29/2618: Date Pending FBd Approval Date Approved 02/04?201:8. Summary of Products Go, to Page Page 1 2 FL # Mo#eIjtJu_mbe.ror Name Description .17.996.1 Series 202720S Steel Door Series 202-20S Steel O.S..Dolor w/ Vertical Silder Window Limits of Use, Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in. HVHZ: No FL17996 111- CCAC EXR262 Vert_icaI Slld6rASTkbM- Approved for use outside HVHZi Yes, Impact Resistant: No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressuret +30/-30 12/03/2018 .Other: Installation'. . Instkudions FL17996 RI 11 -ELIX0034 Rev A Series'262-265`S9.pd Verified BY: Rob&H. Arnoruso, PE I'LPE. No., 497.52 Created -by Independent Third Party-.- Yes Evaluation Reports, FL17996 111�•AE:PER- 1642i k&3 415-070.5 Created 4y. Indepetiden't Third Pairty:'Yes' 17996.2. Series 230'W9 Steel.Dbor Serles'2.30 W9Steel O.S. Door W/ Cottage. Wind . ow Li miltd of Use, Ceftificiftion•Agenci(Certificate, .Approved for use In HVHZ* No Appr;ovbd for use,outside HVHZ- Yes FL-179 6 111, C'CAQ FEXR 230 W9 Cbtta eASTM E130 'PAuSIPSdL :'Impact Resistant, No QualityAssurance Contract Expiration Date Design Pressure: +30/-30 12/03/2018' Other; Insiailation Instructions FL1799696 Al. it ELIX0033 Rev A Series 230 W9- SS.pdf, Verified By:'Kobert J.,Amorusa, PE; FL PE No. 49752 Created by lndependent,Thlrd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports EL-17996'111 AE -PER 1642, Rev3 , - 415-0705' ssi)df Created"by Independent- hird Party: Yes' 17996.1[S&ries;402-14 Vinyl Steel'Pu't=Swlnging _Re§tjW Door = 1.4';;k14" Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Ceirtificate Approved for use. In, HVFliZ'-. No A17996 R1 C Approved for use. out -side HVHZ: Yes, Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact -Resistant: No 09/14/2020' Design Pressure: +4�0/-40 Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 RI 11 tLIX0050 R - EV-A OS MODEL DEL 402-14 ss,pdf Verified By: Robert 3. Amorugo, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party:: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI. AE PER 1951 Revla 41S-0705 ss,pdF Created by Independent Third Party:; Yes 17.996.4 Series 402-20S: Vinyl StOl'Out-swinging. Regular Door - 20"slider window Limits of Use Certification• Agency -Certificate Approved for use in- HVHZ: No I'l-17996,111' Q CAC EXR 4 . 02-20S E330 qWILUff Approved for'u-se' outside,HVHZ: Y6s Quality - Assurance Contract Expira.tion Date Impact Resistant. No 09/14/2020 Design Pressure: +40/.-45 Installation: Instructions' Other I 'FL17996 01 II:'EiJX00S1 REV -A 6 ss.pdF. Verified By: Robert J. Amoniso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Tlrd Party: Yes.. Evaluation Rep (orts FL17996 RI AE PER 1951 Revla 415-070S ss,pd Created by Independent Third Party- Yes. - 1799& 5, Series 407 Vinyl Steel Qut=swlnglng Regular Door - Blank. (no window) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate ' Approved for use in HVHZ.- No'. FL17996 RI C CAC E R40715330plus5.pd App roved for use outside'HVHZ: -Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration, Date Impact. Resistant- No .,09/14/2020: -'Design Pressure: +40/-45 Installation Instructidnsi Other: FL17996 RI 11 ELIX0052 REV -A OS MOQELAQt_g&Rff Verified By: Robert 3. Amoruso, PE_ FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports )fldabdildlng.6rg/pr1lJr appjd.as0x?param=WdEVXQ g6110Tg1(20/6_2_W­R%­ 2_b%2bN%2f8fi I Os9RCIoMU%2bf RDg§43ZckGp(iw%3d . %3d .j Florida Building Code Online FL179 6 RI AF. PER 1951 Revla _4.15-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.6 Series'430 W9. Vinyl Steel Out -swinging Regular Door - 9-Cite. Window (1'8," x TO") Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17996. Rl" C CAC .EXR 430-W9 E330 P us5 - df Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes, Quality, Assurance, Contract Expiration Date . Impact Reslstant: No- 09/14/2020'. Design Pressure +39/-40 . Installation Instructions Other:" FLA7996 'R1 II ELIX0053 REV -A OSAODEL 430-W9 "ss.odf Verified. By: Robert J: Amoruso, PE FL PE' No. 49752' Created by Independent Third Party; Yes " Evaluation Reports FL17996 R1 AE PER 1951 Revla 415-0765 ss:odf• Created by Independent- Third Party: Yes 17996.7 Series'6400 W9 Cottage Series 6400-W9, Non -Impact Inswing. Painted Steel Door w/Storm Door LIMIts'of Use Certification. Agency -Certificate, Approved'for;use in HVHZ:'No" FL17996' Rl �C CAC-'EXR 6400'E336 olus5:odf,. Approved'for use outslde.HVHZ Yes Impact Resistant: No" Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 69/16/2019, Design pressure: +66/-56 Installation Instructions Other:i FL17996LR1 II- ELX005fi Rev-A_IS MODEL 6400-1N9 WITH STORM -DOOR ss.od 'Verified By: Robert 1 Amoruso, PE' FL PE No. 49752' Ceeated.by Independent,Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports'. FL17996 R1 AE PER 1954' Rev2 415-0705 -fs.l& Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.8 Series 7500-Oval . Series 7500 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel, Door W/Adjustabie,Threshold' Limits, of Use Approved for. -use In HVHZ: No Certification Agency"Certificate FL17996 R1 "C_ CAC EXR"7500 Oval 21 adiustable threshold, E330'olus5.odf Approved;for Use outside HVHZ:-Yes Impact Resistant: No, : Quality`Assurance- Contract" Expiration Date. Design Pressure:•+34/-50' 09/17/2019- other: Installation Instructions FL17996" RI II .ELIX0055 Rev -A IS MODEL 7500 OVAL 21 WITH ADJUSTABLE THRESHOLD ss.odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso; PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 Rl AE PER 1955 Rev2 415-0705 ss.odf Created by Independent" Third. Party: Yes 1"7996.9 Series 7500 Oval Limits' of "Use Approved for use In OVHZ: No. Approved for use outside HVHZ:;Yes' impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50 " Other• 17996.10 Series 8400 W9 Cottage. Limits of Use, •Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZi Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +50/-50. Other: Series 7500 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl Laminated.Steel Door, W/Storm Door and PVC Jambs, " Certification. Agency Certificate FL1.7996 R1 C CAC EXR4500 OM 1E330 I* S.pd Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/16/2019 Installation Instructions . FLU 96 RI II. ELIX0060 Rev -A IS MODEL'STR 7500'23•. OVAL WITH STORM DOOR "ss.odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE'No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 RI-AE :PER 1955' Rev2 415-0705 ss.pyif Created by,Independent Third Party: Yes Series 8400-W9 Non -Impact Oval Inswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Storm Door Certification Agency Certificate FL17996'111' C CAC- EXR 8460 E330 o us5 df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/16/.2019 Installation Instructions FL17996 RV 11 ELIX0057 ReV=A IS MODEL 8400=W9 OVAL'•, WITH STORM DOOR"sssff." Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso; PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 "Rl, AE PER -19s4 Rev2 415-070s s_ s.o_df . Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes . as e 17996,11 1 Series 9000 Limits of Uses Approved for use: in HVHZ: No .Approved for use` outside HVHZ; Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure::+50/-50 Other: Florida Building Code Online Series 9000 Non-Impactdnswing Vinyl Laminated Steel Door w/Storm Door Certificatlon'Agency Certificate ' FL17996 'R1 •'C CAC EXR 9000--50 E330 p1Us5,pdf Quality• Assurance Contract Expiration Date 51MMDUUK' S5.12at• - Verif ed By Robert J. Amoroso, PE FL PE No 49752 Created by, Independent Third Party: Yes evaluauun rcePores . FL17996 RI -AE:PER 1954 Rev2 415-0705 ss:pdf, Created by Independent.Third Party: Yes 179.96A2 Series 9460 Cottage. Series 9400-W9 Non -Impact Inswing Vinyl' Laminated Steel Door"W/Storm Door Limits'of Use Certlfieatlon Agency Certificate•" - Approved, for use in HVHZ: No R17996 R! C CAC. EXR 9400 E330 Ip_us5.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality. Assurance Contract -Expiration .Date Impact Resistant: No• 09/16/2019 . Design Pressure: +50/-50, Installation Instructions Other: " FL17996• 111 iII ELD&659 Rev -A IS MODEC 9400-W9 '• CTAGE W. STORM DOOR 'ss.pdf, = - OT Verified By: Robert J;•Amoruso„ PE FL PE•No. 49752 \ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation, Reports 17996:13' SeriesAFIF7N Series AFIF7N.Non-Im act,IS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17096 RiC''CAC. EXR AFIF7N E330 olus5.odf . . Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration' Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure;=+38/-38_: Installatioon Instructions Other: FLIM& RI `I[ JEUX0046 AFIF7N-BFIF* RevA SS.pdf Verified By, Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation' Reports . FL17996 M AE PER 1952'ReV2 415=0705 ss.odf Created jJy Independent• Third Party: Yes. 17996:'14 .. 'Series AFOF7N Series AFOF7N Non -Impact OS Fiberglass. Door Limits.of Use, . Certification, Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:.No FL1799B. RI C CAC EXR 4F0F7N E330.plus5:odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:.Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/14/2019 Design Pressure: +38/-38 Installation Instructions Other:_ FL17996'-R1 II-EUX0042 AF0F7N-13F0F7N••ReVA ss.odf Verified. By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No: 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes! Evaluation FL17996- RS AE PER. 1952 Rev2 415-0705* ss.odf Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes, -" 17996'.15 ; Series AVIF7N Series AVIF7N Non-Impact'IS Steel Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ: No. FL17996' Rl. C CAC EXR AVIF7N E330 Wu6zdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes_ Quality'Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 04/05/2020 Design Pressure: +25/-25 Installation Instructions •, Other: ki;F996 n II ELuO647 AVION-BVIFM RevA ss.odf Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso,-PE FL PE No. 49752_ Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes Evaluation Reports FL17996 Rt•AE.PER •1953 Rev2 415-0705 ss.o8_f Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.16 . Series AVOF7N Series AVOF7N Non -Impact OS' Steel Doors Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate, Approved for use In: HVHZ: No FL17996'R1 C CAC `EXRAVOF7N E330 • Ip UsS.odf, Approved for use -outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date •Impact Resistant: No 04/06/2020- Design Pressure: +21/-21 Installation Instructions 'Other: FL17996 Ri II ELIX0048 AV0F7N-BVOF7N RevA ss',R f Verified.By: Robert J. Amoruso„ PE FL PE No. 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Florida Building Code Online Evaluation Reports I' I Crea ed'by Independent Third Party: Yes ss.Ddf i7996:17 Series BFIFZN Limits of Use Approved for use'Ih HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure:-+36/-38. Other• Series BFIFM Non -Impact IS Fiberglass Door, - Certification Agency Certificate FL17996 RS_rC CAC. EXR BFIF7N E330 p Quality Assurance Contract Expiration ..Date 09/15/2019 Installation Instructions FL17996 111 II 'EUX0040 AFIFA-BFIF7N 'ReVA SS.ac�' Verified By:, Robert 3. Amoruso, PE FL PE No: 49752- Created by Independent Third Party_: Yes. Evaluation Reports FL17996 :R1 ,AE TER_1952 ReV2.415-0705 ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party Yes 17996:18' Series BFIF7$; Series, BFIF7$, Non -Impact Is Fiberglass French', Door - Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for, use in HVHZ: No. F1:17996 111 C CAC EXR BFIF7S E330 D us ,, d[. Approved for usa outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration'Date . Impact Resistant-- No 09/15/2019 Design Pressure. +38/-38, Installation Instructions Other: FL17996 '!RS II ELIX0046 9FIF75 RevA ss.pdf Verified.BY: Robert 3. Amoruso; BE FL" PENo: 49752 Created by Independent Third. Party; Yes tvakiation Reports i7996 �R3' AE PER 1952. Rev2 415.=0705 'ss.Ddf. . Created -by IndependentThlyd Party.: Yes :. . 17996.19 Series: BF0F7N, Series BF70F71\1 Non -Impact OS Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for'use in HVHZ: No .. FL17996 'Rl C 'CAC EXR BFOF7N E330 D usS df Approved for use outside HVHZ; Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date, impact Resistant: No. 04/06/2020. Design Pressure: +30/-30 Installation Instructions Other;. F1.17996-A1,'II EUX0042 AFOFM-BFOF7N .ReVA st.odf Verified By Robert J: Amoruso, PE FL PE No 497$2 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports. FL17996 'Rl AE 'PER '1952 .ReV2 415-W05' ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 17996.20. Series BVI63S Series BVI63S Non -Impact Single Inswing Door w/Fixed cite Insert -and Outswing Storrn•Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved'foruse in HVHZ: No FL17996 RI' C CAC EXR BVI63S E330' o us5 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/17/2021 Design Pressure:; +65/-65 Installation instructions Other:. 1_17996'111 II :EUX0061 B43S AevAl ss.pdfi Verified By: Robert J. Amoruso, PE FL PE No: 49752 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluatloo Reports FL17996 Rh AE PER 2244 Rev2 415-0705� "ss._odf' Created by Independent Third Party: Yes - Go"to Page d Page 1 / 2 ♦i m Bacic � Ncxt ' ,ContattUs :::2601 Blair stone.Road: Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850487-1824, The state of Florida Is an AA/EEO employee Copyyht 2807-2013 State of Florida::: P.rivac4 Statement :: Accessibility Statement : i Refund Statement Under Florida law, emall'addresses are public records: If you do not want your a=mall address released In response to a pubilo-records request, do not send electronic - mail to this entity. Instead, contact the,office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395: -Pursuant to Section . .455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective 0dober 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S.-must provide the Department with an email address.ir they have 'one. The emalis provided maybe used for official communication with the licensee. However, email addresses are public record. If you do not vrtsh.to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click ere . Product Approval Accepts: O zz .. ELIXIR DOOR-& METAL -'CO. :o. MODEL .407. NON -IMPACT OUTSWING o, VINYL LAMINATED .STEEL DOOR42 • c ;GENERAL NOTES:; - INSTALLATION NOTES: • .I. THE PRODUCT ANCHORAGE SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED 5.IN AREAS WHERE WINDSORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION' Ir ONE (1) INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIRED AT EACH' 5. MINIMUM EMBEOMENT'AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE TO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF,THE, REQUIREMENTS EXIST, USE OF AN IMPACT PROTECTIVE - ANCHOR LOCATION. WALL FINISHES. INCLUDING BUT -NOT LIMITED TO -FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (FBC)EXCLUDING HIGH SYSTEM.COMPLYINGWITHTHE FBCREQUIREMENTSFOR STUCCO, FOAM; BRICK -VENEER AND SIDING: VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE AND THE DESIGN PRESSURE(S) STATED HEREIN, WINDBORNE DEBRIS REGIONS IS MANDATORY FOR THE PRODUCT HEREIN. 2. THE INSTALLATION ANCHORS AT THE SPACINGS SHOWN ARE THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS AND MAXIMUM' G INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN - - - SPACINGS.TO BE USED FOR PRODUCT. INSTALLATION. ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S _ E-, Is; THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED 6. FRAME MATERIAL: ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063-T6 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS' AND ANCHORS SHALL m UPON SIGNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT'DALLAS DOOR PANEL MATERIAU .09 MIL VINYL LAMINATED 'GALVANIZEDSTEEL,015'-SKIN.WI .3; SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS, LESS W `} LABORATORIES, INC. 844278 AND ASSOCIATED LABORATORY STAMPED DRAWINGS, URETHANE FOAM CORE. WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM(S), :MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE . SHIM SIZE OF 1/41NCH. SHIM WHERE SPACE OF 11161NCH 'SHIM(S) THAN THE MINIMUM STRENGTH SPECIFIED IN THE' °ANCHOR SCHEDULE' THISSHEET.. Q - 7.DESIGNATIONS!X' STAND FOR THE FOLLOWING_; OR GREATER OCCURS. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 2. ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL 2X FRAMING. X: OPERABLE PANEL OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC OR BETTER - '7. INSTALLATION ANCHORS AND ASSOCIATED HARDWARE _ G. O OR STEEL FRAMING AS A MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING 0: FIXED PANEL MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL- W SYSTEM CAPABLE OF.WITHSTANDING AND 4.'ANCHORS FOR INSTALLATION INTO WOOD FRAMING.OR •OR HAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT COATING.: _�Ny p �, z 'TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO: HE,__ S. HARDWARE: - . 14GA. MINIMUM. STEEL FRAMING SHALL BE AS SHOWN IN, - : W Q. -- Z . FOUNDATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER A.. HALF HINGES: (4) 6063-TU EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 'ANCHOR SCHEDULE' THIS SHEET. - O; ORARCHITECTOFRECORD... B: LATCH LOCK: KEYED' _ - n ' C. �DEAO.BOLT: SINGLE CYLINDER Q o v 3..IX AND 2XBUCKS (WHEN USED) SHALL BE DESIGNED AND Q ' � ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO THE 0; SEE SHEETI FOR DESIGNPRESSURE CHART.. L7 w STRUCTURE.. BUCK DESIGN AND INSTALLATION IS THE. - RESPONSIBILITY OFTHE ENGINEER ORARCHITECT OF- ry RECORD... 4: THEINSTALLATION DETAILS DESCRISEO HEREIN ARE. - - - GENERIC MID�MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUALCONDITIONS _ FOR A SPECIFIC SITE. -IF SITE CONDITIONS CAUSE; INSTALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM THE REQUIREMENTS -DETAILED HEREIN, A LICENSED ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT SHALL PREPARE SITE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE _ �W(TH THIS DOCUMENT. DESIGN.PRESSURE RATING (PSF) IMPACTRATING ,WHERE WATER INFILTRATION REQUIREME14TISNEEDED WHERE WATERIN.- REQUIREMENT IS NOT NEEDED NONE, - • ♦40.0.L-45.0' '--UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED BENEATH AN APPROVED OVERHANG TABLE OF CONTENT SHEET DESCRIPTION ,1 _ GENERAL AND INSTALLATION NOTES'. . 2 ' ELEVATION, ANCHORING ;LAYOUT 3 VERTICAL .CROSS, SECTIONS 4 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONS ANCHOR SCHEDULE , - DOORFRAME MANUFACTURER' BdBEDMENT EDGE pNCHORCAPACRIES. SUBSTRATE �E TYPE SIZE' AND/OR 'SPECIFICATION (M%tt1 DISTANCE BASED BASED ON, . (IN) SHEET MN.3 _ METAL/STEEL TUBING14:GA' 'FIN(ZBAR)' PAN HEAD 'NO.B, VE-B18,6.4 ASNE 81.8'.6',4 THREADS PASTiNSIDE 318"' MN; 33,'KSI YIELD 1AN• (TAP SURFACE OF ST'NEGTH THICKNESS SUBSTRATE - ANSI818.6.1 _ :(WOOD SCREWs). WOOD WITH AMNINUM,; 2X1hO0D 'FIN (Z-BAR) 'PAN HEAD NO.S' _ OR 1" � ; 12' SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF FRANIN ASME 13.18',GA �OA2. (TAPPING SCREW) NOTES:; .. -. .. ... .-... _.. 1); FOR WOAD OR TAPRNG SCREWS IF SRRTNG IS,A CONCEiN4,. DRILL 0.082' F{LOT. HOLE (DmLL SIZE45). 2) EDGE DISTANCE MEASURED FROM EITHER SIDE OF ANCHORTO E DGEOF SUBSTRATE- Robert J Amoruso P.E. FL P. E No 49752 ta c,eic '�'FiSOIONAO Digitally signed byRobeRJ. ' Amoruso ON: cn=Robert7.Amoroso,o, - ou=P.TCProductDesign Group, _ 'emaiUrobert@ptc-corpcom,c=US Date: 2015A8.05 09:49:56.04'00' 4z • i �L' $ . 39 34MAX , :(r.yP )' HALF HINGES41% 0 0 A � `q8 X 3/4 SCREWS, . ' SILL A,NCHCR SPACING�-1 OR' LA (TYP j SAME ASHEAD SPACING 3 3 ANCH POUT` e . ELEVATION�. - W _EXTERIOR VIEW EXTERIOR VIEW. . .. ANCHORING NOTES li MINIMUM NUMBER OF'ANCHORS INJAMBS ISE 3 ruso, P E 1 ANCHOR SPACING EANo 49752 VARIES'BUTNOTTOEXC EO RobertJ #B:fAPPINUS C E W, ID!:MAXIMUM O.C. 1 $CREW2 W000' I _ SUFF CIENT.LENGTHTO; HEAOAND Slll L' P O9R 6arti9n� i t18 x 1121 I PENETRATE 3 THREADS ' (� 2: MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS IN SCREWSI MINIMUM BEYOND STEEL 1S 7 ANCHOR SPACING VARIES, BUT NOT TO Iwel ,, Amoroso EXCEED 10'MAXIMUM O.0 ,;y`,c�w�,`w DN cn=Roberti; \� I TUBEd, Amor iso 0 1 D pn- Product ,ENTRY DOOR- . r>,}�au c or3 Design`Group, ' ENTRY DOOR` � ""<'9s�nln}E +!'� email=robert@P STRIKE DETAIL STRIKE DETAIL( c corp com, c=U SVOOOFRA31ESuUMTE..STBF.UTURI)C SI111S�RAT� - .Date:2015.08:05 7 � "^ 09:90:06 04'00, I'MIN. EMBEDMENT. 118-WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR 2X.WOOD:FRAME . (BYOTHERS) . 4/2' MIN. SEALANT TAPE TO. BACK EDGE DIST. . SIDE -OF MOUNTING FIN .. IA'_ M�SHIM EXTERIOR', INTERIOR w .a tn THREE.(3)THREAD MIN: PENETRATION #18 TAPPING SCREW, INSTALLATION, ANCHOR . 0 c ut a z SEALANT TAPE TO BACK . ' 318' MIN. SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN EDGE DIST. - w E N a •�, � a i I O U m N d 14. GA: MIN. SQUARE:... STEEL TUBING,(BY OTHERS). VERTICAL -SECTION 911 B woo0 FILAnIEsueslxATE D VERTICAL SECTION 'STEEL TUBING SUBSTRATE O . Z WQ � P. ZZ Ili cyLi c. Q y. a EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR '114' MAX SHIM 14 GA. MIN. SQUARE STEEL TUBING (BY OTHERS) 1 -Robert J: Amaruso,.P.E. SEALANT TAPE:TO BACK FLP.E. No.49752 _ P SIDE OF MOUNTING FIN -- 1/2' MIN. EDGE DIST. 318' MIN. Digitallyslgned 2X WOOD FRAME EDGE DIST_ bypobertl. BY OTHERS SEALANT TO SACK ArrtoNw ( ) I SIDE OF MOUNTING_FIN- ai r"'a•`s+:;' FIN- DN. cn=RobertJ: 1"MIN. EMBEDMENT—�j �8 TAPPING SCREW �,, ; ;; '`� Amoruso,o, #8 WOOD SCREW THREE (3) THREAD INSTALLATION ANCHOR � ou=PTC Product INSTALLATION ANCHOR MIN; PENETRATION y• 64 or jW}. Design Group, VERTICAL SECTION. DYERTICA °"" rmcorp� m cwus A WOOD FRAME SUBSTRATE LSECTION Date:2015.0&05 STEELTUBINGSUBSTRATE 095O e-04'00' Z En m �$ 0zv o O, -yi1 os' -0� mo' Tm ztv yv z m �z _z n�. - ma c r �r M�y m0 G / O 1 A �. Sm,n mZ .. rn �. LD j m m x z to 0 2 N:N y m ;D r o rn '-_I L 030 1 z• zo 0 M. -°+� ? z m �.� m 'm m.I30 Z'� ,o m m' a Z T+ y DD X _S m x M .. 0 m Iz m. Z 0. m . m m m 0 0 my r . . . .X. Z;p w a�i to x W A co cn 0 O M� ME .. ,. _.._ a� .o lV ;3� n> m� rn a. co � m� i� mTO m �N : co gy .. O ,Z I: Z .3 00N 0 g00 mda _ z Zw m"°z m 50 m00. .mc g Zo• ? �M„x z ;az 0 m• ? -m q m Z3,n 3•0 ° �' - ELIXIR DOOR .& METAL C.O: _ Ors=o705 0 o•n' .e— o -1215 POPE 'DRIVE _- o .N o' v DOUGLAS, .GEORGIA 31533 S= +m m MODEL 407 NON —IMPACT OUTSWING N A o n v a U A <• s.. �r-z p a VINYL. LAMINATED. STEEL .DOOR 'VERTICAL SECT] N o; 9 � ^ o 2 - o' m v d.. aye A� ,+ 2 y rHEvwEoor: Drury er: OAT :- 0 0 ` Da N-o N -° - __. � •TJH �; 02 29 12 Dmwm . - UPDATE M 5TN._EomoH m N.T.S. - 'ELIXOO52 cola �aA, a/a/is RJA wm.amm rac sunlit) °fll: SHEET: �• .- \mrtgo0.rtWJ4IIAt rueow,nrm+ naau+av+mrm. A 4 OF 4 , REY DCSCPIPfIW1 wTE Dv