HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1743 II fi4:J , , L............._PII.f I 1 "IMLJiIJ -- - j pr80lude the party of the first port, ita suooessors or a8digus, from tho right to oonvey the uaid prclmis8s tll Bald party of the aeoond phrt, or his legal representative. on the surrender of this oontraot alld the payment of the wlpaid portion of the pur\;hase money which may be due to the said party of tho first port, 1t. 8U008ssors or assigns, or froL"l the right of striotly onforoil18 tho terms hereof a8 oforesoid. HI \1ITlIS3S WHER:rol. The said party of the first part has oaused these preaents to be signed by its Vioe Presidel.t. and tho said party of tto second part hns hereunto set his hand and soal, this day and year first above written. 3igned, sealed and delivered in presenoe of l!OD3L LAUD COUPAlIY. 3y J. W. Hoffman Vioe-Prasidont.- . R. 8. Palls ( Seal) . Pil ~ and recorded ( '. , :CT. CT. S~AJ. on this 2~rd day of 'b Oot, ,~.j). -r:: ...QJ ...~ Clerk Circuit GJurt. 1925 at 11:33 A.M. I I I I 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I P. C. ?ldred. i ; ; I D.C., " ~ v CI 4; By3)~ V.~~~ Clo.j""__ \ f ..... ,,/ "'--- . Florida ImprOYOi:ldli t i.:orporn ~i on TO Henry ~. Hellrr.an AGR33lEU T FOP. D33D THIS AGR~-;;U;;:NT, made and executed in duplicate thie .?1fth day of August A. D. 1925, by aIld between PLORIDA IIJPROV3lI31IT CORPORATIO:i, a corporation of the state of Dn.A'NAR3, having ita principal offioe nt ?ort Pieroe. !o'lorida, hereinafter referred to as the '1endor, i &lid Honry 1". Ho llrr.an, 0 f ClnrOlldon, Pa. herei neSter reforred to as the Vendee, .,'n ~i 3S33TH, '!'hat Baid Vendor i:. considerc.tion of the pc.;;oont t.eroby cado, and the pa~T.iel.tB to be I i i I I i i i i , I I I I .ue of Two 1hou..nd Dollar. 1.2000.00) which amount V.nd.. ser... ,. p., '0 1endor .. I I I made. ond the OOVenalit.~ to be perfon:;ed. b:l the said Vendee, as herelr.ci:ftor Bct forth, agraos to sell aud cOlivey to the 3&ld Vendeo, tr.e followir.g doscribed laHd si tuated L. st. Lt;.cie :CouDty. ?lorida, to-wi t:. The 30uthwest Quarter (s\Yi) of the Soutl:west ~uartur (Srlt) of Section two (2), TOW:1- ship ':'hirty-aix (3&) Sou1.h, ~ange Thirty-seven (37) 3nst, l'oneistlhg of approxlI:llitely forty (40) nores. subJeot to an easement or rieht of \'/8.7 for draillage \.lBlIBIs or di t:=i'os and public roads. The Vendee agreos to pur~haae and doea p~r~hase tho aoovd mentioned propertJ for the '. follows; The sum of Pive Hundred Dollars ($600.00) in cosh. paid this day, the reoeipt of which j is hereby acknowledged, and the remainder of said pU~G~":"" ~~rlce in in sta1llOOnta os ?ive Hundred i>Ollarlo ($600.00) - on August f, 1~26. live Hundred Jollars ($600.00) - on Augus t I:; 1927. ..., Five Hundred Dollsrs ($600.00) - on August 6, 192e. follows: i I I I I I t ~ wi th interost at the rate of six per.cent, por aDllum. payablo 8Oml-annually. on the whole ~, SWII remaining from tio;e to time unpaid. A!l sum8 not paid whell due shall drtiw intere8t 8. t the rate of eight peroent per annum. It ie mutually covenanted and agreed that the Yendor ~i11 pay all state, County 6nd drainage taxo8 up to and inoludlr.g thoso tor tl.o yem 1924 nnd that the Vendee will ps,y all I subsequent taxe8 on said property. ;. 7::r?: .;.~<;;:.:,/{1:;~t!;~ :' ." :- ...~. '_.;~~;;~;:\~~~: < <...:.;: