HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1767 '\. ",~"" ""-................-....-...., , , I i . : I I I -1.~'7 : H) ~4-- ,....._~, I I P~\y as Trustee, its suooessors and assigns forever, all of tho followil~ described proper-; ! ty situate, lying and being il~ the City of F,,)rt Pieroe, C~\U\ty of Saint Lucie and State of I ! the ..mid po.l'ty of tLe seooD4 pal't to the part~' or the first part, the said party of the first part hns gl'untell, bal'gained, sold, conveyed and o,,)nfir::led, and by the3e presents does g~ant. baroain, sell, o~nvey and o~nfiro unto the said Fort Pieroe Bank ~ Trust CO:J- l~ Florida, m~re ~artioularly desoribed as follows: Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Blook 6i Lilts 1 to Lots 1 t~ Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Blook l;)i Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to Lots 1 to 10 both 8 both 6 both o 30th 6 both 6 both o both inolusive, inclusive. inolusive, 1!:olusive. inolusive. inolusive. ino111sive. of Blook 1 of Blook G of Blook 3 of Block 4 of Blook :> of Block 6 of ~nock 7 la both inolU3ive. j both inclu3ive, 8 'oth inolusive, 18 both ir.olusive, of Blaok of Block of Block of Block g. . 10j 11i 12i I I ! I I . I I i I I I ! ices thereunto belilngi~ ill' in any ~ise a~pertuini~, til the o~rn prilper use, ber.efit an~ 1 i i i I . i i I and subdivide said pre!lli3es or alty part t::ere~i', to dedicai.e pa~'jcs, streets, hi5~.:nyS or I I ! ; 6 both lLoiusive, of Block 14i o both inclusive of Bl~ok 15,-- 18 both inc~usiv&. or Block l&i- 18 both inolusive. of Blook 21i-- 6 both iJ:olusive, of Block 22.- All of said Lilts an~ Blooks in a~cord.anoe ~.'i th t~e plat of llaravi.lla Terrac.~, a sub- division of record in the office of t~e Clerk of the Circlit CJurt Jt Jalnt L~cie - C~untJ. Florida. said plat beari.:1O c.ate Oct.ober 1st, 19~5, prepa:'ed. by J. P. MasJn. Oivil ED&ineer. TO iiA.'lE Al,1> TO HOLD. the said prJperty. ~oget:~er \Ii th all hercc.1tll.:1ents und appurtenun- i beho'~ of 'the sai~ Fort Pie roe Bank ~ TrU3t Co~pany as T~u3~ec, an~ its SUCCeS3JrS and assiGns forever in ~ee sio;le. Full pOi',er linG. aut:-.ori ty is hereby bt'c:.nte~ to aaid trustee ~~ i~~~~vet ~a~abe. prJ~ect alleys and to vucate any sub~ivi3ion or part ttereof. a~~ t~ re-3ub~ivide said ?r~;ertJ.as often as desired, til coctract ~o sell, to sellon any ter~s, t::> c::mvey ,;i ;;i:er ili th 01' ~li th- out o::>n3iderati.>n, to don..te. to dedicate, t~ ~ortbage, ple4;e or otter~7ii)e encuober; to lease said property, or an;,- part t...ereof. trJm tioe to ti:::Je. by leases t~ c::>l:nence in , praesenti or in futuro. and. u?on any terms an~ for any period or periods ~f ti~e. not ex- i I oeed:ng 1913 years, and to renew or extend leases up::m any tems 9.!:d. :for an;; period or p erioc.3 I 1 of time and to amend, change Or modify leases and. the ter-.4S and provisions t..-.ereof at al::/ i ! time or times hereafte~; to partition or t~ excr.nnge said property. or any part ttereof. for: I t o:t;her real or personal property, to grar.t ease::lents or cl:ar~es of an] kind, to release, CJI.-' . I vey or assign any right. title ,,)1' interest in or about said preci3es ar.d to Ileal vith aaid J i ~ro~erty and every part t~~reof in all ways an~ for suct o~ter oJnsiderations as it "iIJuld \ I be la~7iul for any person ovnir~ the sa~e to deal with the same, whether similar t~ or dif- tferent from the ways above speCified, at any ti~e or tices hereafter. In no oase shall any party, to whom said premises. or any part thereof, shall be con- veyed. contraoted to be sold, leased or mortgaged by said trustee, and in no case shall any Ip~rty dealing with said trustee in relation to seid premises. be obliged to see to the ap- plioation of any purohase money, rent Or money borrowed or advanued on aaid precises, or be r obliged to see that the ter4S of this truet have been oomplied wlth, or be obliged to in- quire into the neoessity or expedienoy of any aot of said t~tee, or oe privileged or obliged to inquire into any of the teras of sald trust agreeoent. The interest ot eaoh and every benetioiary hereunder and ot all persons claiming under them Is hereby deolared tJ be personal property and to be in the earni:~s. avails and pro- oeeda arising from the disgosition of the premises; the intention hereof being to vest in /:~~X:~\.i\~tL-~,~t~;.~. :.:~: -.~~-;.:/fj~~. ~