HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1772 .~ .... l.J ;, ~ ,., I L~ . lo'.M.Knapp et al TO Bishop & Benfield. Ina. ':(~'ULCT'{ DE:m I . T.:IS .:.n::::i;:;;C!;, Mnc.e this l.)th day 01' October 4. 1>. ln~. B~~~.B~:: F. l{. Knapp and. ;{o;Jar:;.>nd Knnpp. i:is wife 01' tlle City of .(arren. an1 ;;itate 01' Pennsylvnnia. and Jbmer Presto anu Stella A. Preston. his Vlife Of',,~'ty of Jaceato\nl and State of' liew York parties ot the 1'1rst I,art, and Bishop & Benfield. Inc" a Corporation under the Laws of the state of Flo- rida of the CJWlty of St. Lucie a.nd State of Florida pnl't:r of t!:e second f.art, ilITKESSE'l:d, T~at the suid p~rties of the first part. for and i~ cor.3ideration of the sum of Ten 1>ollnl'S and other valuable oonsiderations to them in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof is he~eby ac~- l:o~.'leC.ged, h:.-..ve grontot:., b~.r&alned., 301d and t:oansferl'ed. and by t:.e3C pre3ents do gi'~u:t, bar.;nin. sell and tra."1sfor unt:') t:.e 9ai~ ~;nl'ty of the seCO;l';' part. and its heir:; nne. n331cns' 60rever. all t:1at cer:;ain parcel of land lyill8 and being in ti:e County of ;it, L'lcie, ar'.d State of FlJrida. nJr~ p~rtic~lurly described !is folloua: Bet)inning \'I1:ere the ~:>uth side :Jf Ornnee Avenue int.'}l'sects the Wes'w line of Sevcr.th Or ~(est Street :)l' the Cit~. of Fort Pierce, l"'J.l1 tten::e Jouth 290.5 feet. thence run '~(e3t I 393 feet norc orle5a to ml alley. thence horth On East side ~~ alley 130 feet. thenoe Sast 105 feet. thence lj~~th 155 feet to ~Juth side of Orar~e Avenue, thenoe East 297 fect to I t point of beginning. I T::is deed 3uh,' ect ~ortcage aook 2J. Pa~e tJ first M:Jrtgage uated A_ril ~3, 19~4, for $2~,JJO.O~, r~corded in 20J. flied Uay 14, 1924, due on o~ bef~~o five (~) Jears. Also given sub~ect t:> a 3COJ:.:i lbrtc;uge datec. M..rc:l ;;'J. 19;,;.i, for ~o,OOO.OO, c..ue :Jrl or before two (2) yeurs. recorded in Uortea~e B~ok ~4, Pa~e 308, St. L~cie COWity, ?l)ri~a. ! I 1 t::e 3eC)1~d pa.rt a,.:;!,CCS to a3SW'i1e c:.nd k'f1.y the a.-Jove i I I I riGht. title. interi;3t and cst:.ite, !lower ar.a. ~ie;ht ~:;.' G.o.;;er, ri::vc!'3i:J~l, rccaind.er and. ea3e- I i I I i I i I I part t::a: ~1:eJ are la.rt':.t11y seized of the silie. ;>rem.:ses. t::ut t::e:r a~e -free :.:"r.x.l at:. ~l~C:.:n- I I t I i>a~tie3 of tte fi:':Jt ?art do hereb;i fully .;arrant :'11!l title to 3aid land, ~nd ....'ill dei'ei.a. t::1t I I i It is understood that the yarty of Mortgaees. TOG~HER wit:: all tl':e tener.:ler. ts. here-'.i t a,en ts aile. appu:otenunce3. \/i til e ve:7 pr i vilee;e, 'I nunt t~ereto bel)noi~g or in ar.~'i3e apperta1~:r~: TO !iA:;'::: ~.~ TO ~ro.w:> t::c 3a'"1e i!. :~ee I 31cp1e :forever. And tr..e said parties of t::e first part do c:ner.tL"1t -.-tit:; t.:e suL'.. part;,." :JI' t:le 3eco.-.d brances a;ld t:-.at t::ey have good rig::t and la.lf-~l aut:~ari tl ~o aell t~...e sa':le; und. t:-_e 3r.id S8."Je aGainst t:!e In'ilf'~,;, claL'J3 ~:r all pCr3)I1S .o'IIlJ~30eVer, e~:cept a3 fl)Ove. Ii:> 'liIT:~SS iLE!tEOF, IL:e suil.. parties of the first part r..r.ve l~ereur:to set t.:eb' hu:-,ds llr..d sea13. tte c..nl aml ;rear BJO'le tlri t te:.. Si~7.eu. Sealeu nr.d ~elivereu i~ Our ?~e~e~ce: Harold U. Prestan Harold U. Preston F. },(. Knapp i1. S. Hoskins W. S. Hoskins HJ::ler rrest~n Stella A. Preston II. K. Knapp Rosamond !C-'18.i>P (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) (~eal) STATE OF liE'tI YORK COUlil''! OF ClIA.::TAUQ!';A) I I HEREBY C&RTIFY. That on this 15th d~y of Ootober A. ~. 1925. before ce perSJnallj Stella A. Preaton. his "ite, to ne kno.m to he the per3on3 des- tho foregoing o~~YeJo.nce to Bishop ~ Bentield. Ino. and severall~ appeared Homer P~e8ton and orlbed in and who executed aoknowle~od the exeoution thereot tJ be their tree aot and deed tor the uses and purpases . , ~::::;:; ~!i?:~ <.':. .,}, ~f:C).:;' . ,"' .. :.1..: ..::.~~~;\~;;.:L<~f:;~.-~: