HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1775 ! _ T 1fll7r 1 r ~ .-- ( book nwab.r ~ag. 6. ot St. tuoie County ..oord~ ot floridn. run thtnoe east 1~6 teet, . thenoe north 100 teat, thenoe "eat 11' t.et, thenoe aoutherly to a point ot beginning and lying in the 80uthwest oorner of the unplatted 1 and of the ~onee subdivi9ion hI' the ect'e1 d- .ration of fifty thou.and do118r81$50.0oo.0Q) on term. 8S aet forth In laid attaohed oontraot whioh is}Dade 8 part of this at'fidavit end reference i8 hereby made to sal d attached oontr8ct I t'0r better aud more ecnpletedetall1 of lao.. i D.pon.nt furt'.r a.rlor:. .na...'.}h.' h. b.1'.... .na ...r. to 'h. b..t of h'. kr.ow- I ledge and beUef that ..~. "Ol!es. .l.R. H8rve~' aud D. Beoker ere Joir.t owners o~ ~he property, I . ! i I ; describec 1n co~tr~~~ an4 that 88i4 parties 8re jU8tly indebted to Miemi Bast C08et Reelty 00. Ino. in the ana ot three thou.and. three hundred end thirty three dol18rs end thirtl I thr.e aents (13.333.33) in atteoting lale to A.f. Pearoe and tnr~her 8ai~ oorpor8tion here- r bJ demends pey~ent of the same. Sworn 192'1. to before oe this 26th 4ay ot Ootober 1926. ______'AIA_iQwutl__-____ .otary Publio florida. State At Larga. My ooamil.ion expire8 Jug. 6th. I i i I "('C~ ! <\~" I ~e (>.. o -(Y" . r 0'<. .. i ~e~.~' \Witnesse. PIS. 1I0lon : ----..------------------ , , i ! I .".a ana-::::::::-~~------ot Ootob.r 1926. 10:31 a.m. t . \ I __-_______________~-~:~-::a1--------------------------____________________________________ I , Oonfirmed this 26th 4&1 of O~tober 1925 at Ki~ florida. Ki~\. B88t Coaat Bealty Qo. Inc. By O.B. Harrill \ v ---.--------------------- It'. President Atteated B.1 B. B. Harrie It'8 Secretary. '.C. Bdw8rds P.C. Bldred. Clerk Circuit Court. iy .~}/II 'h'l; ~ t t' J /. J.C. .uJR3LJlIW'l OP SALB uLtI Plorida,2ath/26.l92-- RBCBIVKD O~ A.? Pegroe 'wenty ri~e hundred (t2600.oo) 8n4 nO/100 dollara 88 e deposit tor an option which. it aooepted by the owner. Is to epply 88 part pa~ent on th8 puroha8e i of the following property. de8cribed 88 begin&ing at a point on tha ea8t side of BIyereide i I >>ri~e in ~t. Pieroe l1a, slxtl t.et Bast ot the South Zeat oorner of lot 8 of block one of ! Jones 8uodhision. as per p18t reoorded In plat book no. 2 pegs 6, of St. LUC1e/r~, ! ~ run thence Baat 106 teet. i t I 8 pOint of beginning. llUbdi~18ion. I I la. , thence Jotth 100 teet, thence Wast 11'1 r.el. thence southerly to ". /. And lying In the South We.~ corner of the unplatted lend of the Jone8. the full purohase price of same.being f1f~y thouaand (1&0.000.00) 1I0llere to be paid , . toll OWl I 112.600.00 leIS the 88id binder of 12600.00 b&lanoe 1-2-3-4 6 6 year8 at ~. the .~J8eller3 of the 8bo~o de.oribed property h8reby agree to moye 811 materials now on the , i groundS with the exoept10ns of the foundation on or before 120 d818 from ..te of thi8 egre.-; ment. II Purohaser to assume texes or p,es.....nt. 8ubsequent to 10 texes on th1s propert" --i---inter.lt &t~---p.r oent P8J.ble--~.------. ..rketable t1tl. when de.d of oon~.yano. i. g1~en and purohaser ba. co.pleted his i I I pay- i I It 1. underelood and .sreea that the pre.ent own.r shall furn1sh an abatraot showing ments R8 .bove speoified. If IS ALSO UlD3ISfOOD thlt thia property il purohalld ana 801d .ub~eot to ell the re- etrlotlope and proyle1008 or.marll1 oOnt.ined 1n the regular tora al.4 or contraot tor deea :~,:f~': ;;.~\( l~ CC':, ":;:~)};t ;y,. ~~t"'" :) i :) I acA.-'" ........--..-4