HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOAin in 1. ;RTAIENT OF REGUL-ATORY AND:ECONOMICRESOURCES.(RER)' tDAND CODE.ADMINISTRAT.ION .DIVISION' E, 0V ACCF Inc. , Main Street f1'e, 7-20T6' M,IAMI=DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805, SW'26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33115-2474, T (786) 315 2590 Y(786) 315=2599 wwwmiamidade€!o"v/economy SCA�•NNED By St. Lucie COun ty s NOA "is 'being`issued under the applicablo.rtwes and regulations, goverriuig,the use,of.constiuction. ;materials.'The umeniation submitted lias been reviewed and'acceptedbyMiami-Dade- County PERA - Producitontrol'Sectionto ised:in Nlianii=Dane County and:othe'r areas.where allowed bythie,Authority Having JunsdiddoA (AHJ): s NOA ;shall not lie Valid" after'the djoratipo elate stated:belo�v: The" Miami=Dade County Product Control tion (in MiamitiDade"County) andlor the AHT"' (ih.-areas .otiaer'than; lVliarrii=D:ade County) ,reserve "the right to e. this product or material: tested for quality assurance purposes: If`this product" or;material fails. to. perform" in. accepted ,.manner, the tnanufacturer will .incur the,, expense- of -such "testing and the AHJ '.may ;immediately eke,: modify; or suspend,the use of such product or --material within their jurisdiction. PEtheA right - evoke this acceptance ,if it is determined"by Miami Dade County Product"Control Section that, this product or, - mal faits to meet the requirements of the applicable.,buiiding "code . s product is-approved•as described herein, and l as been designed to comply with -the Florida.Building Code �uding the High Velocity Hurricane. Zone of.the Florida�Building.Code' ` ;SCRIP.TION:, BIB-12;,UE,941, 9IB-12TR,;BEB-12TR" Whirlybirds �BELINGFach unit shall bear a permanent.label with the. manufacturer`s name or`logo, ci.'ty,;state and followng•- emeiat: "Miami -Dade CountyProduct-Control-Approved"; unless otherwise noted herein.: . ;iNEWAL of this NOA shall,lie-eonsidered after. a renewal application has been. filed and there has. been.no change he applicable building code negatively affecting fte odrforina ce of this product.. RMINATION'of this NOA will occur.. after the expiration date or if.there has been a revision or;change m the s, use, andlor manufacture.o f the product ar process, Misuse.of this NOA as an`endorsement of any=product, sale s, advertrsmg or any other` purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to.'complywith.any"section (lisNOA shall because for termiahon and ,,removal of kiYERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami Dade County, Florida, and followed by the " I'�ration date.may be displayed.in,advertising literature: If any portion of the,NOA is' displayed, then it shall be. done l entirety: ,�ECTION: copy.o,f this entire �I�1OA shall be:provided.to�the user by the manufacturer or."its distributors".and �l be available far :inspection at the job. site at. the request of the Building; Official. NOA renews NOA No 1.1 0822:05 and• consists of pages T through ,7. submitted .documentation was reviewed by Gaspar:T Rodriguez, NOA Na: '16-0510;26 MIAMMADE COUNTY `.tion "Date: 08116121° Expira Approxat.Daie': 06/301,16 Page .1, of , E „ y . ..,. .. ,. ... . e, .fib .. . R. OFING COM,>'U1�IENT> APPROVAL a ar'•toofing° Safi{ CategarVi " 'V,enrilation � " . ;11+Iat'rial Alurnu�um TRADE (NAMES Old-..P-RODUCTS NITtJEAURED �R LABEIEI)'BYPI'LIC1T: Test Product Product ". Dimensions ' Speciiieation Descrintiori BI 1.2 WhirlyBird�i ' °l2" wide at beset 17 I18"high 3"AS lOQ(A) `Turbine ventilation system; mternall'y Vanes 0 0,11.5 tftick braced, £ors ini installation °Elbow O'0305" thick ' Base 1).Q25" thrcka ` BIB-12TR Whirtybird@ 12"' wide at'base 20 l2 "high TAS 1;00(A) Tur1%itie ventlafiorisystem mterrially Vanes d.0,175 4lhick : braced3 for filentallation; Elbow 0 0305" thick Base O.OSa' th1 k . " ` a BE 12 WlurlyB> rd� 12" w1de at base 17' 1/8" hagl` TAS 10t1(A) Turbine veritilatron "system, �T -� Vanes U 01'�" thick externally'. , for shrngl e -`.Elbow 0":Q305' tl ok installation, Base 0:025" thlcka rlybiidC12" wide at base 20 'li' hYgh' TAS l Ofl(A) "Turbine vwflilatlon `system,: Vanes O.O.L75 tuck externallrbraced,- fbr tale u tallation Elbow 0 '05' Eck i •Base 0 025" thick Tarbme.Cap 12" "d1a TAS l ba(A) Turbine cap Rio be installed yin the 4 ; e�en�`of a Eiurncatie �arniog . °TRADE NAVIES OFPRODUCTSANUFACTi7RED,B.Y, C}ERS: Test, Product..= Product. `Dimensions Specification. Description Mrinufaetuirer. C Asp, It hoof Cement ASTM D'4586� Asbestos free; asphalt based generic, , ! I roof cement.,'z Asp It l?nmer ASTM I3 41 Asphalt Prymer generic Roo rig Nails, '3: Minimum #1.2 x I YA TAS"1;14 _ ' Corros on res stant°annular`rmg shin` Timis She Ivlefal Screws Muu 4M."Wf o x %Z" TAS 114 Sheet rneial screw .. generic 1VANUFACTIJRING LOCATION`. r is JadksartYlle, AR t MILT El I DE COUN7Y JAPPROVEDI NOA Na .164510:26 ° Espuration Date 08/16121 A I Appravgi Data: 06/30/�16 Page 2 of 7 ° EVIDEWE'S` AMITTED: Test Agency `Test.Idenfifier Test Name Date f6rApplied Engirieerin'g MDC-117 TAS 100(A) 03t95 for Applied Engineering- MTS-25,7493B TAS 100(A), 42195 ,nstntction Materials Teehnvlogies LOM=012-02=02 TAS.1:60(A) ' 05/21/07 nstruc::tion,lVIaterials Technologies LOM=020,-02-01 TAS100(A). 07/20.I1,1 NOA Nm:16-0510.26 Expiration Date: '08/16/21 Approval. Date: 06/30/16 Eage 3 of 7 j APPROVED,APPLICATIONS (CONTINUED) ° Tradename: BIB- 2TR Whirlybird*_BEB=I2TR WhirlybirdOR Systiom,Type.A: Mechanical at tacht"iientoffurbine"veh for the or slate,roofihg. . Cntout; At chosen location:(see Lomanco's instructions for: proper.placement) and centered. betweentwo rafters;-cut:a 12" diameter hole through sheathing - Installation: After applicationpf 301b°. felt and.90 lb. roofing -material (hot1mopped)"per Roofing" Application Standards RAS ;118,..1:19,120, cut 12" diameter hole in-, roofingsnenibranes tomatchprevious hale cut insheathng.: Rotate top ofelbovv clockwise:and;level inboth:d" ctiong. Prime bol sides' of base flashing; with.ASTM D I4 primer; and coat `underside"of base, flagging with-.ASTM'D486 flashingcemenG Center 'base hole and secure the base•unit to" the "roof deck. with a minimum of foufteen-ring shank roofing:nails'.equaliy,spaced, approximately 3/.4" from edge of base per detail drawing ""Base!'., Cut apiece: of 901b: roofing• material a mini. num width of, ` 30" x' 30" "and"cut a 12" diameter hole in the center of the roofing material.. Place`aliepiece;ofroofing:inaterialovefbase And hot mop.in.plaee. Seal inside ,centethole of.cap sheet with 'approved. flashing°eeriherit. Place locking -clamp across. seam and tighten as shown in Loinanco's instructions with.supplied fastener:" Sealtall seams with.approved roofing cement: Position Whirlybird® on elbow and attach'using.three sheet°metal screws. ,. provided; Check to see°that Whirlybird(�14ms freely. 'If necessary,:minor adjustment -maybe" ma& by, gently prying, lowe'st:pont-of turbine. upward to, _remove any wobble.; . ! Net Free Area: Refef to manufacturers.published:l iefature' Note: Apply xoofing: cement_to seal all: exposed flashing edges and: seams. " 6 r�uuHhoAbe courrnr NOA No::1 0510:26 ... E O Expiration Date 08/16/21 Approval:Date: 06/36A6 Page`S oV Ltmiuntwg-, 'I. :Ref6rto,applicablebtiildingcodes ,for tdciuitedveiitilation- 2, 13113-12, BE14- 12. Whirlybirdg: turbine roof ventilators 6411 be installed over composition shingles `roofs only.. BM41, 13111342B][942TR bkdO tuibine roof ventilators hall y 9 ven ators s_ not be `installed on foof mean heights g6a,ferthan 33,feet., DETAILDF,.AWINGS HRU .(3 EQUAL SPACES) i NOA No.: 164510.26 Expiration Date:, .08/16/21 Approy.A.Date: .06/30/16 . I I Page 6 of . `B1B-12; BIB=X2TR. r` if f 0 1 1 +1 BEB-12, BEB-I,2TR i END OF "THT,S,;ACCEPTANCE i WIMLAMMADECOUNTYIS NOA No.: 16-0510.26 . , Expiration. bate: 08116/21 Approval Date: 06/30/16 'Page 7`o 7, J�